Ashes - Bonus Chapter

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Taehyung’s POV


“I’ve been waiting for you…” –Jungkook said with a smile, as soon as he heard me calling his name.

Jimin looked at the two of us completely dumbfounded: “D-did I miss something??”

I shook my head in response and asked him kindly to give Jungkook and I a couple of minutes alone.


“What do you mean that you’ve been waiting for me? Did you also have those weird dreams?” –I interrogated him. With a smirk, Jungkook replied: “Yeah, ever since I was a child…”

And with those words I was left more confused. ‘Ever since he was a child?!’ –my mind repeated. Jungkook might have noticed the disoriented look on my face and therefore he proceeded to explain.


“Destiny, fate… call it what you want. Whatever it may be, it must be playing with us!” –he stated while shrugging. I stared lost at his face: the Jungkook in front of me and the one in my dreams were completely the same. Not only for their looks, but also the way they spoke and the same sweet voice that I loved the most.


Jungkook narrated that he started dreaming of me ever since he was 8 years old and at that time he just thought of me as an imaginary friend. However, when he turned 15 he started to find it weird having those kinds of dreams, so he decided to tell his mom about it. And that was when his parents gave him a book or a manuscript. He took it out of his bag to show me, while saying: “This book is a precious possession of our family. It was transcribed by many of my ancestors in order to pass it to the newer generations… it was originally written by a certain Park Seojoon… Kim Taehyung’s servant.”


I was speechless for a moment. My mind couldn’t get a grip on the current situation. ‘So it really happened?’ –I thought with my eyebrows furrowing. Jungkook handed me the book with a smile as he said: “I haven’t read it yet… but if you want you can read it first.”

“Why haven’t you read it yet?” – I asked him curiously. He just looked at me shyly while mumbling: “I wanted to read it with you.”


I swear at that moment, I felt my heart going “Aaaw”. He was just so adorable and sweet, just like the one in my dreams and I couldn’t help but smile.


“Let’s read it then!” –I exclaimed quite excitedly, while patting the space next to me so that he could sit there.



69 AD in the Kingdom of Goguryeo or Goryeo.


There were two rival families of merchants, the Jeons and the Kims. These families fought for dominance in the textile market and the rivalry was also brought in with the birth of the eldest sons of both families: Kim Taehyung and Jeon Junghyuk.

The two boys were born in the same year of 59 AD. When they reached the right age, they attended the same prestigious school. Even though the young Kim Taehyung was too far from being competitive because of his friendly nature, the young Jeon Junghyuk was so engaged into turning his rival’s life in a living hell, something that would make his father, Jeon Junghwa, proud. That was also the reason why the poor boy Taehyung would spend different hours of the day locked in the dark basement of their mansion.


“Why can’t you beat Junghyuk in class?!

 You should be the top in your school!

How will you manage our business if you’re weak!” – his father, Kim Taepung, would always scold him.


But Taehyung never, and I repeat, never dared to answer him. Even at a young age, he knew that all his father wanted was the best for him, however he was also convinced that he wouldn’t be happy if he would treat everyone as his rivals. He wanted to befriend everyone.


 One day, after school…


“Young master! We need to go back home.Your tutor is waiting for you!” – his servant panted as he was running behind him.


“Just a second, please! I want to play a little bit more…” – Taehyung pleaded.


“But your father will get angry for sure.”


“It’s okay.” – he replied with his boxy smile and added: “Just tell him that you couldn’t find me because I hid somewhere, so that he won’t be mad at you!”


And after saying that, Taehyung ran as fast as he could in the school’s backyard. He was playing hide and seek with the other children, when he accidentally found his ‘perfect hiding place’. He found a small door on the ground covered by dust, he opened it slowly and went down the wooden ladder. It was a dark and spacious room, almost like the basement of their house, he could barely see in it. Just then he heard someone sniffling as if they were crying.


“Hello? Is there someone here?” – his voice echoed. He took a step forward and he tried to look around. Another sniffle.


“Hey, don’t be afraid… Where are you?” – he said reassuringly. 


“I-I’m here…” – a small shaky voice answered.


After moving around carefully, Taehyung was finally able to grab a small cold hand.


“Let’s go! I know how to get out of here!” – he exclaimed proudly, while helping the other child. Both of them got out of that basement safely. And as soon as they were finally under the light of the sun, he saw that the other child was also a boy. However, he assumed that he was younger than him, since he was slightly shorter. The other boy had pale skin, doe eyes and bunny-like teeth, something that the young Kim Taehyung found immediately adorable.


“I’m Kim Taehyung, what’s your name?” – he asked with a huge smile, while offering his hand politely.


“J-jungkook…” – the boy stuttered, as he was still visibly shaking.


“Why were you down there, Jungkook?” – Taehyung asked once again, concern starting to tinge his voice.


Jungkook remained silent for a moment and then he told him that his older brother Junghyuk brought him there, because one of the teachers preached his drawing and not Junghyuk’s, making the latter angry. And with that Taehyung understood that the boy in front of him was the youngest son of the Jeon family, the one his father had already talked to him about. The ‘Golden Boy’ with skills that were above the average. The one who was supposed to take down the Kim family. But despite all those things that he had already heard of, to his eyes Jungkook was still a child. A scared child who needed a friend.


“I need to go home now, little Jungkook! But please, keep what happened as a small secret, alright?” – Taehyung said lastly, as he ran away.


“A secret?” – the young Jungkook repeated, with a shy smile on his face.


Taehyung didn’t know if the other boy was aware of the rivalry between their families and that’s why he made sure no one would know about their encounter, so then Jungkook wouldn’t get punished because of him.

The next day Taehyung came back to his ‘hiding place’ and to his surprise, the bunny-like boy was also there.


“Jungkook? Why are you here again?” – he murmured.


“I wanted to play with you!” – the boy replied innocently.


“Call me hyung, alright? I’m the same age as your brother…”


“Yes, hyungnim!” – Jungkook said with a smile.


Months after months, their secret friendship blossomed. They would always meet up at Taehyung’s ‘perfect hiding place’ where they would play after their classes. They transformed the dark basement into a warm cosy hideout, decorating it with some lanterns, blankets and pillows that they sneaked out from their house.


“Hyung, why can we only play here? Why can’t we be friends outside too?” – Jungkook asked innocently, while continuing his painting.


It was a question that Taehyung was already expecting, since every time they would see each other outside or inside school, he wouldn’t greet him and he would just act as if he didn’t know him at all. Obviously it made him feel bad, especially whenever Jungkook would look at him with his big expecting eyes waiting for him to smile. But it was for their own safety.


“Ehm, I’m not sure if you already know, but our families are actually…” – Taehyung hesitated.


“Rivals? I know that, hyung.” – Jungkook replied and added: “Will they punish you if we get caught?”


“Yes, but I’m not worried about that… I am more worried about you.” – Taehyung admitted.


Jungkook looked straight into his eyes.

“And I also don’t want you to be punished…” – he replied maturely.


And even at a young age the two boys knew that they didn’t want any of them to get hurt. They both wanted to protect each other somehow.


But then one day, while the students were having a break in the school backyard, Jungkook heard some children shouting and cheering, which was something quite unusual. He followed the noise and he found in front of him a wall of elder and taller children, he made his way through them and saw the scene unfolding right before his eyes.

He couldn’t take what was happening at that moment. He felt his heart racing, while his whole body was shivering. His throat ran dry, while his eyes started tearing up.


“HYUUUUNG!” – he screamed his lungs out.


There was his brother who looked so angry and he was clenching his fist and there was also Taehyung crouching in pain with a bruise near his mouth. Both of them looked at Jungkook’s direction when they heard his voice. The younger boy ran towards them and he helped Taehyung.


“Hyung! What are you doing?!” – he told his brother, completely enraged.

“What? Don’t you know him, Jungkook? He’s our enemy!” – the other boy replied with a smirk.


“No… He’s my FRIEND!” – he exclaimed with a strong gaze. And after saying that he supported Taehyung’s body, as they started to walk away.


“Your friend, huh? Then let’s see what father would say about that…” – Junghyuk said lastly without losing that proud grin on his face.


Jungkook was so worried since Taehyung had always been so fragile, even though he was older and quite taller than Jungkook himself. Taehyung noticed that the young boy was still trembling, so he stopped his steps and held Jungkook’s hand, while he was looking into his eyes.


“Don’t worry, I’m fine…” – he then said with a smile, reaching his eyes.

    “… but you shouldn’t have helped me. You might get into some trouble at home.” – Taehyung added, concern tinging his face and voice.


“Then what should have I done, hyung?! Watch you getting beaten up by my own brother?” – Jungkook replied frustrated by the whole situation. He perfectly knew that his brother would tell their father about this and he also knew that he would be punished, but he didn’t care. All that mattered for him at that moment was to help his best friend. To help Taehyung who had always been so good to him, who treated him better than his own brother.


“Yes, you should have just walked away and pretended as if nothing happened. So then, maybe the next day everything would be back to normal… you and I in our secret hideout. But now, who knows what may happen! I mean, I’m sure your brother will tell everything to your father. A-and perhaps, the voices will reach my father’s ears too…” – Taehyung said as he was starting to walk away from Jungkook.


‘And perhaps after this day we won’t see each other again…’ – the 10-year-old Kim Taehyung thought, while stealing one last glance at the younger one.


And just like what Taehyung said, the news reached his father a little bit too fast. As a matter of fact, when he arrived at home, he was immediately greeted by his father’s deadly gaze.


“Fath-” – Taehyung’s word was cut abruptly by his father’s slap. He felt his cheek hot, because of the impact.

“Junghyuk beat you again! And you have the audacity to play with the other Jeon kid?! What’s wrong with you?!” – his father spitted.


“I-I’m so sorry, father. Please forgive me…” – Taehyung apologized while kneeling down and bowing in front of his father.


“Starting from tomorrow, I will call the best scholars who will teach you everything here at home. You won’t go to that school anymore…” – his father said lastly as he made his way out of the room.    


And so, days after days and weeks after weeks, the 8-year-old Jeon Jungkook had never seen Taehyung in school again. He even asked some of their teachers, but they just all remained silent. Therefore, one day after school, he decided to go to the Kims’ mansion secretly, trying not to be noticed by anyone. After taking a deep breath…


*Knock knock


And when the big door leading to the spacious front yard finally opened, he was greeted by a familiar face: the servant who would always accompany Taehyung at their school.


“Good afternoon.” – Jungkook greeted while bowing politely and added: “I was wondering if Taehyungie hyung is there…”


“Good afternoon, I’m sorry but the young master is not allowed to receive visitors as of the moment.” – the servant replied with an apologetic smile.


“Is he sick? He hasn’t been going to school lately…”


“I apologize, but I am not allowed to give certain information.”


“B-but I’m his friend.” – Jungkook replied, lowering his head. Tears started to blurry his vision.


“I am really sorry.” – the servant answered, while patting the boy’s shoulder and then he whispered: “But I’ll let him know that you came, young master Jeon.”


Jungkook looked at him quite shocked at first because of the unexpected kindness of the young man in front of him and then slowly his big doe eyes started to gleam, turning into two slits and he flashed him a big smile that showed his bunny teeth. All those characteristics that the servant had already heard from his own young master Taehyung. 


“Really?! Thank you very much!” – Jungkook exclaimed excitedly.


The servant shushed him while looking around, checking if someone had noticed them, as he said with a low voice: “You are welcome, young master. But I must go now and you too shall go back to your house.”


And so Jungkook came back home happily, knowing that at least Taehyung would know that he came by and that he didn’t forget about him. But on the other hand, he was still worried about the other boy’s condition. As a matter of fact, ever since Taehyung was punished by his father, he hadn’t been feeling so well. And even if he tried his best to hide it from his family, especially from his younger siblings, Taehyung’s young servant had always known that behind the happy and unbothered façade that he’d pull off, there was the sadness showing through his eyes. Therefore, when they were finally alone and while Taehyung was reading a book, he decided to tell his young master about his friend, hoping to lighten up his mood, somehow.


“Really?! Jungkook came?” – he exclaimed wide eyed.


“Yes, young master. But please lower your voice. I don’t want your punishment to get worse…”


“Alright. But may I ask you for a favour?” – Taehyung finally replied, with a big smile.


The next day, after school Jungkook was about to go to his servant to go back home, when he saw Taehyung’s servant behind a tree, which left the boy quite confused. The young man was gesturing him to go to the backyard, so Jungkook replied with a small grin as he made his way towards his servant to tell him that he would just play for a bit.


“Young master Jeon, my young master would like you to receive this…” –Taehyung’s servant said while slipping a letter into Jungkook’s pocket.


“Be careful, young master. This shouldn’t be known by anybody.” –he added lastly, before leaving the young boy.


As soon as Jungkook arrived in their mansion, he immediately went to his room. He opened the piece of paper carefully and read the message:


“To my dearest friend Jungkookie,


I am deeply sorry about our current situation. I think that it will be impossible for us to see each other again at school, as my father has decided to make me study at home. 

However, rest assured that you and I are still friends. If you have any problems just go to our secret place and leave a letter. My servant will go there everyday after school to check if you have left one and we can still keep in touch through letters if you want.


I’m sorry that because of me we have to get through all of this and I hope that you didn’t get punished.

I miss playing with you, Kookie.

I miss you.


Let’s just play together in our dreams!


Your dearest friend, Taetae.”


Jungkook tried not to cry, but his tears fell down uncontrollably.


“H-hyung…” –he whispered while sobbing and hugging the letter.


Days after days, weeks after weeks and one letter after another, Taehyung and Jungkook kept each other updated about their lives.


“Seojoon hyung, listen to this one!” –Taehyung told his servant excitedly.


“Jungkook got into some troubles in school because he drew on his classmates’ arms with the permanent ink! Hahaha and the teachers punished him by making him brush all of their arms! Hahah my Kookie is so unbelievable!” –he added while slapping his knees and giggling.


“But aren’t you worried that his father might get angry, young master?”


“Hmm I don’t think so. Probably his father is already used to it, since he always does those kinds of things!” –Taehyung replied with a fond smile.


“Perhaps, young master Jeon has changed a lot in the past few months… he used to be so shy.”


“You’re right, hyung.  Maybe he changed because of me!” –he finally exclaimed proudly.


Taehyung was completely right, in fact Jungkook did get punished a few times, but then his father grew tired of thinking about other ways of punishing him that he just let the young boy do whatever he wanted.


“He is my Golden boy after all, he will change eventually…” –Jungkook’s father, Jeon Junghwa, would tell himself or Junghyuk, whenever this latter would bring him some news about Jungkook’s shenanigans.


Two years later…

All of the town was busy about getting ready for the King’s arrival. It was a very special event especially for the two rival families, since it was a chance to impress the King and have him as one of their clients and to finally become the most powerful merchant in the whole kingdom.


And since everyone was too busy, Taehyung thought that it was the perfect time to snick out of their mansion. And after two years he could finally see his friend.


“Are you sure about this, young master?” –Seojoon asked nervously.


“Yes, hyung. And if this will work out, then it means that Jungkook and I can meet each other every now and then!” –Taehyung replied full of excitement.


So the night before the King’s arrival, Taehyung started his plan. He used Seojoon’s old clothes and deliberately covered them with dirt. They were obviously too big for him. Then he used the mansion’s secret passage, which was created in case of an attack or a war. In their family, only his father knew about it and he didn’t even know that also Taehyung found out about it a few months ago.


Taehyung’s calculations were right, the streets were all crowded and no one would certainly notice him. Therefore, in just a couple of minutes he arrived at his destination: the school backyard.

Jungkook was still nowhere to be seen, but his happiness was already springing out of his pores. He was still humming a song when he h

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