Chapter O1.

Gracious But Deadly.

It has been 3 years. 3 years since my parents died from saving the city. The city is at peace now. Or at least I think it is. My parents were protectors in the city. Vampire protectors. But they had died from the last battle they had with the leader of the Kim family. Now, it is our turn to protect them.

The Yoon family had been protecting the city from generations to generations. It first started from my great great-great-great-great grandparents. They were originally from Korea but moved to New York City to have a better life. They, as vampires, thought that drinking blood from humans is the worst thing ever. Because of that, they had earned the title of becoming vampire protectors in New York City. But abeoji(father) once told me that halmeoni(grandma) and hal-abeoji(grandpa)  rebelled and didn’t want the title of the protectors. They liked the scent of the blood and always had the urge to bring out their fangs and sink it in some human’s neck. Because of that, halmeoni and hal-abeoji went back to Korea with thirst. In Korea, halmeoni gave birth to abeoji thinking that he would be the same as them. But they were wrong. Abeoji wasn’t like halmeoni and hal-abeoji. He didn’t thirst for blood. So when he was able to live on his own, he ran away. While running away, abeoji met eomeoni(mother). Eomeoni was a vampire, just like abeoji, who also didn’t thirst for blood. They both fell in love with each other and gave birth to the six of us: Yoon Doo Joon (Oldest), Yoon Hyun Seung (2nd oldest), Yoon Jun Hyung (3rd oldest), Yoon Yoseob (4th oldest), Yoon Kikwang (5th oldest), and me, Yoon Dong Woon, the youngest.

            Sad to say, when my brothers and I were born, we were…well, kind of different. I was not too sure how it happened but it happened. Some mutations occurred in eomeoni when she had my brothers and me. When we were born, abeoji and eomeoni expected having us to stay in the darkness forever, just like them. But somehow, instead of being born into the darkness, my brothers and I were born into the light. Somehow, we were born as humans! Very weird right? Abeoji and eomeoni had a big time taking care of us until we were able to take care of ourselves, but they somehow managed.

            It wasn’t until I was 15, which was 5 years ago, when my brothers and I found out the truth of our parents. They had kept it in their closet for so long that the cat was finally out of the bag. We found out that our parents that gave birth to us were actually vampires. But the weirdest thing ever was that when we heard the truth, we weren’t scared at all. Instead, we were amazed. I guess that was the result from watching too many horror movies when we were little in the dark.

            After learning the truth from our parents, we actually thought of wanting to become one of them. Abeoji and eomeoni strongly disagree though. They like the idea of having us staying as human rather than becoming just like them.  Less problems for us to worry.

            “No. We strongly disagree on this. No. Never. Wipe that idea off your heads right now.” Abeoji firmly stated.

            “Why not? We want to become like you guys. You are our parents. Why can’t we? We just want to follow your path.” Doo Joon hyung(brother) said. The rest of my brothers nodded in agreement.

            “That is precisely the reason why we disagree. You guys are our beloved children. We don’t want to see you guys getting hurt. Plus, it is not easy as you think it is. Everything will change after you change. There are stuff that you can do and stuff that you can’t do.” Eomeoni said. She felt like she was about to faint from shock after hearing that her children, us, were having such thoughts.

            “Abeoji. Eomeoni. I agree with what Doo Joon hyung said. We are your children. Why can’t you let us decide? I am pretty sure that we will know how our life will be since we want to we were the one that wants to be change. Right guys?” Kikwang hyung said. My brothers and I nodded in agreement.

            “But-” Abeoji said.

            “No buts Abeoji. I know you and eomeoni love us. But we are now only enough to make our own decisions.” Jun hyung hyung said, cutting off abeoji.

After a long argument that night, abeoji and eomeoni finally gave up. They let out a big sigh. They still couldn’t agree but with how the conversation went, there was no choice for them but to respect our decision.

“~Sigh~…Fine. But you guys have to promise me one thing. It is very important.” Abeoji said.

“Yes. What is it?” my brothers and I said in harmony.

“And that is to not drink anyone’s blood. If you guys notice, your eomeoni and I don’t like drinking blood. I want you guys to promise me no matter what, do not drink blood from a human.”Abeoji said.

“Ok abeoji. We promise.” Hyun Seung hyung said. With that, abeoji and eomeoni took out their fangs sinked it on our necks. That last thing I remembered before I was turned was the feeling of blood trickling down my neck.

After one month as a vampire, I regretted my decision. I thought I could carry out the promise. But I couldn’t. WE couldn’t. My brothers and I were different from what abeoji and eomeoni had imagined. We took after halmeoni and hal-abeoji, always craving for blood. We couldn’t control the urge. When we were in Korea, we had killed many human lives. Although killing was wrong, Korea didn’t care. It was place with no restrictions and rules. Abeoji and eomeoni couldn’t take it anymore. They couldn’t stand how we couldn’t hold onto our promise. Everyone in the Yoon family learned how to control their urges. Everyone except for halmeoni and hal-abeoji. They were a different story. But now, it is my brothers and I who couldn’t control. We couldn’t get the idea that killing was bad stuck into our heads. We just kept killing and killing every time we would see a human. But one day, everything changed.

“My lovely children. We have something important to tell you.” Abeoji said one day, when everyone was in the living room.

“Yes abeoji?” Doo Joon hyung questioned.

“Remember the story of your great-great-great-great-great grandparents?” Abeoji asked.

“You mean the ones where they earned the title as vampire protectors in New York City? Yeah. I remember it. You used to tell it to me all the time. But I didn’t believe you until now.” I responded to him.

“Well...Right now, New York City doesn’t have anything protectors. Your mother and I have decided to take the job as the vampire protectors. I needed to continue our traditions anyways. So we are going to move. You guys are coming with us. Don’t say no because this is for your own good. America has restrictions. If you don’t want to continue breaking our promise, come with us.”Abeoji stated.

            It didn’t even took me a minute and I gave a respond. “Okay abeoji. I will listen to you. I will follow you to New York City. It is better than staying here anyways. But just one question. How will we be able to control ourselves?”

            “That you don’t need to worry. Once we get to New York City, your mother and I will train you to control those urges of yours. It might take a while, but you guys can do it. You guys are my kids.” Abeoji said.

            I looked at abeoji and gave him a nodded. My brothers nodded after me.  With that, we packed and headed for New York.


            Abeoji and eomeoni did as they said they would and trained us. And at the same time, we were doing their job as the protectors. It was just like abeoji said. It took a while for us to train. Quite a while actually but after a long and good effort, we did it. But besides training us on how to control our urges, abeoji and eomeoni also trained us to get stronger. Just in case something might happen, we can protect ourselves. It took 2 years for us to be trained hard and strong. Those 2 years was surprisingly not bad at all. Beside the difficult training, my brothers and I had been adapting to the U.S. customs. It wasn’t so bad until that awful day. The day where abeoji and eomeoni no longer exist in the world. At that time, raged overcame us. We wanted to run after the cause of our parent’s death and kill. Erase it from the world. We wanted revenge. But we couldn’t. Abeoji and eomeoni didn’t like bloodshed. And we couldn’t die yet. We couldn’t let abeoji and eomeoni’s work in protecting the city to be all in vain. We had to protect the city. So we did. We gave up on revenge and instead, work our off to be the best vampire alive.


“HYUNG! DID YOU READ THE NEW YORK TIMES YET?” I yelled out to Doo Joon, rushing up the stairs to his room. He was and wet from the shower he just got out of.

“Calm down Dong Woon. What time do you think it is? Quiet down. You’re waking up the neighbors. And no I didn’t read the newspaper yet. Why? What does it say?” Doo Joon whispered to me. He was right. It was 3 in the morning. Our neighbors were asleep right now.

“Sorry! I forgot. But more importantly, another body was found!” I whispered to him.

“WHAT?!” Doo Joon hollered. Hearing that there was another body found probably had made him a little crazy. Actually, I would have done the same. 6 days ago, students were getting killed. It was all over the news. Each victim that was killed was found in a park. Their body was so pale and the cause of their death was blood loss. The police claimed that a killer was on the loose. But my brothers and I knew who the actual killer was. There was only one kind that can kill the humans just like the victims. It was the work of a vampire!

“Hyung. Calm down. Do you want to wake up the neighbors?” I said to Doo Joon, trying to calm him down.

“Get everyone downstairs to the living room. Meeting.” Doo Joon said to me, calming down. I nodded to him and did I was instructed. I went to get the rest of my brothers and dragged him all downstairs. Hyun Seung was showering, Jun Hyung was working out, Yoseob was still sleeping, Kikwang was on his computer, and Doo Joon was already in the living room, waiting for us with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“What is with the meeting?” Yoseob asked. He was still sleepy.

“Another body was found.” Doo Joon stated.

“WHAT?!” my brothers shouted.

“Clam down. You’ll wake the neighbors.” Doo Joon whispered. The rest of my brother quieted down.

“This will be the 6th death.” Hyun Seung said.

“Who is this vampire anyways?” I questioned out loud.

“Kikwang?” Doo Joon asked. Kikwang is the smartest in our family. His knowledge is of a computer.

“I’m still researching. Almost done. Give me 2 more days.” Kikwang responded.

“Ok. Hurry up. We have to find out who is the cause of this mess and quickly stop it.” Doo Joon said.

“Roger.” Kikwang replied back. And with that, our family meeting ended.



“I’VE GOT IT! I KNOW WHO IT IS!” Kikwang screamed out. Everyone heard him, stopped what they were doing, and went to Kikwang’s room.

“WHO?!” we all screamed, as we got into his Kikwang’s room.

“We know him very well.” Kikwang explained.

“Skip the details first. Give me the name.” Doo Joon said.

“It’s Kim Jaejoong and his siblings.” Kikwang said.

“KIM JAEJOONG?!” Doo Joon screamed. Just hearing the name of Kim Jaejoong made Doo Joon’s blood boiled. Kim Jaejoong was the cause of our parent’s death. He was the reason why our parents had to leave our world. He was also the reason why we became what we are now, vampires. He was the cause of all our pain. 5 years ago, Jaejoong was a crazy killer, going around the city, draining every woman’s blood. Our parents knew what was going on and went to deal with the mess. During the last fight of our parent, before they had died, they had successfully kicked Jaejoong out of the city. But because Jaejoong was stronger from the blood of the women, our parents used up all their strength. And now he was back.

“Calm down Hyung. We all know how you feel.” We all said, trying to calm him down.

“Why is he and his siblings here?! What do they want?” Doo Joon asked Kikwang.

“That I don’t know.” Kikwang replied.

“Find out his location Kikwang. And I want it fast.” Doo Joon told him.   

“Actually, I knew you would say that so I searched it ahead of time.  I already got his location. He is staying at 55 East 25st, New York, NY, 10010. At a place called Baruch.” Kikwang said out loud for us to hear, handing a piece of paper with the location written down to Doo Joon.

“Good. Are you ready guys?” Doo Joon said to us, facing his head.

“Ready? For what? Are we going anyway hyung?” I said him.

“Of course my dongsaeng. We are going to pay a little visit to him now.” Doo Joon said, smiling a grin and walked out the door to Kikwang’s room.



We arrived at the location where Kikwang said. It was a small building. Only 5 floors. There was many lockers and room. I peeked into one room and saw that there was lots of desk and tables, lining up in rows.

“Hyungs, this is a school. He is staying at a school!” I yelled to my brothers as we got to the 4th floor.

“Shhh. Be quiet Dong Woon.” Whispered Yoseob.

“He is near. I can feel his presence.” Whispered Hyun Seung.

“He is not the only one here though. I feel 5 more besides him.” Jun Hyung added. We hurried up our pace and opened a door, finding Kim Jaejoong sitting there, staring at us like he knew that we were going to come. Next to him were 5 more vampires. Looking at the order, these 5 vampires were Kim Taeyeon, Kim Jincheol,

Kim Hyoyeon,  Kim Jonghyun, and Kim Kibum.

“Well well well. Look at who we have here. Vampires. Who are you guys and what do you guys want?” Jaejoong questioned.

“I see that you don’t remember us Jaejoong. Remember 5 years ago. You had a battle with the vampire protectors. They were our parents.” Doo Joon replied.

“3 years ago… Oh. Those two weak vampires. They called themselves the what? Oh yeah. The vampire protectors. I gave up during the battle. They were so lame and weak that it was a waste of my time. Anyways, how are they? They aren’t doing their job that well.” Jaejoong snickered.

“YOU!!!” Doo Joon screamed. He was enraged. So were the rest of us. Our blood was boiling. Our eyes turned bright red, ready to kill them. Only Kikwang was not tempted by his comment.

Just before Doo Joon was ready to blow before us, Kikwang stopped him and replied to Jaejoong’s comment, “Thank you very much for asking. But they were dead 5 years ago, after you left the city.”

“REALLY?! HAHAHA! THEY DIED ALREADY? OH DAMN. AND I WAS READY TO HAVE SOME MORE FUN WITH THEM TOO WITH MY SIBLINGS TOO. See here, my siblings came with me this time to meet the so called vampire protectors that I fought with 5 years ago. AND NOW THEY ARE DEAD. THAT IS A SHAME.” Jaejoong screamed, laughing a wicked laugh.

“TSK TSK TSK. I GUESS THEY WERE AS WEAK AS YOU DESCRIBED THEM OPPA.” Taeyeon said, laughing with her brother.

“I AGREE WITH YOU TAEYEON NOONA.” Jincheol followed.

“AND SINCE THE PARENTS WERE WEAK, THEIR CHILDREN ARE WEAK ALSO!” Hyoyeon added. The rest of the Kim siblings couldn’t hold in their laughter and followed after their hyung and unnie.

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BlueBang #1
Chapter 2: cool story I liked it :)~
I just loved it!W
No words to describe this!
Just wow!