the boring chapter @_@

Gainfully Unemployed

Three and a half agonizing hours of what Min called "shopping" and you were back at the club, undergoing a crash course in serving the VIP section. 


“Yeah, you’ll do.”  

You rolled your eyes.  So glad the outfit meets her approval.   


It wasn’t the only outfit that Soo Min had ended up buying you, but it was the one she had basically insisted that you wear tonight.  Simple, minimal jewelry, but you still couldn’t believe how tight the pants were, and once again, you were in heels. 


"The boss keeps it classy.  This is a place where you party, but party responsibly."   The other girl had introduced herself as Lee Eun Ji- “but you can call me Lizzy!”


Way too happy.  Way too “smiley”…. Someone save me from this ‘perky’ nightmare…

You waited to be beamed away from the ball of cheerleadery energy babbling away in front of you. 

Damn.  No such luck.


"So no one gets wasted?"  You raised a skeptical eyebrow.  

The chick gave a snort.  

"Of course some people get drunk. But the moment you start causing problems or harassing the staff or other guests, you're out."

“Bet that doesn't apply up here though, right?"  Like they’re going to kick out an idol ...

The waitress was already smirking.  "That's exactly what it means," she stated, "The Boss has already done it.  Not only are you out, you never get back in.  He's just that strict."

“Is he crazy?  How does be stay in business?  And don't idols get all pissy and everything?’

“Oh, they say that Boss is rich from his family.  And once his sister was assault-“

"Whatever. I don't really care about the gossip I just need to know the job". 

You cut her off mid-explanation. 

She huffed, but returned to the basics.  The club had a wide selection of beverages, and an even more surprising selection of food.  Apparently, the VIP section had access to a gourmet chef, and the menu was extensive.  It was designed to be the ultimate in luxury, and it looked like my main job was to ensure that it looked effortless. 

“…so if you run into problems, feel free to ask me, or you can use the bar phone to contact Jae, you met him right, and he’ll ….”

                Blah blah blah blah.  

You went into auto-mode, the majority of your attention focused on your surroundings. 

Tonight you were assigned two tables, or two alcoves.  Each area was inset into the wall, with its own lighting controls.   You could see how it would appeal to celebrities, each little seating area its own little kingdom, and yourself just one of the peons doing some grunt work to make sure the lords and ladies only saw the wizard and never all the machinery behind the curtain.

                Okay, mixed metaphor, but who the hell cares?  Already I can tell this evening is going to try my patience. 





A/N:  Short update is short. 



But at least I got a little posted.  OTL

My life at the moment is a bit of a CF (and i don't mean a commercial).  Sorry for being so disappointing with the update schedule.  Between this story & Behind the Smile I'm like so way way way way behind.  God I hope you're not too bored with this.  ==> off to raid my ice cream stash.  

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{HIATUS} going to be stuck in hospital for a while with very little wi fi available. will be back at some point, tho.


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Great update, I thought it was the cutest thing *-* lol how are they friends again? I hope that the upcoming chapters will persuade me xD KUTGW
Shineegirl101 #2
it's great! :D really funny too1 xD