

Sehun and Lisa always crossed paths at school but they didn't know each other personally. Lisa has a crush on Sehun but kept it to herself. An outreach program forces Lisa to interact with Sehun, will she finally say something?


Hello guys, another one-shot for you. I wrote this out ot the blue since I wanted to de-stress for awhile from school. I hope you guys enjoy another story of Sehun and Lisa! Thank you for your support! 


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Chapter 1: God...this was so good...& lovely!
Love HunLisa,thank you for writing this♡
loveexoxbts #2
Chapter 1: Can't you make it much longer??? T.T I loved it❤
Andrea_Martinez01 #3
Chapter 1: I love It ?...It would have been great if you turned it into a story