The Morning After

Gainfully Unemployed

credit: public domain


One moment I was out in the woods with an axe trying to find the correct type of tree to cut down in order to make a new tipi pole, the next I was in a spaceship trying to rescue the pregnant monarch from death by alien. 


I jerked awake in response to six pounds of energy landing with her favorite slobber-ridden toy in my face.  In that muddled instant of waking, fragments of dreams still crawled over my mind like the haze that coils over a pond on cool mornings after a warm night.  I found myself trying to cling to that strange reality.  Clinging to a reality where anything can happen, where death-dealing aliens and pole-needing tribes made perfect sense. 


I suppose that it’s common knowledge that the brain is fascinating in many ways, not the least of which is its ability to deal with stress, to attempt to control the chaos of a million million sensory stimuli received every day by shuffling bits and pieces of subconscious thought around during our sleep.   In that dreaming place, I had a mission.  I was needed.  


These realizations blundered into my face just like my dog, not with a blinding moment of clarity, but with the ragged, soggy edges of a battered chew-toy that I wanted desperately pick up and throw away.   Tink’s toy was an easy fix; the frayed rope flew through the open door and down the hall.  Dealing with the ashes of my career, from which I had been laid off just yesterday, not so much.


Death is always difficult.  It is so hard to let go of a person after they have gone.  Same thing with relationships, with childhood fantasies, and with jobs (all the harder if they were loved).   Lord, how I wanted to pull the sheets up and drowse.  I think I was literally scared to get up.  Getting up would mean that I would have to put on my adult-mask and actually deal with my life.  Make breakfast, get dressed, brush my teeth.  As I swung my legs out from under the blankets, I silently debated the merits of facing the day.  After ten more minutes of fruitless arguments with myself and three more tosses of slobbery dog toy, I finally groaned and stumbled to the bathroom. 

It’s hard to argue against the demands of your own bladder.   


Having performed the requisite grooming necessary to present at least a modicum of outward competence, rather than gloomy depression, I shambled on down the hallway, through my airy living room, swinging past the bar to my kitchen.


No sooner had I dug out the makings of my morning meal, when my phone shattered the quiet.  Dropping the brightly colored bag I was holding onto the counter, I stretched over the open bar to snatch the cordless from its wall mount.  With the phone tucked between ear and shoulder I turned back to the fridge to get my drink.  “Yoboseyo?”

“YAH FOREIGNER!!   You better be dressed.  I’m dropping by in seven.  Get moving, Mallory- Now that you’re gainfully unemployed, we have places to go, people to do. ”   *click*


My best friend.  The most unsubtle person on the planet.  Kang Soo Min, such a simple name for such a complicated person.  Soo Min’s life wasn’t complete unless some major drama was taking place and she was in the middle of it.    The sound I most associated with her?  A dial tone.   It feels like she always leaves you hanging. 


She was what I termed an “Instigator”.  That person whom we all know that starts crap just because they can.  And, having started some kind of fight they step back to watch and see it all play out, usually with an extremely self-satisfied look of fascination you want to smack off their face.  Unfortunately, she was one of those crazy people you just can’t help but like, even with the occasional rudeness.


She reminded me of that cute evil-maknae guy from Super Junior….ummm…Cho Kyuhyun.  You weren’t really that familiar with all the boy bands yet, even though you really like their music.  There were just so many groups, and they all had a ton of members.  Soo Min would occasionally ambush you with a pop quiz about them at the oddest times, usually with visual flash cards, which she seemed to keep stashed in her huge handbag.   You often wondered about the mysterious contents of that bag- everything and anything could be in there- soft of like that bag from Mary Poppins.


She was a huge fan girl, on the internet and twitter constantly; sometimes it felt like her mission in life was to ensure I wouldn’t “embarrass” her.   “You must know their names. You must sing the songs.  You must dance the dances.  Don’t make me regret being your friend.” 

What kind of friend SAYS that?!?

        “The awesome kind!” 

YAH- you’re not allowed to break into my thought sentences like that!

        “Looks like I can. This is going to be fun.”

I mean it Soo Min, stay out of my thoughts or I’ll take you down.

                “Like to see you try!”

I will now tell all your dates that you sleep on pillows that have the faces of idols printed on them.

               “Go ahead, I’m not ashamed of my loves- no true fan would be!”

And that you sometimes  act all cute & lie to scam money off them in order to buy tickets to concerts

              “Ok, Ok- aigoo- so touchy. Staying out now.”

I mean it, Soo Min, you know I’ll do it.


Good.  Now as I was thinking…err, saying...




A/N:  So thanks for reading.  You are so much fun in this story!  If you want something a bit more serious, check out my other story Behind the Smile.  Much love!

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{HIATUS} going to be stuck in hospital for a while with very little wi fi available. will be back at some point, tho.


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Great update, I thought it was the cutest thing *-* lol how are they friends again? I hope that the upcoming chapters will persuade me xD KUTGW
Shineegirl101 #2
it's great! :D really funny too1 xD