Kim Namjoon, Chosen of Odin

New Heroes

The second chosen solidified to the public that the gods were choosing kpop idols. Many an article online was written asking if they could be considered artists in the same way previous chosen had been. In equal measure, there were articles predicting which idols could be chosen. It was like waiting for the unveiling of a supergroup. Predictions were varied and inconsistent with one exception. Every single list had a member of BTS. After all, they were the kpop kings. 

Kim Namjoon was tired. Not in the usual sleepy tired or even the usual-for-him physically exhausted tired, but his brain was tired. Being leader was hard, using English constantly was hard, performing constantly when jet lagged was hard. But sitting on a plane back to Korea with a secret weighing on him was even more tiring.

He stretched his legs out as he leaned back in his chair. This was especially comfortable for an airplane seat but he still couldn’t quite figure out the best way to sit. This discomfort definitely had nothing to do with the tattoo that had magically appeared across his back and arms a few nights ago. Of course not.

He had been sitting in his hotel room after filming some American talk show when he had received The Vision. He kept trying to come up with a more elegant and poetic name for what happened but he really couldn’t. He had received a vision of a god and had been chosen as his representative. Something he had worried about happening but not to him. Yet, here he was.

The tattoo itself was a thick black design that swirled and curled and knotted across his shoulders and onto his arms. There seemed to be no consistent pattern but when looked at long enough he could notice Hangul and English hidden in ways that didn’t quick make sense. But it was easy enough to hide under shirts and jackets, something he’d been very careful to do.

And Namjoon had told nobody. He wasn’t quite prepared to tell s that he was going to have to leave them, and he especially wasn’t prepared to tell them while they were still in America. So he shut his mouth and waited. But the swirling art of the tattoo had begun itching in way that was definitely not a regular thing. He purposefully had been ignoring this and his gut told him it was going to end up as a bad idea to do so.

The first thing they all did after landing in Korea was to go home and sleep. Jetlag made everything more complicated. But back in is his own apartment with nobody around he couldn’t fall asleep. This wasn’t a new problem but it felt different this time. The itch from his tattoo seemed to fill his entire body, making him restless. As he laid on his bed begging for sleep, all his body could do is itch and burn. Energy filled his entire body begging to be used.

So he did what he always did.

He wrote.

As he sat in his studio with his laptop words poured out of him. New raps, unfinished old raps, rewrites of completed raps, all of them spilled onto his document. Words all but jumped out of him, seeming to glow in his mind as they became written.

And slowly the itch began to subside. His words slowed down and became more specific. By time the energy had burned out of him, there were enough verses for a dozen songs or more. But without even realizing, Namjoon had begun writing about what he was going through. About becoming something akin to a demi-god marked with power. About change and fear. About being chosen.

The meeting the next day had Namjoon nervous like he hadn’t been in long time. It wasn’t the same as stage nerves. This was the nerves of knowing that this could explode in his face. And it was very likely that it would. The other members all slowly trickled into the dance practice room, still sleepy and wondering why they had been called in.

Namjoon sighed and began. “One of our members has been chosen.”

Jimin raised an eyebrow “What, like to have a proper solo?”

Namjoon shook his head “No, capital c Chosen. Like Taemin and Jihyo.”

Everyone turned and stared at Jungkook “Hey it’s not me I swear!”

“No it was me. I was chosen by Odin and now…” He paused and shrugged off his jacket to reveal the tattoos. “Things are going to be different.”

They all turned back to Namjoon, eyes betraying their emotions- mostly shock but excitement and sadness in equal measure.

“We all suspected this might happen, but didn’t want to think about it.”

Silence filled the room. 

“I guess this comeback is going to be different than we planned.” A nod of agreement passed through the room.

Namjoon started packing his apartment. The other chosen had apparently rented a dorm for all of them, prepping for the total 12. It made sense, if they all had powers it could be dangerous to live with their old groups. And it seemed like they would seemingly become a pseudo group of their own. Working together seemed to make sense even if it hurt to leave. 

 But to move in, he needed his things gathered up. His recording equiptment was going to get moved next but it was his clothes and laptop that he needed now. He needed to be able to write more than anything. If the whole point of this was that he was going to go off and spread inspiration, he needed to be able to write and to rap. 

And as soon as he was moved in properly, the first of those raps was going to go online. He had done his research, Odin was a god of knowledge  but also of war and general power. So he was going to show the entire world the power he could show. He wouldn’t just spit fire, he would spit lightning itself.

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