all the more (surprise chapter)


Lia couldn’t take it and she knew she brought it upon herself. She’s the one who sent the invite to Ryujin and yet she didn’t really expect Ryujin to actually show up, not after she technically ghosted her.

But as soon as she saw Ryujin there, trying to smile for her, it was more than enough to crash all of Lia’s facade of being okay, of getting over what she did to the younger. Everything she built over those years, especially her relationship with her Jinryeol, her sweet and gentle groom, even if it was arranged, it all came crashing down. She tried her best to love him, but with just that one look she shared with Ryujin, it was enough to convince her that it was all in vain.

Lia glanced at Ryujin one last time, the younger was looking at her as well. Lia gulped.

I’m sorry. I don’t deserve you.

How could Ryujin be so good to her? She was left behind and in the dark of all of this and yet, she shows up like nothing happened. How could Ryujin be so selfless? Lia thought and then she ran for it. Lia was convinced that she doesn’t deserve Ryujin, even as a friend. She feels sick.

Everyone was alarmed. The sight of the bride running away like that was more than enough to stun them. No one moved for a while, not even Lia’s parents, Jinryeol nor Ryujin.

Finally realizing what just happened, Yeji was first to act and grabbed Ryujin’s wrist to drag her along as they ran after Lia. Lia’s parents finally stood up  too, but they were trying to calm the crowd, assuring that Lia just needed a moment. Lia’s dad looked at the groom and only then did he finally move.

“Wait. Ryujin, right?” Jinryeol caught up to Yeji and Ryujin and caught Ryujin by her wrist. Yeji looked at him skeptically and was about to speak but Jinryeol beat her to it. “I...I have to talk to Ryujin. Yeji-ssi, please go ahead and look for Lia.” He said, looking at Yeji dead in the eyes and Yeji was unsure if she should let the two talk, she didn’t know much about Jinryeol and although she knew Ryujin, they haven’t talked in a while too. She looked at Ryujin who just nodded at her and removed Yeji’s hold on her. “It’s okay, unni. You go look for Lia unni..”

Yeji looked at the two, both were encouraging her to go and she realized that finding Lia was priority and whatever these two had to talk about, she doesn’t have a say on it. She nodded at the two and then ran. She could only pray that the two won’t cause a scene to top what Lia just did.

Lia’s in a taxi. She hailed the first one she spotted after running away from the church and told the driver the first place that popped into her head, Hangang river. The driver gave her some weird looks, probably because she’s literally in a wedding dress, but nonetheless, he drove away, heading to where Lia told him. Her phone’s been ringing nonstop and it was either from her Dad or Yeji. She was about to turn it off when she received Yeji’s message. ‘Please tell me where you are. I’ll come to you. I won’t tell anyone. Please, Lia-yah.’

She thought about replying but another message came. This time it was from Jinryeol. ‘Lia-yah. It’s okay. I’ll deal with them. Just please be okay and at least tell Yeji where you are.’

Tears finally rolled down from Lia’s eyes. She and Jinryeol were arranged to marry one another from the moment their parents knew they were each getting a daughter and a son. But neither of them knew up until a few years ago and that was what forced Lia to move back to Canada and leave everything behind, including Ryujin.

Jinryeol had always been good to her and respected her. Even when they went on dates, he never made a move on her and respected her space. He was a good listener too, Lia told him all about Ryujin and how much she regrets leaving her behind. With small steps, Lia learned to confide in him, convincing herself that it was love. Jinryeol told her all about him too and Lia realized it wasn’t only her that was suffering in their arranged marriage. Jinryeol had someone he loved too but both of them couldn’t do anything as they didn’t want to disappoint their parents.



It’s been weeks. 

Ryujin still doesn’t know what to make of what happened. Especially after the conversation she had with Jinryeol.

Jinryeol had taken her to a cafe nearby the church, Ryujin found it weird at first because it was as if he didn’t care that his own wedding was just ruined. But everything made sense when he finally opened his mouth to speak.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about them back there. It’s a forced marriage, just something to boost both our families businesses and all that clich é . But we both didn’t know until some years ago. That’s why she left, why she left you.” Jinryeol’s words kept ringing in her head, everything was still so fresh.

Ryujin’s gonna be honest, she was angry at Lia for leaving without a word. She tried everything then, she sent so many chats, international texts and calls. She even emailed but she never heard anything from Lia. She was so mad but somehow, it didn’t make her hate the older. All she wanted to hear from her, anything from Lia. And now, with what Jinryeol just told her, everything made sense.

“She didn’t know how to tell you without hurting you...And I know she ended up hurting you still but I hope you find it in your heart to forgive her for that. We never wanted any of this in the first place.” Jinryeol carefully reached for her hand across the table and squeezed it, and for some reason, Ryujin wasn’t even fighting him off.  Something just tells her that she can trust this guy.

Ryujin-ssi. I know it’s weird coming from me but trust me when I tell you that it’s you who she really loves.”

“Then why did she invite me here?” She couldn’t help but ask.

Ryujin’s head hurts. That conversation with Jinryeol was all she could think of. She remembers every single bit, even when she tried not to think about it.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know how to answer that, only Lia can. But Ryujin-ssi, listen to me.” Ryujin just looked at him, waiting for what he had to say. “ I’m going to call the wedding off. I should’ve done it sooner, I’m sorry. But I just had to be sure Lia would be in good hands.”

She was so confused. “What do you mean?”

“I have someone else that I love. Lia and I are in the same situation, she knows about her and feels sorry for me too. The only difference is, I had the chance to explain everything to her, to Minjoo. Lia wasn’t able to do that with you. I’m telling you all these on her behalf as I’m afraid she still won’t find the strength to tell you.”

“I would’ve understood if she told me then. I mean, I understand even now.” Ryujin said.

Jinryeol smiled and nodded at her. “Ryujin-ah, you also have to understand that Lia was scared out of her wits then to tell you, even now…”

“But what is she so scared of?”

“Of you not feeling the same and losing you in the process. Her parents having control on her life is a factor too.”

“But…” Ryujin was in disbelief. “But she could never lose me...”

It’s been weeks and she hasn’t left the comfort of her own apartment. She hasn’t contacted anyone too. Even Yeji, who had been calling her and messaging her over the weeks. Some of the messages were;

‘I found Lia. How did it go with Jinryeol?’

‘I heard their wedding is off. Something about Jinryeol confessing that he had someone else and that Lia knew about it all along. He made it seem like he’s been cheating all this time. Ryujin-ah, did you know? Did he tell you something about that??’

‘Ryujin-ah. I think Jinryeol told Lia about you two talking and she’s been restless since. She’s been wanting to leave. Where are you???’

It’s been weeks.

She hasn’t seen Lia since and she should see her as soon as possible, as the older might run away again. Thank God, she’s staying with Yeji for the mean while and Yeji’s not willing to let  her leave any time soon or ever.

Ryujin knows it’s time so she typed out a message. ‘Yeji unni. Can I see her?’ and as if on cue, Yeji immediately called her.


“Ryujin, I swear. You’ve been ignoring me for weeks. Lia’s anxious, what exactly did you and Jinryeol talk about?”

“Nothing to worry about. Jinryeol oppa explained everything to me. Can I see Lia unni? She can’t know I’m coming to see her, she might run…”

Ryujin heard Yeji sigh. “You know, I really can’t understand why she’d want to leave and not talk to you, she’s been like this since college and I am tired of it. I’m with you on this. When are you coming?”

“What do you mean since college?”

“I knew she’s had feelings for you since before we became friends in college, I’ve been trying to convince her to tell you but she’d always second guess everything. Honestly, it was very frustrating.”

“Oohh..” Ryujin doesn’t know what to say. Finding out Lia’s been harvesting feelings for her since highschool was news to her. She pouts. How could the older keep such a thing from her for so long that it led up to this?

“So? When are you coming? I have a trip soon, I don’t know how to make sure Lia doesn’t leave then.”

Ryujin’s lips formed into a smile before she spoke again.



“So, Lia’s still asleep but she should be waking up soon since it’s almost noon and she will be hungry, you know how she gets hungry anyway. So yea.  You know the passcode, I already told you, right?” Yeji told Ryujin silently, they were in the living room, by the door. Yeji was about to leave and Lia was still asleep in the guest room. Lia’s been staying with Yeji because the latter insists and forbids the other to leave ever since her supposed marriage. Lia had nowhere to go anyway as her parents are mad at her for keeping Jinryeol’s affair from there. Lia doesn’t understand why they’d take it out on her but she didn’t mind, because she’s honestly so done with them. She just hopes she can find a job soon so she wouldn’t be much of a burden to Yeji.

Ryujin just nods at everything Yeji said. They planned this. Yeji was to keep Lia up late the night before so that she’ll sleep in the next morning, giving enough time for Ryujin to settle in the apartment. She’s not moving in per se, just going to spend a few days there instead of Yeji as she had a three-day long trip that she kept from Lia.

Yeji holds Ryujin by her shoulders. “I wish you luck, my friend.” Ryujin chuckles at her. “I won’t let her go this time, unni. Or any time in the future for that matter.” Yeji nods. “I know. But a little bit of luck wouldn’t hurt, right?” They smile at  each other. “Alright, I’m off now. See you guys in a few days.” Yeji says before leaving.

Ryujin sees Yeji off and immediately heads to the kitchen to prepare food for lunch as silently as possible so she won’t wake Lia. She was almost successful, just finishing off the stew when she heard small steps approaching and a still sleepy Lia, asking. “Yeji, why didn’t you wake me…”

Ryujin dropped the rest of the chopped vegetables into the pot and turned around to see Lia, her eyes were still closed. She smiled at the sight. “Well, unni. If you only open your eyes, you’d know Yeji unni isn’t around to wake you.”

And at once, Lia opened her eyes as she recognized that voice. “S..shin Ryujin” Lia uttered, she’s frozen in place. “I-”

Ryujin knew Lia won’t be able to go far if she runs away from her now but something in her just pushed her to walk towards Lia and hold her hand, to keep her there. “Unni, it’s okay. Jinryeol oppa explained everything to me.”

Lia was in disbelief, of having Ryujin right in front of her and that she’s not mad at her. “I’m still sorry, I should’ve said something, I-” Ryujin softly chuckled, she knew Lia would find it hard to collect her thoughts in order to explain herself but it’s not like Ryujin needed to hear more. Nonetheless, she knew it would help Lia’s nerves if she said it herself. Ryujin squeezed Lia’s hand and looked at the older ever so softly. “Breathe unni, we’ve got time. It’s okay.”

Lia looked at their hands and then to Ryujin. She missed this, the feeling of their skins touching, the feeling of having Ryujin near and within her reach. She missed Ryujin. She took a deep breath. “Ryujin, I’m really sorry. For everything, for leaving you behind all those years ago and not saying anything, nor replying to you. I’m sorry.” Ryujin nodded. “I’ve forgiven you about that, unni.”

Lia gulped. “Ryujin-ah, you should be mad at me, not like this... Why aren’t you?”

“Unni stop.” She started. “You only want me to be mad so you could run away again. Well, I’m not having it and I’m not mad, at least not anymore. Jinryeol oppa told me about your families arranging for you two to get married. So that’s clear now. I’m not mad.”

Lia’s eyebrows furrowed and Ryujin can’t help but think she’s cute, she laughed at the sight. “Ryujin-ah, why...why are you so good to me?” Ryujin didn’t expect that. But she kept her cool and knew exactly how to answer. She tightened her hold on the older’s hand and pulled her closer and wrapped her free arm around the older’s waist, trapping Lia in an embrace. “Because unni, I’m in love with you.”

Lia’s eyes widened. “Ryu-”

“I have been since high school. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, would’ve saved us a lot of trouble.” Ryujin grinned, their faces are just a few inches apart. “Although, I am curious about one thing, unni.”


“Is it okay for me to assume you feel the same the way? Can I kiss you?”

“...that’s two things.”

Ryujin chuckled. “I’m going to kiss you.”

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do any of you guys also not like that orange gummy :c


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Chapter 1: Noooo my heart 😭 there not always a happy ending dang this hurt
Chapter 2: SEEE i was half right Hahahaha XD

Maybe I'll work as a fortune teller or something like hahaha but anyways im glad their together
( It would be great if u extended a bit till the *cough* kiss part *cough*) but its greattt
Chapter 1: That's not the ending i was expecting to be, but this story is amazing anyway
Great job author-nim! :D
cleofierayne 130 streak #4
Chapter 1: Ohh ? so sad its just a one shot
Chapter 1: Ummm so they never confessed to each other , they bottled up their feelings and ignored it? Well thats sad

If theres going to be another chapter i think lia will back out
Chapter 1: so they never....confessed to each other.......okay that was an intense plottwist at the end. thanks so much for writing this! I enjoyed the angst lol great stories, I admire ya :)!