
The Promise


Its been 3 months since Lucas started dating Doyeon. And 3 months since she lied to Lucas.She felt sorry for saying No and for lying to herself. Although it seems as if Lucas was unfazed by her negatory answer. But why wouldn’t he? Maybe that was really just an innocent question and she is overthinking. But the way Lucas’ eyes darkened,lips sealed and quivering. For all the years shed know the boy,she knows he is nervous and hiding something but she thought it would be best not pry especially during the said situation. In addition,in those 3 months, Yuqi was not at her best in attempting to hide her jealousy. You see, Lucas and Yuqi were never inseparable. That means lunch together since forever. And that did not even change when Lucas started dating, weird right but those were the times Yuqi didn’t feel threatened. A little rude but She somehow like the way they both display how close she and Lucas are to whoever his current beau is. This time is different though. She did everything she can to avoid eating together with those two. Just yesterday,she had to fake not feeling well in order to evade the prospect of lunch with Lucas and of course Doyeon. 


“Hey Song,so lunch?” Lucas’ voice broke her trance. She literally held her breath when she faced on her right and Lucas was just a mere centimeter away. They both quickly retracted,cheeks filling with the familiar color of red. 



“So are you feeling alright? Its weird that you did not let me take care of you when you got sick yesterday, you were always such a ba-“ Yuqi stopped on her tracks when she realized this was not the way to the juniors’ classroom.

“Aren’t we going to pick up Doyeon?” Yuqi met Lucas’ eyes quizzically. 

“Oh right, remember the spring formal? Her parents agreed to sponsor the design for the venue so shes with them now. Checking the gym out.” Lucas said as a matter of fact.Yuqi on the other hand, breathed in a sigh of relief. Atleast she could eat in peace. If she remembered it correctly, it has been so long since they both ate together. Just the two of them. In an instant, she was taken back to the simpler days when there were no bimbos, no jealousy,only her and him. She bitterly thought to might as well enjoy it while it lasts.


“ Hey song, speaking of the spring formal, I know it coincides with your birthday and you are one of the committees plus its months away but you do not have to attend. Right?Besides its for juniors and seniors. So any plans?” 

Lucas was too excited that it made Yuqi arch a brow. Somehow Lucas’ over excitedness got her intrigued. She wanted to ask but in the end kept it to herself. Still, she cant help but think somethings up. 

“Uhm, the usual? We could go out or eat at my place. We could even invite Minnie.” 

Lucas thanked the heavens that she did not mention Yanan. As a result, it made him smile out of the blue but quickly hid it before Yuqi could notice.

“Or just the two of us.” 

He did not look up and continued eyeing his food. He immediately regretted uttering those words given the fact that he recently asked the most awkward question which only resulted in a resounding no. But they were alone a thousand times and it wasn’t “this” embarrassing. Its a legit question,no malice.At the least,inside his head.When Lucas was met with silence he slowly lifted his head up. And saw Yuqi, who is now all read and eyes wide in shock. 


Yuqi knew it was an innocent question. But somehow it made her all fired up and suddenly shy. Or just the two of us.She was silent for too long that Lucas looked up and she wished the earth would just swallow her whole. 


“You know,like always?” He quickly added trying to ease the atmosphere. 


“Yeah.Right.Totally!” Oh that was rather un normally enthusiastic.

“Uhm gotta run to the restroom. See you in class!” 

She did not even finish her lunch and quickly left before Lucas could utter anything. 

It must be her lucky day because while she was running away from Lucas, guess who she bumped into the ladies room. 

“Oh hi Yuqi! Why do you look so flustered?” 

Doyeon tilted her head to the right,eyebrows scrunched and waiting for an answer. 

“Oh you know. Cold wind hits the skin the usual. Uhm,well nice seeing you .” Yuqi began to turn her heel but was quickly stopped by Doyeon who gently grabbed her by the arm. 

After checking the stalls and finally locking the door. She faced Yuqi who was a midget compared to her towering height. 

Doyeon always had a miss universe smile but this time,under this light,this atmosphere she was like a tigress ready to devour her prey which likely happens to be Yuqi. 

“I know how close you are to Lucas and he values your opinion very much. “ Doyeon took a step close making Yuqi step back. 

“The thing is, I really like him. So if you could help me get much closer to him,like tell me his likes and dislikes etc. It would be very helpful.”

When Doyeon sounded so sincere and her expression softened,Yuqi sighed in relief. Clutching her chest and breathing heavily she replied,” Oh.. is that it?I thought you-“ 

“Thought what?” Even when confused this girl is a goddess. 

“Uhm,never mind. And sure my pleasure.” Yuqi held on to both of Doyeon’s arms for support. She still hasn’t recovered from the nervousness. 

“Really? Thanks! You’re  a life saver. I was planning to ask him to be my in the upcoming spring formal so before that it’d be much better if we got to know each other like.. you know.. on your level. But mums the word ‘kay?“ Doyeon gave Yuqi a pat on the back and quickly headed out. What did just happen? Yuqi cant believe she would be keeping another secret from Lucas. But more importantly, she wont be spending her birthday with him. For the first time since they've known each other. This would look like breaking an ancient tradition.Surely he’ll choose his girlfriend right? She’d be all made up and he’d be dandy. A perfect match. Then they would dance in the center of the room, all jealous eyes on the couple made from heaven. 

The thought of it sent her heart burning and slowly hot tears started forming around her usually bright orbs. 


When Lucas arrived at their classroom,Yuqi was nowhere to be found. He asked around and it seems like she still hasn’t reached the classroom. He remembered she said shed go to the toilet so he headed to wait for her there. Is she still not feeling okay?  He was snapped back to his senses when he saw Doyeon come out of the restroom. He doesn’t know why but he quickly hid behind the pillars. When he made sure the coast was clear, he slowly made his way to the bathroom. It was quiet that all he could her was Yuqi’s silent sobs. 

He gently knocked on the door,waiting for Yuqi fo turn around. When she did, he saw her tears and without thinking quickly wrapped her in a hug. 

“What happened?” Worry was etched all over his voice. All Yuqi could do was cling to him like its the last time she can hold onto him. 

“You’re not supposed to come in.”

Despite the situation Yuqi still maintained logic. It just made him smile. 

“Are you gonna tell me whats wrong?” He said while gently her poodle hair. Yuqi just fervently shook her head no. Lucas only mouthed an Oh , understanding the situation.  This was one of the time when Yuqi would wish time would stop. It was always with him and only him. But she knows better and she understands. Understands that all time with him is just borrowed. 

Even though she doesn’t want to, she slowly released herself from Lucas’ embrace. 

“We should.. get back-“ 

Her words were cut short for when she looked up, Lucas was staring at her, pupils enlarged and mouth shut. Somehow this intensity reminded her of the day Lucas that question. 

From her point of view, she could see Lucas’ adam’s apple bobbing up and down. She knows Lucas since forever that she is sure this is him being anxious. But about what? 

Yuqi could feel Lucas’ face growing nearer and nearer. She debated on what to do but deep down, if he is about to what she’s thinking he is about to do, then she wants it. Yuqi could only close her eyes and anticipate some contact but she only heard a sigh,followed by some more nervous swallowing. 

With their faces still centimeters away from each other Lucas broke the silence.

“Uhm, yeah I think we should go.”

No jokes. No making fun of how Yuqi closed her eyes expecting for what, a kiss? Yuqi just fell even harder. She barely nodded and they both walked silently side by side back to their classroom. 


 That was dangerously close. Lucas thought.

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Meowthiscute #1
Chapter 3: Please update.. I've been waiting for soo long..hope you're doing well
Chapter 2: Can’t wait for the next chapter!! Great story you have :)