
Ruler of Queens

Levels of Ranking...  (Colours) from Highest to Lowest.    Status is like hierarchy, depending on how strong the Queen is, the solders may become stronger stay their normal selves or become weaker- which is why stronger Queens are wanted in all territories. Queens have the power to compel their subjects into doing what they want if they are contracted.





Sapphire Purple

............................................... Line of superiority








There are RARE - these are the Unique and they are known as the ROYALS... extremely powerful and are not within any territory boundaries. THEY ARE YG AND SM.


Minzy: 19

Due to failure of completing her mission, she is sent to rule over the slums and her rank has lowered to honey brown. Half sister of Queen CL. 

CL:  21

Half sister of Minzy.

Recently crowned Queen after dethroning another from her seat. Is feared by neighbouring territories. She can also read minds.

 Leashed her true powers so she is ranked SILVER

Friends with her sister Minzy and Park Bom. 

Park Bom: 23

 Witch – Foresees the future and is very dangerous. Witches can the soul out of any living thing they want. Married to TOP.

Friends with CL and Minzy. 

 Taemin: 20

Lived in the slums all his life, was tortured by the Queen and her guard who had disturbing es. Distrust clouds his eyes from the experiences he’s had. Ranked Green. 

Minho: 22

Becomes advisor to CL.

People think CL tortures him into silence as he use to be the lover of the ex Queen. People of the court trust and respect him, and want him to reign instead of CL. Ranked GOLD. Knows that CL has leashed her true powers. 


I will be adding more character profiles and more stuff so you kind of get the general idea of what a court is and what they do. Thank you for reading. Also very sorry but for some reason I can't paste pictures on here of my characters so this will have to do :(

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Sounds like "Daughter of the Blood." Please update soon, it sounds really interesting and i want to read more of it.
Omg this sounds so interesting normally I don't like the mixture of Kpop and fantasy, but this sounds so cool update soon!!!!!
wow, looks... well don't have a word for it yet but looking forward to reading it. Update soon =) ~FIGHTING~
Also, please check out my fic too. i'm new in the block, and some readers and constructive criticism would help out a lot. ><;
Check it out won't you... maybe even subscribe?
Can't wait for Chapter 1 :D
Loving the foreword'