The Immortal's Promise


Aglaia is a human child born during the night of the Uniting Eclypse. Because she was born during that night, when magic roamed free and the barriers between the world of men and the immortals lifted, she was blessed with some unique gifts. Gifts that will play a great part as she goes through her journey and discovers her that will lead to love and loss.


So for this story, I am going to actually not base it off any asian celebrities. Why? Because I want this story to be personable to you, my lovely readers! I will give my characters names, but you can replace their names with the asian celebs that you would most want in those roles. Make it a personal romance story!


Footnote *Story very loosely based off of the manga Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino




The Heroine Aglaia: A human born during the night of the Uniting Eclypse.


Lord Dante: A mysterious and powerful immortal with many secrets.


Aodhan: A silver haired fey with a chip on his shoulder and a hatred of all vampires.


Fionn: the little brother of Aodhan who adores Aglaia after she saves him as a child.

Image result for baby zero kiryu fanfiction

Other characters will be in the story, but these will be the main ones for now.

Let me know in the comments which celebrity you chose for which character!! :)


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