9 - 14

From Gummy Bears to Cherries and Everything in Between

9. timeless darayang

dara loves every second spent with youngbae. because it’s all laughs and smiles but it’s too fast, she can hardly keep up.  the seconds seem almost nonexistent and the hours move too quickly.

she holds his hand and realizes that time is too short.

she wants the warmth to linger longer and the laughter to echo just a bit further. the smiles are always there but the days go by too hurriedly. but time waits for no one when they’re in love, so dara tries to enjoy, tries to absorb it all before is fades away.

she glances at him and realizes that time takes too long.

the waiting is endless and it’s agonizing. dara listens to the clock tick slowly along with her breath, hours seeming like years. she wonders why time wont sped up again.

she holds youngbae’s hand tightly and there’s no response. she’s waiting, watching as he lies still in the pristine white sheets of the hospital bed. she doesn’t know how long she’s been visiting, sitting until she’s kicked out by one of the nurses. she doesn’t know when he’s suppose to wake, even lost count of the days, months he’s been in his sleep-like state – because love waits for no one.

then, suddenly, his hand clenches softly around hers. her breathing hitches, heart beating– two – four – six – eight. she stares at him and the clock seems to tick a bit faster when his eyes begin to flutter open.

but her slow anxious breathes don’t match up to her erratic heart or the tictoctictoc of the clock.

everything stills.

everything pauses.

and everything is timeless the moment their eyes finally meet.


10. love like woechaeri

i kinda feel like it don’t make sense.

together, she and him; they were undeniable. but seungri felt he couldn’t rely on his heart anymore, because chaerin is a whole different rush to him. he gives his everything to her, trying to make her stay, only she’s passing by him like he’s an obstacle and seungri struggles to keep up with her pace.

but with one look at her face, seungri kicks it into gear and he’s once again being thrown and tossed around in the hurricane that is chaerin and he doesn’t even know what they are anymore. she’s got him hanging by a thread in suspense, and every time she wants to pull him back in, seungri just can’t say ‘no’.

because you’re bringing me in and then you’re kicking me out again.


11. departing 2bangne1

bom and dara are sobbing into tissues, tears flowing as they choke on words they struggle to say. minzy is silent but her shoulders are shaking as she quietly cries. chaerin is fighting through her own tears as she speaks for her group members.

they are comforted by the boys of big bang, but they only cry harder, tears moving in endless streams down their cheeks. a voice speaks over the intercom and the boys pull away slowly.

they linger a bit longer and chaerin mumbles a few words before they leave.

“just serve your two years and come back quickly.”


12. sleeping beauty gdcl

he thinks chaerin is absolutely beautiful when she sleeps. her hair is splayed on the white pillow that cushions her head, a halo of honey brown. her eyes flutter gently as she dreams, breaths coming out in even sighs.

he watches her slumber, hypnotized at the way her eyelashes softly kiss her cheeks.

jiyong wonders if she’ll wake if his lips were to touch hers.


13. smile daeji

minji observed her oppa from a distance. her insides bubbling when the corners of his lips turn upwards, eyes squinting.

she hears his boisterous laugh and her own lips quirk up in response.

daesung flashes his teeth at her and she’s once again mirroring his smile.


14. breathe gbom

jiyong sees her approaching from the edged of his peripheral vision. his throat knots and he stops walking altogether. he grips his backpack, knuckles turning white.

bom struts towards him, heels clicking against the pavement confidently with every step she takes. her hair flows behind her like she’s some model on a runway and she doesn’t spare jiyong a single glance when she passes him by.

he watches her until she’s so blended in with the crowd of students he can’t find the bright brown of her hear or the shiny black of her heels. jiyong adjusts his glasses and hurries to class as soon as the bell rings.

he lets out the breath he didn’t know he’s been holding.

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onehelllove #1
ilove gummy bears