Part 5

A Pact of Fire and Ice (RW)

No one has made any comments on anything recently, so I'm not even sure if people are still on this website?? If I don't start getting feedback soon, I'm going to stop wasting my time and posting here as well...


Waiting for Jungkook’s trial to start was even more nerve wracking than waiting for the meeting with the gods. When he was meeting with the gods, Jimin knew that Taehyung would protect him. He knew that Namjoon would protect him. He knew that, as long as it was within the daimon’s powers to keep him safe, he would be safe with them. For Jungkook’s trial, there were no guarantees. Everything was up in the air. Jimin didn’t know if Namjoon was going to go easy on Jungkook or accept any evidence that he was innocent. He didn’t even know where Taehyung stood as far as believing Jungkook was innocent. His husband hadn’t been very clear about that so far.

“Where is Yoongi?” Jimin asked as he approached the rest of the demons. Everyone was already in the throne room, at the throne, besides Yoongi. Jimin expected him to be the first to show up rather than the last. 

“He’s up in the stands with the other omegas,” Namjoon said, pointing in the direction of the stands. Jimin looked, and Yoongi was there. He looked miserable. “Where he should be.”

“Should be?” Jimin tested, glaring at Namjoon, staring him straight in the eye. “He’s one of Jungkook’s defenses. Shouldn’t he be up here with the rest of the court?”

Why weren’t Taehyung and Hoseok ing about this? Why wasn’t Seokjin ing about this? Yoongi was their family, and they were just letting him be thrown in with the common people like he didn’t matter. 

“I’ve decided not to let him testify today,” Namjoon said. “As an omega, his judgement is clouded by his emotions.”

You’ve decided?” Jimin challenged. “Correct me if I’m wrong,” He looked at his husband. “But you’re the one who should be calling the shots.”

Taehyung looked intimidated by Jimin, but he looked in his father’s direction. It almost seemed like he was trying to decide which of them he was more afraid of. He eventually bowed his head in defeat. “I am calling the shots,” Taehyung said, but he didn’t sound convincing at all. “Yoongi will not be participating as a member of the court today because his judgement, as an omega, is clouded by his emotions. This poor judgement has put Underland in danger and made you a target for the gods. When I married you, I vowed to be wrathful with those who came between us, and I intend to keep to those vows.”

“What about Seokjin, then? Or me? Do you want us sitting with the commoners?” Jimin snapped.

This was not what Jimin and Taehyung had agreed upon the night before. What the hell happened in the few minutes it took Jimin to get himself ready and meet them here?

“You are a member of the royal family, as is Seokjin,” Taehyung said, “You will be sitting on the throne with me.”

“And Yoongi’s not?” Jimin tested.

“Absolutely not,” Namjoon answered this time. “Yoongi is a bastard child between my husband and another Daimon. The only reason I even let him act like a part of this family is because he has been recognized as such by Chaos. He’s a worthless who brought—”

“Namjoon that is enough,” Seokjin finally snapped. “Like it or not, that’s still my son you are talking about. Clearly alphas are driven by emotion, too.”

“I am not driven by emotion. I am driven by sin,” Namjoon warned him. “This is pure wrath. Nothing else. Omegas allow their emotions to make them soft.”

Jimin didn’t feel like arguing about this. He looked over in Yoongi’s direction, and he frowned at how pitiful he looked sitting by himself. 

He stepped toward Taehyung. “I’m going to go sit with Yoongi,” He said. “If that’s where the omegas should be, that’s where I belong. Besides, he looks like he could use a friend, and no one else can do it.”

“I think it’s better we just do what Namjoon says,” Taehyung sounded scared. Jimin couldn’t help but wonder what the hell happened. Taehyung has never acted like he was afraid of his father before. “Besides, with Hoseok as the judge and without Yoongi as Jungkook’s defense, we really need you over here.”

“I am not afraid of Namjoon. If he doesn’t want me to sit with Yoongi, he can stop me himself,” Jimin said. He knew that Taehyung was right about him defending Jungkook, but making sure Yoongi had the moral support was more important. 

“You go over there, you’re just proving my point,” Namjoon said. 

“No, I am proving my point,” Jimin said as he took a step back. “That being a good ruler means being compassionate of the people you’re ruling.”

He his heels and headed in Yoongi’s direction. 

“That is one fiery ice demon,” Namjoon said, and he waved Taehyung over to his seat on the throne. 

“He is,” Taehyung said with a small smile on his face, and he joined the royal family at the court. 


“Why aren’t you sitting with them?” Yoongi asked as Jimin joined him. Despite his question, he scooted down to make room for Jimin. 

“I thought it was unfair for you to be over here by yourself,” Jimin said, taking his seat next to Yoongi.

“Thanks,” Yoongi said, and he rested his head on Jimin’s shoulder. “I wish that Hoseok wasn’t the judge.”

“Why’s that?” Jimin asked. 

“He told me last night that Namjoon isn’t going to let Jungkook off this time. He’ll have no choice but to rule him guilty without a solid defense,” Yoongi admitted. “And he’ll have to live with the fact that he damned his best friend to eternal torture.”

“That must be rough,” Jimin said. He hadn’t had much of an opportunity to see how hard the deities’ jobs could be. But with Taehyung having no choice but to kill Jungkook’s human family, and Hoseok having no choice but to damn the kid, it was easy to see that their jobs weren’t always easy. 

Just then, they brought Jungkook out to the stand, and the entire court settled down. A lot of demons sounded shocked to see an acting member of the royal family put on the stand, but other murmurs sounded like they expected something like this to happen.

Jimin watched as Hoseok rose from his spot and reluctantly walked down to the stand to meet with Jungkook. He took his seat in the judge’s chair as it was brought out for him, and Jungkook knelt on the floor. His wrists were shackled. 

“Jeon Jungkook,” Hoseok started, his voice quavering. “You are accused of committing treason and selling secret information to the gods, just as your demonic parents before you. They were sentenced to eternal damnation to pay for their crimes. This trial is being held to see if you shall meet the same fate.”

“Understood,” Jungkook said, lowering his head. 

“His unholiness, Namjoon, will be the first one to the stand,” Hoseok said. 

Namjoon rose from his seat next to Taehyung and walked up to the stand. He stood in front of Jungkook, looking down at the kid. He grabbed the chain of Jungkook’s shackles and jerked him up off the floor. Jimin tensed in his seat, trying not to lash out. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked dead inside. He wasn’t scared or angry. He just stood there, blank and expressionless.

“Do you admit that you are guilty of conversing with the gods? That you shared secret information with them?” Namjoon asked.

“Yes,” Jungkook admitted.

“If it were up to me, we wouldn’t even be having this trial because you’ve already admitted your guilt. However,” Namjoon looked over in Yoongi’s and Jimin’s direction, and then to his son who was still sitting on the throne. “Some demons have soft hearts and thought you should have the chance to defend yourself. Do you have anything to say in your defense?”

Jungkook looked past Namjoon to where the royal family should be seated. When he didn’t see Yoongi there, his eyes scanned the room until they fell on him. “No,” Jungkook said, his eyes glued on Yoongi.

Jimin looked at Yoongi who looked like he was ready to get up and storm out of this room. He didn’t want to hear that Jungkook was guilty, and Jimin knew that he didn’t want the kid to just give up like that.

“I don’t have anything to say in my own defense,” He said, and he looked at Namjoon. “I knew what I was doing when I was talking to Yugyeom. I know that it wasn’t my intention to bring any harm to any of us, but I also know that you already have your mind made up. So instead, I want to say something in Yoongi’s defense.”

“Yoongi took responsibility for you when he pleaded for your case the first time. His judgement will be the same as yours,,” Namjoon pointed out. “I may not be able to throw him in the dungeons like I will with you. But, if you are found guilty, there are other ways of punishing him.”

“That’s not fair!” Jungkook demanded, and he glared at Hoseok. “Yoongi had nothing to do with this.” Tears were welling up in his eyes. “Can’t you just say that I’m guilty and let Yoongi go?”

“If you don’t defend yourself, I won’t have a choice,” Hoseok said with a frown.

“Why doesn’t Hoseok defend Jungkook?” Jimin asked, getting angry.

“He’s the judge,” Yoongi said. “He’s not allowed to defend anyone. He has to remain unbiased. Normally, Hoseok is only the judge of souls that come through here, but it benefited Namjoon’s case to have him be the judge of the demon trial. Since I’m responsible for Jungkook’s crimes, I can’t defend him. Hoseok knows too much about our laws, so he could guide the trial in such a way to prove Jungkook innocent if he wasn’t judging. And you? Well, Namjoon doesn’t think you’re smart enough to know how to get Jungkook off the block. You were never a threat.”

That infuriated Jimin. He may not have been around Underland as long as any of the other demons, but he was smart.

“Jungkook has opted not to defend himself,” Hoseok stated, and he looked at Taehyung. “How would you like to proceed?”

“Call the victim to the stand,” Taehyung decided easily.

Hoseok nodded, a small smile on his face. “It is the victim’s right to testify,” He said, and he looked in Jimin’s direction. “Your unholiness, Park Jimin, you have been called to the stand.”

Jimin nodded, and he stood from his spot. He walked down from where he and Yoongi were seated, and up to the stand. He didn’t know that he was the victim in this case, but he wasn’t going to argue if it gave him the chance to speak. Namjoon went back to his seat as Jimin walked up to Jungkook. Now that his shackles were no longer being held, he returned to his position on his knees, and he bowed to Jimin. “Your unholiness,” He said.

“Do you have any questions you would like to ask the defendant?” Hoseok asked.

“Am I allowed to defend him?” Jimin asked, looking at Hoseok.

“You are the victim,” Taehyung stated from the throne. “You can do whatever you want.”

“Do I have to ask yes or no questions?” Jimin asked.

“Your unholiness?” Hoseok asked, looking at Taehyung.

“I will allow any questions,” Taehyung decided. “Court is incredibly boring otherwise.”

“How did you get in touch with Apollo?” Jimin asked.

Jungkook looked up at him, meeting his eye. “As an intelligence agent, I have been searching earth to help with the selection of promised humans for Taehyung,” Jungkook explained. “To do so meant hacking into the gods’ database and looking at their files of the humans. I got caught by Apollo.”

“What happened when you got caught by him?” Jimin asked.

“He asked me why I was looking through their files. I explained why,” Jungkook said. “I know that I shouldn’t have, but I trusted him at one point. I guess a bit of that trust was still there, so I told him everything. When he found out it was me that he was talking to, he said that this must have been destiny. And, you know, gods know all about destiny.”

“It’s true,” Taehyung said in agreement.

“He agreed to help me help Taehyung find the perfect human,” Jungkook said, “And he said that he already knew exactly who it had to be.”

Jimin started listening intently at that point. He was sure that he was about to get answers to questions that everyone was wondering about.

“Why would he agree to help you?” Namjoon interrupted.

“Because of his betrayal when I was a human,” Jungkook stated. “He wanted to make up for hurting me during my time on earth.”

“And how did he already know who the perfect human would be?” Jimin asked, trying to keep this on track.

“Because he’s the one who interrupted what was supposed to happen in the first place. He’s the one who took your soul and hid it away,” Jungkook explained. “He said that if I could steal the corpse from Underland without getting caught and get it to him, he could put it together with your soul. We would then lead Taehyung directly to you.”

“So you were the one who stole the corpse from Underland,” Seokjin said with a pleased smile on his face. “It’s all starting to make sense now.”

“Why did you do it?” Jimin asked. 

“It was my job,” Jungkook explained. “Finding the perfect human for Taehyung was up to me, and none of the promised ones before made him happy. It pained me to see human after human be damned when Taehyung wasn’t pleased, but it pained me more to see Taehyung so miserable because no being was fit for him. Demons or humans. When Yugyeom told me that Taehyung had a soulmate who was never brought into the world, but I could help bring him to Taehyung, I knew that’s what I had to do.”

“You are aware that in doing so, you were breaking the law,” Namjoon pointed out. “Stealing a corpse and conspiring with a god.”

“What can I say?” Jungkook asked with a sly smirk on his face. “Demons are all about breaking the rules.”

“That we are,” Taehyung chuckled, and he looked at Hoseok. “Your findings?”

“Honestly?” Hoseok looked in Yoongi’s direction and then down at Jungkook. “It sounds more to me like Apollo was the one telling Jungkook things he shouldn’t have. We now know that he was the one who stole Jimin’s soul in the beginning, and the reason the corpse went missing from Underland. So what if the gods know about Jimin? They were bound to find out anyway. I find him innocent.”

“Overruled,” Namjoon said. “Even if his intentions were right, he still went behind our backs and stole from us. How can I trust him not to do something like that again?” He looked at Jungkook, who was still kneeling on the ground. “You should have just told us.”

“You wouldn’t have trusted the gods regardless,” Jungkook insisted. 

While all of this was happening, Taehyung sat on his throne, staring at the tiny ice demon standing up there with Jungkook. The demon who wouldn’t be in his life without Jungkook meddling, and he couldn’t imagine his life without Jimin in it. Even having lived it for thousands of years. He was in love with that demon. 

Not overruled,” Taehyung stated, and Jimin looked back at him. With the way he was acting cowardly earlier, it shocked Jimin to hear him speak out against Namjoon. “I agree with Hoseok’s findings. As it has been predetermined that Yoongi’s judgement will be the same as Jungkook’s, I cannot call either of them guilty. Yoongi brought Jungkook to us. Without his deal with the child, Jungkook would have been one of the few humans to go with the gods. And Jungkook is right. Without him meddling behind our backs, Jimin never would have come into existence. If anything,” Taehyung stood from the throne. He stepped down and walked toward Jimin, placing a hand on the small of his back and dragging him closer. Jimin placed a hand on Taehyung’s chest, looking up at his husband. “The two deserve a reward for making this happen.”

“So what then?” Namjoon asked, “Hoseok has been overruled 1 against 1. What now?”

“Now,” Hoseok said, “The tie breaker goes to the only other demon in this room with more power than the Daimon of Judgement.” He looked at Jimin. “And that would be you.”

Jimin expected him to be talking about Seokjin, the one who was married to the man who used to be the devil. The one who gave birth to and raised the current devil. He expected Seokjin to be more powerful than him, so he didn’t immediately realize that he, himself, was the one Hoseok was talking to. 

“M-me?” Jimin asked, pointing to himself. 

“Yes, you,” Hoseok said, and he smiled softly at Jimin. “Guilty or no?”

Jimin looked up at Taehyung. Unlike the King, he didn’t have a thousand years of life to look back on. He didn’t remember his time spent as a soul, incubating in the heavens. The only thing Jimin knew was how much he hated being born before he came down here. After he came to live with the demons, he was thankful for the life he was given. 

“Well, if I said that he was guilty, that would mean that I never wanted to be born,” Jimin pointed out. “So of course I’m going to say he’s innocent.”

There were some cheers and some boos from the demons in the crowd. It was easy to tell that Jungkook was the most controversial part of the royal family. 

“Then the court hereby declares Jungkook free of any crime he may have committed,” Hoseok announced. 

“ing yes!” Jimin heard Yoongi cheer from behind him. 

The ice demon had to step out of the way as Yoongi ran up to the stand and leaped into Jungkook’s arms. Jungkook caught him with ease, and Yoongi cupped his cheeks, dipping down to press a passionate kiss to his lips. Hoseok looked at the two of them, a fond smile on his face, and seeing the three of them together again put a similar fond smile on Jimin’s face.

“Although you have been found innocent,” Taehyung said, approaching them. “You will have to remain under close watch until we’re entirely sure we can trust you. We have a war coming up, and we’re going to need our best intelligence agent on the job. Until we know what Jimin’s domain is, he’ll be keeping an eye on you. Teach him what you know.”

Jungkook let go of Yoongi, letting him back down on the floor. He gave Taehyung a nod. “Understood.” He said, and he turned to Hoseok. “Thank you. I knew I could count on you.”

“Of course,” Hoseok said, and he pressed a kiss to the corner of Jungkook’s mouth. “Finding an unbiased reason to rule you innocent wasn’t as tough as I thought it’d be.”

Yoongi, clearly jealous of the alphas’ sweet moment together, stepped between them. He took Hoseok’s hand into one of his and Jungkook’s into the other. “Okay, so…” Yoongi said, looking at Taehyung, a coy smile on his face. “We have quite a bit of sinning to make up for, so…”

Hoseok and Jungkook both smiled down at Yoongi.

“If you don’t mind,” Yoongi continued. “We’ll be heading back to the apartments.”

“First,” Taehyung said, and he turned to look at Namjoon. “I think someone owes an apology.”

Namjoon rolled his eyes, and he stepped up to Jungkook. “I’m sorry,” He said, “I should have known better than to think that you would betray us.”

“I don’t think I’m the one who needs the apology,” Jungkook said, glancing down at Yoongi.

Yoongi stood there, looking at the ground, his little horns completely covered from the way his hair fell over them. If it wasn’t for his pale red skin, he would almost look like a human. 

Namjoon sighed. “Yoongi,” He said.

Yoongi didn’t look up. He kept his eyes glued on the ground.

“You will look at me when I speak to you,” Namjoon said, placing two fingers at the bottom of Yoongi’s chin. He tilted the demon’s head back so that he was forced to look up.

“I don’t want your apology,” Yoongi said, and he let go of Jungkook’s hand to push Namjoon’s hand away.

“Well, I’m sorry,” Namjoon said anyway. “I know I can never make up for how badly I treated you in the past, but this family is lucky to have you. You constantly remind us that the correct answer isn’t always the obvious one.”

“Living beneath the surface, I wouldn’t think you’d have to constantly be reminded to look beneath the surface,” Yoongi said, looking at the ground again. 

“Now you three are free to go,” Taehyung said. 

“Would you like to join?” Jungkook asked, exchanging glances between Jimin and Taehyung. 

Jimin noticed Yoongi shake his head slightly. Joining was tempting, but Yoongi appeared to want to be alone with his alphas. Jimin could respect that. 

“I think we have time,” Taehyung said. 

“No we don’t,” Jimin quickly jumped in. He couldn’t let Taehyung ruin Yoongi’s reunion with his alpha. “We actually have a baby to take care of and stuff, so we should probably go do that.”  He grabbed Taehyung’s hand. “So come on,” He said, tugging the demon along with him. “Let’s go do our thing.”


The three demons returned to Hoseok’s apartment, and Yoongi looked at Jungkook. It was a painful sort of relief to finally have the kid back in his life; painful because Yoongi was afraid he would have to find out how to live for an eternity with one alpha, and without Jungkook. They had been together nearly since the beginning of time, so Yoongi wasn’t used to life without him. 

“Welcome home,” Hoseok said to Jungkook, brushing the kid’s hair behind his ear. He pulled the younger demon into a passionate kiss, and Yoongi pouted. “We’ve missed you.”

“Hello?” Yoongi said, waving a hand. “ omega over here? Wet and ready for two alphas.”

Hoseok chuckled, and he walked around Jungkook so that he was standing behind him. Much to Yoongi’s disappointment, he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s waist and started placing kisses on his neck and shoulder. “Ah, but this moment should be all about Jungkook,” Hoseok reminded him. “Let me take care of him while he takes care of you.”

“I like the sound of that,” Jungkook sighed and leaned back against Hoseok’s chest.

“Well, I don’t,” Yoongi said, storming over to the bed and hopping onto it. He situated himself in the middle of the mattress, folding his arms and crossing his legs. He huffed. “It’s not easy living with one when you’re so used to two and three.”     

“He’s so cute,” Jungkook giggled to Hoseok, and he focused his attention on Yoongi as Hoseok’s hands slipped under his shirt. “Oh, you poor baby,” He said in his best pouty voice. One of Hoseok’s hands slipped further up Jungkook’s shirt, and the other into his pants. “Do you want Hoseok to touch you like this?”

If Yoongi was being completely honest, yes. Right now, he wanted anyone to put his hand on him. If he didn’t want the alphas to know just how weak he was for them, however, the answer to that would have to be no. He wanted Jungkook, and he had to make sure to stand his ground so that they wouldn’t try to cheat him out of that.

“I want you,” Yoongi said.

He gasped when he saw Hoseok’s fingers wrap around the base of Jungkook’s , visible through his pants. Yoongi was reacting like he was the one being touched, but it was just exciting to see Jungkook enjoying himself.

“What do you think?” Hoseok asked after a bruise into the crook of Jungkook’s neck. “Should we give him what he wants?”

“Hmm,” Jungkook hummed, and he swatted Hoseok’s hands away from him. He turned around to face the elder demon, and he hooked his arms around Hoseok’s neck. “I think he’s being a little greedy right now,” Jungkook said. “Maybe we should make him wait.”

Yoongi huffed in frustration, and he slightly threw his shoulders back and forth in a small tantrum. “That’s not fair!” The omega whined cutely, “I’ve been patient and waited all this time. Don’t I deserve a reward?”

“Maybe we should,” Hoseok agreed, completely ignoring Yoongi’s little fit. “After sharing him for so long, I’ve forgotten how much a handful he is.”

“Then it’s a good thing that the two of you together have four hands,” Yoongi said, crawling down from the mattress and making his way over to the alphas. “And two mouths and two . There’s a lot that can be done with all of those, you know.” He tried to stand where he could get the attention of both the alphas, but neither of them paid him any attention. “And I’m just one omega,” Yoongi hummed, “One naughty omega that requires two alphas to put me in place.”

“Are you really naughty though?” Jungkook asked, looking at Yoongi with a smirk on his lips. “You just said you were patient this whole time. It sounds to me like you’ve been good without me here.”

“Wha—I- no, I mean,” Yoongi frowned. Sometimes he really hated these alphas. There was no winning with them. 

“Had you been naughty,” Jungkook said, and he stepped away from Hoseok to be closer to Yoongi. “You might have gotten a reward,” He said, and he placed a hand around the small of Yoongi’s back. He dragged the elder closer, and he slipped a hand in the back of Yoongi’s pants. The omega gasped as Jungkook’s slender fingers slipped between his cheeks, going right for the mess pooling from his hole. “But good demons get punished.” He pulled his hand back and Yoongi’s lubricant off of his fingers.

“,” Yoongi breathed, and he knew that the alphas weren’t going to go easy on him this time.


“I’ll bet Yoongi’s happy you’re back,” Jimin said as he joined Jungkook the next morning for work. He hadn’t seen their friends since they took off to reunite last night, and now it was time for things to get back to normal.

“Hell, I’m happy I’m back,” Jungkook said. “Sitting in that dungeon alone with no one but Cerberus around is probably the worst form of torture. That dog’s breath smells like nothing but sulfur, and it’s worse when you’re locked up in a dungeon cell.”

“I can imagine,” Jimin said with a chuckle, and he watched while Jungkook logged onto the computer. “I’m sorry I have to intrude on your work.”

Jungkook shrugged as he brought up a bunch of programs without really explaining what he was doing. Jimin didn’t mind. He didn’t want to learn about all of this stuff. “I honestly thought Taehyung was going to make  me become a servant again because I thought he wouldn’t want me having access to all of the demonic information,” Jungkook said. “This beats that. I’d rather have you over my shoulder than be a royal servant any day.”

“I don’t think he did this because he doesn’t trust you,” Jimin pointed out. It may have been true that part of the reason Taehyung made this decision was for Namjoon’s sake, but Jimin believed it was something else, too. “I’m pretty sure he decided on this to protect me. With a war coming up, he wants to keep me out of harm's way.”

“Two birds with one stone,” Jungkook mumbled, and he started typing away into the computer.

“So, um, what are you doing?” Jimin asked. Looking at the screen, Jimin couldn’t understand a word that was written. The gods seemed to use a different tongue than the demons.

“I still have access to the gods’ database,” Jungkook said. “Apollo was pretty sure that he secured it, but I’m smarter than he is. I’ve learned to cover my tracks better than before.”

“And you can understand what’s written here?” Jimin asked.

Jungkook nodded. “It’s celestial,” He said, “I learned this language when I was a human. It’s the primordial language of the gods and very different from infernal, the demons’ primordial language. The daimons also know this language since they were all created as gods.”

“And what particular information are you looking at right now?” Jimin asked.

“Past wartime strategies of the gods,” Jungkook explained. “This isn’t the first time Namjoon’s gang is taking them on, but we’ll be more prepared if we review their past strategies.”

“Why don’t you look at their current strategies?” Jimin questioned. “I mean, they have to be planning something now.”

“We’re more likely to get caught if we’re checking files that are currently being altered,” Jungkook told him. “This is the safest way.”

Well, if this was going to be a long, boring day of watching Jungkook hack into the gods’ files once again and get information, Jimin was at least going to have some fun with it.

“Hey, Jungkook,” Jimin said, a smile playing at his lips. “How do I know what you’re looking at if I can’t understand what’s on the screen?”

“Oh, I can fix that,” Jungkook said, bringing up a whole new program. “Infernal or modern? This program can translate it.”

Jimin frowned. “Modern,” He said. He rested his elbow on the desk and his chin in the palm of his hand. With a sigh, he gave into knowing that this was going to be a long and boring day. It felt more like it was a punishment for him.

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ReiLynnB #1
Chapter 6: If you don't post here could you please send the link to where you do post it, I gotta know the ending, your writing style is addictive...
AlienOkama #2
Chapter 6: I swear I get into phases of this website, I've been here since the very beginning of the original book (goddamn it's been ages) and honestly I wish it didn't have to end, but I hope you will post the final chapter on here despite people not saying anything, I love your content so much, it puts a big smile on my face! Please let Taehyung come beat the out of these damn gods <3
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating! Your story is probably the only reason I’m still on this site lol. Do you post somewhere else like ao3 as well???
Chapter 3: WHAT!? Jungkook Nooooo T_T
I can’t wait for the next chapter! Thank you for the update!
cloudyvmin #5
Chapter 1: im so excited for this! keep up the great work!
Chapter 1: I’m really enjoying this version of the story. There’s a lot of suspense in this and jimin is so great~

Also loved seeing some hoseok-kookie play~