Chapter O2.

Gracious But Deadly.

“Don’t you dare underestimate us, the oh-so-powerful Kim family.” Hyunseung growled.

“Oh, and what if we do? What can you, of all people, do to us? You guys are just weaklings.” Jaejoong smirked.
            “Kim Jaejoong. That’s enough. Stop messing with my dongsaengs. It was low enough for you to even talk about the dead. Now, you’re even talking smack about me and my dongsaengs when we’re right in front of you? How low can you get?” Doojoon scoffed.

“Yoon Doojoon. You better watch your mouth.” Jaejoong snarled. “You have the ‘perfect’ life.”

“Stop assuming things. No one has a perfect life.”
            “No one but you. You had nice parents. You had caring parents. You had parents who gives a rats a** about all of you. What did I have? Parents who were selfish. Parents who cared more for themselves than us. I was the one that had to look after my dongsaengs. I guess that’s what happens if you’re the oldest.” Jaejoong said.

For a moment there, I felt sympathy for Jaejoong. It was true. We had parents like no other. But my sympathy was automatically replaced with the remarks he made, yet again.

“I don’t need you to pity us. Either way, we still loved our parents. And either way, we’re taking revenge for them whether you guys are up for it or not.” Jaejoong spat, letting his fangs show.

The rest of them followed Jaejoong.
            “Jaejoong, we’re not here to fight. We came here to reason.” Kikwang said.

            “Reason all you want. We’re real vampires. We don’t reason.”
            “Jaejoong, we just wanted to say that we know it’s you guys that were draining the humans. You came to the U.S. You’re in the U.S. You’re in our territory. If you’re here to stay, you better follow our rules. If you continue draining, you’ll definitely regret.” Doojoon hyung warned.
            “Like I said, we’re vampires. We can do whatever we want.” Jaejoong said.

            “No, you can’t. Because you’re on our territory, you listen to us. We’re called the vampire protectors for a reason. We’re supposed to bring security to our people. With you guys staying here and not adapting to how it’s like here and accepting the fact that we’re nothing like Korea, people will be dying with the snap of a finger.”
            “Fine. Then, it’s either you kill us now or we kill you now. We all know sooner or later, one side is going to die.” Jaejoong said.
            “If that’s how it must be, then let it be.” Junhyung said, exposing his fangs.
            “Hyung, you don’t fight fire with fire.” Kikwang said.
            “Why don’t you tell them?” Junhyung said sternly, showing no signs of backing down.
            “Yoon Junhyung.” Doojoon said.
            Junhyung still didn’t back down. I guess hyung was the type where he doesn’t want to be the one losing.

            “Junhyung!” Doojoon grabbed Junhyung’s arm firmly, without hurting him.
            Junhyung growled once more at the Kim family and retracted his fangs.

            “Looks like we have a feisty one, hyung.” Kim Jonghyun spoke to Kim Jaejoong.
            “Try us.” Hyunseung said. Now it was his turn to present his fangs.
            Yes, Hyunseung hyung and Junhyung hyung is quite similar… in one way or another. Both personalities are almost the same. They both have the same stubborn trait… which came from our father.

            “I guess either way, there’s going to be a fight today.” Kibum shrugged.

            “Jaejoong, it’s your call. If you would rather fight over this then reason, we won’t back down. But do keep in mind, we did have years of training. Plus, you guys aren’t much of fighters, are you? Kim Kibum is the maknae and he’s a little diva. Kim Jonghyun is nothing but talk along with the rest of your dongsaengs. But you, you’re the worst one yet. You do not know how to discipline your dongsaengs.” Doojoon criticized.

            “Yoon Doojoon! That’s it! It’s on.” Jaejoong growled before releasing his fangs.
            The rest of them followed after him. In their eyes was complete darkness, evil, hatred, anger.

            I can tell that Doojoon hyung is also tired of arguing with them and getting nowhere. So he was left with no choice but to expose his fangs too. We all followed after him, showing our fangs. But there’s one thing the Kim family doesn’t know about Doojoon hyung…

            He’s the smartest and fastest and strongest and deadliest vampire known alive… because he follows after our parents; only, he’s a lot smarter, faster, stronger, and deadlier than both our parents combined. I don’t know how to explain it, but that’s exactly what he is. Maybe that explains why he’s our hyung and the leader of vampires.

            Jaejoong let out a smirk. He doesn’t know what he’s in for yet.

            “Let the bloodshed begin.” Kikwang whispered, moving to the side.

            I am known for my strength. Kikwang is known for his intelligence. Yoseob is known for his speed. Junhyung is known for his deadly moves. Hyunseung is known for his mind games. Doojoon hyung? Well, Doojoon hyung is known for every single thing we have and more.
            Because I’m the youngest, I battled it out with the youngest of the Kim family, Kim Kibum. Might I say, he was pretty easy. Although I’m not as fast, I am strong. And I’m not all stupid. I have to admit though, he was a slight bit hard to grasp. But once I had him, snapping his neck was a piece of cake.
            One down, five more to go.

            Kikwang fought it out with Jonghyun. Jonghyun was fast, but it was nothing compared to Kikwang’s intelligence. Jonghyun kept moving around Kikwang, waiting for the right angle to attack him. But while Jonghyun kept speeding around Kikwang, never would he have thought that Kikwang was calculating everything. Kikwang realized Jonghyun was moving in a pattern. In one swift moment, Kikwang had grabbed Jonghyun.
            Jonghyun gasped. “Have a nice life… in hell where you belong.” Kikwang said and I snapped his head.

            Two down, four more to go.

            Yoseob was at it with Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was the deceptive one out of the Kim siblings. But combining me, Kikwang and Yoseob hyung, there was no way on Earth that Hyoyeon could beat us.
            Yoseob hyung was speeding after Hyoyeon in all directions, trying to snatch her.
            Kikwang was watching her every movement, like a hawk.
            I was waiting for Yoseob and Kikwang to bring her to me so I could snap her head.
            Before she knew it, Kikwang was one step ahead of her.
            “Hi Hyoyeon. How does it feel to be one step behind?” Kikwang asked.
            “B-but… there’s no way. How did you…” Hyoyeon surprised.
            “Oh, I forgot to mention. I’m the one with the brains here aside from Doojoon hyung.”
            Yoseob had kept a tight grip on Hyoyeon, bringing her back to me.
            I smirked. “Have a nice life in hell with your brothers.” And her head was snapped.

            Three down, three more to go.

            Junhyung vs. Jincheol. Fire vs. fire. Was there even a way to tell who would win? No, but what if Jincheol is outnumbered?
            Strength, intelligence, speed, and fire vs. fire. Now, it was possible to tell who would die. Jincheol. He’s outnumbered.

            “I suggest you just give up. You’re outnumbered. You’ll die and you know it.” Kikwang said.

            “Fine, I give up.” Jincheol said, putting his hands above his head, surrendering.

            No way… how could he give up so easily without putting up a fight? I guess Kikwang hyung was thinking the same thing because he asked, “How could you give up so easily without putting up a fight?”
            “You’re right. I don’t give up.” Jincheol smirked.
            He had tried making a move but before he could do anything, Kikwang held back his arms and twisted them behind him, causing him to scream in pain.

            “Let go of me!” Jincheol exclaimed.

            “We gave you a chance. Now, you’re done.” Junhyung said, stabbing a stake through his heart.

            Four down, two more to go.

            Taeyeon was waiting for Hyunseung to make a move. Hyunseung was waiting for Taeyeon to make a move. They were waiting for each other. Until Taeyeon decided to “try” and flirt with Hyunseung. Bad choice. Hyunseung is immune to girls like Taeyeon.

            “Hyunseung, I know we’re supposed to be on opposite sides and stuff but I really find you attractive. How about we put everything behind us and start something?” Taeyeon said, batting her eyelashes at him.

            All Hyunseung did was stare at her, oblivious to everything she’s saying because Hyunseung was trying to think of a way to play her… after all, he’s known for the mind games he plays on people.

            “Hyunseung…” Taeyeon called. “Did you hear what I said?”
            “Huh? Oh yeah, I did.” Hyunseung smirked.

            I know that smirk… he has something up his sleeve. I guess all we need to do now is sit back and relax… until he needs us, that is.

            “So what do you say?” Taeyeon asked, once again.

            Hyunseung hyung went to her side and put his arm around her shoulders.

            “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” Hyunseung said, smirking yet again.

            But Hyunseung’s hand suddenly started to glow blue… why?
            “Oppa, what are you doing? It hurts!” Taeyeon screamed.

            “Oh nothing. Just a little trick I learned from our so called weak parents.” Hyunseung said.

            In a matter of seconds, Taeyeon had exploded.

            “Ah, hyung! What did you do!?” I exclaimed, curious as to how he barely needed to use any strength.

            “Oh nothing. Just something I learned from our parents.”
            Five down, one more to go.

            “NO! What are you guys doing!? Why’d you kill all my dongsaengs!? Now there’s no one left for me!” Jaejoong exclaimed.

            “I’ve warned you. What you want might not be what you get. There’s always a consequence.” Doojoon said.
            “Alright, fine. Your dongsaengs killed my dongsaengs. Now, I take on all of you and kill each and every one of you.” Jaejoong said.

            Jaejoong was like another version of Doojoon hyung… moments after Jaejoong had started coming at us, he had injured all of us, aside from Doojoon. We’re lucky he didn’t kill us.

            “Argh, you guys are going to die!” Jaejoong exclaimed.
            “None of them are dying as long as I’m still here.” Doojoon stated.

            “Then I guess you’ll be the first one I kill.”
            After what seemed like hours of fighting, it all finally came to an end. The fight between Doojoon and Jaejoong… we were victorious; though Doojoon was extremely injured.

            But how I see it, the way we won was because we were pure… Jaejoong was full of bad aura.

            Once again, we were able to live up to our name, the Vampire Protectors.


Hoped you guys enjoyed ! :D

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BlueBang #1
Chapter 2: cool story I liked it :)~
I just loved it!W
No words to describe this!
Just wow!