Chapter 2





“What if I lose and he thinks I ?” Seunghee stresses, pacing the living room, or Baekhyun’s room. They could only afford one bedroom and Baekhyun let Seunghee take the room because he knew she needed the privacy more than he did. His bed was pushed to a corner of the room. He looks at her and sighs, closing his eyes. 


It was early morning on Saturday. Only 8:00 AM, which is super early for both of them on a weekend. Baekhyun was deep in sleep when Seunghee literally slapped him awake, thumping his chest. It seems like she was worried over her game tomorrow and that guy, who’s name turned out to be Woohyun, was going. 


“It’s 8.” Baekhyun mutters, turning to face the wall. He yawns as Seunghee continues to pace, trying to fall back asleep. 


“Come on, give me a pep talk or something.” Seunghee groans, sitting down on his bed and pulling her hair. Baekhyun grunts, moving his foot, which she sat on. 


“You’re not gonna ing lose, idiot.” He curses. Seunghee was the best badminton player on the team. She was rank one for ’s sake. “Just pretend he’s not there tomorrow.” Baekhyun sighs, turning back to lie on his back now that he can’t fall asleep. 


“Oh! I can do that.” Seunghee gasps in realization. 


“And who ing cares if he thinks you ? You never take judgment to heart.” Seunghee hums, agreeing because it was true. She never really cared about anything, especially criticism. They’re silent for a while and Baekhyun takes that as his advice was good enough so he pulls his blanket. “Okay, I’m going back to sleep. Go away!” He hisses. Seunghee turns and looks at him with a grin. 


“Let’s go eat breakfast at school!” She whines, falling back against his legs in an attempt to annoy him. Baekhyun huffs as she squirmed around on his bed, scooting up until she was completely lying on him like five big sacks of rice. 


“Get off!” He groans, trying to move her off with his leg. Seunghee doesn’t budge, using her leech skills and pinching his stomach. “Damnit!” Baekhyun curses, sitting up with a big frown. 


“Great, you’re up! Let’s go get breakfast.” After Seunghee got up and twirled to the bathroom to wash up, Baekhyun grumbles and gets up too because he definitely can’t fall back asleep now. He washes up after her and they walk back to campus together.


“Oh! I gotta stop by the chicken place and grab my check!” Seunghee gasps as they passed by, slipping into the store like a wet seal. Baekhyun didn’t realize until he walked one store down, turning around with confusion when he realized the girl was gone. He spots her in the chicken place and shakes his head, turning back to follow. 


“Minhee, is Minseok Oppa here?” Seunghee asks standing at the register and talking to the cashier. Business was pretty slow at the moment since it was only morning and nobody really ate fried chicken this early.


“Yeah, he’s in the back.” Minhee sighs, disinterested as she leaned on the counter. Seunghee turns to Baekhyun. 


“Wait right here.” She says with a smile before walking to the back. Baekhyun lets out a tired sigh and sits down at a table near the register since it was closest to him, crossing his leg as he waited. Boy does he wish he was still sleeping. 


“Oh, Baekhyun-ssi! I didn’t realize you were there. Good morning.” Minhee perks up, standing up straight. Baekhyun looks up and smiles at the girl politely. 


“Morning.” She walks out from behind the register and stands in front of him. 


“I heard you were on the swim team!” She grins. Baekhyun nods, wondering why she was standing in front of him when she could literally sit down. “No wonder your shoulders are so broad.” The girl gasps, shyly reaching out and touching his shoulder. Baekhyun smirks as he feels her fingers linger. He wasn’t a player or the type to be swooning girls left and right but he knew the girl was trying to hit on him. “And your hair looks very soft. I thought the chlorine damaged hair.” Minhee says, eyes shining at his soft brown hair. Baekhyun looks up at her, one eye narrowed. “Can I touch?” What a weird girl. 


“...sure.” Baekhyun frowns. Her fingers dig into his scalp, his hair. They massage his scalp for a second and Baekhyun couldn't help but enjoy it. It felt pretty nice. 


“What the heck?” Seunghee frowns as she walked out. Then she gasps, her bro code (?) flashing in her head. “I forgot something.” She murmurs as Baekhyun looked at her with wide eyes. Oh hell no. That last time she saw him flirting with a girl, she about it for months. He doesn’t need her thinking of weird things when he was caught with someone he doesn’t even like. With a snicker, Seunghee turns around and walks back into the kitchen. Byun Baekhyun and Song Minhee. Huh. 


Cursing under his breath, Baekhyun stands up, Minhee fingers slipping out of his hair. 


“Sorry, we gotta get to school.” He smiles, a bit panicky. Minhee raises a brow. 


“Oh, okay.” Baekhyun looks at her and nods before walking to the back, grabbing Seunghee who was leaning against the wall, sparkling at the check in her hands. She looks at him with surprise before he pulls her out of the store, shouting a bye to Minhee when she bid them goodbye. 


Once they got outside, Seunghee looked at him weirdly. “What? Did you get shy around pretty little Minhee?” She teases, wiggling her brows as she tucked her check into her pocket. Baekhyun pulls her to walk. 


“No! She was just touching me, that’s it.” Seunghee scoffs and slaps his back, making Baekhyun look at her with a glare. 


“Yeah right! You know she was flirting with you. And I know you like her too. It looked like you were in heaven when she was touching your hair, you little ert.” Seunghee hisses, pulling on his hair. Baekhyun grunts in pain, clutching the affected area. 


“Cause it felt nice! Look, touch my hair.” He grabs her hand, trying to prove his point. Seunghee snatches her hand away. 


“I’m just saying, Minhee is nice. I approve.” Baekhyun gapes in disbelief as she jumps to conclusions, crossing his arms. 


“I don’t like her!” He exasperates. Anyone would like a nice scalp massage. “Don’t you dare say anything to her.” He warns because he wouldn’t want any weird ideas or rumors floating around when he confidently definitely does not have any feelings for the girl. Seunghee mocks him. 


“Okay, fine. You only like her a little.” She teases with a snicker. Baekhyun wraps an arm around her neck and pulls her, digging his knuckles into her head and chuckling evilly when she whined and begged to be let go. 





Baekhyun is surprised to see Seunghee at swim practice. He climbs out of the water and walks over to where she was sitting, confused. 


“What’re you doing here?” He asks, shaking the water out of his hair just to annoy her. Seunghee looks up and groans at him, wiping the water droplets splashing on her face. 


“Jongdae, Kyungsoo, and Rian wants to go eat dinner.” She mutters, putting her phone away as she stood up. “I would’ve just texted you but you left your stupid phone with me.” She grumbles, pulling out his phone from her pocket and waving it with an annoyed face. Baekhyun laughs, scratching his head. 


“Oh yeah, I forgot that.” Seunghee suddenly lifts her arm with the phone, ing it towards the pool. Automatically, Baekhyun screams, snatching his phone away before she really threw it. Seunghee snickers at him and stands up after grabbing his arm for support. 


“I’ll meet you outside when you’re done.” She pats his before turning towards the exit.  


After watching Seunghee leave and literally just sit outside of the pool, Baekhyun puts his phone in his gym bag and quickly gets back to practice before the coach yells at him. Practice has been going very well! He beat his 100-meter lap record by one whole second, which is actually quite a lot. 


Baekhyun whistles as he showered, in a good mood because tonight, he gets to eat good food. He ruffles his hair as he walked out of the indoor pool. Minhee was right, his hair was pretty soft. Although it was a bit frazzled and fluffy from constantly being dunked under chlorine infested pool water. Spotting Seunghee sitting at a table, playing a game on her phone, Baekhyun sneaks up behind her and screams, grabbing her shoulders. Seunghee screams, not so much like a girl, but much more like a monkey. She turns and punches him in the stomach. Baekhyun grunts, stumbling as the air was knocked out of his lungs. 


“!” She curses, shoving her phone in her pocket. Baekhyun coughs as she got up and glares at him. “Come on!” She grunts at him, turning to walk towards the school gates where their friends were already waiting. Baekhyun hurries after her so he was walking beside the girl. 


“What’re we eating?” He asks, hungry. Swimming never failed to starve him. 


“I dunno, Jongdae said he knew a good place at the mall.” She shrugs, suddenly pulling out a box of candy. Baekhyun shoves his hand in the box, grabbing a few pieces before tossing them into his mouth. All of the pieces hit him in the face and they fall to the ground, making both of them stop walking. Seunghee looks at Baekhyun, unamused. 


“Oops.” Is all he says, nonchalant. Seunghee snarls at him and grabs the back of his neck. 


“You wasted my candy.” She glowers. Baekhyun winces as her glaze darkened. “Pick. Them. Up.” She demands. Baekhyun scoffs. 


“You can’t make me eat them, they’re dirty!” He whines, looking at the fallen m&m pieces. Seunghee doesn’t change her mind though. 


“Pick them up and throw them away!” She hisses, slapping the back of his head and then crossing her arms. “What if a dog walks by and eats them? They’ll get sick because of you. Or what if a pigeon eats it but chokes?” The girl rambles and Baekhyun groans, picking them up so she’d stop. She was right though. Her consideration for the environment was pretty admirable. His best friend was an airhead who lacked reasoning and common sense, but she had a heart of gold. 


“There.” Baekhyun sighs, tossing the chocolate into the garbage. Seunghee pats his head. 


“Good boy.” She sneers. Baekhyun grunts at her. 


They reach the front and their friends are already there, complaining about them being late. As usual. Rian cheers when she sees Seunghee, running over and pulling her in for a hug. 


“I missed you, Seunghee!” She whines. Seunghee pats her back and hugs her back, appreciating some female affection as she rests her head on the girl's shoulder and closing her eyes. They all look at them weirdly. 


“You saw each other yesterday.” Baekhyun murmurs. Jongdae elbows him. 


“Girls.” They fist bump but are interrupted by Seunghee who slap their hands away from each other. 


“It’s hard to be separated from a girl when you’re always around cavemen.” Rian says sophisticatedly, shaking her head as she hooked arms with Seunghee. She hooks her arm with Kyungsoo too, who is the cleanest and least dumb out of all three boys in the group. Baekhyun narrows his eyes at the back of their heads, hooking his arm with Jongdae just to mock them. 


“Oh look at us!” He says with a high pitched voice, fluttering his eyelashes. Seunghee turns around and punches him. 


They take the bus to the mall since they’re broke college kids who like to spend their money sparingly. Once at the mall, Rians inner shopping maniac heightens after seeing all the pretty clothes on display. She lets out a gasp, turning to everyone. 


“Guys, we have to walk around later! I wanna look around!” She exclaims with determination. Jongdae groans, throwing his head back. 


“Don't ask me to lend you money.” He grumbles dreadfully. 


“Forget your money! I have my own money.” Rian grins, pulling Seunghee along as she skipped towards the direction of the restaurant. 


The restaurant Jongdae hasn’t been able to shut up about turned out to be a jjigae place. Seunghee wasn’t all that impressed because she remembers coming here with Baekhyun about two months ago. That meant a lot too because she was a foodie. However, she remembers she’s a college student feeding off burnt rice and 1 star cafeteria meals. So she sits down with a happy grin, flipping the menu open. 


The waitress takes their order and the group talks to kill time. “Seunghee, tell me about this boy!” Rian squeals, clapping her hands lightly as she turned all her attention to the girl chewing ice. Seunghee looks at her with surprise because she hasn’t told Jongdae or Kyungsoo yet. The two boys look up with interest and Baekhyun rolls his eyes, still bitter for some reason. 


“What boy?” Kyungsoo raises a brow, leaning forward to get the story. Rian punches his arm from across the table, making the boy groan at whine. 


“He’s just someone who bumped into her, no big deal.” Baekhyun grumbles, hating how bitter he was. Rian shakes her head, unconvinced. They all give him a weird look because when did he ever really care? The only time he really hated one of their partners was Kyungsoo's old high school ex. She was a cheating bastard and Baekhyun was the only one who sensed it before anything ever really happened. 


“It’s not a no big deal if our Seunghee is all excited! So what’s he like?” She asks, eyes shining as she waited for an answer eagerly, resting her chin on her palms like an excited little girl. Seunghee lets out a breath, seeming like an excited little girl as well. 


“He bumped into me, right? That’s not really the but at work later in the evening, he ordered some chicken so I delivered it. He was like oh! you work at that chicken place? And I was like haha, yeah. So then I left back to the store cause you know, I got to work. I was leaving to go home and guess what? He was there! We sat down and talked for a good hour. And then I invited him to my game tomorrow.” She rambles, grinning once she finished. They all look at her, not even absorbing whatever just came out of . Except for Rian who spoke girl code so she gasps, covering . Seunghee leans forward for her to elaborate her gasp because she had no experience with boys whatsoever. 


“He went to the chicken place??” Baekhyun scoffs, leaning back in his chair. 


“Seems creepy to me.” He murmurs. 


“He definitely likes you.” Rian exclaims, shaking Seunghee by the shoulder. 


“Wow, I never thought someone would like you.” Jongdae mutters as he stirred his drink, taking a small sip from it but then coughing some of it up after Rian kicked him from under the table and after Baekhyun punched him in the arm. They all scoot away from him, especially Kyungsoo who flinched away as if he was spitting lava. Kyungsoo was the most persistent in table manners since he appreciated food on a whole other level. 


“I’m excited for you girl!” Rian cheers. “You—” Whatever Rian was planning on saying was forgotten as their food arrives, steaming hot and smelling heavenly as bowls and plates are placed in front of them. They all stop talking and eat. 





After eating, Rian leaves the group to “look around” as she said she would, pulling Seunghee along with her. The boys sit at the food court, eating. Again. Baekhyun shivers as the coldness of his ice cream shoots up his spine, freezing his brain. He slaps the closest person to him out of reflex, who happened to be Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo slaps him back but harder, almost shoving him off his chair. Yelping, Baekhyun catches the table and stabilizes his chair. 


“I don’t get how Seunghee deals with your . You’re so damn irritating.” Kyungsoo curses at him. He didn’t mean it like that but Baekhyun was irritating, no doubt. 


“That’s cause she’s irritating too.” Baekhyun scoffs. 


“Not as irritating as you.” Jongdae sneers, playfully squeezing his cheek. Baekhyun punches him. “But I can’t believe she finally likes someone.” Jongdae sighs, shaking his head in disbelief. They all knew she was mostly indifferent about boys but here she is now, with a love interest. It was as if little Seugnhee had grown up. “Our little Seunghee, all grown up.”


“He better be a good person.” Kyungsoo mumbles, knowing Seunghee’s love life would be shattered if this guy turned out to be bad news. Her desire in finding a partner would lessen even more than it was before.


“I don’t like him.” Baekhyun says, straight up as he leaned back in his chair. Both Jongdae and Kyungsoo look at him, asking him to elaborate with their eyes. Baekhyun narrows his eyes as his memory redrew this guys face. “Just something about him. I can feel his aura. A jerk.” He sneers, shaking his head. Kyungsoo sighs at him, shaking his head. Jongdae sighs too. 


“You can’t make judgment so early! You haven’t even met him yet.” Kyungsoo reasons, finishing up his ice cream cone. 


“But still!” Baekhyun sighs, reasoning with himself as well. The more he thought about his best friends being occupied by a boy is unsettling for some reason. Jongdae looks at him with suspicion. 


“He must be jealous.” Baekhyun gasps with offense, putting down his spoon and looking at Jongdae with horror. “You’re scared she won’t have time to hang out with you no more. No more Best Friend Night for you. It’ll be Boyfriend Night instead.” Jongdae laughs, teasing him. Kyungsoo laughs too, imagining Baekhyun all alone in their apartment. Baekhyun shakes his head quickly. 


“Hell no! She can do whatever she wants.” He scoffs, crossing his arms. There’s no way he would be jealous. He can find a girlfriend anytime so there’s no way he’d be lonely. Right?


Something suddenly appears from behind him, grabbing his cup of ice cream. A loud gasp comes in right next to his ear, making him flinch. Baekhyun turns around with wide eyes, covering his very sensitive big ears. Seunghee looks down at him. 


“Finally they’re done.” Jongdae remarks. 


“You got ice cream without me???” She hisses, putting his cup back down. “The betrayal!” Baekhyun rolls his eyes and finishes the ice cream so she doesn’t get to eat it. 


“Go get some if you want it.” He mumbles. 


“Aw, someone’s mad.” Jongdae says in a baby voice, daring to reach out and pat Baekhyun’s head. Baekhyun punches him on the arm, glaring at him. 


“Shut up!” Seunghee gives them a weird look and takes Rian to buy their own ice cream. 


“Let’s go catch a movie!” Kyungsoo suggests loudly after spotting the new Godzilla movie poster on the wall. Jongdae agreed quickly, always down for a good movie. Baekhyun makes a weird unsure noise. 


“I’m broke.” 


“I’ll pay for you.” Seunghee suddenly reappears, holding an ice cream cone. Baekhyun looks at her, glancing at the creamy treat in her hands. 


“’re lactose.” Seunghee looks back at him and shrugs, taking a big bite. “You’re gonna blow up our bathroom!” Baekhyun hisses, making everyone laugh. 


“You should’ve said something before I bought this. Now I’m gonna eat it.” Seunghee grins, sticking her tongue out and shrugging again. She loved ice cream and a few stomach aches aren’t gonna stop her. 


“Are we still up for the movie?” Rian asks, about to sit down so she can enjoy her ice cream if they’re not about to walk downstairs to the theater. 


“I’m down.” Jongdae shrugs, standing up. 


“Me too.” Kyungsoo grunts, standing up and stretching as if he had been sitting for days. 


“We’re down too!” Seunghee joins in, slapping Baekhyuns shoulder unnecessarily. Baekhyun glares at her. 


They walk downstairs to the theater, taking the escalator, which was a disaster. Jongdae tripped as they stepped onto the stairs, bumping into poor Rian. Her loose scoop of icecream falls right off of its cone and onto the floor. Thankfully, she held it out enough that it didn’t fall into the escalator. After beating him for destroying her happiness, Rian makes Jongdae clean the mess, which stalls everyone from the movie. 


“Five tickets for Godzilla at 9:30 please.” Kyungsoo smiles politely, hand held behind his back for everyone’s payment of their own tickets. 


Seunghee pulls out a fresh 50 from her wallet, shoving it into Kyungsoo’s hand and closing it, making him pull it away from his back before anyone else could pay for it. They all look at her with disbelief. The fifty was enough to pay for all of them, with a little money left. 


“I can pay for my portion.” Rian hisses, trying to hand Kyungsoo her money. Seunghee stands behind Kyungsoo, forming a wall that no one can break. 


“It’s fine! My treat.” Seunghee smiles. Baekhyun doesn’t even try to force his money because every time he tries to do it, the girl will not take it no matter any circumstance. One time he tried to leave it in her room without her knowing but he just found it in his pocket a few hours later. 


“Thanks, girl.” Jongdae pats her back, putting his money away after trying to slip it in her pocket but being caught. 


With the tickets, they get inside the theater. Seunghee makes Baekhyun Hold her ice cream before she went for a piss with Rian. He was suspicious of her taking a cause of the ice cream instead but they both came out two minutes later so there’s no way she took a . 


Seunghee takes her cone back, which was taking her ridiculously long to eat. Judging by the thin layer of sweat on her forehead, he guesses the cramps and stomach ache was kicking in. 


“Are you good?” He frowns as she took a , still enjoying despite the obviousness of her discomfort. 


“Yeah.” Seunghee shrugs. 


“No more pissing right?” Jongdae clarifies, standing from the bench where he sat to wait for everyone to pee. “Alright, let’s go.” He waves a hand, walking into their theater room. They all sit down, fighting over where to sit because the people in the row in front of them were tall. For no ing reason!


Baekhyun scowls as the guy in front of him shifted, sitting in another position that blocked one-third of the view. He’s glad it was only commercials playing at the moment. 


“This is ridiculous.” Seunghee mutters, lazily chewing on her ice cream cone as she glared at the head in front of her. They were all pretty short… Baekhyun looks at her and sighs. 


“What’s ridiculous is you still eating. Hurry up and finish it!” He whispers loudly. Seunghee glares at him, shoving the whole cone in just to spite him.


“I’m gonna on your bed.” She threatens. 


“Then I’ll sleep on your bed.” Baekhyun crosses his arms, uncaring. Seunghee rolls her eyes. 


“I’ll suit on everything then.” 


“Go ahead—“ 


“Will you two shut up?!” Kyungsoo groans, hissing at them. Both of them shut up, too scared to anger Kyungsoo who was usually calm and nice. They sink into their seats, snickering to themselves. 





“My stomach hurts.” Seunghee groans, holding Rian’s hand as they walked to the bus stop. She’s been complaining ever since the movie ended and everyone’s just been reminding her that she was the one who wanted to eat the ice cream in the first place and that they tried to stop her. Seunghee lets out a heavy breath, slumping against a lamppost as the pain in her stomach subsided for a quick second before returning as if it were riding in waves. It was probably the melted ice cream surfing around in there like an actual ocean. 


Baekhyun looks at his best friend, huffing. He warned her not to eat the stupid ice cream but she went ahead and ate it anyway. Now here she was, complaining! “Stop whining.” He grumbles, crossing his arms. Seunghee pouts and grabs his arm, pushing herself off the lamppost to slouch in front of him. 


“I feel sick.” Baekhyun snatches his arm away. 


“That’s your own fault.” Seunghee pouts even more, leaning against him as if he were a wall. Baekhyun frowns as her hair got in his face, moving his head away to get away from the baby hairs and flyaways. 


“See, don’t you regret it? We told you from the beginning!” Jongdae raises a brow at her, peering at her teasingly. 


“No, I don’t regret it. Ice cream is the best.” Seunghee sighs, grinning as she remembered the delicious flavor and creamy texture. Just thinking about it made her want another one, despite her stomach and intestines screaming for dear life. 


“Stop talking.” Baekhyun grunts at her, covering . It was unbelievable how reckless she was. 


“Come on, girl. The bus is here.” Rian says, patting Seunghees cheek. Seunghee stands up straight, digging in her pocket for her bus pass. They all let her get on first since she was “dying”. The bus is full, filled with students who were either returning to school from work or going out like the group for friends were doing. Seunghee stands, clutching onto the bus straps as she rested her head against her lifted arms to rest a bit. Baekhyun stands beside her since everyone else labeled him as responsible due to the fact that they were best friends of course, also because they were roommates. He narrows his eyes down at Seunghee, shaking his head as she staggered around while the bus moved. 


Seunghee groans, rubbing her neck, arms giving up from being tired. She turns and looks at Baekhyun who looks back at her, maybe slightly concerned. 


“I’m gonna lean on you, Baek.” She murmurs, looking tired as she stepped closer. Baekhyun rolls his eyes but he wraps an arm around her waist for support, knowing she’d put all her faith into him. They had a ridiculous amount of trust in each other as much as both of them hated to admit it. He holds onto the strap tightly, to support himself. Seugnhee leans against him shamefully, head pressed against his shoulder like a toddler. Jongdae and Kyungsoo make fun of her from behind Baekhyun, snickering and taking pictures for blackmail as any other friends would. Rian doesn’t stop them like she usually would because it’s actually pretty funny. 





“Oh my gosh, I’m kinda nervous.” Seunghee bites her lip as she paced the campus’s main gym where they held most of the indoor sports competitions or matches. Today was Sunday, which meant her badminton game was going to happen in about thirty minutes. The team was practicing right now, to warn up, after setting the nets up and everything of course. Baekhyun sat on the bottom row of the bleachers, legs spread and eyes droopy as he watched her walk back and forth. 


“Don’t you gotta from the ice cream last night?” He asks, curious. Seunghee stops in front of him and punches his arm with a scowl. 


“Seriously? I’m bout to because of this game, how bout that?” Baekhyun sighs and rubs his arm. 


“You’ll be fine! Stop stressing about it and go practice instead of wasting your time.” He grunts, waving a dismissive hand. 


“But I’m so nervous.” Seunghee groans, sitting down. “He’s gonna laugh at me if I mess up.” She pouts, planting her face into her palms as she leaned forward onto her knees. Baekhyun absentmindedly pats her back for comfort, looking around the gym. Kyungsoo said he’d come to watch with Rian since they didn’t have classes because it was a Sunday. Jongdae couldn’t make it though because he has some doctor’s appointment. Just as he looked towards the doors of the gym, the devil himself walks in. Baekhyun subconsciously rolls his eyes at the girls waving at him and that dumb smirk on his face. 


It was hard to admit but Baekhyun would be lying if he said he didn’t research this guy. So far he’s heard that Choi Woohyun was basically a swooner. He wasn’t a player but he definitely was a big flirt who’s had more than maybe five hookups in a month. So he wasn’t the god Seunghee saw him to be and Baekhyun knew because he didn’t wear rose-tinted glasses. The guy had a big fat ego, he knew he was good looking, and he basically seemed like a douche to Baekhyun (thought Baekhyun might be a little in denial since his best friend seemed to love the guy). 


“Is that him?” He asks, eyes narrowed. Seunghee gasps and looks up, standing quickly and awkwardly as Woohyun walked over with a smile. Baekhyun puckers his lips, looking away with uncertainty. He has to admit that he doesn’t like the guy just because Seunghee likes him so much but there’s definitely something off and weird about him. 


“Thanks for coming. I didn’t expect you to actually show up.” Seunghee smiles once Woohyun stopped in front of them. Baekhyun looks up at him with squinted eyes. 


“Why wouldn’t I come?” He laughs, unnecessarily. “Who’s this?” He raises a nicely groomed eyebrow, looking down at Baekhyun. Baekhyun is unashamed as he gave an obviously offended look. His mouth was agape as the guy looked down on him like he was a piece of bird poop.


“This is Baekhyun, we’ve been friends for forever, sadly.” Baekhyun turns his offended face to Seunghee who ignores him. He shakes his head, rubbing his face in annoyance. How can she do this to him?! 


Woohyun laughs and holds a hand out to him. Baekhyun eyes it with confusion and he shakes it because he doesn’t want to be rude. Since when did college kids shake hands? Weirdo. 


“It’s nice to meet you, Baekhyun. I’m Choi Woohyun.” Baekhyun clears his throat. 


“Nice to meet you.” They kind of have a stare off as they looked into each other’s eyes. Seunghee frowns as Baekhyun frowned, secretly pinching his back. 


“Can I sit here?” Woohyun asks, pointing to the seat next to Baekhyun after breaking the intense eye contact. Baekhyun curses inwardly. 


“Sure.” Seunghee gives him a warning look, the one where her eyes are big and she’s gritting her teeth. Baekhyun nods with a sigh. 


“The—“ Seunghees word is cut off as a large number of loud footsteps entered the gym. She turns to the entrance where the competing team came in, standing tall and proud like the cocky school they are. Baekhyun scoffs as they stopped in their tracks and looked around the gym like it was a dirty infection ring. 


“I hate them.” He grumbles. 


“Why?” Woohyun asks, curious as he leaned forward to watch the coaches interact. Baekhyun doesn’t answer his question, glaring at the opposing team instead. 


“They’re cheaters.” Seunghee explains with a sigh. “And they’re ignorant.” Woohyun looks up at her and gives a smile. 


“You’ll be fine though.” Seunghee clenches her teeth nervously, nodding but unsure with herself. 


“I hope so.” 


“Co Cap!” The captain, Na Jaehee shouts from where she stood with the coaches and the opposing team’s captain and co-captain. Seunghee snaps her head back and quickly leaves without saying anything. Woohyun watches as she stopped in front of the opposing team and bowed. 


“Wait— she’s co-captain?” He gasps in surprise. Baekhyun glances at him. 


“Yup.” Woohyun makes a sound to show that he’s impressed and Baekhyun purses his lips. It’s too awkward to sit with this guy alone. Rian and Kyungsoo better get here soon. 


“So, you don’t like Seunghee or anything, right?” The guy’s sudden question throws Baekhyun off so hard. Did he really just ask that? Baekhyun turns his head to look at Woohyun with a frown, alarms going off in his head. What kind of guy would ask that?


“She’s my best friend.” He says clearly, squeezing his fingers as he spoke. 


“That’s cool, I just don’t want a best friend breathing down my neck because he’s in love with his best friend.” Baekhyun gags at the thought of him being in love with Seunghee but that’s not even the problem right now! Noticing the disgust and annoyance in Baekhyuns eyes, Woohyun laughs, almost nervously. “I just mean I don’t want to steal anyone’s love.” He shrugs. Baekhyun shakes his head in disbelief. Should he punch him? No Suenghee would get mad. 


“Just stop talking.” Baekhyun sighs, looking away. He notices Rian and Kyungsoo walk in so he sighs in relief. Seeing Kyungsoo reminded him of their talk last night about how this was the first time Seunghee ha been really interested in a boy. The words were ridiculously true especially with the fact that the girl was in college now. Maybe he should stop… being bitter and see how this Woohyun guy would turn out with his best friend. He should get a chance since he managed to catch her eye, right? 


“Hey, Baek.” Rian greets, grinning as she put her bag down. “Who’s this?” She asks, glancing at Woohyun who realized someone was here and smiled. 


“I’m Choi Woohyun, Seunghee invites me to watch the game today.” Rian looks at him and then she nods in understanding, eyes sparkly as the censors in her head went off. 


“Oh! I’ve heard about you! I’m Rian, Seunghee’s friend.” She greets. 


“I’m Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo waves nonchalantly, not really caring as he sat down next to Baekhyun. 


“Seunghee is amazing with badminton.” Rian starts as she sat down next to Woohyun who is kind of glad someone’s willingly talking to him after the awkward episode with Baekhyun. 


The game starts after introductions and the restatement of the rules of the gym. Everyone is watching in silence as the singles games begin. There are six badminton courts set up so six games begin. Since Seunghee is rank one, she gets placed in court one, which just so happened to be in front of her friends, thankfully. Seunghee stands nervously as she waited for her opponent who is getting their racket, wiping her clammy hands on the skirt of her badminton uniform. She glances at her friends who give her a thumbs up. Her eyes trail to Woohyun who smiles and nods. With a big gulp, she tightens her ponytail. 


They shake hands and begin the game. Baekhyun bites his lip as the opponent smashed the birdie right when Seunghee served, the plastic hitting the gym floor so hard that it echoes in their ears. Seunghee must’ve been really nervous for her to make a mistake this early and this easily in a game. He’s seen her play against this person before and the game was close but Seunghee had the upper hand most of the time. 


“Snap out of it.” He hisses as she walked past to pick the birdie up. She nods at him and lets out a breath before passing the birdie over. The opponent serves, hard. Usually, with a long serve, you’d have to shuffle back and hit it but Seunghee was always good at jumping. She hops up and smashes the birdie down, which isn’t usually recommended since shuffling is better but the girl has gotten around this habit and it works for her. The opponent hits it back, hard. Seunghee hits it back just as hard, if not harder. The game is intense as Seunghee began to train her focus on the game, Woohyun presence in the gym completely forgotten as Baekhyun said it would. He knew she’d be so into the game that she wouldn’t even realize she was stressing earlier. After a long round of rough and aggressive passing, Seugnhee surprises the opponent with a net, dropping the birdie lightly over the net. Baekhyun lets out a breath, relaxing into the bleachers. 


He hates that he understands the game so well, especially with badminton. After constantly being dragged to games, he understands everything now, and he’s somehow become a small coach for Seunghee, replaying all the mistakes she made during her game once the game was close. It was pretty convenient for Seunghee. 


The game ends with a win on Seunghee’s part after two rounds, which earns her cheers from Rian and a big smile from Woohyun who clapped. As single games continue, Seunghee talks with her teammates who congratulated her for the win and elbowed her teasingly for the cute boy sitting on the bleachers who wasn’t Baekhyun or Kyungsoo. She groans with embarrassment and walks back to her friends to sit down and to also watch the next singles game being held on court one. 


“That was amazing, Seunghee! I didn’t know badminton was this intense.” Woohyun says as she sat next to him. Seunghee smiles proudly and excitedly. 


“Right? Everyone thinks badminton isn’t a real sport because they don’t know how to actually play but it’s actually really hard.” She starts to rant, going off on a tangent about badminton while Woohyun listened. Baekhyun watches with narrowed eyes as they conversed. He can’t tell if the guy is actually really interested in Seunghee or if he’s just trying to be friends with is very unlikely. It’s hard to tell. Anywho, Seunghee seemed relieved that she won her singles game so good for her. 





Baekhyun lets out a breath as he stepped out of his lecture, which had just ended. He decides he should eat lunch before going home so he calls Seunghee to see if she was out of class yet. 


“What?” She answers in a high pitched voice, a habit and inside joke between the two of them. 


“Are you done with class?” Baekhyun asks in the same high pitched voice, walking out of the building, tucking his hand in his pockets as he began to walk towards the cafeteria. 


“I’ve been done!” Seunghee exclaims. 


“Great, let’s eat lunch.” Seunghee makes a strange high pitched noise, making Baekhyun frown. 


“Can’t. Guess who already invited me to eat lunch? Woohyun did!” Baekhyun groans with annoyance. Okay, it’s clear the guy’s after his best friend now. 


“You backstabber!” He accuses. 


“I’m sorry! But I wanna eat lunch with him, I’m already in the cafeteria.” Baekhyun sighs. 


“Fine, eat lunch with him.” He grumbles. 


“Okay, see you later. Oh— he’s coming. Bye!” The line goes dead so Baekhyun rolls his eyes and calls Jongdae to see if he was free because eating lunch alone was so boring. The guy doesn’t pick up so Baekhyun sighs, shaking his head. Suddenly someone jumps onto his back. Surprised, Baekhyun screams, shoving them off and turning around with his fists up, ready to fight. 


Jongdae looks up at him from the floor with tilted brows.


“Dude!” He gasps with offense, staring at his fists. Baekhyun lets out a breath, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him up to his feet. 


“Why’d you do that? You scared me.” He pants, punching the guy’s arm. Jongin ignores his question. 


“Why’d you call me? I didn’t pick up cause I saw you walking.” Jongdae huffs, dusting the dust off his pants. 


“Let’s go eat lunch.” Baekhyun nods towards the cafeteria, which was right in front of them. Jongdae better not refuse him because it looked like he was headed to eat anyways. 


“Wow, what’s this? You never eat with me without Seunghee. Where’s she?” Baekhyun rolls his eyes at the reminder, beginning to walk. Jongdae hurries too catch up with him. 


“She’s eating with that Woohyun guy.” Jongdae hums but then he looks at his friend with a suspicious stare, lips pursed and eyes narrowed. Baekhyun looks at him weirdly. “What?” 


“Nothing.” Jongdae shakes his head, sighing at him. Baekhyun is bothered by that because clearly, there was something. 


“What?!” He throws his hands up with confusion. 


“Nothing!” Jongdae shouts back, shoving him for being so loud. Baekhyun pushes him back childishly and they begin to bicker as they enter the cafeteria. Getting a lot of stares, Baekhyun shoves his friend's hands away from him. 


“Stop it.” He hisses, fixing his shirt. 


“You’re goddamn childish.” Jongdae grumbles, grabbing a tray. 


“You’re ducking annoying.” Baekhyun grumbles back mockingly, filing his tray with food. 


They sit down at an empty table and conveniently, they get a good view of Seunghee sitting with that Woohyun guy. Baekhyun elbows Jongdae as he watched like a hawk, pointing at that Woohyun guy who talked animatedly before laughing and touching Seunghee’s arm. They both look at each other and then back at the scene being played in front of them like a movie. Seunghee laughs too, and just by looking at the back of her head, Baekhyun knew she was dying of laughter. 


“How funny can he be?” Jongdae frowns, not understanding. From what he heard coming from Rian and Kyungsoo, the guy wasn’t that funny. And according to Baekhyun, he was an idiot. Damn, Seunghee must really like him. He himself was hilarious and she didn’t laugh at his jokes so how is she laughing at this guy’s joke?


“That slimy bastard.” Baekhyun hisses, watching as the guy touched his best friend like she was a piano. Jongdae looks at him with a frown. He slaps Baekhyuns back, making the guy glare at him. 


“Dude, chill out.” Baekhyun blinks and he realizes that he was being overprotective so he stops, clearing his throat. 


“The rice looks pretty good.” 



Thank you for reading! Please give me feedback so I can make the story better. 

I’m really enjoying writing this.

Also, how does everyone like Suhos solo? is so good it helped me fall asleep ♡


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Chapter 4: Poor seunghee, getting ditched on a date was so damn painful and im glad baekhyun was there with her
Chapter 3: Nawww baekhyun is getting more and more jealous :((
purplebxtch #3
Chapter 4: This is such a cute story...everyone loves a protective, best friend Baek.
Chapter 4: I knew that guy was bas news!! Ugh I feel like punch him in the face! She was so excited :( but Baekhyun is here for her as always
Chapter 3: omg poor Baek :( he's suffering in silence. If he doesn't realize his feelings for her soon, it will be too late for him
Chapter 2: Baekhyun is totally jealous and I think he likes Seunghee more than a bestfriend! That Woohyun guy idk why I don't like for her..

Baekhyun practices swimming omg! just by imagine him makes me crazy xD

ps: yesss I love prince's Suho album ❤ his voice is so angelic and soft
Chapter 1: the first chapter was good! Baekhyun is really funny trying to hide his jealousy xD and she's so cute!

I needee to read something like this in these hard times of quarantine u_u thank you! is this your first story ever? and Baekhyun is your bias? he's my bias too! ^^ I love him since 2012 haha