Chapter 2: Inseparable

Onesided But Endless [Peraya, OffGun, TayNew]

{Krist's P.O.V}

I turn my head around when I hear someone come in. It is Singto, my dearest childhood friend. 

I have known him ever since I am a toddler because our families are business partners and close friends. We are like the children of both of our families together as my parents and his parents treat us the same. Singto's family mansion is only a few miles away from ours so it is very convenient for us to meet each other. Sometimes I would hang out at his place and sometimes he would come to visit me at my place, just like now. We have always been inseparable and we have always been joined at the hip like real siblings.

Singto sits down next to me on the floor that is carpeted with exquisite white fur. 

The scent of fresh shower gel and shampoo fills my nose as his body nears mine. 

"Quite a handful, isn't she?" I ask as I lay down, putting the whole weight of my upper body on his comfortable lap before resuming the game Singto has brought me.

I hear my friend sigh tiredly. "Don't even mention her, it gives me a headache." 

I laugh and agree, "Alright". 

"Why don't you just fire her and choose another maid?" I suggest him and look up at him with a slight frown. 

"I already — wait, watch out!!" Singto suddenly exclaims while pointing a finger on the screen but it is too late, my character got caught in a trap and died. 

"Dang it!" I groan and put the game console aside. 

"I warned you," my friend chuckles and I roll my eyes at him. 

"Anyways, what are you gonna do with Risa?" I inquire him as I start another round of the game. 

I feel his hand on my head as he plays with the short locks of my hair. It was a bit ticklish but it also feels soothing at the same time.

"I fired her. If she weren't acquainted with my mother, I wouldn't even consider accepting her in," he sighs tiredly. 

"Well, at least she can't bother you now anymore," I comfort him. 

{Singto's P.O.V}

I let myself dwell in the sensation of peace and contentedness as I run my fingers through Krist's soft hair. Just staying with him like this calms my soul and warms my heart. 

It is cute seeing him getting worked up over a mere video game. He scrunches his nose and pouts cutely when he gets defeated for the third time. 

"P', I can't defeat him!" Krist whines, "Unlock this level for me, please?" He then tilts his head towards me and looks at me with his huge puppy eyes that I have never been able to resist and most probably never will.

My heart melts upon Krist's adorable demeanour. How I wish that I could just keep him to myself and pamper him with my love over and over. 

"Since you asked so nicely, P' will help you," I reply and pinch his cheeks lightly in an endearing manner. 


The rest of the day passes by quickly. Once I come back home, the housemaids and house servants greet me as I do the same out of habit. Going straight to my room, I sit down in front of my desk and unlock the first drawer with a key with a small smile. 

Inside the drawer are photos of Krist and several selfies of us that I printed out. There is also a messily coloured paper plane that Krist has made for me on my fifth birthday. Aside from those, there are also drawings Krist drew during school, even the ones that he failed and thew away, I secretly picked them up and straightened them again before carefully storing them away to my collection. In the drawer lies a handmade keychain with the initial letter "S" of my name made by Krist as a present, and many many things more... 

All of them are items related to Krist. Most of them are useless and worthless things that no one would bother keeping. However, to me, this collection is invaluable and immensely precious to me. Not for any other reason but simply because they are related to Krist.

I gingerly reach my hand into the drawer and search for something. When my hand touches the firm material, I grasp it and put it on the table. It is my secret diary. Every night before going to bed, I would reminisce and write down every new experience I have made with Krist and every special and every ordinary moment I have spent with him during the day. 

Just as I am noting down today's events with full concentration like every other night, the sound of my phone's ring tone interrupts me. 

"Hello?" I hold the phone against my left ear as I continue writing my diary with the right hand.

"P'Sing, it's me..."

My ears perk up and my heartbeat picks up its pace when I recognize the familiar voice that belongs to no other than Krist. 

A smile creeps up my face on its own and my eyes soften immediately, "What's the matter, Kit?" I ask him fondly. 

"P'Sing, I am moving to Thailand to start my study there..."

Almost in an instant, my smile freezes and my whole body tenses up as a pang of stabbing pain strikes my heart. 

"I am leaving next week..."


The pen-mine breaks as I unconsciously press the pencil against the paper with force. Feeling drained, I let the pencil drop onto the desk, it rolls over the edge and falls down onto the floor with a loud thud. 


...Is leaving?


{Krist's P.O.V}

"P'?" I ask through the phone when I hear nothing coming from my childhood friend. 

"P'Sing, are you listening?" I repeat myself with a worried frown and call his name again. I know that he must be shocked upon hearing this unexpected news. Gnawing on my lips, I nervously wait for his response. 

Finally, after a few moments of silence, he finally answers. 


I almost didn't hear him as his voice came out barely as a soft whisper. Pondering on how I should best explain the situation to him, I clear my throat and soon start to speak. 

"My grandfather opened a university in Bangkok 40 years ago, it has been his wish to provide education for his descendants with his own capabilities," I explain to him slowly, "It has become a tradition for children from the Perawat family to go study there."

"I see... But how come you have never told me about this before? It's... too sudden... Krist," He says and I hear some ruffling sounds. I lower my head and apologize to him ruefully, "I am sorry, P'Sing, I couldn't find the right timing to tell you. I am sorry, P'..."

Singto must be very mad and sad right now, I can sense it. But nevertheless, he speaks to me using the same gentle tone as always, "I forgive you, Krist."

A sigh of relief escapes my lips and I crack a faint smile, "Thank you, P'!" 

"But I am worried about you... How are you going to survive on your own, you have never been away from us, Kit..." I hear him say in a genuinely concerned tone.

Letting out a hearty laugh, I whine at him, "Oii~ P', I am not a child anymore~"

"I know, Krist, I just can't help but worry about you..."

"Don't worry, P'! I will manage somehow, besides, I will be living with my grandfather, he is really nice and funny, too!" I try to mollify him.

When I don't hear Singto say anything, I know that he is still unconvinced. I let out a hearty chuckle. P'Singto has always been this solicitous and protective over me, it's actually cute. A sad emotion fills my heart for a moment when I think about how I wouldn't have my best friend around anymore. In all honesty, I am not sure if I can successfully get used to living without Singto and my parents. 

"P', you can always come to visit me or I will fly back to see you anytime with my private jet, don't worry!" I reassure him and myself, trying to cheer both of us up. 

"Alright... But promise me that you will take proper care of yourself, Kit," he gives in at last and says.

"Yes, sir!" I laugh and he does the same. 

"I will miss you so much, P'Sing..." I mumble and let out a deep sigh. I really don't want to leave this place. I don't want to be away from England, my parents. I don't want to part with Singto...


{Singto's P.O.V}

"Me too, Kit..." I reply as mixed emotions whirled in my chest.

We chat a bit longer and when I hear him yawn over the phone, I tell him to go to sleep and end the call. 

I lie down on my bed and try to fall asleep. However, my body and mind stay fully awake.

Still anxious and sad that Krist has to study abroad alone all by himself, I just can't fall asleep. Krist has never been away from me and his parents, he has never been away from England for more than a week. Even on vacations, his family and my family would travel together. 

We have always been inseparable. 

Now that he needs to live on his own with his grandfather, I just can't help but feel concerned about him. What if the servants at his grandfather's place don't take good care of him? What if he doesn't like the ambience there? What if he isn't used to the food there and starves? Millions of what-ifs and negative thoughts swirl in my head, making me more and more apprehensive by the second. 

I shift around in my bed and take out a polaroid selfie of Krist and me from the bottom of my pillow. 

I carefully glide my finger over Krist's smiling face as I stare at the picture in the dark. Even though there is no light and I can't see well, I still know by heart on which side his face is depicted and what he looks like in the picture. 

The restless feeling in my heart starts to fade away slowly as I hold the photo in my hand. Before I know, I was out like a light.

However, before I lose conscience, there is a firm thought that continues to linger in my mind. 

Wherever Krist goes, I will follow him.

A/N: This chapter was actually part of the previous chapter, but it would have turned out too long so I divided it into two separate chapters.  In the next chapter, I will introduce a new protagonist, so stay tuned! 

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- fujoheaven

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