Caught in Underwater

Their Journey
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Caught in Underwater


a/n: inspired by a fanart made by twitter user @.nayrii2 about mershark (mermaid-shark) seungri and rich guy jiyong. i honestly don’t know anything about mershark universe or whatsoever so i’m trying my best to make it light and understandable from my point of view.




DAY 1.

Jiyong hates this. He didn’t drive miles away last night only to find his phone ringing in the morning and eventually disturbing his sleep. He just wants to take a break, a freaking break. Wasn’t it enough for them that he had worked for the past 6 months straight and he was left with no time for breathing just to step up his company’s level? For God’s sake he’s the goddamn founder and CEO but he has been working like a dog. Well, he can’t even blame anyone at this point since he’s a total hardworker himself. What can he say? Peaceminusone is literally his baby and his peak of career in clothing brand business.

He sighs, giving up on the disturbing ringtone and reaching for the device on the bedside table, his eyes catch the name of the caller, his eyes immediately rolls, “What?”

“Where the hell are you?”

“I deserve a break after what I have done for the past months”, he replies coldly to the caller.

“But at least you gotta tell me. I came to your house and your housekeeper said she didn’t even see you this morning. Thought you got kidnapped or something”

“Shut up, Youngbae. Cut me some slack and don’t even bother me for the next five days. Anyone tries to ring on me can consider themselves fired”

“Even me?”

“No ”

“No wonder you haven’t been married”

“And what’s the correlation? Just because you caught Hyorin in your charming trap, you don’t have the right to say that—oh, do you want to be the first person that gets fired in this bright morning?”

“Screw you”

“I love you too. Tell Seunghyun hyung and Daesung that our meeting is postponed until next week”

“Yeah, whatever”

Jiyong chuckles at the short answer before he presses the end button of his call. He gets up and grabs his robe, doesn’t even bother to put on some pants because who in the world would see him in his current state when he’s the only one in this house, this bay house? Nobody, exactly.


A cup of coffee has officially become his first friend on his first day of vacation. With the right hand holding his drink and the left one holding a half burnt cigarette, his eyes scan through the whole scenery in front of him. He’s glad that he decided to buy the bay house last year because he knew he might need this and by this time, he’s so not wrong. He looks up at the sea view again, and suddenly he remembers that the whole deal of the bay house was also included with a fishing boat.

The idea of going solo for vacation apparently doesn’t sound that bad anymore.


Jiyong checks on his fishing tool while walking towards the front door, the excitement in his heart is undeniable. There’s not much of a free time for him to experience things like this anymore. How he misses his childhood where the only thing he cared about was where would he build his next castle or what kind of empire he’d like to have. He smiles to himself a little, a little memory makes him a bit emotional but he’s here now and he’ll make another one in his adulthood.



The sea is pretty calm, perhaps Jiyong comes in the right time, where summer is just around the corner and he can see people are starting to be outside their houses more often. His eyes clearly spot some people swimming from afar; his bay house is a private type so he’s most likely not to meet another person walking or swimming around the area. He stops his fishing boat in a quite distant away from the seashore, far enough for him to think that this is the best spot to catch some fish, or maybe just to relax and enjoy the sun. He grabs the fishing rod and throws the hook into the water, it’s been a long time since he last went fishing and he kind of feels stupid and awkward, hoping that he still gets it right.

Twenty, thirty, forty-five minutes has passed and Jiyong still doesn’t hit the jackpot, not even his hook moves an inch. Did he forget to put some bait? He pulls the rod to make sure that he already has bait on his hook, and yes it does. He throws it again into the calming blue water, for a split second he kind of regretting his choice of fishing.

An hour passes and Jiyong decides to give up, he’s hurt that plan number one doesn’t go the way he wants. He gathers his fishing tools but his eyes catch a shining sparkle not that far from his place. His neck stretches a little, taking a clear glance but his eyes still play trick on him keep seeing sparks.

“That’s weird”, he says to himself.

Jiyong falls silent for a while and goes back to his business, but the same sparkling light disturbs his sight. Now his eyes catch a clearer view, he can see a—wait is that a head? with blonde hair?

“Hey!”, he shouts.

The sparkling thing moves a little and it dips back again into the water and it starts swimming away further. Did he just see a person? But a person doesn’t spark and look like that.



DAY 2.

Jiyong wakes up at 9 in the morning and it’s different because it’s definitely by his own and not a phone ring. Speaking of phone, the last time he checks on it was yesterday after his call with Youngbae he put it in his drawer after turning it into silent mode. He’s feeling curious so he takes his phone out of the drawer, and as expected there’s no calls, but oh one text.



Don’t fire me. Just want to check up on you.


Jiyong grins in front of his phone screen while typing How sweet before pressing send. He puts his phone back into the drawer and gets up from the bed, walking towards the bathroom. A little thought of plan for today has to be considered under a cold shower.


Jiyong is known as someone who is so determined if he already sets his eyes and mind on something, and fishing is no exception. He decides to come back into the same spot in the wide and blue sea with his fishing boat, his hook is already drowned under and he’s made sure that he has put the best bait he could possibly think of.

Thirty minutes later and he still hasn’t caught a single fish as he starts cursing in his head.

“The am I even thinking? I don’t wanna go back home, it’s only two days”

His trail of pissed thoughts is once again disturbed by the same sparkling lights. And it’s closer than yesterday. His eyes go wide for a second, “Hey! Hey!”

The same white head appears again, and Jiyong makes sure that he will not let it go, not this time, “Hey!”, he shouts louder.

And to his shock the sparkling head turns around facing him, those doe eyes staring at him innocently like it’s just a normal thing to meet something like that on daily basis.

“Hey, what are you?!”

But again it swims back into the water disappearing from his sight. And now Jiyong has made a conclusion that is indeed a human. But why does he swim deeper into the dark side of the sea instead of going back to the surface, like most normal humans do?

I swear I’m not trying to be stressing over things when I’m on a ing vacation.



DAY 3.

. What did Jiyong think again? Going back into the same goddamn place. His skin is slowly tanned because he’s been exposed into the sun longer than he has expected. But here he is, on his boat, minus the fishing tools because the reason is already different since he woke up early in the morning. He waits. Yes, he waits. He sits and waits for the thing that he wishes to see again, he slightly hides himself because it won’t show up if he’s so visible to be seen. So he tries to sit down and lays back very low, eyes wandering on the bright blue sky. Then a sound softly penetrates his ears. Is that someone laughing?

Jiyong tries to peak a little and he has to pinch himself the second he looks at that white head for the third time. That’s indeed a whole person. He decides to stands up, “Hey”, he calls with a small voice.

Those same doe innocent eyes shoot at him again, this time the stare looks surprised as he tries to swim away, again.

“No! Don’t—”, and to Jiyong’s relief the person pauses but he doesn’t turn around.

“Hey, would you at least be polite when someone is calling you?”, Jiyong calls out again, he’s now so close to the edge of the boat that a strong wind could’ve just kicked him into the warm water.

The called one finally turns around with his head bends down, and Jiyong swears his heart skips a bit at the sight. There a boy with platinum blonde hair, and sparkling, his skin is fairly white and glossy, perhaps because of the illusion of salty water that is still

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Misammisa #1
Chapter 5: ♡♡♡
aieru_amie #2
Chapter 5: 2024 and enjoying it!!
Sterdnert #3
Chapter 5: I did enjoy it. Thank you!
Chapter 5: Wow.. Thank you for the update, really appreciate your hard work to make new story.. ❤️❤️❤️ #Nyongtorycross 😄
Chapter 5: It feels too real, very moved when reading your story 🥺 thanks author-nim 💙💙💙💙💙
Chapter 5: That bigbang ghosting era tho lmao 😭😭😭 welcome back!!!
Chapter 5: U can’t imagine the happiness I felt when I saw ur update! Love this!! It’s just so cute n well it felt real. I miss them so much 😭 hopefully we will get them in one pic together next year. Thank you so much for the update! 💛💛💛💛💛 i Hope you’re doing well 🫶🏻
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh!!! You have combined two of my all time favorite things - Sharks and Nyongtory and I am speechless! I love this so so much!
Chapter 1: Jiyong and Seungri share a love like no other! I loved the end of this where Jiyong confessed he never stopped loving Ri! It makes my heart sing!
JuJu_Rose #10
Chapter 4: This was too cute ?
Wish it was longer, where Ri can visit land and meet Bae lol