Shoot My Heart

Mitzu Thoughts
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Bullseye #3


1:37PM — No new notifications.


Tzuyu glared at the little display, before throwing the device back on her bed. No, it definitely wasn’t the tenth time she had checked her phone for the past 5 minutes. 


It had been a week since the incident at the arcade with Mina, and she was yet to hear anything from the older girl. Not that she was waiting or anything like that. It was just that ever since she was given a two month break from trainings as a reward for winning the competition, that she realized just how much her life evolved around archery.


Now her days consisted of netflix, food, and sleep. In that specific order. So sue her if she wanted to take any excuse to get out of the house. Besides, she just wanted to get the punishment over and done with already. So no, she definitely wasn’t waiting for Mina to text her.




Not when she had tripped over her dog and ran straight from the shower while barely hanging onto her towel after hearing her phone ring, only to be disappointed to see Chaeyoung’s name on the screen. 


Certainly not when she had accidentally set off the fire alarm after forgetting that she had been cooking something because she was too busy staring at her phone’s—still empty—notification screen.


Not even when she had been spent hours sitting in her tub scrolling through the older girl’s social media that her fingers and toes got super crinkly. She had only gotten out after she had saved almost every—okay it was every—picture that Mina had posted. What? She had to admit her the girl posted good photos.


...of herself.


1:41 PM — No new notifications.


Fine. Maybe she is waiting... a little.


At this point, Tzuyu was seriously contemplating on buying a new phone because obviously it was her phone that was the problem. Maybe it wasn’t receiving messages properly? Maybe there was no signal in her house? Mayb-


But before she could finish her train of thought, her phone began ringing. Quickly spinning around on her swivel chair, she dove for the phone that was lying on the bed. Without checking the name on the receiver, Tzuyu immediately pressed accept.


“Hello?” she said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the adrenaline that was suddenly rushing through her veins.


“Well that was quick.” the voice on the other line remarked.


Upon hearing the familiar voice, Tzuyu groaned before holding her phone away from her ear to check the caller’s name. Sure enough, the screen displayed Chae. 


As she put her phone back on ear, she heard Chaeyoung chuckling across the line. “What? Not who you expected?”


Knowing where this was heading, Tzuyu started to shrug nonchalantly before realizing that Chaeyoung couldn’t actually see her. “I don’t know what you mean.” she responded, keeping her sentence as short as possible.


“Oh Tzuyu, you know that act won’t work on me.” 


“Plus...” the other girl continued, “I’ve never seen you run as fast to your ringing phone as you did the other day in my whole life! Geez, one would think you’re obsessed!” 


Tzuyu could swear she could almost see Chaeyoung’s teasing smile. God, she won’t let that go huh. But she knew better than to play right into the smaller girl’s hands, which was why decided to immediately the subject.


“So you called me just to get on my nerves?”


“No actually, I was wondering if you wanted to-“


Before Chaeyoung could even finish her sentence, Tzuyu cut her off. “No.”


“But I haven’t even-“


“No Chae.”


“But I haven’t seen you in so long!”


“I’m not in the mood to go out right now...” Liar. Okay maybe she was clearing her schedule for a certain someone...


“You’re never in the mood-“


“Bye Chaeyoung!” Before she could even reply, Tzuyu immediately hung up the phone. She then slumped backwards unto her bed, her head hitting the soft pillows below her. She didn’t expect that nothing to do was almost as tiring as actually having a busy schedule. Time seemed to pass so slowly.


1:53 PM — No new notifications.


Tzuyu groaned loudly before rolling over and burying her head under all the pillows.


It was going to be a long day.






The next day, Tzuyu woke up a little later than usual. She had spent almost the whole night binge watching an old kdrama that apparently everyone loved. Deciding that she had nothing better to do, she decided to give it a shot. A box of tissues and 16 episodes later, Tzuyu was sure that that was the best show she’s ever watched.


She had to admit, she wasn’t really a fan of kdramas. There was something about the usually overused plot or literally the same actors playing different roles that had always put her off. But after watching Descendants of the Sun, maybe she’d give it a shot now.


Needless to say, she was absolutely knocked out after the little session. She had slept through all five of her alarms, and probably would’ve stayed in bed the whole day if it wasn’t for her stomach grumbling.


“Okay, okay calm down...” she grumbled.


Not bothering to fix herself—because let’s face it, she’d end up laying back down on her bed anyway—she headed straight for the kitchen.


After fixing herself a bowl of cereal, she the TV before plopping down on the sofa. Mindlessly scrolling through the channels, she finally settled on National Geographic. It appeared that it was showing a documentary about how animals behaved around each other. Not her usual cup of tea, but whatever. Shrugging, she swallowed a spoonful of cereal and focused her attention on the TV.


Two bowls of cereal later, Tzuyu was actually getting really into the documentary. Who knew that the mating rituals of peacocks could be so interesting? However just as the male peacock was about to spread its colorful tail feathers to attract the peahens, the doorbell rang.


Great, Chaeyoung’s here to convince me to go to the mall with her again.


Figuring that it was just her best friend here to annoy her, Tzuyu didn’t bother to fix herself up. Walking to the door, she flung it open and exclaimed “Chaeyoung if you’re here to-“


Tzuyu’s words immediately died in as she got a good look at who had rung her doorbell. Her eyes widened as she met a pair of amused eyes. Dark brown hair, cute face moles, and a gummy smile. Definitely not Chaeyoung.


Realizing that she still had her bed hair and that she hadn’t even brushed her teeth yet, Tzuyu quickly spun around. “W-what are you doing here?!”


“Good morning?” Amusement laced the older girl’s voice.


“That doesn’t answer my question!” Tzuyu huffed, her face getting hot. Oh god. Oh god. Why didn’t I at least brush my hair?!


“I’m here to claim my prize. You know, after you lost?” Tzuyu couldn’t see the other girl’s face, but she was pretty sure that Mina was sporting a smirk.


“This early in the morning?!”


“Uhh, it’s 11AM?”


Upon catching a glance at the wall clock hanging at the end of the hallway, Tzuyu sighed inwardly. It was 11.


“So...” the older girl continued, “Can I come in?”




“No?” Mina’s voice echoed uncertainly.


“I mean yes!”


“Okay...?” Tzuyu  stepped aside to let Mina enter, her back still facing the other girl.


“You can sit down on the sofa, I’ll just take a quick shower.” Tzuyu said, not waiting for the older girl’s reply, she quickly rushed up the stairs.


As soon as she was in the safety of her bedroom, Tzuyu slowly slid down behind her closed door, clutching her racing heart.






About an hour later, Tzuyu found herself sitting inside Mina’s car, the other girl humming as she drove. The one and only Myoui Mina. Her rival. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that she would actually be sitting willingly in her car, actually going someplace together.


Crossing her arms, Tzuyu looked out the window. “You’re not going to take me to a discreet place and kill me, are you?”


An angelic laugh echoed throughout the car which made Tzuyu discreetly take a peak at the older girl. Her eyes were crinkling from smiling too much, and she was sporting her gummy smile. Cute.


Okay stop right there Chou Tzuyu.


“I’m too pretty to be a serial killer.” Mina said confidently.


Tzuyu huffed at the response and rolled her eyes. “Whatever Myoui.”


After a few beats of silence, Tzuyu spoke up again.


“So where are you taking me?”


“It’s a secret.”


The younger girl rolled her eyes yet again. “Then can you at least tell me what I’m going to be doing today?”


“Hmm...” Mina pondered, eyes still focused on the road.


“Let’s just say you’ll be my assistant today.”


Upon hearing this, Tzuyu let out a loud groan. “Assistant? You mean slave?”


“That works too.”


“I hate you Myoui.”


“Right back at ya, Chou.” Mina tore her eyes away from the road for a second to wink at the younger girl.


This seemed to aggravate the other girl even more as she huffed and turned her head to the other side. She felt heat creep up on her neck as she tried to hide the red tint on her cheeks with her hair.


God, I hate you so much Myoui Mina!




“Disneyland?” Tzuyu asked, a little excitement creeping up in her voice.


They had been stuck in the car for what seemed like ages. And just as Tzuyu was about to ask for the nth time if they were anywhere near their destination yet, Mina pulled into a parking lot. It was only after they had both gotten out that Tzuyu realized that Mina had taken her to the famed theme park.


Tzuyu had never been to Disnyeland before—due her busy schedule—but she had always wanted to go. So upon seeing the sign, she couldn’t help but squeal and look excitedly at Mina.


However, she remembered the reason she was here in the first place. Eyeing Mina suspiciously, she asked. “Wait... why are we here? I thought you were going to make my life a living hell or something.”


Mina chuckled at the girl’s exaggerated phrase and walked ahead of the taller girl. “Don’t get me wrong, you’ll do exactly as I say.”


She then continued to walk forward, eventually leaving Tzuyu behind. The younger girl couldn’t help but sta

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This was only supposed to be a super short “i met a pretty girl at the dog park” but as I was writing this I thought I could add a little backstory, then one thing led to another...I literally just went with the flow and wrote what ever came to mind, so I’m sorry if it’s a little rushed!


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Nuggso_21 #1
Chapter 22: This is reallys such a good series! I'm reading it for thd nth time.😁
Empressofquietwind #2
Chapter 20: Okay, I need more jealous moments of these two(^^)
Empressofquietwind #3
Chapter 17: This is so cute, mitzu ^_^
Nuggso_21 #4
Chapter 1: Re-reading these because I miss my Mitzu. 💕
PastelAlleys #5
Chapter 1: coming back bcs i miss tzuyu being whipped for mina unni only
ChouTzu14 #6
Chapter 22: continuation for bullseye please :(
Chapter 22: <3
Chapter 22: it’s actually great! :) but a part 2 would be really nice. hehe
Chapter 22: Sweet!!
ChouTzu14 #10
Chapter 22: Cute!