Bored to Death

Who TF Are You Guys?

"Suzy, you can't ever go out of this house unless you ask or we let you," Junho told her.

"Might as well let her go back to her house then," Jaebeom crossed his arms and looked away.

"YAH! This is your fault, we don't trust her so that's why we made this deal, just to protect your image, so be thankful," Chansung said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"We're going to go out, who doesn't want to go?" Chansung asked.

"I don't, not tonight," Wooyoung said.

"Ok, then take care of Suzy," he said.

"I don't need to be babysat, -Uhmp-," she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, yeah have fun while we're gone," Junsu shouted.

 Once they left Suzy went to the couch and flipped on the TV.

"Do you want something to eat?" Wooyung asked.

"Yeah, what do you have?"


"Uhhh, fine."

 When the ramen was finished cooking, they ate and watched a drama called Dream High 2.

"HAHAHAHAHA, that was funny how he tired to throw the basketball at him," she laughed whilte covering .

"You don't know who those characters are?" he asked.


"Well the blonde one is JB and the wavy hair one is Jiwoon from 2AM."

"Oh ok, yeah I can care less about celebrites, all they want is just oney," se ate her ramen.

"Really, you think they all do," Wooyoung asked.


'I guess she really doesn't know who we are' he thought to himself.

 An hour later Suzy started complaining because she was bored out of her mind.

"Oh my god, I sick of weating guys' clothes, can we please go shopping?" she shook his arm like a little kid.

"Fine! Hold up let me change."

 5 minutes later...

"Why are you dressed like that !?"

"Oh cause I feel like it."

"Let's go!" she dragged his arm.

 The day before the group all pitched in money for Suzy's credit card so she ran around the mall buying things like skinny jeans, tank tops, bikini (going swimming in their pool) and a whole bunch of other things.

"This whole purchase is $5,963.50," the salewoman said.

 Wooyoung got out the credit card and just glared at her, she gave him a puppy, sweet smile. It was a little hard holding all the bags and when they got back to the mansion, Suzy dumped all the clothes in a pile in her room.

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Chapter 14: Update Soon pliss i like this
#2's getting more exited..
what will happen if suzy knows that wooyoung is a celebrity???
pls update soon..can't wait...
ChristineElisabeth #3
love thiiiiiiiis!!!!! <3 WooZy ~
lovedrama #4
I'll try, haha. Thanks for all the comments guys! It really makes my day just to see it (:
soelle1000 #5
awesome awesome AWESOME......plz update faster!! ^.^
OMG...!luv this story..what will happen next..the paparazzi took their photo at the park..can't wait for ur next update...
i wish wooyoung and suzy is together
soelle1000 #8
your chapters or rlly GOOD! hoping forawrd for ur next updates!!
updaaaaaaaaaaaate ! x)
ChristineElisabeth #10
please updaaaaayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~