First Shot

Double Sugar


"I am so dead!" Joey is shouting in the living room early in the morning. Nana, her house mate who is disturbed by her loud voice quickly stood on her two feet, made her way to Joey and gave her a smack on her head.
"Why are you shouting?! I was sleeping!" she snapped.
"Yah, eonnie! You are merciless! How could you smack someone as cute as me?" Joey replied, showing her famous puppy eyes at the same time.
"You puppy eyes won't work this time! Stop shouting, because I want to sleep! It's only six in the morning!" Nana snapped again, pointing her finger to the clock on the wall.
"Fine! Go to sleep and leave me dying here alone!" Joey jumps on the sofa, pouting.
"Aish~ What are you talking about?" Nana decided to sit with her.
"My mom just called and ask me to pack my things," Joey started.
"You're moving out!?" Nana quickly asked, tears start forming in her eyes.
"Aish eonnie, cut off your drama scenes. This is very important!" Joey snapped.
"Okay, okay~" Nana replied, wiping her fake tears away.
"We're going to visit my aunt in a few hours,"
"So you're going to stay there?"
"Neh, for a few days,"
"What is wrong with that? You're not going to die just because of that," Nana said.
"The problem is with my aunt's son, eonnie. I hate him so much I can kill!" Joey replied, and her eyes are burning with spirit, to kill whoever the son of her aunt is.
"Stop being childish. Just go there and annoy him as much as he annoys you. Simple." Nana said as she stood up.
"I'm not good at annoying people," Joey replied, and she looks confused.
"Just do whatever he doesn't like. It's best if you know what he dislikes the most. Buy one and give it to him as a present." Nana said as she walks to her bedroom.
And Joey thought it was a very good idea. She knows what Kim Jonghyun dislikes the most.
"Can I have ten packets of sugar?" Joey asked the seller. She is on her way to her aunt's house. Her mother is waiting there.
"Sure, sure," the seller said as he packed all the packets in one big plastic bag.
"Thanks," Joey said as she paid for the sugar.
"I can close the shop early today. Just now, there is another person who bought the same amount of sugar like you," the seller said.
"I'm sure that person is making lots of cookies, or jellies? But I'm buying this to annoy someone," Joey muttered to herself.
She continue her journey to her aunt's house, which is not very far from the shop when she bumped into another shop, selling couple t-shirts. Much to her likings, the price seems very reasonable. But she got one problem. She doesn't have a boyfriend, so what is the need of couple t-shirts...?
"Why don’t you choose a pair, noona?" suddenly a small boy who's working there asked her.
"Ah.. I don’t have anyone to share these," Joey replied.
"Oh, then you can have this!" the boy said as he bent down and picked a shirt in the drawer.
"Is that a rejected shirt? Since you keep it far from the others?" Joey asked when the boy handed her the shirt.
"No, no! I keep it aside because it's no longer a couple t-shirt. Somebody just came and bought the other half by force, I didn’t get to stop him! So, only one is left," the boy explained. Joey eyed the shirt. It looks very nice. A plain, baby blue shirt, with a big lollipop picture on it. And some cupcakes and muffins too. "I LOVE SUGAR" is written on top of the pictures. Joey smiled when she saw that.
"Since you said you have no one to share the couple shirts, I thought you can have this one since it has no pair," the boy said. Joey quickly paid for the shirt and ran as fast as she could, to her aunt's house. She is thankful to whoever who bought the other half of the couple t-shirts because now she has one. To annoy Kim Jonghyun.
"Welcome in, Joey!" Aunt Eunjae greets her when she reached the house. Joey stepped into the house carefully, her eyes are looking for that certain person. Not that she really wants to meet him. But for her to avoid him easily.
"Go straight to the kitchen and have your lunch. I'm going to meet your mother at the mall." Aunt Eunjae said again. Joey just nods her head, and she can't help but to feel glad now she is left alone in the house.
She is still smiling as she walks to the kitchen when somebody greets her.
"It's been two months since the last time we met, and you didn’t get any thinner. I thought you said you're on a diet when you talked to my mom last week?"
Joey slapped her forehead when she saw Kim Jonghyun, the cousin she hates so much. He is standing besides the dining table, his eyes are on her face, and his lips formed a cheeky smile.
"My diet failed, so what? You didn’t get any taller too. Your mom told me you bought insoles last month," Joey replied with a smile. Her sentence caused Jonghyun to get angry. Seriously, nobody should talk on his height.
"Don't you have other things to do but annoy me?" the boy asked. He might look short if Joey were to compare him to Sandy's Minho, but he is actually tall enough. Thanks to the sleeveless shirt he is wearing, Joey is cursing herself for blushing over those buff arms of her cousin.
"You started it. Moreover, I'm saying the truth. You're not getting any taller," Joey said, and she put on an annoying face to cover the two stupid blushes on her cheeks.
"Forget my height and look at you. I bet you eat lots of your beloved sugar, that's why your diet failed," Jonghyun replied with a smirk.
"Yes, I eat lots of sugar. I even bought ten packets of sugar before I came here," Joey said as she took out two packets from her bag and hands them to Jonghyun.
"Why are you giving me these? You know how much I hate sugar!" Jonghyun snapped.
"I'm not asking you to eat them. You can put them under your feet and use them as insoles. Then you will become taller," Joey said as she holds her laugh before she stepped into the guest room and locked herself in.
"Yah, don't run away!" Jonghyun shouted and he even kicked the door, but Joey is rolling and laughing on the bed. Nana's idea to annoy him back is not bad at all.
The next day..
"We will have dinner together," Jonghyun said, much to Joey's displease.
"What about our ommas?" she asked.
"They went out for a movie," Jonghyun replied, not looking at her.
"You cook the dinner, then," Joey said as she jumps on the sofa.
"Why me? You're a girl, so you're the one who should be cooking in the kitchen!" Jonghyun said as he pulls Joey from the chair.
"Yah! I'm a guest! You should cook for your guest!" Joey snapped, pulling her wrists from Jonghyun's grab.
"Fine, let's play a game. If you lose, then you will have to cook," Jonghyun suddenly suggested.
"In addition, he or she must do whatever the winner asks them to do," Joey added and they both agree to play the stupid game. It took them a few seconds to decide they should play the multiplication table game. And it took them a few more seconds to choose the chef of the night.
"9 x 8!" Joey asked. That's the first question of the game.
"74!" Jonghyun answered confidently and Joey burst into a laugh. Jonghyun then realize the answer is actually 72..
"Aish, let's play again," he suggested but Joey quickly throws an apron to him.
"You'll be the chef. And as for your second punishment..." Joey handed Jonghyun the t-shirt she bought earlier.
Jonghyun stares at the t-shirt Joey gave him in horror.
"I love WHAT?! You're kidding me!" he said.
"You'll have to wear this every night!" Joey said, smiling. Wearing a shirt like that will hurt no one, but it's funny for someone who hates sugar. Someone like Jonghyun.
It took both of them a few moments shouting at each other regarding the punishment when Jonghyun finally gave up and decided to wear the torturing shirt.
"I still looking good," he said as he saw his image in the tall mirror when he put on the shirt. Jonghyun actually really likes the shirt. First, well... he'll keep the reason as a secret. Second, it's from Joey.
"But why 'I LOVE SUGAR'?!" he asked when he's about to reach Joey. He left the girl alone just now to change into the new shirt. He was about to put on his apron and cook for the girl when suddenly Joey jumps in front of him, and she looks so excited.
"Good news, Jonghyun! Now you don’t have to cook for me. I'm going out for a dinner!" Joey said, and Jonghyun couldn’t help but to think the girl now looks like a fangirl.
"With who?" he quickly asked.
"Kevin!" Joey said, staring at her mobile phone. Reading the text from Kevin, whoever he is, maybe. She is blushing, too. And Jonghyun is more than jealous.
Joey was about to step out of the house when Jonghyun locked the door and keep the key in his pocket.
"You're not going anywhere," he said, and he looks so cold.
"But why? Kevin is waiting for me!" Joey snapped. Seriously, Jonghyun is very annoying at times like this.
"It's.. late already. And it's dangerous.." Jonghyun said.
"Look. I knew you since you were 5! That's not the reason, so stop lying. Tell me, what is it?" Joey asked. She knows Jonghyun made up stupid reasons just now, judging on his face expression.
"I don't want you to go out with him."
After quite a long pause, Jonghyun finally said it. Joey tried to remain calm and not to think more than what Jonghyun just said.
"Why? He's not a bad guy," Joey said, trying to find Jonghyun's eyes.
"I don’t care if he's bad or good, or kind... I don't care. Even if it's not him, I still won't let you go out with any boys.." Jonghyun said again, staring at the floor.
"You're acting weird," Joey said as she pushes Jonghyun away from the door. She was about to reach for the key in Jonghyun's pocket when he grabs her arms and pulls her into his embrace. His strong arms are wrapped around Joey's waist, and they both are so close to each other Joey can feel Jonghyun's heart is beating against hers.
"Please ignore everything I did these past few years. I'm sorry I acted stupid. I'm sorry if I made you hate me. But the truth is, I've always loved you..." Jonghyun whispered into Joey's ears, causing the girl's heart to skip a beat.
"But you never acted like, like you have feelings... for me." Joey muttered. She really wants to believe what Jonghyun had said just now. Why wouldn’t she? Jonghyun has always been the boy of her dreams.
"It's because of what you did last three years .." Jonghyun said.
"Three years...?" Joey asked. She doesn’t need Jonghyun to explain the incident since she remembers it perfectly. Jonghyun and herself are always close to each other since forever, but the incident that night changed everything.
The second shot will reveal what had happened last three years ^-^
Wait for it <3
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Chapter 2: Aigoo~TOO cute!!!^^But didn't u say they were cousins?Ooooh...cousin love...xD
kyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa unnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
they are so cuteeeeeeeeeee! :D
and the fact that Joey kept that lollipop for 11 months makes it cuter! (^__________^)
and and, I LOVE SUGAR!!!!! XD
kyaaaaaaaa keke :D
huishianwoo #3
okay eonni...once made me die due to over sweetness xD I LUB YOU <3
choiminhoprincess #4
''your lips taste so sweet, i don't need sugar anymore'' <-- omg! Omg! Cheesy jjong is so umm cute! Sbb jjong kan biasenye y XD! *i think i have soft spot for cheesy things XDDDD*
uwaa..last 3 years???
what happen??
kyaa...... can't wait!!!!
huishianwoo #6
Muahahaha!! I'm the first subscriber! See how much I love you eonni!