Chapter 1

There's This Odd Eyed Cat...

There’s this odd eyed cat…
One ice blue, the other golden amber,
With fluffy white fur, and a friendly Persian face.
It followed me home from work one day. 
I told it to shoo, I don’t like cats… 
They scratch your furniture and knock things over,
They don’t listen to a thing you say,
Of course I shooed it away.
“Go somewhere, will you?” I griped and shut the door.
But he never left…
He meowed and meowed throughout the night,
Never leaving my front door.
I usually tried to get some writing done at this hour,
Although every night Id fail the task on my own.
I surely couldn’t attempt it now, not with the constant meowing.
The next morning it was quiet.
I sighed in relief, the cat must have gotten bored strolled away.
I got up and fed myself, cleaned and dressed myself,
Dragging around the house to prepare for another grueling day.
I didn’t want to leave the house, I never did.
Something in me only wanted to stay home in bed,
Hide under the covers and hide from the world.
To do nothing, only lay there and wither.
But for 5 days out the week, I woke up and did the same thing over and over,
Like clockwork.
Wake up
I was numb and I knew that, but it was all I knew now.
I was comfortable in the dark.
Nothing and no one could harm me if they couldn’t see me…
I finished my morning routine and headed out the door.
To my surprise, when I opened it…
Odd eyes stared back at me.
It was the cat from yesterday, sitting upright and patient.
Gazing up at me as if to ask what took me so long?
I held my breath for a moment in disbelief.
Why had this cat stayed here all night?
Then with an exasperate sigh, I closed the door behind me.
“Didn’t I tell you do go away? I don’t like cats. Now go!”
I locked the door behind me and started walking.
My place of work was only a few blocks away, so I always walked to work.
But this was the first time an animal had followed me home like this.
As I walked I could feel the cat’s presence behind me.
 Rolling my eyes, I walking faster. 
But I could still feel the cat right at my tail.
I stopped and turned around swiftly.
The cat just sat there, staring up at me with those curious odd eyes.
“Since when do cats follow people huh? Isn’t that a dog thing?”
The cat tilted it’s head slightly and it made me recoil.
It was almost as if he understood me, he seemed like he was responding to me.
I shook it off and started walking again,
Ignoring the cat’s existence until I got to work.
I ran to the door and shut it behind me 
Looking through the window, I could see him.
He sat patiently.
Watching me.
I finally finished my shift; another dry day.
I just wanted to go home and drift away.
I could think of nothing but my bed, pillow and blanket.
My room, my own personal space.
My safe place.
I left without telling anyone goodbye.
I barely looked anyone in the eye.
I just had to get out as soon as possible…
When I opened the door to leave I breathed in the fresh air.
But then I looked down…
And there he was…
The snow white cat with odd eyes.
One ice blue, the other golden amber.
I only sighed and walked passed him.
I walked all the way home without looking back,
But he was behind me, I knew it.
When I hit home, I ran inside, closing the door behind me quickly.
That cat was stalking me at this point and I didn’t like it.
I cooked a meal and sat down for dinner, taking a call from a friend.
“A stalker cat? Girl, what ate you talking about?”
“I’m not kidding, this is the second day, it’s out there meowing right now!”
I got up and walked up to the front door so my friend could hear.
“Can you hear it!? It’s so loud!”
“Aww, yeah I can! He sounds so pitiful! Let him in!”
“WHAT!? Hell no.”
“Why not? He obviously likes you. Give him a home!”
“I hate cats… What if it has fleas!?”
“You can bathe him!”
“Cats don’t even like water! How I suppose to-“
I stopped mid-sentence…
“Hello?... Hellooooo?”
“It stopped meowing…”
“Did he leave?”
“I don’t know…”
I opened the door slowly
And there it sat, staring at me with those odd eyes,
Waiting patiently.
I sighed.
This cat was getting under my skin.
What did it want from me?
I had a hard enough time taking care of myself.
What was I gonna do with a cat?
I had my own things to deal with day to day.
Now this cat wanted to come into my life and make it more complicated?
Maybe I could just take it in until I find it another home…
With a sigh I stepped aside clearing a way for it to walk past.
It just sat there staring at me unmoved.
“Well come on… before the mosquitos fly in”
Only then did it stand and walk inside.
My eyes followed it, stunned.
Does this cat really understand me?
“Cats are too smart, I don’t like it”
My friend laughed over the receiver.
“What are you gonna name him?”
“Nothing.. It’s name will be cat until I find ir a home.”
“What!? Aww but he’s your cat! This is fate! It’s like he’s your familiar!”
“Girl, this ain’t Sabrina, I ain’t no witch and Im not keepin’ this cat.”
“Ughhh, you’re no fun!”
“Do you want the cat?”
“You know I’m allergic to cats.”
“But what if it’s actually your familiar and I’m only the messenger?”
“Nope, that’s your cat. You’ll see! He came to you for a reason, I’m sure of it!”
I looked at the cat who had curled up under the dinning table,
Still watching me with those odd eyes of his.
“Well, I’ll talk to you later. Let me open up a can of tuna or somethin’ for it.”
“Okay, tell the cat I said good luck!”
“Yeah yeah, bye.”
“Haha, bye girl.”
I set my phone on the counter and folded my arms looking at the cat.
He picked up his head and looked back at me as if to ask do you need something?
I shook my head, this cat was too keen, it kinda creeped me out.
“Are you hungry?”
The cat stood and slowly strolled up to me and sat down, staring up at me.
I could swear it was talking to me, if only I could speak cat.
I got out a can of tuna and opened it, placed it on the floor along side a bowl of water.
It took to the food as if it hadn’t eaten in weeks.
I felt bad for it…
I took the time to check it for fleas and to my surprise I didn’t see not one.
I checked and checked but nothing.
It even smelled good, it’s fur a crisp white, not even a scuff.
“You must have a home then… But you don’t have a collar…”
I stood up again and shrugged.
As long as it didn’t have fleas, I guessed it was a plus.
I left the cat to it’s meal as I walked upstairs to shower.
Afterwards, I sat at my computer and opened up the story I had been working on for years.
I didn’t really know why I was even writing it.
I had written others too. 
Most of them were unfinished.
I’d never publish them.
I was too scared, no one would like them anyways.
So what was the point in finishing any of them and having others read them?
I sighed staring at the keyboard.
I hadn’t written a thing in months, I just couldn’t for some reason.
As much as I loved telling stories, diving deep into the fantasy worlds I created.
It was hard for me to write..
There was this weight that always overtook me.
That was the best way I could explain it.
It’s too heavy and it forces me to stop.
Maybe it’s self-doubt?
Makes sense…
Whatever it was, it was too strong
Much stronger than me.
In the corner of my eye, I saw a strip of white slowly coming toward me.
I turned my head to see the cat gazing at me…
It almost looked concerned…
Then suddenly it looked passed me, staring intently at something over my shoulder
I turned in my chair to see what it was looking at but… nothing.
As I turned around, the cat suddenly jumped in my lap.
“Ahhh! What the hell!? Get off-“
I stopped and stared back as it stared at me,
Drowning deep into it’s eyes
There’s something very familiar about this cat but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
I felt like I knew this cat from somewhere before but… where?
The cat glanced over my shoulder again for a few seconds.
Then it seemed to relax and settled itself into my lap, laying quietly. 
“What was that about?”
The cat purred without moving an inch. 
It was completely comfortable in my lap.
“Well, I guess you can stay if you’re gonna be chill.”
I thought of all the fur that’ll be on my clothes and rolled my eyes.
A idea popped into my head suddenly..
To do something I hadn’t done in a last couple of years
There was this group I use to listen to, 
They always made me really happy but…
One of the members passed away and it hurt more than I could have ever anticipated.
I stopped listening to them.
It hurt to listen to them, even though I missed them so much.
They brought so much light into my life.
I pondered for a bit, wondering if I should. 
There was this nagging feeling, urging me to turn them on though.
I didn’t know where it came from but…
I ended up playing one of my favorite songs.
The music filled my ears and a wave of warmth enveloped me.
I smiled.
I missed them, to my surprise I wasn’t crying, I was just happy.
I then noticed the cat looking up at me.
His eyes looked like they were sparkling and it nuzzled against my chest.
I could feel the vibrations of his purring
I giggled.
“Do you like SHINee too? They’re the best music group in the world.”
The cat gave me even more affection as I spoke.
I rubbed his head laughing.
“All the members are crazy talented. They all do literally everything and they do it all so well!”
“They all have solo careers but it always comes back to SHINee.”
“They’re all connected through SHINee and they show that in everything they do…”
“SHINee is five… It’s not SHINee if it’s not five…”
A lump caught in my throat then.
I missed him. I missed SHINee. I missed the fandom. They were all like a second family to me.
And I just left…
A tear fell from my eye.
The cat began to sniff at my face and I pulled away from him.
He meowed at me.
I soft, concerned meow.
I looked at him and that familiar feeling came back.
There was something very warm and healing about this cat.
He almost reminded me of him…
The song ended and another started.
It was one of his songs,
Jonghyun’s song.
 I started to cry again and the cat sniffed at my tears once more.
I looked at him as comfort started to run through me.
The cat meowed softly and I shook my head.
No… It couldn’t be. 
I was being crazy.
This wasn’t one my stories, this was real life.
There was no way that this CAT was Kim Jonghyun.
I whipped the rest of the tears off my face and started typing.
Words flew from my mind and through my fingers like the wind.
Before I realized that was even writing in the first place, I had written 3 chapters.
All of the sudden after months, I had just written 3 chapters like it was nothing!
The cat meowed cheerfully as he stared at the screen.
He kept meowing and meowing, it was kinda funny so I started laughing.
It was like he was cheering me on.
He look at me and meowed as he rubbed against me.
“Okay, okay. Time for bed.”
I turned off my computer and carefully picked up the cat to set him on the floor.
I stood and looked at my clothes but…
There was no fur!
“What!? After all the rubbing you did, there’s nothing!? What kind of cat are you!?”
The cat meowed proudly and strolled away confidently.
I chuckled.
That cat was something else.
I got into bed and the cat followed right after me, hoping into to bed.
“Oh no! You’re not sleeping in my bed!”
The cat gave me a pitiful meow and nuzzled into my neck.
“Ughhh..  Fine I guess.”
The cat meowed again and snuggled up next to me.
I shook my head and turned off the light on the nightstand.
I was fast asleep in no time…
It was dark, I found myself walking through water.
What felt like grass, brushing up against me.
The air was humid and smelled of the earth.
I figured I was in a marsh.
My feet sloshed and sinked into deep unknown waters.
I was afraid. 
I kept hearing these sounds,
Inhuman sounds from all directions.
Suddenly I couldn’t move.
I was chained down.
My legs and my arms chained to the waters.
I cried out,
Calling his name.
He was the first person I thought of for protection.
I cried.
I needed help.
He was the only person I could think of.
Suddenly I couldn’t feel the water on my legs.
I couldn’t see but it must have drained away.
In the darkness I strain my eyes in fear of what could be out there.
The inhuman noises seemed to get louder but I couldn’t see a thing.
Another voice came through, 
It seemed to call my name but I wasn’t sure.
The voice almost sounded familiar…
It almost sounded like him.
Then there was this bright white light.
All the noises stopped, it was dead silent.
The light came towards me cautiously and stopped at my feet.
 I squinted my eyes, unable to look directly at it.
It slowly dimmed and revealed something to me.
Pure white fur and odd eyes, 
One ice blue and the other golden amber.
I heard my name being called again as I stared at the cat.
I was sure of this time.
It was his voice calling my name,
It was Jonghyun.
The cat laid his paw on the chains and they broke away.
A wave of relief filled me up.
I was free.
I began to cry and I fell to my knees covering my faces as I sobbed.
I was free, he had came when I called for him, he helped me. 
I was finally free.
I felt the touch of a hand on my shoulder so I looked up.
It was Jonghyun…
His hair was snow white. 
He had odd eyes.
One ice blue, the other golden amber.
He tilted his head, giving me the bright smile I knew and loved.
I smiled back at him…
And suddenly I was back in my room.
A pair of odd eyes stared back at me and I gasped.
The cat was standing on top of me, staring me in the face.
A voice chimed in my head.
You’re okay now.
I sat up a bit and the cat adjusted himself.
Did I hear that right? 
Was that really Jong’s voice?
Was it coming from the cat?
I have to go, but the darkness should away for now.
It was Jonghyun’s voice again...
“It is you… Jong? How?”
The cat’s eyes softened as he looked at me with so much love I could barely take it.
Keep writing okay? And share your stories with the world. Don’t be afraid.
Tears started flowing from my eyes.
He sniffed at my tears again, this time I felt his rough tongue on my cheek as he them away.
If you need me, I’ll come back.
“Do you have to leave?”
He nodded once.
There’s others I have to help too. I’m always watching you guys. I’ll always be with you. 
I nodded whipping my tears away.
“Thank you Jong. I miss you and I love you.”
I ran my hand over his head and his eyes closed,
He purred and rubbed against me one last time.
I love you too.
He pulled away and looked at me with those warm eyes for a moment longer.
He then turned around and hoped off the bed, walking to the door.
Before walking through the threshold, he looked back at me, his tail swishing elegantly behind him.
He then passed through the door frame, turning the corner and seemed to slowly vanish into thin air.
I jumped up and ran to the door looking for him.
But he was gone…
There was this cat with odd eyes…
One ice blue, the other golden amber,
With fluffy white fur, and a friendly Persian face.
It followed me home from work one day,
And turned out to be someone I knew.
He came to me when I needed him most,
Helped me break the chains and overcome the darkness.
A weight was lifted off of me that day, 
And I’ve been able to do all that I’ve ever wanted to do since then.
Thank you Jong… I’ll always be with you too.

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Taeminahhh #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful!
2512121_2021147 #2
Chapter 1: Thank you for this lovely story. Listen to Jong and keep writing because you're the best writer.
Chapter 1: Beautiful