The Carnival pt1: The Rollar Coaster

Sorry, But I Love You

After the concert Eun went looking for Top. Something was up with him and she was determined to find out what.
She searched everywhere around the park where the concert was held, until she found him. He was sitting on a bench next to the park's playground.
"Uhm, Top, I need to talk to you." Eun walked up to Top, but Top wasnt going to have it. He stood up and walked away. "Hey! I need to talk to you! What is wrong with you? Why do you hate me?" Eun shouted.
"Hate? I dont hate you. I feel nothing but," Top stopped there and began walking off again.
"What? Nothing but what? Top," Eun's voice cracked, and tears formed in her eyes.
Top stopped. He felt as if the world fell on him. His heart dropped into his stomach.
Did I make this girl cry? Did I make this girl that I love so much cry? Top thought to himself. He felt so low. He turned around and walked towards Eun.
Eun looked up, but quickly hung her head. She was too embarrassed to have Top see her tears.
"Eun," Top lifted Eun's head by her chin. She jerked her head away and began running off. "Eun! Wait! Eun"
Eun did not stop.
"Sorry," Top began, "but I love you."
Yes, Top was deeply in love with Eun. To Top Eun was perfect in every way. Perfect. When Top first saw her in the lobby of Manager Hou's building he had fallen in love with her. As if it were love at first sight. When he heard Min and Manager Hou were both to busy to take Eun on the tour he was so happy. He was going to offer to take her on the tour. But that damned Seungri ruined everything. He beat Top to the punchline and took Eun on the tour. Top was so angry at Seungri. Especially when he saw Eun's face light up when she met Seungri. She smiled that smile of love. That smile that Top knew only Seungri could bring out.
Top could not love Eun. Eun loved Seungri. and Seungri loved Eun. They were such a perfect couple too. So Top could absolutely not love Eun. Besides, he had a girlfriend. A y Japanese model named Etsu. That would do anything for Top. She loved Top, but Top did not love her. But he did not want to hurt her or Eun or Seungri. So he could not love Eun not matter what. But it was so hard not to. She was just so amazing to Top. And If his feelings ever were revealed Seungri would not be able to forgive Top and neither could Eun. So Top decided to be able to fully conceal his true feelings he would have to show nothing but hatred towards Eun. Even if that meant ruining his career and friendship with the boys. <!--Chapter end-->


The day after the concert the boys and Eun went to lunch with the boys' girlfriends; Sooma(Daesung), Yuwei(Taeyang) and Wendy(GD).
"I called Top, he sounded distraught. I dont think him and Etsu are coming today." GD told everyone.
Eun looked down and thought about last night and her conversation with Top. "Hate? I do not hate you. I feel nothing but," Eun reminisced about what Top had been saying. Nothing but, what? Eun could not stop thinking about what Top was going to say.
"Yea I think him and Etsu are going threw a rough time. You saw how he stormed off stage when Seungri and Eun were confessing to each other. Maybe he confessed to Etsu and she rejected him." Daesung said.
"Nah, Etsu lives and breathes Top. Something else is up." Seungri said and he glanced at Eun. She had her head down and had a sad face on. Seungri cupped Eun's hands into his. "Everything alright?"
"Hmm? Yes, Im fine. A little tired." Eun lied. She was tired though. All of last night she could not stop thinking about Top.
"Oh, do you want to go home?" Seungri asked.
"Mhnn. Im fine." Eun lied again.
"Alright." Seungri smiled at Eun. Eun smiled back. But it wasnt that smile. It wasnt that smile of love, that smile that only Seungri could bring about.
"Top seriously has some beef with Eun. That is for sure" Taeyang said.
"Yea" the boys all agreed.
And that was the end of the discussion about Top and everyone but Eun forgot about him as the day grew on.

"Hey who wants to go to the carnival?" Daesung asked after everyone was done eating.
Everyone agreed to going. They got into their cars and drove to the carnival that was being held in Seoul.
"Want to go on the ferris wheel, Eun?" Seungri asked.
"Alright! I havent been on one since I was a kid! Im a little afraid of heights, though." Eun said.
"Dont worry, I will be here to protect you." Seungri, even though he was 2 years younger than Eun, felt like it was his job to protect his love from anything, even heights.
Eun and Seungri ran to the ferris wheel and got in line. They were too occupied in each other to notice who was in front of them.
"Ah! Seungri! Hi!" A perky voice squealed.
"Etsu?" Seungri turned his attention to the beautiful Japanese model who had her arms wrapped around her boyfriend, Top. "Top, where were you today? GD said he called you. We all ate lunch together."
"Oh Toppy, you should have told me! Sorry Seungri, we went shopping today. Toppy said he felt like spoiling me today." Etsu squealed.
"Oh. Well maybe next time." Seungri replied. "Oh! Gosh, how could I forget, Etsu, this is my girlfriend Eun. She is JJ's new assistant."
"Oh hi! Top mentioned something about JJ getting a new assistant. He didn't mention how cute you were!" Etsu began to compliment Eun on her outfit when Top cut her off.
"Etsu, how about we go get something to eat." Top looked around trying hard not to look at his true love, Eun.
"Toppy, I ate half an hour ago! If i eat anymore Ill become fat. And I will lose me job." Etsu complained.
"How about be go on a different ride. I hate ferris wheels" Top continued to ignore his urge to look at Eun.
"No! I want to go on the ferris wheel. And it was YOUR idea to go on it!!" Etsu whined.
Eun could not see why Top would date such a girl like Etsu. She was beautiful, but she complained so much and had a whinny voice. And her Korean was far worse than Eun's.
"Top, c'mon man dont be like this. Just go on the ferris wheel with us." Seungri urged.
Top looked away, but everyone sensed he gave up the battle to leave.
"Next four!!" The ferris wheel conductor called out.
Eun, Seungri, Top and Etsu boarded that ferris wheel's bench.
"I call edge seat!" Etsu screamed out as she crawled in the ride.
Top sat next to her and then Eun sat next to Top. Top tried to scooch as close to Etsu and far from Eun as possible. But there was barely room to move.
"Seung, trade spots with your girl!" Top barked
"No way, Eun does not want a edge seat. She'll get sick" Seungri replied.
Top glanced at Eun and Eun returned the glance. Top did not look at her with hatred, but with love.
"Sorry." Top said under his breath.
"Hm?" Eun asked.
"Nothing" Top replied.
The ride started and Eun clutched to Seungri.
Etsu clutched onto her boyfriend too.
After the ride Etsu begged Seungri and Eun to go on a roller coaster ride with Top and her. Even though Eun was terrified of roller coasters she felt safe going on it with Top. Wait No. Seungri.
Why did I just think I will be safe because Top is going to be on the ride with me? I should feel safe because Seung is going to be on it with me. Eun felt puzzled.
When they got on the ride it was three people to a cart. Eun, Seungri and Top all got on one cart. Etsu wanted Top to sit with her but the conductor wasnt going to have it.
"Hmm. Fine. Im not riding. You stay Toppy, Im going to go to the restroom while you guys ride it." Etsu said. Top wanted off but Etsu wasnt going to let him. "You said that this was the one ride you wanted to go on. And you are going on it! And thats it!"
"Can I get middle seat?" Eun asked Top and Seungri.
"Yea fine with me." Seungri replied
Top groaned.
Etsu left the ride and the conductor started the coaster.
The first hump on the ride was small so Eun did not need to grab onto Seungri. But the next one was really big and dropped down into a loop. As the coaster crawled up the hump Eun got scared. She grabbed onto who she thought was Seungri. The cart flew down the hump and Eun grabbed on tighter. The person she grabbed on to pulled his hand out from her grasp and draped it around her. "Its alright Eun" the person said.
Thats not Seung, Eun thought. Thats, TOP! Eun looked up at stared at Top, who was staring back. Eun smiled. She smiled that smile of love. That smile that she thought only Seungri could bring about.
Quickly, though, she let go of Top and clutched onto her real boyfriend, who was to preoccupied with the ride to notice what had just happened.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #5
Chapter 12: Oh boy, this was good!
mudkip118 #7
Wow this was quite good.
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #8
loved this ^^