looking for a domesticated partnership!


hey, so this title may not accurately portray what im looking for; so bare with me and my awkward while i try not to ramble asdfgj.

im not looking for the typical mumuse plot type of relationship. i want someone who i can have a longterm partnership with, grow with, and cuddle the heck out of.

dont multidate. and im not a big fan of relationships where either party does. i get jealous, because i tend to be up in my feels all the time. i like being devoted to one person, and only focusing all the love and affections i have on them. emotional intimacy is what im looking for here, mainly because ive been hurt so many times with a casual plot setting. 

id like a slow burn relationship, where we develop feelings for one another and potentionally stay together for a while. i just want to experience new things with one person. let’s get married. fck, let’s even have a baby??? many babies?¿ 

we don’t have to jump into that though. lmao. 

pm me or drop a comment and we can discuss things. im willing to start off at whatever point you want. 

want to join an rp together as friends so we can bond while in a setting with others? im down. want to have a one night stand and turn it into an awkward mix of feelings that shift into a relationship? lets gooo. want to start off as a couple and slowly delve into the domesticated relationship? heCK YEAH. want to start off as a pregnant couple? that is amAZING. im fine with anything. i just want a companion to love and spoil and adore wholly.

if you want to plot this out, we definitely can ! or if you just want to jump into it literate, or if you want to do casual replies, or even if you just want to cuddle a little and give one liners. im comfortable with anything <3

i usually rp males; but im not limited to this. im okay with straight, , and yuri. if you’re interested, just message me and we can discuss possible otps to rp, or just whoever we feel comfortable as.

i have a few emotional issues ooc- ill try not to let this affect our relationship in any way. but if you feel comfortable and wouldn’t mind reassuring me ooc every now and then, that’d be great ♡

so, ah, if you’re not bored by reading this by now you can message me for my contacts and we can start talking.


im on kik and kkt or we can join an agency together after talking on aff. if our personalities don’t fit, it’s okay. we can still be close friends and love on each other. i'm over 18 and fully expect you to be of age as well.

im a soft guy, i promise ! winks


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