Chapter 38- Let's Talk

You're Kidding Right?


Hanuel watched as Youngjae sobbed while clutching tightly onto Daehyun. She was still in shock from Junhong dying right before her eyes. Her hands trembled and she was still being dragged by the wolf who had killed him. She couldn't speak, she felt like she was going to throw up if she did. 
JongUp stumbled through the undergrowth, he had been tracking Zelo for hours and had finally reached him. 
Where he lay lifeless. JongUp slowly walked over to Zelo. He nudged him with him nose and whimpered. 
He didn't respond. He lifted his head up and howled. For his best friend, his pack member, for the boy who was like a brother. 
YongGuk's paws pounded off the ground. The adrenaline from his molten anger fuelled him to run on. He needed to find her, he needed to avenge him. He was out for someone's blood. He was running so fast and heavily the earth was almost shaking around him. His senses were heightened fully, to the point where he could block out the scents of the enemy wolves and only smell her. His precious Hanuel. 
The wolf had brought Hanuel to a deep part of the forest where an abandoned house stood on its last legs. It had been blackened with burn marks and melted. Plants and ivy grew up the walls as if they were taking the house as prey. With a jerk the wolf flung Hanuel towards the opening of the house where a door would've stood. Before she could react never mind escape she was roughly picked up and slapped. She hissed from the pain and bit down on her lips, trying to even the pain out. She was blindfolded before she could look at the person, she struggled as best as she could but it was no use. Someone had her in an iron grip and someone else was tying her up. 
YongGuk was running at impossible speeds through the forest. He was getting close, he could feel it, he could smell it. He launched out of the forest to a clearing where an old house stood. The sight made him near sick- he recognised this house. Two men, topless with just tattered basket ball shorts emerged from the house. 
"Change back," one of them commanded. 
He growled in response, baring his  sharp white teeth in the light of the moon. 
"Change back, or we'll hurt her," the other one smugly threatened. 
He growled ferociously this time, one that could make Chuck Norris wet himself. But all the same, he changed back for the sake of her safety. Once human, one of them threw a pair of basket ball shorts at him to cover himself up. 
"Follow us," one said before YongGuk could make a death threat. They silently walked into the house. YongGuk stomped after them, scanning the house. It was like a black morbid nightmare, glass scattered, pictures with melted, disorientated faces smiled at him, there was little or no furniture.
He followed the two through the house and into the garden and there she stood. 
The woman who killed his father. 
She hadn't aged a bit, her hair was still a platinum blond and her lips were blood red. She stood there, smirking at him. Anger pulsed through all his veins, he was engulfed in a fiery rage. He clenched his fists and bore his eyes on her. 
"Long time no see," she broke the silence but the heavy tension still remained. 
"Where is she?" He hissed. 
"Who?" She acted trying to put on a innocent front but failed because of the wicked look in her eyes. 
"You know who I'm talking about. Where. Is. She." He demanded. 
"Oh Hanuel-ssi? She's safe... For now," she replied nonchalantly. 
"But first me and you need to have a little talk." 
"Why the hell would we need to talk?!" He growled, "You murdered my father, drove my mother-" 
"DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY MOTHER A !" He yelled, it was only for the respect for his family that he argued back. 
"STOP CALLING HER THAT!" It was only when she shot him in the shoulder did YongGuk realise she had a gun in her hand. 
He clenched his shoulder in agony as his breathing became heavy. 
"That ran away, she's nothing close to a mother," She breathed. 
"How would you know what a mother's like?" He glared. 
"Because I'm yours." 
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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth