I want to be your cure.

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A/n: This is just my take on this, this is how I imagine they would encourage and help each other (tbh they don't need to be lovers to care and help each other in hard times ♥)


The concert was over, their live concert was over but my heart, my heart was still under a tormenting pain. I could still feel my eyes getting blurry at every five minutes. It was getting hard to breathe, to control my thoughts that were looming over my head, to stay calm and collected like an idol supposed to be but damn it I can’t!

The members spend some time with me, comforting me. Everyone, my fans, family, members, the crew, and their staff, all of them made me feel happy. I felt himself relaxing, only a bit but still better than before.

 I was exhausted. Tired. Frustrated.

Hyungs were very kind to me. Jimin wouldn’t let me go until he made sure I was okay. Hoseok-hyung hugged me very tightly and whispered so many encouraging words. Jin-hyung gave me my favorite foods, that lightened me. Yoongi-hyung ruffled my hairs “You will be fine, you are strong, kid” he murmured softly. I protested of course, playfully glaring at him. Namjoon-hyung held my hands and promised to be always there whenever I needed him.

God knows what I did to deserve these angels. Finally, I felt at peace. Yeah, the pain and anguish were still swimming over my head and I know once I go to my room, lay alone, staring blankly at the ceiling, the demons of self-loathing will come back.

They asked me, if I wanted to sleep with them or if I needed them in my room, I waved them off. I don’t wanna burden them more than needed. But I really miss Jungkook. He has been silent the whole trip, nodding and displaying small smile here and there. I couldn’t even approach him, being a mess myself, how could I scold him?

Nearing my room, I sighed. After moving to the new dorm we all had different rooms. I tried to calm myself as darkness enveloped me. My room seemed so empty, so hollow. The thoughts came back, swallowing me in darkness. I got scared. Nonetheless, I stepped inside, switching on the lights, changed into my favorite tee that belonged to none other than Jungkook and shorts since it

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ashkhen #1
Chapter 2: I loved it and those boys better not make Tae uncomfortable....Jungkook will be Taes help and already his lover
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 2: I could imagine what the hyungs will be like...hehehe
Chapter 2: i kinda want a chapter og the next morning and see what the hyungs ask XD
kazuikazami #4
Chapter 2: So sweet I hope dont get diabetes