✦ ✧ -shouko's coding practice ✦ ✧



Hey! So this is just a little place where I practice some coding. It's something i've been interested in for a quite a while now, and after so many years of coming across amazing coders and layout galleries, I decided that I would really try to become one of those people. I've dabbled in coding a bit before in the past few years but it was never really anything that I stuck with for a long time as I typically gave up after repeatedly becoming stuck and frustrated. I'm open to feedback on the things I try to code but as I'm stil very new and clearly still learning, please try not to be too harsh or critical. If you think something looks decent enough for you to use and you want the code for it, just ask. I'll try to post the code for things on my own if I think that they look decent enough as well. Though I'm not very good right now please don't steal, maybe this isn't really that necessary to say right now? I can't see why anyone would want to claim these below mediocre codes as their own lmao.Also I'm pretty terrible at naming what I make and I often struggle with / use odd color combinations that many others probably don't find as appealing. Buuut hopefully I will get better at everything with time. Thanks for staying and reading all of this lol.

woah it's been about 5 months since i last worked on coding on here


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Chapter 16: these are amazing for someone who is just starting coding, mine look like poo! XD I want to get into coding but like not very many tutorials out there for this type of coding... I try to figure things out by myself and I can do pretty good since I can understand some of the coding. If there was a class for this lol damn there would be more people on here who do layouts, it seems like there isn't much people who continuously do layouts. If you wouldn't mind me looking at the coding to see how you did it, I would also like to try it out!! :D I need something to do with my free time aha
Chapter 3: Oh keep going!:)
You fan of Naruto?
We all start somewhere so don't give up and continue experimenting. Eventually, you'll be able to code a layout you'll be proud of showing everyone. ^^

I would like to say three things:
1. So that the words won't look too squished inside the boxes, you can add the code 'padding' (ex: padding: 5px or padding: 10px 5px 10px 5px). This will give you space inside the boxes for the text. The second example I gave specifies the top, right, bottom, left (aka clockwise) respectively if you wish for them to have different paddings. The same goes if you use margins.
2. If you have problems with choosing colors, you can try searching for color palettes online, use different shades of the same color, or use the basic gray, black, and white scheme.
3. You're always welcome to look at other coders' codes. As long as you follow their rules and not claim their codes as your own (or use as base, etc.), you can look at them to study. Aside from looking at the tutorials around AFF, looking at someone's codes to study may help.

Good luck and have fun! :)