love in the dark


Is it easier to take love wholeheartedly, or to dismiss it as a passing star? This is a brief tale in two hearts that beat for the same girl, at different times of the day. Happiness for both of these boys depend on one thing: Does Ellie want to be loved under circumstances but wholeheartedly, or unconditional but unprepared?


hello everyone !!! in celebration of my favorite leader, kim junmyeon (SUHO of EXO) and his solo debut, I've decided to publish a small story I've written about him. I would say this takes place in the Philippines, as to that I spent several years of my childhood living there and I just love the culture. I've also written this a strange format, but it is a format that I find comfortable for myself. please enjoy <3 I would also like to hope everyone is healthy, safe, and in a bearable situation during this pandemic. Times may be tough, but I am sure you will get through everything



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