Baby Powder


All Taeyong needed is a little nap time and maybe cuddles too.




Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult ual* interaction during their time in littlespace. While in littlespace, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age.

*in this book there will be no ual content so expect an overload of fluff



Crossposted on Wattpad.




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hyungone #1
This is literally the cutest thing ever, thank you!
tokki_onew #2
Chapter 1: super cute!

author-nim, is it too much to ask how Taeyong revealed his other side? and how Johnny helped him. also how the other members reacted.