
Sorry, But I Love You

As Eun was walking out of the building Seungri stopped her. "Hey, Eun, want to I don't know, go get some dinner?" Seungri's face became flushed in a soft pink.
Blushing? Blushing about asking me out? Thats never happened to me before. Ive never been asked out and no one has ever blushed because of me. Eun thought. "Yes, that would be lovely." Eun smiled that smile again.
"Great, I know a great little American style restaurant. You'll love it!" Seungri smiled and held his hand out for Eun to hold.
She could feel her face becoming bright red, matching Seungri's. Eun grasped Seungri's hand. Butterflies formed in her stomach. She felt sick, but in a good way. She was still smiling that smile, that it seemed like only Seungri would be able to bring about.
Eun and Seungri decided to walk to the restaurant. Still holding each other's hands.
When they got to the restaurant Eun ordered a classic American hamburger. Seungri ordered the same.
"So, how was your first day, Eun?" Seungri asked as he sipped his soda.
"It was really good. I loved watching you guys rehearse. You all seem really nice and friendly, well not Top. Is he always that hostile?"
"No, I noticed he was a little off today. He is usually a cold person, but not that cold. I am surprised he didn't introduce himself. Its not like him." Seungri pondered what would make Top so not like himself.
"Oh, do you think I did something to offend him?" Eun asked, her eyes widened.
"No, I dont think you were the cause for his sour attitude." Seungri replied. Quickly, Seungri thought of something to change the subject. "You know, you have really pretty eyes, Eun"
Eun blushed and smiled that smile again. "Uhm thank you."
"So, Eun, tell me about yourself." Seungri seemed very interested in Eun.
"Well, I was born and raised in New Mexico, in America. I have been speaking Korean since I was ten, but as you can see, I have really bad Korean. Uhm I have three brothers and one sister. They are all younger than me, though. And they still like in America. I am studying abroad here for the cultural expedience. Im studying management at a local college." Eun did not know what else she should say.
"Do you have relatives here?" Seungri asked.
"A few. Distant relatives. They live in Ulson*, though."
"Oh what about friends? Do you have a roommate?"
"No. Ive only been living in Korea for a few months. I live alone, and Im not one to branch out and make friends." Eun replied in a sad tone.
"Well, does that mean im your first friend in Korea?!" Seungri sensed Eun's sad tone and used a over ecstatic tone, in hopes of bringing back Eun's happy tone.
And it was a success! "Yea, looks like." Eun smiled that smile again.
For the next hour or so Eun and Seungri talked about each other; their interests, about their family, about their childhood, about anything they could think of.

After they left the restaurant Seungri offered to walk Eun home. Eun accepted the offer.
During the walk they were both silent. Until Seungri broke the silence.
"You know Eun, I think, uhm, well," Seungri was blushing more than ever. His face matched that of a cherry. "I really like you." The words just fell out of his mouth like a waterfall.
Eun felt as if the world had stopped. A boy likes me? A cute boy likes me? A CUTE BOY REALLY LIKES ME? Am I sleeping? Should I pinch myself? NO! That would make me seem like weirdo!! Eun thought to herself. "Really? Thank you, I like you too."
Seungri smiled, and Eun smiled that smile that only Seungri could bring about.
Eun and Seungri stared into each other's eyes. Seungri slowly urged his head towards Eun's.
Are you going to kiss? Does he want me to kiss him? I dont know how to kiss. Ive never kissed anyone before. What do I do? Eun panicked and urged her lips onto Seungri's. Im kissing him! Im kissing someone. When do I stop? Should I stop now? What do I do?? Eun brought her lips back. "Uh this is my apartment. I better be getting inside. I have work for Manager Hou to do." Eun lied.
"Oh, well, I will see you tomorrow. Bye bye Eun." Seungri slightly kissed Eun again and went on his way.

For the rest of the night Eun laid in her bed thinking about Seungri, and that kiss. That first kiss of hers. Oh god it was magical. When their lips first touched Eun felt like it was just her and Seungri. It was so amazing, Eun thought.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #5
Chapter 12: Oh boy, this was good!
mudkip118 #7
Wow this was quite good.
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #8
loved this ^^