The Wood Pigeon, chapter 3

The Wood Pigeon

A few weeks had past by. Minho and Yoogeun were both getting used at the usual daily life, and even started to like that life. Getting up, eat breakfast, have class, lunch, class, out, dinner and then sleeping again, was a rhythm they never got enough of. When it came to making friends, Yoogeun was very open and shared his thoughts with everyone of his age. He immediately was the popular and happy kid that everybody loved to watch and look at. As for Minho, things did go out fine, as well. The friends of Taemin, Kibum and Jinki, became his friends too. Even though they were weird and strange, Minho was happy to have three friends instead of twenty. He didn't liked so much attention, plus he couldn't remember those many names.

The daily life started once again one day, and Minho had found out about something. Something that made him shock, but also realize why an orphanage existed and what it's goal was. Because at one day, Jinki was nowhere to be seen anymore. Not by breakfast, not by the lessions, and not even when they served chicken. He was gone. Just like every other child that dissapeared so out of sudden.

Minho had many nightmares of the dissapearences. The fear of losing Yoogeun or Taemin was the badest thing he could think off. At nights, he screamed his lungs out when he woke up after another dream of seeing Yoogeun or Taemin die in a horrible way, and it slowly but surely became a normal thing. Just like Taemin's nightmares. 

When it came to Taemin, each time when Minho had a nervous break down, he was there to stay by Minho's side and comfort him, like Minho did when Taemin had nightmares of the 'accident' with his parents. The two grew more to each other and showed more affection towards each other, every day. Not to mention, the skinship that they had. Minho hugged Taemin more than Yoogeun, he noticed. And he wasn't the only one that noticed it. Kibum always frowned when Minho touched the younger boy, and Yoogeun became more used to scream and yell more when Minho left after his visited him. Other children noticed, too, and wondered if Minho and Taemin were having 'something'.

Minho sighed, as he made his way to the child section. Another new day. The dream he had tonight was about Yoogeun. His little brother was leaving him silently and with an empty gaze, getting pulled away with Jonghyun to the direction of the light. The light was the door to Heaven, Minho always thought. But that it would really happen one day, loosing Yoogeun to that light, was a imagination that lived along in Minho's head. Little did he know, that it was real.

“Hi, Yuri. Is Yoogeun awake?” The proud and elder brother asked, glaring up at the female that took care of the children nowadays. Yuri sighed and looked up with a sad face. Her eyes gave it away.

“N-no.. N-no, he can't be.. He can't be gone. He can't. No. No!” Minho shouted. He turned around and ran as fast as he could, back to his room. The first thing he saw was the wood pigeon, Minnie, sitting on Taemin's bed while Taemin turned around in shock. Minho breathed heavily. With open arms, he moved over and hugged Taemin while he blinked a tear. It slowly made his way down from the cheek to the ground. “Yoogeun-ah is gone.”


Five days were they days that Yoogeun wasn't in Minho's life anymore. Those five whole days felt like five whole years for him. He felt heartbroken and sad, even when the dissapearences of children started to increase.

What also started to increase, were the rumours that spread around of Taemin and Minho liking, maybe even loving, each other and doing it everyday. Minho remembered well, hearing that for the first. He was with Taemin in the canteen, and Taemin had fainted from shock. It sure was a shock. The word 'gay' flew everywhere in the orphanage. It almost looked like they were popular. In a not so nice way.

“It's okay, Taemin. Let them talk, we know better.” Minho ressured to the youngster.

Taemin had nod with a sob, and cried until dinner time. It was a hard time to go through, but adventually, Taemin got more strength to tell people it wasn't true what they were talking about and could even made them scared. Minho smiled. He found it quiet interesting to see Taemin fight for such a thing. And he wasn't fighting for the thing that they were having 'something', but for doing it. That meant that Taemin thought the same way and felt the same way like Minho felt and thought towards Taemin. They both didn't saw them as friends anymore.   It was love. He just knew.

When it came to Minnie, the little wood pigeon, he was always there to cheer Taemin, and even Minho, up from the bad rumours and became a good friend of Minho. It was a surprise for both them, but soon, Minho started even to talk to the bird. Just like Taemin did. And surprisingly, the bird seemed to understand it. Everything that he heard, he nodded his little head at and sometimes even made a noise to agree, or say something in the pigeon language.


Dinner time had past, and Minho sat on his bed with Minnie on his hand, talking and laughing at the bird. Sure, it looked strange, but for him, it was a normal thing to do. He even sometimes tickled the bird. Just like he did by Taemin. They were both very tickles, and Minho loved to hear the sound of happiness through his mind. He did it, for not thinking of Yoogeun or his parents that he had lost. He did it for distraction. And it worked.

With a loud thud, Minho shot his head to the door to see a sad looking Taemin standing there. The boy was on the erge of crying and didn't said a word when he walked over to Minho and sat beside him. He played with his fingers, Minho saw, and stayed silenced until he opened his mouth.

“Kibum is gone..”

His voice cracked when he said it. He looked down and Minho sighed from the hurt he also felt, and embraced Taemin with soft caring. To Minho's surprise, Taemin didn't shed any tear, but instead pulled Minho more into the hug until they had breathing trouble from the hugg. Minho gently grabbed Taemin's shoulders and loosened themselves a bit, before sneeking his arms around the slim waist again and sharing their warmth. That was, until he heard;

“Hyung, why have we never kissed before?”

Minho's heartbeat increased when Taemin broke the hug, and he dumbfoundly glared at the boy that gave an innocent, but still sad, look. “Um..” Minho thought for a few seconds and felt his heart arch. Yes, why haven't they kissed yet? What could he say?

“Hyung. Can you.. kiss me?”

The words seemed to flew out of Taemin's mouth like it was nothing. But for Minho, it was. He tried to catch his breath and then smiled caringly. “Oh, sure.” He slowly moved to Taemin's face, that seemed to be in shock and nerves, and pecked the boy his cheek. “There. I kissed you.” Minho said with a smile, while he llooked at a doubting face. 

“N-no, hyung. That's not what I meant. I- Um.. Never mind.” Taemin sighed and looked down, his face blushed red, while he the kissed cheek. Minho frowned. Wait, does he mean? Ooooooh, Minho thought. A smile showed as Minho chuckled. He placed his finger underneath Taemin's chin and raised the head, slowly moving forward while he closed his eyes. A gasp was heard, probably from Taemin (Minho didn't knew with his eyes closed, after all) as their lips touched and met an incredible feeling.

Taemin closed his eyes and waited. Waited for his first kiss to never end. But unfortunately, it did. Minho broke the kiss softly and backed away, seeing Taemins opening his eyes in slow motion. He smiled. “So, how was it?” Minho titled his head at the younger that touched his lips. “U-um.. E-erm.. It was nice.” Taemin stuttered with his hand over his lips.

Minho showed his bigest smile he had ever given. “Yeah. It sure was.”

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taeminminhoforever #1
Chapter 4: just read this! kyaaaaaaaaaaa~!!! so beautiful! ;)
LeeKaiLin #2
So sweet!~
Neck crotch... LOL!~ ^^;;
*Claps* Beautiful. And I thought everyone died
Then I got to the 3 years later part: OH LORD THANK YOU JESUS!! THY ARENT DEAD!!! XDDD
You kinda got me there. HAHA
patchiee #4
this is like a fairytail ;~; *claps*
Ahh that was so sad and beautiful :')
aoiworld #6
2min reunion.*Clap hands.....

Good? No, it great.
aoiworld #7
The kiss distract me for moment.
2min love....
But, where did they go?
Die or adopted?
patchiee #8
where did they go? :s adopted? :o
aoiworld #9
Taemin don't cry, make me wanna cry too.
patchiee #10
stupid people! >:(