The Aftermath (I)

Yours To Give
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It is the strongest weapon a brethren can ever have in this world full of arbitrariness and peril. 

It is the mightiest sword, the greatest shield, the light in one's darkness.


And what will happen when one loses it?




Dahyun wakes up. What time is it again? She doesn't know. 

Her chest isn't heaving, her heart is not trying to claw out of her body. There's only silence, the one she always wanted. Funny how we always desire something only to find out, once we got it, that it isn't what we expected at all. There are no distorted images or figures crawling out from everywhere trying to get her, just the same gray ceiling that always welcomed her everyday... and the world that has become one shade darker in her eyes. 

She stood up. She must pray, but what for? She has done it countless times but salvation never came. All she got in return is pity and the hefty weight of knowing that the people around her are suffering, because of her, and there's nothing she can do about it. So she turned her back from the book lying on her nightstand and went straight to the door. She saw her friends, lying beside eachother, exhausted and with eyes still swollen from all the crying that forced Dahyun to sleep. She made light, quiet steps to the bathroom, looking back almost every second to make sure that the two won't be awoken by her. She quickly prepared herself to go out, because she doesn't have the heart to face Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, and the mess she made. So she wrote a note and ordered food for them to eat once they wake up. The delivery came fast, like she hoped for. 

And it's time to go. 

Dahyun has no idea where she's going, and she doesn't mind. She just kept on moving forward one step at a time. Minding is the last thing she wants to do, and she'd choose to throw away her brain if she only can... because nothing good ever sprung from it. What she wouldn't do to get away from her thoughts, from all the memories that made her the way she is; jaded, empty... damned. 

And damned she truly is. 

"Ya!", was the last thing Dahyun heard before the impact hit her, causing her to fall to the ground. She check her hands for any wounds as she stood up, bracing herself to get slapped or cursed, with eyes shut and her head hung low. 

It was her fault after all. Always has been. 

"My milk tea... gone now.", Dahyun opened her eyes only to meet honey-colored irises looking back at her, as if she just lost her most priced possession. And the perpetrator can't speak, partly because she can't understand how someone can be this devastated by a spilled drink, but mostly because the mentioned someone that's now giving her these sad, doe eyes is immensely gorgeous. The contact remained unbroken, neither is looking away. Dahyun feels like her body might've just crashed down and as for the stranger? She can't tell. 

"Hey, move it!", so an angry middle-aged man did the work on their behalf, making them jolt and step aside to let to let other  humans pass through the pathway. 

"I... I'm very sorry. I wasn't looking. Are you okay?", Dahyun deemed that it is only right to apologize first, she bowed her head again. Internally she is also sorry for staring at her face for too long. She felt dirty. 

"It's okay. I just felt sad because it tasted so good. Milk tea is the best, right?", the girl replied back with a smile that almost blinded Dahyun. 

And there it is again: her guilt. Rising from the base of , stifling her in an awfully slow pace. She must make amends, or kneel for forgiveness —anything to get rid of this. She looked back to the the emptied container she knocked down. She sighed in resignation, there's nothing else to do, so she will break her first and most important rule:

Never go out with strangers.

"I can buy you another cup, if you'd like. To make up the one I spilled.", may God help her. 

The stranger's eyes lit up, another smile curving up across her surreal face. "Really?"
"Yes.", and Dahyun gets dragged by the hand, trailing close behind the girl skipping her way to the nearest pedestrian lane to their left. And she felt weird. By now her mind should be screaming profanities at her for letting someone unknown touch her, and her nerves would pulse through her body maniacally. But she felt fine. At ease, even.

And warm. 

After nine minutes of walking, they reached a Gong Cha stall. They made their way inside and the stranger quickly stated her pick, and Dahyun just ordered the same. She actually prefers chocolate milkshakes, or anything chocolate, but trying out new things can't hurt, can they?

"Thanks for treating me, I feel happy again.", the stranger must now know what personal space means, as they walk with their arms linked. Which reminded Dahyun of someone, but she doesn't wanna spoil the fun this lady is having. She said she'll make it up to her. 

"I'm relieved to hear that, I am very sorry for—"

"It's alright now! No need to say sorry hahahaha!",  her giggles rang through Dahyun's ears... and resentment washed over her again. How can someone be this cheerful? Is this a possible effect of a winter melon milk te

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Been busy with work, but will catch up soon.

And as always, thanks for your time. Stay safe. 💚


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secretemotions #1
Chapter 7: askshshkjj I'm so excited for this story to unfold ㅜㅜ thank you for writing!!
Seullmo #2
omg please continue ♡♡
Chapter 3: OooOh
gayforyeri #4
Chapter 2: ooo nice!!!