
My Favorite Idol

A/N: Hello, chapter 5, Stay, is officially released! Enjoy. Early release cuz my draft was out like a few days ago. I guess I forget to click the draft mode again. I initially panicked but I figured that I should do a good one within a short period of time before reuploading it again. I just prefer to update directly on the site XD but it became a mess because of the buttons. Hmmm, anyways, I think I should just work on my drafts on word docs before transferring them here. Really sorry to those who already read my draft. Really sorry TT Please forgive me TT

Anyways, enjoy! Thank you for reading and do subscribe, upvote and comment if you like it! Do give suggestions for the next one but I will try to see what I can do for the next. It will be a killjoy if I just end it like this. I originally wanted to do 5 chapters cuz I figured that writing 10 chapters is rather difficult like what I did in my royou fanfic, You Are My Lucky Star ( Yep, shameless promotion. Do read it if you have not read it or love royou fanfic. 

Kaykay, enjoy peeps. Next one maybe released a week later or 2 weeks later, really see where my brain takes me to.


"I'm sorry," Jisoo blurted out as she pulled Jennie into her arms. Her heart just wanted her in a way that shouldn’t. Her heart wanted to apologise for ignoring and doubting the younger girl. Her heart was also too fragile and just wanted to be consoled with a hug. The older girl was sorry for everything.

Jennie on the other hand realised something, a feeling that she had never felt before. She knew that she had to cherish the girl in front of her. Even though Jisoo always acted tough, there was actually a sensitive girl was hiding behind the facade, yearning for her love. She will love Jisoo whole heartedly from this day onwards.

"Hey, why are you apologising? I am the one who should apologise. I'm sorry for not handling this properly. I promise, I will make it up to you." Jennie tightened her hold around Jisoo's shoulders, snuggling into her neck.

However, Jisoo broke the hug slightly. The younger was slightly hurt but stunned when a pair of soft plump lips was on hers. She could even taste the light mint flavour. She was so into it and wanted to deepen it, to get a better taste of the lips, but in return, it was just disappointment. The lips left hers.

The older girl was beyond shocked to what was happening. It did not occur to her that her body had a mind of its own. The flustered Jisoo quickly gather her bag and her jacket that was next to her and legs were ready to leave the apartment.

"Wait, please stay,” begged Jennie. The younger’s hand was on the older’s right wrist, tugging it slightly to prevent the girl from fleeing.

Jisoo decided to man up and face everything, even if it would ruin the new found friendship.

"I like you. I like you a lot."

That was it, Jisoo had confessed. Her eyes were wondering around the room and avoiding Jennie. She prayed to her that everything would turn out fine. That mantra was continuously chanted. The silence was deafening, to the point that it irked her. She had enough of it. If everything was just one-sided, she would rather have some form of rejection rather than silence. This ambiguity was really not what she expected. She mustered the courage to look at Jennie. As soon as their eyes met, Jennie engulfed the slightly smaller girl was a tight hug. Instantly, Jisoo knew that what she prayed for had came true.

"I thought I gave my prized possession to the wrong person. You scared me for a while I really like my lips a lot."

The new couple were now lazing on the couch. Jisoo, resting on the couch with Jennie, sitting on her lap, with arms still securely wrapped around the raven-haired girl’s neck. The younger was basically snuggling next to the older, extracting her warmth. Jisoo’s hands were wrapped around Jennie’s petite waist, feeling the exposed tanned skin.

"I like it too, it looks like a heart shape,” replied Jennie, as she looked at Jisoo fondly, a hand was now Jisoo’s face, moving down to trace her heart-shaped lips.

I thought you have dinner ready. Let's go. Why did you think that I was leaving. How awkward.”

Jisoo quickly stood up, the strap sliding down her arm and jacket strewn on the floor. She was feeling hot from the affection that the younger was showing. She loved it but everything was just too new for her. Yes, Jisoo, being 24 years old still did not know how to receive affection.

"Quit acting tough. You should have become an actor if you love acting.”

Jennie rolled her eyes. This childish side of Jisoo is something she had to get used to.

"Yes, princess,” Jisoo did a slight curtsy as she replied the girl, aware that the general nickname was used. She just wanted to tease the younger. Her playful side just loved to be activated when she’s around Jennie.,

"Where is my special nickname?"

"Yes, Jendeukie princess," she replayed the entire scene again with the correction. She then made her way to the kitchen, leaving the owner trailing behind her.

While they were having dinner, Jennie wanted to talk. She really wanted to know Jisoo better. All she knew about Jisoo was just her name, her Uni, her course, her love for her. That is all. For goodness sake, they had even kissed already. She ought to do better. She knew that Jisoo is going through a hard time and she wanted to help. She too, wanted to break down the wall, the invisible wall that Jisoo was trying so hard to build and protect her true self.

Jennie decided to strike conversation while Jisoo was busy munching the food away. She had observed Jisoo during the start of dinner. The older was just busy grabbing dishes and eating with the bowl of rice. The only remarks that the other girl said was when the food was good and the occasional head nodding because of how good the food taste.

"What do you think about me?” asked the younger, in a rather careful manner.

Jisoo put down her utensils and took a glass of water. The question was sinking into her but she didn’t need much thought to it.

"You are great. I like you. I feel that we have a connection even though we just met. It feels like we have known each other for a long time. I like our interactions, no matter how small or stupid it seems. Neomu neomu jeonwahaeyo Kim Jennie."

Jennie was touched by the confession and blushed. It is just Jisoo's action on her. No matter what she says or what she does just makes her feel happy. Tingling inside, making her feel warm.

"It's crazy how different we are. I guess your constant switch between craziness and saint-ness is something I would need to get used to.” The younger confessed. She loves everything about the older, even if some of the traits seem negative.

“Is it a good thing or a bad thing?” asked the older. She was getting self-conscious.

“It's all good actually,” Jennie reassured Jisoo. Her hand was on top of Jisoo’s, her thumb on the knuckles. In return, Jisoo beamed at her genuinely.

Silence began to feel the room, albeit a comfortable one. They were enjoying the meal in the company of each other.

“You can really cook. You would make a good wife,” said Jisoo, as she picked the dumpling in front of her.

“Are you implying something?” asked Jennie in a sing-song manner, wanted to give a snarky remark, but the older beat her to it.

“Maybe,” knowing the younger, she quickly replied and gave her a goofy grin.

They have already finished dinner and were lazing on the couch.

“Anyways, are you alright?” asked the idol. She was currently laying her head on Jisoo’s right shoulder. Jisoo, on the other hand was playing with Jennie’s fingers.

“Hmm? I'm fine,” replied the Yonsei student, but she was well aware of what Jennie wanted to talk about. She stopped what she was doing. She held the younger’s body and turned such that they were looking at each other. She was prepared for the next talk.

“I'm sorry,” the idol sincerely apologised. After what Chaeyoung had texted her, she knew that she must have hurt the older girl a lot and she really wanted to apologise for the mess that her agency had created.

“It's alright, it's over and look where it brought us,” Jisoo reassured the younger. This time, she was looking at the younger and those words confidently rolled off her tongue. She was alright with it, truthfully even though there was the initial pain.


“I was sad but it made me realise my feelings for you and with all this. I want to be stronger, for myself and for us.”

The older hugged her. Strong arms wrapped around the younger’s back.

“What happened though?” Jennie was curious of that side of Jisoo’s history. She really wanted to know as Jisoo’s girlfriend. Girlfriend, she couldn’t believe it. Dating someone so soon after debut but she knew that the older is the one for her.

“Just say that I have too many stress receptors and my body produce too much of it and I don't really know how to control it. I am still working on it though. Also, let’s say that I am not lucky when it comes to the affairs of the heart,” it was the older’s turn to snuggle into Jennie’s neck, nose and lips on the younger’s neck. The older inhaled the idol’s scent and the light sicilian orange scent filled her nose and she was giddy from it. It a good way.

Jennie chuckled and commented, “too technical... what did Yonsei do to you? I thought you are a business student.”

Jisoo just laughed it off. Yonsei just drives her crazy but she is definitely not as crazy as those high achievers.

“But do you what helps you to calm down?” the younger asked coquettishly and pulled the raven head into a tight hug. She held onto Jisoo, left hand around the older’s shoulder and right hand twirling the older’s hair, occasionally it. Jennie lightly kissed Jisoo’s neck, and slowly moved to the nape, hoping that this would release a surge of endorphin.

The older was definitely feeling it when she groaned in pleasure.

“All good huh?” the younger smirked.

“You drive me crazy.”


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Hello! A new update. This may be slightly confusing. There are 2 parts to the finale, chapter 9 and 10. Do catch both of them for continuity!


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re-reading this!
Chapter 12: This is so sweet and cute. Even in the firstly i thought it will be sad for jisoo cause she date a idol, but look Jennie is a whipped cute girlfriend. And how sweet Jennie said she always remind Jisoo about her. AWW I CANT THIS IS SO CUTE. GOOD JOB AUTHOR NIM!!!!????
Chapter 11: Woah, i realized im a silent reader on this one. I also love this... And also my chaelisaaaaaaa

*opens IG app and searches idol's acc* *remembers i cant speak Korean* *cries*
dkdldb #4
Chapter 11: This was nice
dkdldb #5
Chapter 11: This was nice
Chapter 11: That was good!
Chapter 11: This is really nice!
Chapter 11: That's great ending. I do love it.
Thanks you so much xD
581 streak #9
Chapter 11: Kekeke JenSoo and SeulRene jjang!!
Chapter 11: Best ending! ?❤️