

It was going to take more than a BandAid to make him feel better. The magic that the flimsy adhesive strip held when he was younger had atrophied; It wasn't as simple as slapping a BandAid on and the pain would go away.

It'll never be as easy as that ever again. His mind was gone; It was far too soon for him to feel the pain that he was feeling now.

He continued to stare at the feeble BandAids scattered haphazardly across his own body before moving his gaze to the man laying motionlessly on the bed in the deathly-silent atmosphere between the four white walls.

Why couldn't the BandAids be the remedy to this problem? All he needed was a few BandAids, so why isn't it the same for the younger man he was staring at?

The tears poured silently down his face as he doctors pulled him from the room. It was too late, they told him. There was nothing to be done now that the lack of a heartbeat had been confirmed.

He didn't even try to conjure up enough strength to fight; He knew the other man, his dongsaeng, his best friend, his lover, was gone from this world forever.

He cursed the cruel chain of events that snatched the other man from him.

He cursed himself for not being in place of the other man.

He cursed the BandAids on his body; He cursed them for not being enough to save the other man.

The pain, the pain the BandAids could never heal, had been a result of the absence of the younger man laying on the bed.

The absence of KyuHyun could not be numbed by BandAids.

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hae_ki #1
;A;... it's one way to make the bandaids angsty...
i feel a huge round of angst coming on...i should probably brace myself >.<
and Key probably won't kill you...she basks in the glorified light of angst and all things depressing. that's why she developed an allergy to fluff kekeke <3
BandAids, huh? Can't wait to see what you did with it! :D
Since it's Angst, I pray for you, Dobo-unnie! xD Hopefully Umma won't kill you...
Dobu... just be prepared