Second Shot

Double Sugar

Three years ago..

"We haven’t met each other for almost a year. I have so many things to talk about with you, but why are you so quiet?" the 17-year-old Jonghyun asked his favourite cousin, who is sitting in front of the fridge. It was so late at night. Everybody is in their bed, except for those two. And Joey was only 15 at that time.

It was their first meet after Joey's parents moved to the other town. They had to settle on many things and didn’t get to go back to their hometown for almost a year. The same duration Jonghyun and Joey were separated. But now Joey's family is in Jonghyun's house. Jonghyun was so excited when he heard his mother say Joey was coming. But Joey was so different compared to the previous Joey he had known. The girl greets him with a smile, and that's it. No hugs, no her usual-loud-voice-greetings, and she even hide her puppy eyes that Jonghyun loves the most. The boy tried to start a few conversations with her but failed. That night when he went to the kitchen for a drink, he saw Joey sleeping in front of the fridge, hugging a pillow close to her chest. He pats on her shoulder and she woke up. Instead of asking why the girl is sleeping there, he asked why is Joey so quiet ever since she stepped into the house.

Joey looked into Jonghyun's eyes. It's not that she had changed. It's not that she doesn’t like Jonghyun as much as she did before. It's just that, it's been a year. And Joey is a girl. She feels awkward to talk, to crack jokes, hugging Jonghyun like they always did before. The only thing she need is time for them to adjust the new environment, and she knows both of them can be as close as before soon.

Being an impatient boy, Jonghyun suspected Joey is hiding something inside the fridge.

"You're hiding something, right?" he said as he motioned Joey to the other side of the fridge. The girl tried to stop him, but Jonghyun already opened the fridge and he saw the item Joey is guarding the whole night.

"A lollipop.." he said as he took the lollipop out.

"Give me back the lollipop!" Joey said, and she looks serious. That hurts Jonghyun so much because it seems like the lollipop is more important to Joey than him. Without second thought, he unwrapped the lollipop and put it inside his mouth, causing Joey to dropped her jaw.


With that shout that woke up almost everybody in the neighborhood, Joey gave Jonghyun a flying kick right on his back. She treasured the lollipop so much, obviously. And thanks to the flying kick, that night was the last night they spent as good friends. Jonghyun started to treat her like an enemy since then.

They started to avoid each other. Jonghyun has been calling Joey 'Sugar-freak', and Joey is calling him 'Sugar-hater'. Since then, they never sit together like they always did before.


"The fact that you kicked me just because I ate that lollipop hurt me so much." Jonghyun said. The sentence might sounds funny, but he doesn't looks like he's joking.

"It's not like what you think..." Joey muttered.

"I started to hate sugar, well... anything sweet in general starting from that day."

Joey thought what he said was funny, but the situation is not suitable for her to laugh.

"Because I chose the lollipop over you?" Joey asked.

Jonghyun didn't reply, but Joey can feels his nods on her shoulder.

"Remember the last day I was here before my family moved?" Joey asked. Jonghyun did nothing but nodding.

"You gave me a lollipop. That's the first gift I've ever received from a boy that I really like, so I treasure it more than you can ever imagine.."

It took Jonghyun a few seconds to understand what was Joey trying to say. He loosened his hug and he gave Joey a long stare.

"You kept that lollipop in the fridge for... 11 months?" he asked, widening his eyes.

"The expiry date was still valid at that time," Joey replied, smiling.

"And you KICKED me because of that lollipop?!" Jonghyun asked again, his eyes are getting bigger.

"What to do, I have nothing else from you that I can treasure," Joey said as she chuckled.

"Aish, if only I know earlier. I don't have to hate sugar all this time." Jonghyun then said. His lips are forming a smile.

"Now this shirt suits you!" Joey said, pointing to the 'I LOVE SUGAR' shirt Jonghyun is wearing.

"Oh, I need to show you something!" Jonghyun said as he ran into his room. He come back after a few seconds with a paper bag in his hands.

"This... is for you," he said, handing the bag to Joey, and he is blushing as well.

Joey took out a shirt from the bag, and she spotted right that instance that the shirt is actually the other half of the couple shirt she bought for Jonghyun.

"Since you love the lollipop so much.." Jonghyun said. Joey thought Jonghyun was so thoughtful. She bought the shirt to , but he bought it for her to please her. Plus, the boy from the shop said he bought it with force. He really wants to give the shirt to Joey, then. So both of them now have the couple t-shirts unexpectedly.

"Thanks, for being so thoughtful." Joey said as she gave Jonghyun a light peck on his cheek. The dino-like boy is now blushing as hard as ever.

"Aigoo, you are always shouting but now you're blushing just because of the kiss? You're funny!" Joey is now laughing. She was somewhere at the end of the laugh when Jonghyun grabs her and that night, she got her first kiss.

Joey is still startled by the time Jonghyun parted his lips from hers.

"Your lips taste so sweet, I don't need sugar anymore." he jokes, and Joey smacked him on his back.

It's a start of a beautiful love story. They decided not to hide anything from each other anymore, like what they did with the lollipop incident.

They later found out another funny story. They both bought ten packets of sugar from the same shop. But Jonghyun bought it for Joey since Joey loves sugar so much.

The End

Usually all my OS contain less than 2000 words. But this one, I just can't find a way to end it and suddenly it reached 3000++ already, LOL. Tell me what you think about it ne!!


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Chapter 2: Aigoo~TOO cute!!!^^But didn't u say they were cousins?Ooooh...cousin love...xD
kyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa unnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
they are so cuteeeeeeeeeee! :D
and the fact that Joey kept that lollipop for 11 months makes it cuter! (^__________^)
and and, I LOVE SUGAR!!!!! XD
kyaaaaaaaa keke :D
huishianwoo #3
okay eonni...once made me die due to over sweetness xD I LUB YOU <3
choiminhoprincess #4
''your lips taste so sweet, i don't need sugar anymore'' <-- omg! Omg! Cheesy jjong is so umm cute! Sbb jjong kan biasenye y XD! *i think i have soft spot for cheesy things XDDDD*
uwaa..last 3 years???
what happen??
kyaa...... can't wait!!!!
huishianwoo #6
Muahahaha!! I'm the first subscriber! See how much I love you eonni!