Chapter 4

Unwanted Chances

Jongin couldn't wait for Monday to come. With one copy of the photo stuck on the corner of his closet mirror, a smile makes way onto his lips whenever he catches sight of it. Though its memories are happy ones, it’s sad to think of the fact that he missed the boy’s first three years in this world from his first breath. Not only that, he missed the chance to take care of Kyungsoo when the man was in a very vulnerable state.


He remembers how he used to think of the future with his lover back in high school. That future has started without him and now how is he supposed to involve himself in the progress when Kyungsoo has moved on without him?


Ah, forget about that.


Things in the past stay in the past. There’s no more need in holding back to those moments. The present is when everything’s important.


There’s him, his son and Kyungsoo but with someone else. It’s still not too late for him to be the father the boy deserves. He may have failed to be the good partner but he swears he would be the best father his son would have, better than the step-father.


That’s why he’s here, waiting for the morning to come. He’ll see his son again in the morning and if by luck, he would see his ex-lover as well.


Of course, it’s the usual husband dropping off the boy but he somehow finds it weird that the man is extra friendly with him despite being aware that he’s the boy’s biological father. If he was in the other’s shoes, he would feel really awkward. But this man, Kim Junmyeon, is just strange.


“I guess everything went well last Saturday?” The older asks, grinning from ear to ear and giving him a playful pat on the arm. “Ah, Kyungsoo won’t really tell but I asked Taeoh and he said he had so much fun.”


He nods, hesitantly, but it would be rude if he doesn’t respond. After all, this is Kyungsoo’s current partner. “Ah, yes. Kids really love amusement parks.”


“When we have one, I’ll be sure to take him or her to all the places the kids will enjoy. Nothing can go wrong when you spoil your kid with a lot of fun. Right?”


When they have one? Of course, they’re planning to have one.


“That’s true.”


There’s sudden uncertainty that comes with the statement. Since the boy doesn’t live with him, he just hopes his son won’t be neglected. It’s still different to be the biological child of both parents who live under the same roof than the child of only one parent in the household.


Kyungsoo won’t let that happen to their son, he’s confident.


He watch the older wave goodbye to the boy who doesn’t notice, now busy coloring a piece of paper.


“He’s sulking again,” Junmyeon sighs and attempts another farewell. “Taeoh, Baba Jun’s going now.” Still ignored, the older just shakes his head and leaves. “Well, see you around. You should come visit our home. You’re very welcome there.”




Or maybe the man is just an open-minded person. If he isn’t, Kyungsoo wouldn’t be with him in the first place.


There’s still a few minutes before the class starts and his students are now complete in attendance so he spares the last few minutes to talk to his son. He crouches next to the boy’s little desk and brushes the hair to the side with his fingers.


“Is my Taeoh feeling okay? Your Baba said goodbye but you didn’t even look at him.”


The boy stops coloring, dropping the crayon and jumps onto him, small arms locking around his neck. “I want Papa.”


“But Papa is busy with school too,” he assumes. “You’ll see him later when you come home.”


“Promise?” The boy lets go of him and shows his tiny pinky finger.


“I promise,” he says, sealing the promise, giving his boy a kiss on the forehead.


He hears a cough behind him. “You shouldn’t be biased in school premises. You’re a teacher here, not a father.”


“A  little moment won’t hurt,” he meekly smiles in guilt. “It’s not even time for class yet.”


“Yeah, sure. Why don’t you give everyone a kiss to be fair?”


Is Chanyeol still attracted to this man with an attitude?




University has been really hectic. Kyungsoo goes before his son could even wake up and come back home late at night. He barely has sleep and most importantly, missing a lot of time with his son. He misses his little bundle of joy but he comes and goes with the boy asleep and he feels burdened by the troubles he and his son might be causing the older couple.


Yixing assures him there’s nothing to worry about and Taeoh hasn’t caused them trouble aside from sulking all the time because the boy doesn’t get to see him. It’s been like this the whole week until the weekend when for the first time in forever, in his son’s perspective, Taeoh finally gets to see him home.


“PAPA!” The boy shakes him awake in excitement. “Papa! Papa! Wake up!”


His eyes are still heavy but he can’t help but open his eyes just to see his son happy just by waking up with him in bed as well.




“Good morning, Taeoh. I missed my baby boy!” He snuggles his son in his arms, genuinely happy to see his son awake for the first time since Monday morning. With a giggling boy in his arms, he’s sure his day’s going to be great.


It’s been great spending the afternoon lazing around since the older couple went out again as they usually do. He’s watching TV when the boy comes out of nowhere and hands him something.


“Teacher Dada,” Taeoh says in excitement. “Taeoh and Papa!”


It’s their photo that Jongin promised to give him a copy. He flips it over and sees a not written at the back that says,


First family trip of many.


He almost snorts after reading it. Kim Jongin, corny as always. How did he ever fall for that?


He was young and easily impressed. Of course, he fell for those sweet words until he was months pregnant. He learned reality the hard way.


“Go again!”


“You want to go see penguins again?” He asks, not planning to break his son’s hopes. “We can when Papa’s not busy anymore, okay?”




“Not yet but soon.”


“Teacher Dada?”


He keeps his smile despite the disappointment. Jongin really doesn’t have to be there all the time. “If he’s not busy as well.”


He would hate to break it to his son but it won’t be anytime soon and probably won’t ever be with Jongin again.


“Kyungsoo,” Yixing knocks on their bedroom door. “Do you have a minute?”


He was just done putting the boy to sleep and was about to start reviewing. “Yes, Hyung. I’ll be right out.” Outside the bedroom, he’s met with the older couple in the living room, expectantly looking at him. “I really hope I won’t be put in a hotseat about my love life because I don’t have one.”


Junmyeon chuckles, waving a hand in a dismissing gesture. “No, but it’s related to ours.”


Yixing smiles softly, the couple exchanging looks before turning back at him as he takes his seat. “Well, we’ve been talking about this for a while now but recently we have come to a decision.”


This somehow makes him anxious. Are they going to ask him to leave the house now that he has found who he was looking for? Are they going to report him that he’s incapable of taking care of his own child?


“We’re going on a honeymoon,” Junmyeon says. “We’re planning to have a child now.”




“Hold on,” he breathes in. “Oh my god, finally! I am so happy for both of you! I hope you have lots of babies, as much as you want!”


“Thank you, Kyungsoo,” Yixing snuggles close to his husband. “I can’t wait to have our little juniors running around as well.”


Despite the great news, the sight opens up a hollow feeling inside him. This is how he used to picture his future with the person he used to love. Just how would it feel to have someone next to you in all your ups and downs? How would it feel to have all your plans go the way you want it?


But even through all the mishaps he had been through, he doesn’t regret having his little boy. Taeoh is his happiness.


“So, we apologize in advance,” Junmyeon adds, making him feel even more anxious.


“About what?”


“Leaving you here for at least two weeks.”


His head to the side in confusion. It’s not the first time the couple would leave on a trip for weeks.


“We are aware you are busy with your studies so we sort of worry about who’s going to look after Taeoh when you’re in school.”


Oh. Right.


“Ah,” he manages a laugh. “Don’t worry about it, Hyung. We’ll be fine. Baekhyun’s always willing to look after him. He always offers to help and I guess we’re finally taking that chance. Don’t worry about it.”


“Alright, then! It’s settled,” Yixing exclaims. “We’re leaving tomorrow!”


“Wait. What? Already?”


“No, I can’t,” Baekhyun answers, mumbling over the phone.


“Why not? You always wanted for us to stay there!” Kyungsoo points out in a hushed voice, trying not to wake his son up. He’s on his desk, hunched over a pile of notes he’s still to review.


“Well, you’re not exactly fond of the idea that I’m bringing someone over. Ehe.”


He can’t have a no for an answer right now. He needs help. “Well there’s no way for me to bring my son to school. You know how fussy he is around strangers! Please! It’s just a few weeks. Give me a week at most! I’ll find a way!”


The teacher sighs. “Fine. Just so you know, I’m actively seeing someone right now so I need a place to do the deed without spending lodging fees.”


“Alright,” he groans.


“Why so sudden anyway?”


“I don’t know.”


“Why don’t you ask Jongin to take care of him? It’s more reasonable since he’s the father.”


He didn’t consider that and he won’t ever consider that. “I don’t trust him. What if he’s with his girlfriend and she’s mean to my baby?”


“I don’t think he’s seeing someone.”


“Still, no,” he huffs.


“Come on, Soo. Don’t deny the man his responsibility to take care of his own son. I swear he’s all over your son. One of these days if he keeps doing it, I might kick him out of his training! He’s so biased!”


He doesn’t say a thing and instead, looks over his shoulder to where his son is peacefully sleeping, enjoying dreamland.


But, really? Is Jongin not seeing someone? Why does it give him relief just thinking of that?


“Hey,Soo. What now?”


“Baekhyun, please. I don’t want to deal with him right now.”


“Then I’ll tell him! Bye!”





Baekhyun said you need someone to look after Taeoh.

I really won’t mind.

I’d be really happy too!


Oh god. He can tell the smile through the text.


Uh. Yeah.

Only if it’s not too bothersome.


So I’ll pick you up tomorrow?

I can help you pack.

I’ll get the apartment ready.


What apartment?


You’re not staying with me?


Who said we’re staying with you?




Don’t listen to him.

I just need someone to look after Taeoh.

I’ll go pick him up when I’m done with school.


Ah. I see. Okay.

Then can we have dinner together then?




Jongin is hopeful.


Baekhyun called and told him Kyungsoo needs a place to stay because Junmyeon has to go on a love-making spree with his husband. Apparently, he was too dumb to realize that Junmyeon was never Kyungsoo’s lover.


There was never a cheating incident after all.


That’s why the older man was too chill to be friends with him.


But being hopeful doesn’t guarantee anything. Since his last text, Kyungsoo hasn’t responded. Maybe he’s stepping beyond the line. He knows he has a responsibility over their son but he has not a single right to deserve his ex-lover back after what happened.


He’s sorry. He really is but there’s nothing he can do. Kyungsoo must hate him.


He was a fool. He believed what his parents told him. He always wanted to be that good kid and believed that having someone you love with you would ruin his future. He did as they told him and he regrets this future.


If only he could turn back time, he wouldn’t have cut off everything he had with Kyungsoo. He wouldn't have missed his son’s first cries, first steps, first word, first years. For now, he’s just grateful he got the chance to meet him and see the person he loved once again.


If this isn’t a sign for a second chance, why else would he be crossing paths with them?

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Chapter 5: Bummer:( is this fic discontinued? :))
Chapter 5: Aaawwwww when I'm starting to melt after the innocent kisses, now it suddenly turns sour. Kyungsoo get a grip!
Chapter 5: its cute they resembles e/o so much:)))
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo is still nit trusting Jongin...
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 4: There is really something going on with Baekhyun and Junmyeon-Yixing planning for Taeoh to be with his Papa Jongin. And Kyungsoo is not realizing it - yet. Hehe
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 3: Taeoh senses something maybe hehe. But i like Junmyeon and Yixing here, they may have some plans for Kyungsoo and Taeoh
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 2: Taeoh is warming up with Jongin... and getting along well haha... and the kid is betraying his Papa Kyungsoo hehehe... cute..
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 1: Its not easy to forget and forgive. But still Taeoh needs them both...
Chapter 5: u update..!! im gonna reread this story again.. ㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: So, I'm back and re reading this and waiting for the update hehe.