Letter 2

Letters To The Angel Up In The Heavens


I wrote this letter at around 4:29 am one night, that is why you will see

"Good night ♥" at the end of the letter because

I went to bed after I wrote this when I felt restless that same night.

Hello again, my love, it's me. I truly hope you are doing well with the angels, because when I look up at the sky,

I think of you, looking right back down at me, smiling so bright and saying, "I'll always be here for you, as you were for me."

Oh Jjong, how I miss you so much angel, it's almost going to be two years since you bid your farewell, and it hurts just

thinking how fast that day is coming.


I have been thinking about getting a tattoo in your name someday. My parents think it's crazy to get something permanent marked on my

skin forever, but you saying farewell was definitely marked on my heart as premanent, so I guess that's equal. No, it's not, what am I thinking? Oh, that's right, the tattoo. I'm not sure what design to get someday,

maybe a rose and your name underneath it, but the rose's color being

Pearl Aqua, since it is the color for SHINee, is it not?


I can never go by a day thinking about you, love. I truly hope you can appear in my dreams again, because I know you did once.

But please, come back. I miss having you hold my hand, and talking with me, my love. 

I miss you.


I hope we can discuss anything in my dreams, or when we meet again. I love you so much my angel.

Get some well deserved rest up there, okay?


Good night 

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