addiction 3.

Addiction [hiatus]



addiction 3.


There was no teaching assistant Woohyun hated more in the entire world than L. His real name was Kim Myungsoo, but the first day he had walked into psychology class, he had snapped a stick of chalk writing L on the blackboard in clipped white lines, right next to Mr. Ahn's name. He was one of those weird people who insisted on a certain name, like how the eccentric English teacher wanted everyone to call her by her first name or how Woohyun's old piano teacher refused to speak in anything other than third person. L was young and handsome, too, only a college sophomore. At least more than half the class was only there to ogle his good looks. Sunggyu had said so.


"Are you?" Woohyun had joked. 


A stomach-churning pause. And then, "You're kidding, right?" 


Sunggyu again--popping up like some kind of sorry-looking jack-in-the-box. Woohyun hadn't realized how much he hated that, hated that with a passion that Sunggyu was always there. Whether it was in his classes, on his mind, or in his own personal business, Sunggyu was there. He was here in class today too, seated up in the front near L. It didn't help that Woohyun's head still ached from the night before; he hadn't had a chance to take a proper smoke in the morning before class. The smell would've stayed in his uniform. The smell would've stunk up the apartment too. As oblivious as his dad was (he hadn't even noticed his gun was gone; seriously), he absolutely could not let his dad find out. 


"Nam Woohyun, you're twenty minutes late," Mr. Ahn said, looking expectantly at him and tapping his meter stick. Next to him stood L, who gave him a cold once-over (well you too, Woohyun thought). "One more time, and I will report you to the office. I can't just keep letting these slide." 


Woohyun glanced at Sunggyu. He was conveniently staring out the window. 


"Sorry," he said.




"I'm sorry, okay? It won't happen again," Woohyun said. He shuffled down the desk aisle and nearly tripped over one of the desk legs, but no one laughed. Oh, yeah, right--he had pretty much officially declared the termination of his and Sunggyu's friendship yesterday night. Or was it morning? He wasn't exactly sure where 2:30 AM sat on the course of a day. 


He stole another look at Sunggyu, sitting on the other side of the classroom. Still poised all prim and proper, writing in his notebook. ing nerds. How had someone like him even become friends with Woohyun? Well, maybe it was because you weren't a chain smoker and you actually cared about school, a little voice in his head said. Maybe it was because you weren't an . You know.


Woohyun snapped the plastic tip off of his pencil with a crack. 


"Something the matter, Woohyun?" L asked, paused in mid-sentence on the board. He was teaching a portion of today's lesson for experience, but Woohyun hated his teaching--it was about as interesting as watching grass grow. And he thought it sounded condescending, too. Like L was talking down to Woohyun, talking down to the whole class except for Sunggyu.  What the hell was up with that?


"Nothing." In his peripheral vision, he could see Sunggyu's caramel head bob to the left to look curiously at him. " all."


"Alright." L seemed satisfied. 


But forty minutes later, as the class was leaving and Mr. Ahn was packing up, L said, "Sunggyu, stay back so I can talk to you for a bit." And Woohyun couldn't help but think that it had to do somehow with himself.


He wasn't sure though, and why should he care anyway? It was only between the two of them. What was their business was their business, and he wouldn't stick his nose into it, unlike Sunggyu, who was nagging him half to death. Woohyun honestly didn't understand why he was worrying so much. It wasn't like smoking was illegal. It wasn't like he was on crack. It wasn't like he was in danger because he knew he was careful enough to keep his way out of gangs. 


So why?




so...after getting feedback on the first draft, my friends never gave me feedback in time for my second revised draft. then I got kind of impatient and was like, "oh well!" and ta-dah here it is! I've gotten tired of looking at this draft. the only thing I really changed is that instead of a teacher, Myungsoo has now become a teaching assistant. if Myunggyu were to work somehow, I feel like Myungsoo needs to drop a little in rank to be closer..because in the way I was writing them, their relationship just didn't make sense. Myungsoo just pretty much completely overstepped the teacher-student boundary, which would be uncharacteristic for yeah.

just a note. I might tweak some wordings and add/cut out different minor things throughout the already existing chapters because some aren't quite polished? always minor though. if it's major, I'll let you guys know. and now that i'm done with exams, I can focus a bit more on writing- that is, until my study abroad starts. lol.

I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 3. thanks for reading and/or subscribing! <3 I really love you all! it actually makes me really happy that people read my writing. if you guys have any constructive criticism for me, feel free to tell me! :) 

and a shameless plug here...if you like other Sunggyu pairings, you can check out my new fic called The Anthology of Sunggyu's Many Lives Across Multiple Universes which is basically a compilation of short Sunggyu pairing fics!

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currently trying to salvage chapter 6! C: please look forward to it!


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45+ me +46 subscribers
update soon~
This is really awesome. I totally love your writing style. Please update soon. ¡Fighting!
awwww i see. That's cool :) I wish you lots of luck on your exams and i hope you're enjoying urself on ur term abroad program~ I wish i could go on one too haha xD I don't mind how long it takes, i'll just be happy if you finish writing this in the end ^^
mountainfish #4
@neko659: thank you so much for reading!! :D yep, they're both in denial~
WAIT. you pretty much just guessed the underlying reason for why my story is titled "Addiction". sure, there's the smoking addiction...but well, Woohyun's pretty addicted to Gyu too.
if you think about it, you might predict what will happen next :D:D
mountainfish #5
@Danchi: sorry. ;___; the chapter just came out short, but the next chapter (at least judging by the crappy draft) will be longer for sure! it might even be substantially longer. but yeah, Woohyun's kinda prickly but is still a generally nice person. they're both very confused right now, and Sungjong and Myungsoo are actually...not quite love rivals, but more like foils, almost? they're there to highlight the Woogyu relationship.
oh, don't worry, you'll find out~ and I'll find out too hahaha! I haven't thought that far yet. I just write as I please, to be honest. :P thank you so much for reading!!
mountainfish #6
@papugai: lol. this is really late, and I know I've told you this before but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REVISING EVERYTHING. you are great. <3 /hug/
you revise on time! don't blame it on yourself! now it's my fault for not updating hahaha ;__;
aha. oh woohyun, stop being in denial :o even jongie is telling u that ur in denial, allbeit not straightforwardly hahahaha xD besides, gyu loves you, so just stop denying ur addiction LOL
Hmm, I definitely like this side of Woohyun. He really seems caring and he clearly loves Sunggyu a whole lot. Even though he's still kinda confused about his feelings and sees Gyu as a friend, but I think he just needs to grow up a little, mentally, to realize some things. I wonder, though, what will his reaction be when he realizes Jongie is not a female? Although, I have a feeling he won't overreact about it, but just take it as it is. ^^
Anyways, this was a little too short, so I kinda hope the next chappie will be at least a little longer. But I won't be too demanding. I'm happy as long as you update. <333
Thanks for the promotions~ :D:D and no worries about the revisions, it's an honour to read all those stories first before anyone else sees them *hehe* besides, when I'm busy, I procrastinate on them. So if mountainfish doesn't update for a long time, it's probably because I'm not revising on time :P
Anyways, your stories are amazing!! Well I already told you everything when revising..haha. Keep updating!! <3