First Day

Sorry, But I Love You

Eun had arrived at the office building at 8:00 sharp as instructed by Min Lee. When she walked into the building she saw a desk and a series of hallways.
"Uhm, hello, uh my name is Eun Jung So-" Eun was cut off by the cheerful voice of her new boss.
"Eun! Hello! Oh gosh you are a prettier that that old professor of yours had said." Hou laughed. "Please come this way. I am going to have Min, from yesterday, show you around."
"Oh sir, sorry, but I am a little busy with a client. A certain IMPORTANT client." Eun took it that the 'important client' was a hoax and that Min did not want to wander around with a person like Eun. Eun didn't care about that, though. She just wanted to start work as soon as possible.
"Oh dear, I am quite busy as well. Eun do you think you could wait a while before we start your tour?" Hou asked.
"Ah yes no prob-" Eun was again cut off. This time she was cut off by the voice of someone she didn't know.
"Dont worry JJ, Ill show her around this place. I know it almost front and back." Eun turned towards the voice. It was one of the Big Bang members. But which one?
Whats his name? What is it? Who is he? I remember the face, not the name. What is his name. This cant possibly be happening. On the first day, too! Oh gosh I'm going to get fired.
"Ah Seungri! Do you mind?" Hou asked
"No not at all. I have some off time right now." The member, Seungri, had said.
Eun remembered from her late night cramming that Seungri was also known as Maknae or the Little Brother of the group.
"Thank you very much," Eun bowed and for the first time in a long time she actually smiled.
Yes, Eun Jung Sonu had smiled. Actually, smiled. Not one of those fake smiles you put on your face to not look rude, but one of those smiles that you have no control over. The smile that just must be shown. The smile that will brighten even the grayest cloud. The smile that Eun thought she would never use ever again.
The last time she had used that smile was in her first year of high school. She had the most enormous crush on a boy in her mathematics class. One day he was walking to lunch when they ran into each other. Eun and the boy both dropped what they were carrying. The boy bent down and picked up his and Eun's belongings.
"AH! Is this a Robo-boy comic?! Gosh! This is my favorite!" When he was handing the comic book back to Eun their hands touched for a slight nano second. But to Eun it felt like eternity. And that touch brought up that smile. That rare smile. That smile that she now had on her face.

"Well I must be going now, thank you again Maknae for showing Eun the building. I owe you!" Manager Hou chuckled and walked off.
"Good morning. Im Lee Seunghyun. You can just call me Seungri or Maknae, everyone else does." Seungri said.
"Mmm. Thank you again for showing me around the building Seungri" Eun was still smiling that smile. And she could sense her personality was becoming less like her normal self and more like Min Lee's.
"No problem. I always like meeting JJ's new assistants. So, I guess I should show you around. This place looks pretty big, but really, Its not." Seungri smiled and held his hand out, gesturing that they were to go.

For the next hour or so Seungri showed Eun all of the building. "And this is where your office will be."

"Office? MY office? As in it is mine?" Eun asked.

"Haha~ Yes it is YOUR office." Seungri laughed.

Seungri showed Eun the office. It was average size and had a decent view of Seoul. It was nothing special, but to Eun is was amazing.

"WOW! This, this is amazing. Wow, just look at the view. Gosh it's so pretty!" Eun was awestruck. She was so ecstatic about her office. Which was a new emotion for her.

"Yes, well. Its not as amazing as the view you get on the roof. Want me to show yo-" Seungri began to say, but was cut off.

"Oi! Maknae, we've been looking for you! Where you been?" Another member from the band said as he approached Seungri and Eun.

"I was showing JJ's new assistant the building. So chill" Seungri replied.

"New assistant, eh? Well hello, I am G-Dragon, or GD." GD said.

"Hello. My name is Eun Jung Sonu, pleased to meet you G-Dragon." Eun bowed.

"Maknae, we have to go rehearse now. Eun, you are welcome to watch us rehearse. JJ is down in the recording room right now." GD offered.

"Uh sure, if I have no other work to do, I would love to see you guys rehearse." Eun said.

"Oh, are you a fan of us? Most girls in Korea are." GD smiled.

"Sorry, I am from America and I just now heard of you. I heard one of your songs last night. It was sorta good." Eun said, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"America, you say? Thats why your Korean was weird. I didn't want to say anything about it, because I didn't want to be rude. No offense. Do you know English?" GD asked.

"Oh its fine. And yes I do." Eun replied.

"Hey maybe one day I could help you on your Korean and you could help me on my English. I've been wanting to learn it for the longest time." Seungri spoke up.

Eun started to like Seungri. He was cute, soft spoken, nice and had one of those personalities Eun loved.

"That would be wonderful. I would love that." Eun smiled that smile again.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #5
Chapter 12: Oh boy, this was good!
mudkip118 #7
Wow this was quite good.
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #8
loved this ^^