Part 2

My Borrowed Heart


Part 2


“Tiffany, are you going to leave me just the way she did?”


Finally, she talked.


“Oppa, I’m afraid that you love me just because you see her in me, that I’m just a hole-patcher. I’m afraid that sooner or later, you’ll realize that you don’t really love me, that you still love her.”


Suddenly, we heard the door knob being turned. I quickly wiped my tears away. I saw Heechul, smirking.


“So, how’s your date?”


So this is his plan. He want me to fall for her and forget Yoona.


“Whatever Heenim. Let’s go home.”


I was the first one to walk. When we reached the ground floor, Heechul left us. There is an awkward atmosphere. I can see in my rear view that she is freezing. It is cold, indeed. I took off my jacket and placed it around her. She looked at me.




I smiled at her.


“You’re so cute. I can’t let a cute person freeze, you know.”


She smiled. She hugged me.


“Oppa, thank you. Saranghae.”


She ran away after saying those things to me. She went to get a cab but there’s no cab passing. I went to her. I dragged her cold hands.


“Come on. I’ll just bring you to your house.”


It’s very quiet inside the car. I took the courage to talk.


“Sorry for the things I said earlier.”


“That’s fine. It’s entirely my fault. I forced you to open up your problems.”


We reached her house. I opened the door car for her. Before letting her go inside, I hugged her.


“Thank you Tiffany.”


I kissed her forehead which caused her to blush.


This is a very long day.




I was really curious about who donated for her. I called Jessica even though I know she is mad at me.



“Donghae Oppa.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“No. I’m just upset because you didn’t accept my invitation.”

“Well, sorry. Can I ask something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Can you still remember the person who was able to receive Yoona’s heart?”

“Oh. Yes. She’s a girl and she’s really pretty. If you will just see her, you will fall for her. Even though she looks very sick at that time, you can still see her beauty. Why are you asking?”

“Really? I was just curious. I never knew her. I wanted to meet her so at least, I can see if the person who received her heart deserves it.”

“Wait. I’ll just check my files. I’ll just bring it to you later.”

“Okay. Thanks Jessica.”


I really wanted to see who the girl is. I wanted to confirm my instinct.


After an hour…


Ding Dong…




Finally. Jessica is here. I quickly opened the door and saw Jessica holding a brown envelope.


“Here it is.”


“Thanks a lot Jessica.”


She smiled.


“That’s nothing. I’ll be going now. I have an appointment. Bye!”


She walked to her car. I’m really nervous. I closed my door. I was surprised when I saw the picture. It’s Tiffany!


Name: Tiffany Hwang Miyoung

DOB: August 1, 1989

Blood Type: O


I called Heenim and Siwon immediately and I told them to meet me at the café.




“Donghae! What’s with the sudden calling?”


Siwon asked lazily. I bet he just woke up.


“I need to show you something. That’s the files of the girl to whom Yoona donated her heart.”


They looked at me with boring expressions. Suddenly, I heard a sweet voice calling me.


“Donghae Oppa!”


Both of them looked at me. They said in unison,




She sat beside me and looked at the envelope in my hand. I became nervous.


“What’s that?”


Heechul grabbed the envelope to my hands. I’m very nervous. He took the papers inside and placed it on top of the table. Their eyes went wide.


“That’s my name! Why do you have those?”


I don’t know what I should say. Heechul blurted out, with a high pitched voice.


“Yoona’s heart receiver is Tiffany?”


Tiffany looks confused.


“What are you saying? You know the person who donated her heart to me?”


Siwon answered for me.


“We know her very well. She is Donghae’s first love.”


She gasped.


“What? Are you sure. Maybe you are mistaken.”


I hold her hand. This is the only thing I can do to assure her and myself.


“I’m very sure. That’s why you are so alike with her. You have her heart, you have my heart.”


I can see that Heechul and Siwon’s jaw dropped. She ran outside the café. She left me, just like what Yoona did.




That was the last time we met. I was my old self again. I’ve been too careless. I let her go away. I let my heart be taken away again.


I miss her.


That’s what I feel right now.


I want her.


That’s what I wanted to tell everyone.


I love her, so much.


That’s what I realized.


Would she leave me like what Yoona did?




One afternoon, I was eating all by myself in the cafeteria when Siwon and Heechul ran to me.


“Hey! Donghae, do you know the latest news about the school heartthrob?”


Siwon told me like there is no tomorrow.


“Don’t tell me you are one of his fan girls, I mean fan boys.”


I chuckled at my own joke.


“What are you Donghae? Do you think I’ll be gay for that guy? I would rather be gay over you than Nichkhun Horvejkul!”


Siwon looks a little bit furious.


“Chill Dude! What is this news all about?”


I asked, smirking.


“His long-time girl friend and future fiancé will go here later! She will enroll here!”


Heechul told me excitedly.


“So? What’s with his girl friend and future fiancé?”


I replied with bored expressions.


“This means new chick! I bet she’s very gorgeous!”


I laughed at what Siwon said.


“Do you think she will fall for you, huh?”


Siwon became serious at my question.


“I don’t know. But I’m more handsome than that Horvejkul. They just didn’t see me because I keep my profile as low as possible.”


Siwon is really a narcissist. Suddenly, I heard girls screaming. Others were running outside.


“She’s here!”


Both of them joined the crowd.


“Oh my God! She’s beautiful!”

“Gosh! She’s very flawless!”

“She is almost perfect!”

“They look so good together!”


Those are the things I’m hearing right now. Siwon looks mad because we still can’t see the girl.


“Aisssh! What the hell! I want to see her. Let me see her!”


I patted his back.


“Chill Siwon. We will see her. Don’t worry.”


The people started moving. I don’t know why. I just saw a very big empty space in the middle. I was in the middle. My friends left me. They probably also went with the crowd. I was about to walk back to the canteen when I saw that Nichkhun was there holding someone. I turned around to see the girl. My jaws dropped when I saw her.




She looked at me when she heard someone called her. She quickly looked away when she knew it was me.


“Honey, what’s the matter? You know him?”


She looked at him.


“No. No, I don’t know him.”


They walked past me.


She didn’t give back the love. She didn’t. She left me.


Tears started streaming down my eyes.


What the hell! Why is this happening to me? Am I too bad?




I don’t go to school anymore. Heechul and Donghae always tell me that when Tiffany passes by their table, she always look at them. They told me that she is hoping to see me by the way she acts. But I don’t believe them. I was nothing to her, just an acquaintance.




It has been two weeks since I last went to school. I tried to find the courage to face her. I know it will not be easy seeing them together but this is the only way I could move on, to just accept the fact that we are not meant for each other.


“Donghae Oppa!”


Jessica hugged me.


“Do you know how much I missed you?”


She broke the hug and showed her aegyo to me. Suddenly, I saw Tiffany passing by in front of us, alone.


I looked at her and she looked back at me. Her looks are very meaningful. I don’t know how to explain but she wanted to say something. Jessica looked at us, confused.


“Oppa, is there a problem?”


She asked me. I shook my head.


“Jessica, I need to do something. See you later!”


I followed Tiffany quietly. She probably didn’t notice me. I saw her in front of her locker, getting something. I saw her breathing heavily.


I can hear her loud pants from the corner. Suddenly, I saw her books fell down. I ran to her but I was late. She fainted already.


I quickly carried her and I brought her to the school clinic. After 10 minutes, I saw Nichkhun.


“Nurse! What happened to Tiffany?”


She asked the nurse with a worried tone.


“She fainted in the hallway. Good thing Donghae was there.”


He looked at me.


“You can go back to your class now. I’ll be watching her.”


I don’t want to go yet. I want to make sure that she is really fine. Suddenly, the nurse told us she is already awake.


“Misters, she is awake already.”


Nichkhun went to her. I walked to her direction too but I made sure I won’t destroy their moment.


“Thank God you’re awake already. I was so worried!”


She gave him a small smile.


“Oppa, who brought me here?”


Nichkhun didn’t answer her question. What’s the matter?


“Donghae brought you here. He saw you at the hallway.”


The nurse told her instead. I went nearer but I still had my distance.


“You’re fine already. That’s a good thing. I’ll go back to my class now.”


When I was about to turn around, she sat down.




I looked at her, surprised.


“Thank you Donghae Oppa.”


I gave her a soft smile. She also gave me a smile, my favorite smile, the smile I fell for. She never fails to amaze me.


“Anything for you Tiffany.”


I bowed and made my way out.


I know that I don’t have a place in her heart but I’m happy seeing her happy with him. Though it hurts me, I should be happy too, right?




Two weeks passed by and she constantly greets me whenever we see each other. She always gives me a warm greeting that makes my day. But at the same time, it hurts me seeing Nichkhun around her all the time.


“Yah! Donghae stop looking at them! You are just hurting yourself!”


Heechul tell me those things everyday. I know that they are saying that because they care about me. But I just can’t take my eyes off her. I care so much for her. I just don’t want her to be in danger. I know this is unrequited love but who cares, as long as she’s happy, I’m fine with it. Suddenly, someone covered my eyes.


“Yah! Who is this?”


The person still covered my eyes. I’m guessing that it is a girl. The hands are so soft.


“Jessica Jung?”


I asked. She is the only girl I’m really close to.


“Hi Donghae Oppa!”


She sat beside me and she put her arms around mine.


“Why are you so clingy?”


Heechul asked her with an irritated voice.


“Because he is my Oppa! “


She said to him in a very loud voice that attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone looked at us, including Tiffany and Nichkhun.


I saw Tiffany’s expressions and it is the same thing I saw when she passed by in front of me and Jessica.


“Why are they looking at us? Did I do something wrong?”


Jessica asked.


“This girl is insane. She doesn’t know that it is because of her. Hello! Jessica! You spoke too loud!”


Siwon told her with a teasing voice. She pouted and linked her arms tighter this time. She went nearer my face and whispered something.


“Oppa, I like you, a lot!”


I looked at Tiffany’s direction again. I saw her looking at us but she quickly looked away when I faced her. I told an excuse so I can go away from Jessica.


“Excuse me. I’ll just go to the comfort room.”


I went away. I went to the rooftop instead. I suddenly remembered my moments with Yoona.




“Oppa, I always wanted my wedding to be the best but when I’m with you, those dreams are nothing. A simple wedding is enough as long as I am with you.”


She caressed my hair and gave me a quick peck on the cheeks.


“Im Yoona, why are you so sweet? I can’t help but fall in love all over again. For me, you are perfect. Even your imperfections seem so perfect.”


She gave me a wide smile and she put her head on top of my shoulders.


“Oppa, I hope we stay like this forever.”


End of flashback


Reminiscing the past really makes me cry, especially when it is about her. I really love her so much. When I remember her smile, I forget my problems. I know she will just be an inspiration to me now to strive harder but how can I be happy when the person who replaced her doesn’t notice my love at all?


I can’t stop the tears from streaming down. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.


“Mister, why are you crying here all alone?”


I quickly wiped my tears and faced the girl. I rarely see her in the campus but they said she is really quiet and doesn’t talk to other people. But why is she talking to me?


“Sir, you are probably sad right?”


I nodded. She sat down beside me.


“That’s about someone special, I’m guessing?”


I faced her.


“Yes. Why?”


She let out a soft smile.


“You know, it’s okay to cry but do you think it will do something good to you? It will just give you more wrinkles. It’s more acceptable to tell her how you feel rather than hiding here, on the rooftop.”


She continued to look at the scene. She looks very young and innocent. You will probably not expect those kinds of things from her.


“Do you think so? What if she has someone else already?”


I asked her with a low voice.


“Well, if that is the situation, you still have to tell her. Once you were able to let your feelings out, you will have a lighter feeling inside.”


She is right. How can a young girl like her know those things? Maybe she also had this kind of feeling.


“Thanks a lot miss. By the way, what is your name?”


I offered my hand. She returned back the handshake.


“I’m Seo Joohyun but you can call me Seohyun.”


I introduced myself but she stopped me.


“Nice to meet you Seohyun. I’m –“


She continued the sentence for me.


“You are Lee Donghae. The very famous junior student here in Kirin.”


I was surprised. What is she saying?


“What are you saying Seohyun? What famous? I’m not famous.”


She gave me a smirk.


“If that’s what you think. You are actually as popular as Mister Horvejkul and Miss Hwang.”


I heard their names. My mood changed.


“Ohh. Look who just became upset here. You don’t like that lovey-dovey couple, huh?”


She is teasing me. What is with this girl?


“Yah. I don’t like them. Is there a problem?”


She faced the scenery again.


“It’s very obvious that you are jealous, Donghae-ssi. The girl you were talking about is her, right?”


I nodded. She is so smart. How could she know these things so fast?


“So, you like Miss Hwang. Well, when I see them, it’s like Nichkhun really tries his best so Tiffany will be as sweet as he is to her.”


She told those things to me. She is observing them? This girl is so mysterious.


“How could you say those things? And why do you even observe them?”


She chuckled a little bit.


“It is so obvious. You are probably blinded by too much sweet moments. You didn’t even notice how distant she is to him.”


She is right. Why I didn’t notice that thing? She stood up and went to the corner. She looked down. Her expressions changed into a sad one. I went there and I saw one of Nichkhun’s friends, Kyuhyun, holding hands with a girl. I decided not to anymore. I know it hurts a lot. I understand her.


“He is not meant for me.”


I heard her whisper. I pretended not to hear it so I won’t embarrass her. The bell rang and I bid goodbye.


“Thanks a lot Seohyun. See you again!”


She bowed and bid goodbye too.


“Just go here if you need something. And don’t forget my advice. Tell her while it’s not too late yet.”




While I was on my way to my next class, I saw Tiffany, waiting for someone. I was surprised when she called me and joined me in walking to my class.


“Oppa, you and Jessica huh.”


She told me with a teasing voice.


“We are just friends.”


I told her calmly.


“Well, that’s what you call friends nowadays?”


This time, she said it with a soft voice.


“Yes, if people don’t give a meaning about it.”


I continued walking, not affected by the look people are giving us.


“Wow. You changed. You are so mature now Oppa. I never thought you will be this mature.”


We reached a quiet place. I wonder why there are no people around.


“That was a long time ago. People can change right?”


She shook her head.


“Well, I was just hoping to see the quiet but kinda fishy Oppa I had before.”


She stopped. I decided to stop to. She continued talking.


“I thought things will never go this way.”


She went around but I stopped her. I don’t know why I did that but my heart said me to do it.




I saw a tear drop fell from her eye. I loosened my grip. She ran while I was there, standing in the middle of the hallway, hopeless.


Why are you such a coward, Donghae?




Few days passed by and she doesn’t talk to me anymore until I heard rumors about her and Nichkhun breaking up. They said Nichkhun was the one who broke up because she is so immature. But I don’t believe the rumors.


I went to the rooftop. I sat at the bench. I decided to wait for Seohyun. I wanted to talk to her right now. She gives me a peace of mind. She is like a sister to me. Suddenly, the rain started to fall down. I went to the corner and I saw someone. It’s a girl, crying. I decided to come nearer. As I get nearer, my heart thumps so fast. I became nervous and I don’t know why. The girl stood up and I was surprised. It was her, Tiffany.


She hugged me. I miss this feeling. The feeling of being important to someone you love.


“O-oppa. Sorry. I’m so sorry.”


She sobbed hardly. I hugged her as tight as I can.


“Why are you saying sorry Tiffany?”


She continued to cry under my arms.


“I hate myself. I used others so you can notice me. I’m selfish. I shouldn’t be treated right. I was so scared because I thought you just like me because you see her in me. I am afraid that someday, you will leave me because you realized that I am nothing to you, that I am just a hole patcher.”


I broke the hug and I face so she can see me clearly. I wiped the tears and told her everything I feel.


“Tiffany, do you know that you are always noticeable? Do you know that you are so perfect? Do you know that you are still pretty even you are crying? Do you know that you are my everything? Do you know that I love you so much?”


Tears flowed down in her cheeks again. She hugged me as tight as she can and she whispered me the magical words.


“Oppa, Saranghaeyo!”


I’m very happy that I had the courage to tell those things to her. She completed the missing puzzle piece. She is irreplaceable.




I never thought I would love someone the way I loved her. I thought she is the only one who can complete me. But I was wrong. Someone stole the puzzle piece and decided to give it back to me so it would be complete. She is someone I never thought I will love. I might see the same things I found from my first love, but she is different. She is my present and my future. We will continue my unfinished dreams together. We vowed that we will share our hearts forever.


“Oppa, I love you.”


“My Fany, I love you more than you know. I will take care of your borrowed heart, forever.”




So, this is my Valentine’s Day gift to everyone. This is unedited so sorry for the typos and wrong grammar. I know this is so crappy and I think it is kinda emotionless. I rushed this because we have examinations tomorrow. I was procrastinating so I decided to write this before proceeding to studying. I feel angsty right now so it didn’t turn out so good. I’ll be writing another angsty oneshot in the future and I’ll try my best to update ‘Damsel in Distress’ this weekend. That’s all. Criticisms are highly welcomed!

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Chapter 1: Hi. I thougt, it's a coincidence to have the same case. Yoona no longer exist, but donghae get some memories of hes because of tiffany. I felt sorry for tiff, if donghae fall for her just because she resemble to yoona.
mxsfits #2
i love itttt! Sweet. And, pls make a story about seokyu here! Rather, a continuation of their story in this shot. I was really curious about them!
i love this!!!
my haefany is looooove
I love HaeFany!!
Just read this! Gyaaaah! The last moment was the sweetest one! I start to fall over again for haefany..
Glad you make him fall for who tiffany is :) whoaaa, seokyu~ i'm expecting another great ff of yours :) happy belated val's day :)
Snowyyy #6
Glad that Hae loves Fany for who she is and not because she has yoona's heart.... Love the ending a lot.... :D Haefany is Love.....
I didn't see this as a new update -____-" anyway, I just read it and it's awesome. you didn't let me down for this story. A finally happy ending :D I'll be waiting for your new oneshot (though it's angsty) heee
lovehaefanny_98 #8
i really love this story. its really unique. And I also hope you can update damsel in distress. GOD BLESS YOU ON YOUR EXAMS..!!:))
That's 3 days from now. I'm waiting :D Hehehe. Hope for a happy ending <3 GOOD LUCK IN YR EXAM DEAR <3