Walking home...hand in hand (?)

Especially For You
You must be getting some ideas right?
Suh-tep-anie unnie, you'll LOVE this update....(laughs to self)...well, I hope you do...



“Finally.” Stephanie said. It was the end of the day.
“Alright class, I expect those essays to be done by next lesson arraso?”
“Ne!” The class replied.
“Okay. Good Afternoon students.” The teacher said.
“Good afternoon Professor Lee.” Replied the class, waiting for the following sentence.
“You may now leave.” Halfway through her sentence the class had already exited. The teacher shook her head with a grin. It was always like that, especially if it was a Thursday - because that was the day when school ended earlier than usual -, and the last lesson. Stephanie however lingered a bit longer, only because Ryeowook was still copying down the things needed in the essay in the board...and he was only on the first sentence.
“Pali!” Stephanie shouted next to his ear. She never was patient. (a/n sounds like someone I know...wait, I'm talking about myself, never mind...=_=”)
“Arraso, I'm....almost...DONE!” Ryeowook stood up at the word 'done' and started to pack his things away. Stephanie shook her head. He was ever so dorky, and yet that was why she loved him. *WAIT! Love? Is it really?* Stephanie questioned herself, seeing Ryeowook's back turner to her, and yet she felt happy...again. Ryeowook then turned around and caught Stephanie looking at him. Blushing Stephanie looked away, suddenly interested with something out the window and was whistling rather suspiciously.


Five minutes later, the pair found themselves outside, walking home. Stephanie breathed in the nice fresh air. It felt like summer, yet it was winter. Stephanie spinned and spinned and eventually lost balance, causing her to fall onto the floor. When her hit the floor, instead of crying she burst out laughing. If you looked at it from another point of view, you'd think she was crazy (a/n no offense unnie, but you kinda are crazy >_>). Ryeowook held out his hand, waiting for her to take it. After looking at his hand for quite some time, she took it and stood up. They then started to head back home.


A person from the distance though, was cursing to himself, regretting many things he had done. He was hurt by Stephanie's and Ryeowook's closeness. He was Kangin. He felt jealous, but he had no right to. Stephanie was no longer his. And he was no longer her's. He sighed. “I guess the saying really is true. You have to let go of those who you love. If they love you back, they'll come back. Stephanie though, why? Don't you love me back? Are you already in love with Ryeowook?” Kangin asked out loud.


Stephanie and Ryeowook were outside of her house. Being the nice person he is, Ryeowook walked Stephanie home. It was until Stephanie was about to go inside, that the both of them realized they'd been holding hands, throughout the journey home. Both cheeks were cherry red. Ryeowook coughed and Stephanie sighed. Their hands still entwined. Soon Ryeowook tried to make the awkwardness go away, by tightening his grip on Stephanie's hand, making her both smile and blush into a deep beetroot color.

“Bye Stephanie ah.” Ryeowook said, finally letting go, much to Stephanie's dismay.
“Bye oppa.” Stephanie covered up her disappointment with a fake smile. Quick as a flash, Ryeowook kissed her cheek, once again making her cheeks redden. After the kiss, Ryeowook turned around, still feeling nervous. *Was that the right thing to do? After all I like her...* Ryeowook convinced himself, that what he did WAS the right thing, and headed to his house's direction. Leaving a giggling Stephanie behind. She was fan-girlying even though Ryeowook wasn't a Kingka, or famous (a/n yeah right!)...she was feeling like she was on cloud nine to be exact...


Didn't expect the kiss did ya????
I always have surprises up my sleeves. Don't worry about Kangin, he's left Stephanie alone and is now in the search for someone else...
Enjoyed the update? Hope you did!!!!!!!!

Comment Reply:

Super_Bang // Ayumu_Sakamoto : Unnie, I'm glad that this fanfic makes you happy. Btw, I've created a one-shot. Link: /purple_lilly_os hope you can check it out and enjoy!!

UK Time

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wonkyute #1
rochellemae #2
Chapter 4: Pinoy ka?
Filipino kc ako eh
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
ahahah~ Thanks for commenting ^o^
this is one of my early fanfics so it isn't really 'up-to-standard' so thanks for actually liking it :)
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
<b>THANKS FO THE COMMENTS!!! &hearts; YOU ALL!!</b>