Chapter 3



Baekhyun glares at his best friend as she snickered at her phone. She’s been texting that Woohyun guy nonstop since she got home today and it was getting annoying with how distracted she was. Usually, they’d be talking about whatever nonsense happened in their day but she hasn’t said much to him ever since she sat at the table. He picks up a grain of rice and throws it at her, the sticky grain sticking to her finger. It took so much force that he scooted back in his seat. Looking up, Seunghee blinks at him. 


“Are you gonna buy another sack of rice to replace what you just wasted?” She raises her brows. Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun groans. 


“Get off your phone!” Seunghee sighs and turns her phone off, putting it down. She has to admit, she’s really falling fast for Woohyun and maybe she needed to chill out so she didn’t look so eager and obvious. Yes, that’s good. And she does feel bad for ditching her best friend at lunch. 


“So how was your day?” Baekhyun grimaces at her as she flutters her eyelashes. 


“Fine. What about you?” Seunghee shrugs, picking up a slice of spam. 


“Same old same old. Nothing you don’t know.” Baekhyun nods, chewing on his vegetables like a machine. No one likes vegetables. The only reason why he’s eating them was because he doesn’t want to be constipated for five years at a time. Seunghee seemed to like them though. The girl ate everything, to be fair. 


“Jongdae told me about a party today. We should go.” Seunghee perks up at the mention, dropping her hand on the table. 


“Really? Where?” She raises a brow. 


“Some popular guys house.” Baekhyun shrugs. He didn’t know the host but nobody ever really knows about anyone during these parties and word always leaks out so random people end up showing up anyways. 


“I’m down.” Seunghee nods. She’s always down to party. 


“Great, wash the dishes.” He gets up as casually as possible, trying to sneak off. 


“You’re joking.” Seunghee throws her slipper at him. Baekhyun laughs, turning back around. 


“You soap them and I’ll rinse them.” He assigns the jobs, picking up the plates and bowls. Seunghee looks up at him with a disgusted grimace. 


“I don’t like that job.” Baekhyun scoffs, putting everything in the sink. 


“No one likes that job. I did it last night so you have to do it tonight.” He nods his head at the sink, waiting for her to get on with it. Seunghee groans and gets up, walking over all deflated. 





“Ew, I hate parties.” Kyungsoo groans, arms crossed as he leaned back into the grass. Baekhyun slaps his chest, grabbing the front of his shirt before shaking him around with a whiny look on his face. 


“But they’re so fun!” Still shaking his head, Kyungsoo shoves his hands off, rolling to lay on his side. Seunghee joins in on annoying him, rubbing his head and ruffling his hair. 


“Just come, Soo!” Jongdae adds, tapping his leg with his foot. “You have great alcohol tolerance.” It’s true, the guy could drink gallons and not get wasted. Well, that’s figurative language, but he was good at drinking. 


“Come on, Kyungsoo!” Rian pitches in, pulling on his hoodie. He groans loudly, eyes rolling so hard that they almost go in the back of his head. They all grin at each other because they knew they broke him. 


“Fine!” He shouts into the grass. Everyone lets go of him in unison, making him sigh in relief. 


“Well the party is tonight so I’m gonna go home and get fly.” Jongdae whistles, hopping to his feet. Rian grimaces at him as he brushed back his hair and blinked at them like the pretty boy he is. He winks before walking off, a pep in his step. 


“Weirdo.” Rian scoffs. She suddenly stands up, kissing the top of Seunghee’s head. “Well, I’m gonna go get ready too. I’ll meet you guys later.” She smiles, waving before walking off. Seunghee scratches her head at the contradiction in her words, looking at Baekhyun who looked back at her. 


“So Kyung, dress up nice tonight okay?” He pats Kyungsoo on the before standing up. Seunghee parts him too, pulling herself up after grabbing Baekhyun by the pants. He screams, pulling them up before she could yank them down. Kyungsoo laughs at the sight, slapping his knee. Seunghee laughs too, giving him a high-five before dodging Baekhyun's hand which attempted to pinch her. “You almost pulled my ing pants off.” Baekhyun hisses, grumbling as Seunghee pushed him to walk. 


They return to the apartment, fighting over the shower. After Seunghee him on the cheek and gave him a big fat noogie, Baekhyun ended up sitting on his bed with a big frown as Seunghee sang in the shower. She gets out quickly though since she hated wasting water, whistling just to . Baekhyun glares at her and sneers at her before entering the bathroom. 


When he came out, Seunghee was waiting for him on the couch, laying there uncaringly. She wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, socks not even matching. Baekhyun frowns and walks over. 


“Where are you going? To buy groceries?” Seunghee rolls her eyes and sits up. 


“Where are you going? To catch an STD?” Baekhyun narrows his eyes at her, moving tot he door after grabbing his phone and wallet.


“Excuse me for trying to look nice for the ladies.” He curls his tongue, earning a kick in the when he bent over to put his shoes on. Seunghee scoffs at how ridiculous he was, slipping her shoes on casually. 


“You better not bring any girls back tonight.” Baekhyun looks at her incredulously, walking out of the apartment and locking up. 


“When have I ever done that?” Seunghee shrugs, blinking at him. 


“Just to be sure.” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. 


They walk back to campus and meet up with the rest. Baekhyun laughs when he sees Seunghee stand next to Rian who wore a dress. He jokes about her clothing again and earns a slap from both of them. 


The popular guy’s house wasn’t far from campus, no surprise. It was quite close actually, and it’s a good thing because that means they don’t have to walk far to get home. There were a lot of people though, and the place was full to the brim. They weave through easily though, all being party animals. Except for Kyungsoo who followed closely in the middle, warily avoiding touching people. Jongdae finds the fridge, which was full of beer and other liquids. He passes them down like it was a routine, popping the cap off with another bottle. 


Baekhyun glances at his best friend as he bought the beer to his lips, beginning to chug it. Seunghee narrows her eyes, quickly beginning to drink. A silent competition begins between them, both gulping down the liquid hastily to see who could finish first. The beer in Baekhyuns bottle disappears first and he finishes with a shout, accomplished as he held the empty bottle up and cheered for himself. Seunghee groans at him. She usually chugged better than him but today didn’t seem like the case. 


“Damnit!” Baekhyun laughs, pumping the bottle up in the air with satisfaction. Kyungsoo who is judging him, twitches his lip. 


“Are you happy?” Baekhyun's cheering dies and he clears his throat, embarrassed. 


“Don’t be a mood killer.” Rian groans at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 


“Yo, they have pizza!” Jongdae shouts over the loud music and the loud talking, pointing for the counter which was stacked with boxes. Seunghee is first to walk over, opening a box. They literally see her eyes shine with happiness, hand reaching in to pull out a slice. All weak for free food, they join her, eating with appreciation. 


“This party is great!” Rian whoops, doing a little dance for the pizza in front of her. They laugh, seeing that she was already a little drunk. 


Baekhyun frowns as someone continuously elbowed him, no matter how much he scooted closer to the counter to give them space. He pulls Seunghee closer and out of the way as well, until they gasped in his ear. Maybe it’s because he hates strangers not giving him space or just the fact that this guy’s presence seemed so familiar, but his breath was hot and his cologne stank. They tap Seunghee on the shoulder and the girl turns around, mouth stuffed. 


“Seunghee!” Baekhyun curses in his head, mood dropping. No wonder. Why is this Woohyun guy always killing his vibe?! 


“Oh! It’s Woohyun-ssi!” Rian half shouts, half whispers to him, elbowing him in the side. Baekhyun grumbles, watching as the two began to talk. 


“I know.” He mutters. 


“Wow, look at her.” Kyungsoo tsks, watching as Seunghee laughed, genuinely, and brushed her hair back like a girl. “She’s become a woman.” Jongdae snickers, clanking their bottles of beer together. Woohyun turns away from Seugnhee to greet them, smiling. 


“It’s good to see you guys again!” He shouts over the chatter. “You must be…” he looks at Jongdae who widens his eyes in realization. 




“Right, good to meet you!” Woohyun grins, clapping his back. Jongdae jerks forward with how rough he was, frowning when the guy only laughs, going back to asking with Seunghee. He looks up at Baekhyun who raised his brows at him, with an I-told-you-so face. 


“What’s he so big for?” He groans, rubbing his back.


“By the way, these are my friends! This is Junmyeon and Mingook.” Woohyun introduces his friends who bow their heads, friendly. Seunghee smiles and greets them back politely. 


“I should introduce my friends too then. That’s beautiful Rian.” Rian smiles, fluttering her lashes as she waved shyly. “And Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Baekhyun.” She waves the boys off, making them gape with offense. 


“Why is she so mean to us?” Jongdae coughs, still offended as he looked at the boys. Baekhyun glares at his best friend, eyes switching to Woohyun who went back to talking, laughing with his mouth wide and his teeth showing, all happy and drunk. He slaps his knee at what Seugnhee says, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Gaping at the contact, Baekhyun pushes his arm off and replaces it with his. 


“Haha! So funny!” He shouts, not laughing at all. “Let’s play beer pong!” His friends look at him with surprise, and Seunghe narrows her eyes at him, blinking. 


“Oh, that’s not a bad idea!” Woohyun pats his back encouragingly. Baekhyun eyes the hand on his shoulder, gasping when he’s suddenly pushed off and away. “I’ll be partners with Seunghee!” Gaping, he watches as she’s pulled off, wide eyes turning into slits as he stared daggers into Woohyuns head. This son of a—


“Mr. Green, let's go play.” Jongdae sighs, pulling him to walk after them. Baekhyun looks at him, pointing at his best friend as she left him. 


“The just—“ 


“I know, Baek.” Jongdae sighs. “You need some more beer.” Baekhyun lets out a sigh. 


Woohyun sets up their side of the table and Baekhyun sets up the other, pouring the beer into the cups with spite. With half of the bottle left, he gulps it and tosses it into the box full of empty bottles, ignoring it when it broke and the sound of shattered glass echoed in his ears. Jongdae looks at him with wide eyes, scared at how fired up he was. 


“Lets rock papers scissors to see who goes first.” Woohyun suggests. 


“Fine.” Baekhyun spits, taking his jacket off. He tosses it to Kyungsoo who rolled his eyes, taking it. He knew he’d be taking care of his drunk friends by the end of the night. 


“You can go ahead, Seunghee.” Woohyun smiles, gently pushing Seunghee forward. Before Hongdae could step in to play, Baekhyun holds a hand o  it, stopping him. Jongdae looks at him, deadpanned. 


“I’m better at R.P.S.” 


“People who call it R.P.S shouldn’t be playing.” Baekhyun retorts without even looking at him, heartless. Jongdae clutches his chest at the insult, shaking his head. 


“I need a beer!” 


Seunghee looks at her best friend with a grin, holding her hand out. Baekhyun smirks, competitive as hell. They were both very very competitive, especially when it came to each other. Seunghee wins and Baekhyun curses loudly, clutching his head at the defeat. He watched with horror as Seunghee cheered, receiving a hug from Woohyun. Turning to his friends with a gape, he points back at them. 


“Did you guys see that?” Since Jongdae left to get a beer and Rian is drunk and on her third bottle, only Kyungsoo is spiritually present. “Who even does that?”


“Yes.” Baekhyun groans at how uncaring he was, turning back to the game. Jongdae returns, with another beer which was already half-drunk from his walk from the kitchen to the backyard. 

Seunghee squints at the cups and practices her aim before tossing the ball. It falls into a cup and she whoops, high-fiving Woohyun who cheered and gave her a high five. He takes another ball and tosses it, missing after the ball bounced off the rims. 


“Whew.” Jongdae mutters, picking up a ball. 


“Don’t up.” Baekhyun murmurs, watching him gain momentum. 


“Shut up.” Jongdae mutters, tossing the ball. It lands straight into the cup and he turns around with a grin. “Did you forget that I was a beer pong champion?” Baekhyun scoffs and grabs a ball, pushing him out of the way. “Don’t up.” Jongdae teases, earning a glare. He tosses the ball and it misses, making him groan and have to hold back a tantrum. Jongdae laughs at him. 


The game is heated as they continued to play, and Baekhyun could feel sweat forming on his forehead as he closed one eye and made his shot each time it was his turn. He whoops loudly when they win, turning to hug Jongdae who squeezed him tight, proud. Turning back around with a grin, he’s ready to spite his best friend for not choosing to be on his team but instead, she is talking to Woohyun and his friends, laughing and chattering like there was no tomorrow. 


“This is child’s play.” Kyungsoo mutters, pushing him out of the way to refill the cups. Speechless, Baekhyun polls down on the plastic chair once Rian got up to play, shaking his head. Jongdae passes him a shot, and he takes it without even questioning what it was, wiping his chin. 


“Bro, loosen up.” Jongdae sighs, already drunk. He watches as Rian and Kyungsoo played, smiling with bliss. Baekhyun is a whole other personality though, arms crossed as he reflected on his entire friendship with the girl. How could she do this to him? Just because of a… a boy? Is he not a boy? Jongdae suddenly slaps the back of his head, bringing him back to real time. “She’s not five, Baek. She can talk to men you know.” He says, matter of factly. Baekhyun narrows his eyes at him. “Relax, it’s time she finds a boyfriend anyways.” 


“How can you say this? Look at him!” Baekhyun exasperated, pointing at Woohyun who was still talking to his best friend, the two in their own world as they sat on a crate together. “He’s slimy as .” 


“You wouldn’t be acting like this if it was Rian.” Jongdae mutters, but Baekhyun hears it loud and clear. It was as if his ears popped, mind going blank at the truth. He’s right, he wouldn’t be like this if Rian was flirting with a boy. But why? Shaking his head, Baekhyun gets up, rubbing his neck. 


“I need more pizza or something.” Jongdae waves him off, taking a swig of his drink. 


Baekhyun wanders to the kitchen, grabbing a slice of pizza as his mind buzzed with empty thoughts. Nothing is coming to mind as he stared up at the ceiling, chewing on his food animatedly. Someone comes up to him and he greets them, engaging in a talk that brings him back to the world for a few minutes. Once they leave though, he’s back to wondering. After grabbing another bottle of beer from the fridge, he walks back outside, frowning when he sees the crate occupied by some other kids. Looking around and seeing how there was no best friend in sight being bothered by an annoying kid, he looks at Jongdae who was still relaxing, singing the song that was playing on the speakers in the house. 


“Where’s Seunghee?” He asks, frowning. Jongdae looks at him and blinks, sitting up straight. 


“She went with Woohyun to a cafe.” Baekhyun raises his brows.  


“What?” Jongdae rolls his eyes. 


“You heard me, .” Baekhyun opens his mouth, not sure what he should do. He knows he shouldn’t interrupt his best friend and her love life but how can he just let her waltz around with that guy who he doesn’t trust at all? His gut is telling him that Woohyun guy is bad news for all of them but his head is telling him to be reasonable. “Let her be. She’ll hate you forever if you’re dumb.” Jongdae murmurs, humming to the song. Baekhyun sighs and sits back down, shaking his best friend out of his head. He really shouldn’t be so worried about her. When has he ever been this tense at a party? 


Turning his focus on Kyungsoo and Rian who’s ere currently losing at their game, he shouts at them to throw properly. 





By now, it was almost morning and Baekhyun was back at the apartment, sober and alone.  Baekhyun couldn’t even get a wink of sleep, despite the amount of alcohol that was in his system. He was just worrying and worrying about his best friend who still hasn’t returned home. Turning in his bed, Baekhyun lets out a big frustrated sigh, rubbing his face. Why can’t he sleep? He’s been trying all night, or morning. Every time he tried to flush all the thoughts out of his mind, Seunghee just popped into his head, making him toss and turn. What the could she possibly be doing that she’s still not home? He doesn’t even want to imagine. 


Baekhyun lets out another sigh, which is stopped by himself when he hears footsteps outside. He perks up, turning onto his back so both of his ears were exposed and ready to eavesdrop.


“Tonight was really fun.” He hears his best friend speak, frowning as he tries to tune out the ticking of the clock. 


“Listen, I really like you.” Woohyun murmurs. “I’ll text you about that date.” Baekhyun covers his eyes, shaking his head. “Go in and get some sleep, you must be tired.” He kissed his best friend so loud that Baekhyun could hear it. Resisting the urge to go outside and make a fuss, Baekhyun crosses his arms, glaring at the front door. He chews his lip impatiently as he waited for it to open. That girl is gonna get an earful—


The door opens and Seunghee steps in, a big happy grin on her face. Baekhyun stops himself, eyebrows furrowing at how happy she looked. Never in the 18 years that he’s known her has she smiled like that. She glances at his bed and he quickly shuts his eyes, pretending to sleep. His heart thumped as she took her shoes off and walked inside. Once Baekhyun heard her door close, he lets out the breath he was holding and turned to face the wall. 


What the hell is wrong with me?



You have reached the end of the chapter!! Thank you for reading this far!

Also, thank you to everyone who has subscribed and commented, it makes me feel so so happy. 

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Chapter 4: Poor seunghee, getting ditched on a date was so damn painful and im glad baekhyun was there with her
Chapter 3: Nawww baekhyun is getting more and more jealous :((
purplebxtch #3
Chapter 4: This is such a cute story...everyone loves a protective, best friend Baek.
Chapter 4: I knew that guy was bas news!! Ugh I feel like punch him in the face! She was so excited :( but Baekhyun is here for her as always
Chapter 3: omg poor Baek :( he's suffering in silence. If he doesn't realize his feelings for her soon, it will be too late for him
Chapter 2: Baekhyun is totally jealous and I think he likes Seunghee more than a bestfriend! That Woohyun guy idk why I don't like for her..

Baekhyun practices swimming omg! just by imagine him makes me crazy xD

ps: yesss I love prince's Suho album ❤ his voice is so angelic and soft
Chapter 1: the first chapter was good! Baekhyun is really funny trying to hide his jealousy xD and she's so cute!

I needee to read something like this in these hard times of quarantine u_u thank you! is this your first story ever? and Baekhyun is your bias? he's my bias too! ^^ I love him since 2012 haha