The Beginning of a New School Year

Inequalities in all Classes

~~Yuki POV~~

I stared out the window of the train. It was going past trees, trees and more trees all on a stone bridge suspended about a thousand feet up the air or even more. I was holding on to my things tightly. It was actually just a large handbag filled with my money, identification, and admission form to my new school. I had a suitcase by my feet and it contained my belongings like clothes. It was very small and I didn't really need a big suit case, after all, I was poor after all. 

My family was not very rich ( we're very poor. there I SAID IT), and I didn't really mind since you don't need money for everything. I couldn't afford to pay for the tuition at my old school anymore, so I guess It was luck when I became a scholarship student at Crowsnest Academy.  At the time,my mother eagerly smiled at me and then passed me the papers to fill out. With my amazing speed, I began to fill it out within only seconds. Now, I was on the Crowsnest Comute train. But it seemed that I was just in an empty part of the train.

Oh my god... I might be on the wrong train!! I looked out the window again and now the trees looked thick now, and the sun was now just gone. The train was headed down now at the speed of about 120 miles per hour. I was going to die on the train. I sure will. I sat at the front of the train and I was going to die. I ran to the door of the person who was supposed to be driving this train. There was no window. Just a steel plate that read :


1. Do not get up from your seat when the train is moving 

2. Do not get out of the train until it has stopped.

3. One student per train. 

~Normal POV~

Realizing she had already broken the first rule, she scrambled to her seat, hoping that would solve all the problems, but then she felt sudden pressure on her body. It slamned her helpless body into the conductor's room door. It was also pure titanium , so she was suddenly bleeding from her head. Her belongings came flying at her , and whatever happened next...she couldn't remember at all. 


Several hours later, she woke up in a different room. She was no longer on the train and she looked around in a panicked expression. Yuki felt a sudden pain in her head. Her hands flew to caress it. The room was white, and there was a cabinet and desk nearby. She was probably in a hospital or something like that. Looking at the doctor who was working at their desk, she got up from the cot. 

"Ah, I see you're awake miss...Kamiga." he said in a pleased voice. He got up and walked towards her. "We'll have to perform some exams on you to make sure you're fine. My name is Koushun Karingu ."

The young doctor looked extremely young and he had pale blond hair and blue eyes. He resembled a prince, but Yuki didn't want to say it because then it would sound really stupid. He asked her to recite her basic information while holding her medical file and nodding.

"...and I'm a scholarship student." she finished.

He clapped and smiled. 

"There seems to be nothing wrong then, alright," he said. "You should get to class now, you've missed orientation, but it's totally fine. They don't say much anyway. I'll write you a pass. Your belongings are in your room and here is your schedule. Please don't try to over exert yourself. "

Yuki nodded and took her schedule. She looked at the clock. It was eleven already! She was on the train at five in the morning. She looked at her schedule again. She had math right now. Yuki looked out into the hallway in a cowardly way. She didn't know where she was.

"Uh.. how do I get to my class?" she asked.

"Oh I forgot, you might need a little help from a classmate. Let me call someone," Koushun picked up his cell phone and began to dial some numbers. " Hello , uh I'll be needing someone to show around a new student.... haha. I guess. But she hit her head and I'm not sure if she can make it around....really? Thank you."

He put down the phone and Yuki stared at the door until a white haired boy walked in. He had long white hair that seemed impossbile , and also pale white skin with pale purple eyes. He smiled at Yuki.

"My name is Sakka Evans and I will be your assistant. Our class is on the second floor. This is the first," he told her. He lead her out of the infirmary and into the hallway. They went up some stairs and soon, they were outside of the class room they were supposed to be in. "Before you go in, I have to tell you something important for your survival."

His calm friendly tone had changed to a notoriously dark one that was serious. She stood up straight to give him full attention.

"Please go on."

"Don't tell any one you're a scholarship student," he told her. "You'll be treated like vermin. Our classmates aren't very happy about being near scholarship students. Though I'm not one myself, I can tell you're one."


"Your clothes," he replied. "Oh that's right. Here's a set of the girls uniform. Please change in the bathroom down the hall and I'll wait here. "


Oh my god. I feel so exhausted after typing this because it's at night and all. I really want to thank all of those people who came up with the names : Kata, Julia, Florence , Nicole, Phil and Evelyn. 

Okay, I know that it's not 6 names included. Actually, they submitted quite a lot and the character names they submitted will come up soon in this series. Since I'm a total noob , I wouldn't mind some FEED BACK

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