Part 1

My Borrowed Heart


The first time I saw you, there is an instant connection, a connection that binds us.




I grew up longing for love. I always cry myself to sleep and wake up the next day to just to cry again. Nobody sees this side of me, no one. But when I met her, I know that she will make me happy. I know that she will understand me. I know that I will love her forever.


Yoona made me happy. She is always there to support my decisions no matter what happen. I always talk to her about my plans in the future. On how our wedding would be like and how our house would look like. But one catastrophic event ended all our dreams, ended my life, my love.




“Yoona! Wake up! You need to wake up. We need to fulfill our dreams right? We need to keep our promises! You know that I love you so much!”


That moment will be one of the most disastrous times in my life. She left me. She left me without saying anything. Now, my life will be back to normal. The kind of life everyone called a living nightmare.




“Donghae Oppa, the doctors asked us if we can donate Yoona’s heart. Someone is dying and she needs it badly.”


Should I give her heart? Should I? I don’t know what to do.


“It’s up to you Jessica. If you want to, then give it.”


She hugged me tightly.


“Oppa, you made the right decision to trust me. I will donate it, Arasso?”


Did I really make the right decision?




“Yah! Donghae! You look so stressed. You should try to look at a mirror. If Yoona sees you like this, she will break up with you!”


Siwon teased me but I gave him a glare.


“Fishy! Siwon is just trying to make you smile. You are so serious. We understand you but look at yourself. She won’t be happy seeing you like this.”


I’ve never heard Heechul tell those kinds of things to somebody. I appreciate them but I just can’t manage to be happy. She died 2 months ago but it seems like it’s just yesterday. There is no reason to be happy. The only reason is gone, she’s already gone.




One year later…


I never had a girl friend since the incident happened. Many girls tried to get my attention but no one really caught my eyes. She is still the most beautiful girl I ever met.


One day, while me, Siwon and Heechul are on our way to a café, a fair skinned and black haired girl bumped to me.




She scratched her head and bowed to me.


“Mianhe. I’m really sorry.”



Three years ago…




The tall, doe-eyed girl bowed to me when we bumped.


“No. That’s fine. I must be the one saying sorry.”


She smiled at me.


“You’re so kind. By the way, I’m Im Yoona.”


I offered my hand to her and introduced myself.


“I’m Donghae. Lee Donghae.”


She gave me a very wide smile, the smile I fell in love with.


End of Flashback…


“Mister, I’m really sorry.”


She bowed to me again.


No. That’s fine. I don’t mind.”


She smiled at me. I don’t know how to explain the feeling. The same feeling I felt for her in our first meeting. No, this can’t be.


“Hi Miss. I’m Siwon. Choi Siwon and you are?”


Siwon offered her a handshake and she returned it by shaking his hands.


“I’m Tiffany Hwang. Nice to meet you Siwon-ssi.”


Siwon showed his dimples to impress the girl.


“Wow. Your name really suits you Tiffany. By the way, let’s drop the formalities. Just call me Siwon Oppa.”


She giggled. Don’t tell me she’s falling for Siwon already?


“Arasso, Siwon Oppa.”


He asked her once again.


“Are you already going? Why don’t you take a seat with us first?”


She smiled to Siwon who is smiling like an idiot.


“I was already going but then, I bumped with you. But the appointment can wait.”


Siwon led her to a table. I and Heechul are at the back, following them. He whispered something to me.


Donghae, Siwon is showing so much interest to this girl. Don’t tell me he is falling again?”


I gave Heechul a smirk.


“Well, I think that’s a yes.”


We sat on the table. Of course, Siwon sat beside her. Before he can talk again, the girl faced me and spoke.


“Hi. I haven’t introduced myself to you yet. I’m Tiffany.”


She offered her hands to me. At first, I was hesitating to shake it but in the end, I also did.


“I’m Lee Donghae. Nice to meet you.”


She flashed me with her eye smile. After introducing herself to me, she quickly introduced herself to Heechul too.


Siwon and Tiffany had random talks with Heechul for an hour. While I am just watching them talk and talk.


“Yah! Donghae stop being quiet. Share something.”


Siwon teased me.


“I don’t have anything to share.”


Tiffany looked at me and gave me a small smile.


“How about your past relationships?”


The atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Even Siwon shut his mouth.


“Oh. Sorry to ask. Let’s just change the topic.”


Heechul looks worriedly at me. Suddenly, her phone rings.


“Excuse me. I’m going to answer the call.”


Both of the guys looked at me curiously.


“Yah! Both of you. Why are you giving me those looks?”


Heechul took the courage to talk.


“You already know why. We are just worried when it comes to that topic.”


I looked away.


“Mianhe. I really need to go now. I hope we will meet again.”


I’m pretty sure Siwon will do something before she goes.


“Uhm. Can I at least get your number before you go?”


Boom! I knew this will happen. She typed her phone number in Siwon’s phone. She bowed to us and made her way to a car waiting outside. Suddenly, Siwon started talking.


“You saw how she smiles? It’s like you landed in heaven! Her eye smile is unforgettable. Should I make my move on her?”


I laughed at Siwon. He really was struck by the girl. Heechul shouted at him.


“Yah! Siwon! What the heck are you thinking? You just met her today for goodness sake!”


Siwon didn’t dare to say another word. He is really scared when Heechul is angry.


“Heenim, calm down. That’s fine. At least, he proved me that he has a good taste after all.”


Why did I say those words? What’s happening to me? Both of them looked at me surprised.


“Yah! Why?”


I shouted at them. They keep on giving me stares since Tiffany went out of the café.


“Donghae, don’t tell us you like her?”


I was surprised with Siwon’s question. What are they talking about?


“What are you talking about? I just told Heenim that you have a good taste. That doesn’t mean I like her.”


They still looked at me. Now, it’s Heechul’s turn to talk.


“But you know, besides Yoona. This is the first time you praised a girl.”


Heechul has a point. But, I still don’t get it. I’m falling for a girl even though we didn’t talk that much?




Nothing much has change since my last meeting with Tiffany. Except the fact that I often think about her. She often crosses my mind and I don’t like it. I don’t want to accept the fact that someone was able to make my heart beat just like how Yoona did.


“Donghae Oppa! You’re pacing out!”


Jessica snapped me. She has been very clingy since Yoona died.


“Oppa, why are you always pacing out? I was telling you something but look, you’re not listening. It hurts Oppa.”


She’s always visiting my house. She cooks for me and cleans my house sometimes. Sometimes, I think that she likes me. But I’m really sorry for her when those thoughts struck my head.


“So, Oppa. Could you be my date in our upcoming Senior Prom?”


She asked me straightforward. What should I say? I really don’t want to go with her but how should I reject her without sounding so mean?


“Oppa, you still love her. Don’t you?”


I shook my head.


“Sorry Jessica. I really can’t forget her easily. She had a very big part in my life.”


She went out of the house. Suddenly, my phone rang.


“Donghae! Meet us at Namsan Tower now.”


What is Heechul planning to do? Bringing us to Namsan Tower in such a cold weather?


I wore a very thick leather jacket to keep me warm. After a few minutes, I reached Namsan. I saw Heechul and Siwon waiting for me. Suddenly, I saw a girl wearing skinny jeans and a black shirt with a thin pink sweater. It’s none other that Tiffany. She is waving at me. I admit, she really looks cute.


“Hi Donghae!”


She bowed and smiled at me, revealing her bright eyes.




I told her coldly. I don’t want my friends to think again that I like her. We went to the top of the tower. We looked at the scenery. Tiffany isn’t looking. She just sat at the corner.


“Do you like a hot coffee?”


Heechul asked us. I nodded. She nodded to. He dragged Siwon outside.


“Hyung! Why are you bringing me? We just went up and we are going down again!”


I laughed at Siwon’s silliness. Suddenly, I heard a door shut. I quickly ran to the door and I found out that it is closed. They probably closed it. Ugh. What is Heechul up to? I heard someone running to me.


“Donghae, what happened?”


I answered, my back still facing her.


“We’re locked. Heechul probably did this to bully me.”


Her face became scared.


“Oh my gosh. What are we going to do now? How can we go out?”


She said, panicking. I laughed at her.


“Yah. They will come back here. Don’t worry. Let’s enjoy the scenery first.”


She followed me but as I went near the window, I didn’t felt her presence anymore. She sat again in the corner.


“Hey. You can look at the view with me.”


She shook her head.


“I’m scared.”



2 years ago…


“Come on Yoona. Let’s look at the scenery here.”


She stood at the corner of the room, not moving.


“Oppa, I’m scared.”


I went to her and hugged her.


“Don’t be scared. As long as I’m with you, you will be alright.”


End of Flashback…


Why does moments my moment with her repeat when I’m with Tiffany? I don’t understand.


I walked to her and pulled her hand.


“Come on. You’ll be alright.”


She stood up and looked at me. We looked at the scene. We didn’t notice that we are still holding hands until she pulled her hand.




This is so embarrassing. I didn’t even notice that I was still holding her hands. But the feeling is so familiar. The same kind of feeling I feel towards Yoona.


“That’s okay. And by the way, thank you Donghae.”


She smiled at me. My heart suddenly beat abruptly. It beats so fast. As if I’m nervous. I missed this kind of feeling, the feeling of loving others.


Three hours passed by but Siwon and Heechul didn’t come back yet. It’s already 7 pm. I can’t call them since I left my phone at home. We tried to use her phone but the battery is dead already. We talked about personal things like our favorite color and favorite food.


“Can I call you Oppa?”


She asked me. I was a little bit surprised. I nodded and I smiled at her.


“Thanks a lot Donghae Oppa! Now, I can claim you already as my friend.”


She is so straightforward, just like Yoona. Suddenly, I had the urge to blurt out my feelings.


“Your attitude looks like someone important I know.”


She replied to me.


“My sister told me that I became like this since my serious operation. I also noticed the changes. I can’t help but have these characteristics. It seems like that it’s a big part of me.”


Wow. She sure has a wide past. But what operation is she talking about?


“Operation? You undergo an operation?”


She nodded.


“Last year, I had a very serious disease in the heart. They needed to do a serious operation so I could survive. At first, they had a hard time looking for a heart donor but after a week, they managed to have a donor. I’m really thankful that someone donated it to me. Though, I really felt bad for her. She died. I don’t know her name but they said that she is really beautiful and kind.”


I was shocked. Is it Yoona? The incident also happened last year. My heart was sinking while she is telling those things to me. Is this a coincident? I don’t know.


“Oppa, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?”


I shook my head.


“You know, you can tell me your problems if you want to.”


I looked at her. I feel comfortable being with her. She really made me feel the same thing I felt when I’m with Yoona.


“You might just laugh at me.”


I told her. She giggled.


“Oppa, do you think I laugh at others for those kind of reasons? Don’t worry. I’ll help you.”


She smiled at me.


“There’s nothing you can do to help. She is already gone.”


Her face suddenly became serious.


“Oh. Is she the person you avoided to talk about in the café?”


I nodded. She placed her right hand on top of my left hand.


“It’s time that you should try to share something about her. Just to keep her memory alive.”


I looked at her. I think she’s right. I really need to let out the pain inside me.


“Well, she’s my first love. She understands me. She supports me in everything. She makes me happy. When I was younger, my world is full of darkness. Until she came to my life. The funny thing here is our first meeting is the same as the incident in the café. She bumped to me. She said sorry and she bowed. At that time, I was so confused. How can the same thing happen all over again?”


She looked at me with a curious face.


“So, what do you mean by she’s gone?”


I shook my head.


“She died. She died last year before our graduation. It’s a car accident. That incident made me very depressed. All I do is cry, just like when I was young.”


“I’m very sorry to hear that Oppa.”


She held my hand tighter. Her touch lessens the pain. Why is she so alike with Yoona?


“Your touch, it feels like her touch. You are so alike with her. Your presence makes me nervous at the same time comfortable. Why are you so alike to her?”


I can see the surprised expressions in her face. I want to blurt out what I feel right now. I can’t control my emotions when it comes to Yoona.


“It seems that our heart is connected already for a long time. I always ask myself. Why do you make me feel the way I felt for her? But up to now, I still can’t accept the fact that someone I just met will steal Yoona’s place in my heart.”


I cried. She took away her hand. Is she leaving me too?


“Tiffany, are you going to leave me just the way she did?”



Hi. Here's the first part of my twoshot. I promise to update it until February 14! :) This is kinda crappy but I hope you will like it. As I promised, this will have a happy ending. :) Keep the HaeFany love alive! :>


Happy Valentine's Day Shippers. :)

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Chapter 1: Hi. I thougt, it's a coincidence to have the same case. Yoona no longer exist, but donghae get some memories of hes because of tiffany. I felt sorry for tiff, if donghae fall for her just because she resemble to yoona.
mxsfits #2
i love itttt! Sweet. And, pls make a story about seokyu here! Rather, a continuation of their story in this shot. I was really curious about them!
i love this!!!
my haefany is looooove
I love HaeFany!!
Just read this! Gyaaaah! The last moment was the sweetest one! I start to fall over again for haefany..
Glad you make him fall for who tiffany is :) whoaaa, seokyu~ i'm expecting another great ff of yours :) happy belated val's day :)
Snowyyy #6
Glad that Hae loves Fany for who she is and not because she has yoona's heart.... Love the ending a lot.... :D Haefany is Love.....
I didn't see this as a new update -____-" anyway, I just read it and it's awesome. you didn't let me down for this story. A finally happy ending :D I'll be waiting for your new oneshot (though it's angsty) heee
lovehaefanny_98 #8
i really love this story. its really unique. And I also hope you can update damsel in distress. GOD BLESS YOU ON YOUR EXAMS..!!:))
That's 3 days from now. I'm waiting :D Hehehe. Hope for a happy ending <3 GOOD LUCK IN YR EXAM DEAR <3