

            I slowly crack my eyes open and all I could see was darkness. Darkness was once again becoming a close friend of mine, especially in this time of isolation.

            What was the point of this? Waking up every morning to find myself alone, doing the same thing day and night. A prisoner is what I felt like.

            Reluctantly, I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed and let my feet carry me to the window. Roughly pulling the panels out with a screech of the metal, I let the bright light fill the void of my bedroom. I slightly feel a little better being hit with the light. I can’t remember the last time I was able to use my powers; it must have been the time I was abroad in Lyon. It was dark and cold, but so light and warm when the lights were chasing me. I thought I was being caught and yet, it was just me all along.

I was protecting myself as I was suddenly teleported into what felt like a dream because I was reunited with everyone once again. It was the greatest feeling ever until I was back into reality and back into my home in Korea.

Glancing outside, it was quiet as usual. A heavy sigh let my lips as I looked down to find a letter sitting on the sill as if it knowingly, I would open the curtains today. Occasionally, I don’t even bother opening them as I just creep into the downstairs room back into utter darkness.

Taking the letter in my hand, I let the rough paper skim across my nimble fingers. It was from Kyungsoo. I know because of his signature red stamp of the tree and I don’t receive mail. I’d like to live here as if I don’t exist. I’d rather just live on my own and wait for the day I can reunite with my friends.

It’s been a while since I’ve received a letter from Kyungsoo. They usually came at least once a week, mainly, just him going on about how he’s doing and discoveries he found. Most of the time his letters would be short since like me, he has nothing much else to do in his life than just to figure out what the hell is going on with us and why we can’t live normal lives together here on Earth. I wish I can send him one back, but whatever power uses to teleport these letters is better than mine.

It’s been over a month since his last one though. I hope he’s okay.

I take the letter with me as I trudge on downstairs, quickly reading as I go before plunging into darkness. Flicking on the light switch, instead of a bright white light, the dim red lights flicker on.

Ironic to that I possess the power of light, I’m now relishing myself in darkness every day. I use the light as a calming effect, and I can feel at ease when I’m feeling quite anxious as well as elicit happiness in me. I avoid doing that most of the time because what’s the point of being happy when there is no purpose in that I’m all alone. At least Kyungsoo’s letters allow me to know that he’s doing well and seemingly the others as well since they must be getting letters too, he believes we all get them at the very least.

I toss the letter onto the countertop and look up at the drying photos I hung up the other day after developing them. Yes, technology has advanced, and I could easily print them off within seconds, but when all the time I have is to wait, I can do things that are more time consuming. It allows me to anticipate for something to be there when time is up.

Most of the pictures, I took were of the moon. There was suddenly a day of an eclipse and needed to capture the moment in case something would happen. Nothing happened besides my powers feeling more enlightened, but nothing else came by and I couldn’t see my friends again.

I took down one of the photos and sighed once more. There was nothing special about it. I must admit that it was a good quality photo, but what I was looking for wasn’t in it, so I placed it down on the countertop and walked away.

Slumping down on the couch, head on the arm rest, I close my eyes listening as silenced engulfed me. I reached down to grab the lamp switch in my hands and slowly switched it on to then switch it back on.





I kept flicking the light on and off letting the light flood the room a little longer than the next before drowning myself in the dark a little longer more.

Will this ever end? Will the sadness that is embedded in my heart disappear?

I don’t belong here, and I don’t deserve this… I squeezed my eyes shut feeling the pang in my heart when I fully convince myself that I will never be able to live in the light as I once did; so carefree and in the presence of those I love.

I won’t cry though. Crying won’t solve any of my problems and I’ve done enough crying to make me feel like an empty shell.

Cracking my eyes open to watch the light disappear and reappear again and again.

Suddenly, a flash of red lit up the room as a whispery sound followed. I sat up, blinking for a moment thinking it was just imagination and it’s just the glow of my red lights, but this flash was too bright and all to familiar. I knew it was time to go.

I shot up from the couch and made a mad dash toward the wall, tearing down the photographs and crumpling them in my hands. I don’t know why I’m doing this, but I just knew that something in me was telling me to do it. My heart was pumping, and the adrenaline was kicking in. I felt anxious and yet, almost excited in some way.

I ran out and up the stairs to push through my front door and ran through the empty building I called home. I looked backed to check my surrounds and to ensure I wasn’t being followed. It felt like something was watching me and keeping me in close range.

Running straight into the metal gate, which was the only exit to the outside world. It all hit too close when I shook the gate open, but to no avail, only scratched against the concrete floor. Of course, it’s locked.

I turn and lean against the gate breathing heavily. This really was Deja vu all over again except the building is so dark that there was no light source to save me now. I let out a soft chuckle to relieve the fear bubbling up in my throat.

There was no hope for me now.

Not yet…

A bright light slowly illuminated my face. It came from the 2nd exit door adjacent from the metal gate. I didn’t bother with that door because it only leads to further down into the other homes and the basement and it’s locked. I own the whole top portion of this building, so the door remains locked to keep others from coming up.

I carefully stepped up to the door feeling quite entranced and calm from this serene light when it suddenly swung open before me and I was grabbed by both arms by both males and pulled in through the blinding light room.

I can’t believe it.



They saved me from the darkness.

UGHUGH! It's been so long my friends~~

COVID-19 can go die. It better die off before I die of being inside my home all day. I use to be such a homebody, which I would like to think I still am but lately, I've been going out a lot to meet with friends so this change of dynamic is kind of klling me.

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