Why do I love your bed hair?

He's The Guy I Want, The One I Can't Have


Hyungshik sunbae arrived at 6 sharp. I was in Hami’s room; she was putting on these strange make-up and color on my face. “Is he already there? Is he, is he? Heerin eonni! Is he already there?” Hami was brushing the blush on my cheeks a little too harshly.

“Yah, yah, yah, Hami-yah, aren’t you brushing too hard.” I winced in pain.

“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry, Hana…” She patted my head, then loosening the curlers in my hair. “Do you know why I enjoy dolling you up?” I shake my head in reply. “It’s because you’re like my real-life mannequin. I can see myself in you.”

“Yah, aren’t you being a little mean to me?” I pouted. I was playing around with her.

“Of course not.” She pinched my cheek. “Ah, so pretty, I might apply this kind of make-up to myself next time I’ll meet Minho oppa.” That… I bit my lower lip. I don’t want to comment more on that. I just kept silent after she said that.

“Hana…” Hami called me.


“Nothing, just checking if you’re still alive.” Hami sat beside me. “Hana-yah, do you think Minho oppa and I would make a good pair?” She was looking at me, waiting for an answer.

“Err… of course. Why are you asking me that kind of question?” My fingers fidget, I hope she won’t see.

“But you see, Hana… Minho oppa rarely talks to me now. I know Heerin eonni and Key oppa said that he was busy. I confirmed it because he told me that he was. But why do I get this feeling that he’s hiding from me? Am I being paranoid?”

I shake my head. “You know Hami, I never really know those kinds of stuffs. It’s no use if you consult me on your love problems.” I was trying to find a way to escape this conversation.

“Could you at least pretend you know and console me?” Hami asked with those tantalizing eyes.

“O-kay? Everything will be fine, you know…” I pat her shoulder.

“I can’t predict him. Last time, I’m sure he likes me, and then at one point, he ignores me. Are guys unpredictable?”

I have to agree with her here. “Yes, they are. See, I already told Hyungshik sunbae that I can’t return his feelings at the same level. I admit, I was trying to get rid of him, but there he was, still hanging on.” Maybe talking about Hyungsik sunbae would get Minho oppa out of my mind.

That moment, there were knocks on Hami’s door; it opened to reveal Heerin eonni. “Hey, are you done? Hyungsik is waiting downstairs.”

They are really anticipating it. Heerin eonni and Hami… maybe they think that this was all part of growing up, falling in love and going out. Yes it is, but not this way… forcing myself somehow. I forced to show them a weak smile.

“Off you go now, have fun!” Hami calls as I make my way out her bedroom door.

“Something is wrong with Hana, don’t you think?” Heerin sat in front of the vanity mirror where Hana used to seat earlier.

“Something is right, she’s in love…” Hami giggles.

Heerin eyes were squinted with her head tilted. “Hami…” Hami looks at her. “If you were to choose between right and wrong, what would you choose?” Heerin remembered Hana’s dilemma on choosing between right and wrong.

“Well, it sorts of depend.” Hami tidies up her make-up box. “Why did you ask?”

“Nothing, I was just pondering on what Hana asked me earlier.”

“Actually, I don’t believe that there are wrong choices of things in life in the first place, eonni. It’s just a decision made by persons who didn’t stand for their decisions till the end. That’s why they regret it and call it a wrong choice afterwards.”

Heerin smiles realizing her sisters are already turning into an adult…in ways of thinking. “But, don’t you think we should also learn how to give up?” Heerin was slowly trying to convey to Hami that there are things in life you can always get, like the one you like liking you in return.

“Of course we shouldn’t. If we did, how can we succeed? It would be such a waste of hard work if you give up halfway.” Hami flops down on the bed taking a pillow to hug.

“That’s true.” Heerin sighed and stood up. “I’m gonna go back to my room.”

“Oh, okay then.” Hami smiled.

Heerin walks towards the door but stops halfway. “Hami… I think I need to tell you this. If you foresee, that you will lose and there’s no hope in the end, that’s when you should give up. It’s not a waste of hard work, but saving your pride otherwise, okay?”

Heerin steps out of her room. Slowly, the smile on Hami’s face decreases.


“Thank you.” Hana told Hyungshik as he helped her with her chair.

“No. Thank you, because you agreed to go out for dinner with me.” It’s the first time for Hyungshik not to ask twice.

“What? Is it so hard asking me out, sunbae?” Hana laughs lightly.

“Of course it is. When you were in 10th grade you would usually go straight home after school so I never got the chance to bother you by asking twice.”

“I told you, sunbae, you know that I can’t–”

“I know, Hana.  I know you can’t return my feelings for you, as of now. But you know that I’ll always hang on.”

Hana sighed. “Sunbae, I don’t want to talk about it now. Please?” Hana gave a faint smile. “Ah, sunbae, I believe that you gave me this, did you?” Hana showed Hyungshik the chain bracelet.

“No. I don’t remember giving you this. I didn’t.” Hyungshik shakes his head no.

“You didn’t?” Hyungshik nodded and raised his hand to call the waiter. “Then who did?” Hana muttered to herself.

Minho was standing on the alley leading to the restrooms. He’s been there for a while and he noticed Hana was wearing his bracelet. A smile slowly crept up to his face.

But seeing Hana together with Hyungshik… happy, laughing, glowing, it somehow pained Minho. Seeing the girl he wants to be with, there… out with his greatest rival.

“Excuse me, sir. Is there any problem?” The general manager who noticed Minho clutching his chest asked him.

Minho quickly regained his posture and shook his head. “No, I’m fine, thank you.” He stared at Hana for a while and decided to go back to their table where his appa, umma, and his hyung were waiting.

“It took you quite some time to come back.” His hyung muttered to him after Minho takes his seat.

“I just met an acquaintance, we just exchanged hellos’.” Minho explained. “I need to go somewhere after eating dinner, appa. I hope you wouldn’t mind hyung driving you home.”

“Go ahead; just make sure you’re home by 10 pm. Understood?”

“Ne, appa.”

Minho has been sitting in his car for ten minutes now. His car was parked outside the restaurant, in front of the window where Hyungshik and Hana were seated. It was a bonus that his car’s windshield was tinted pitch black.

His hands were resting on the steering wheel. “I can’t even see your eyes looking at mine; while he sees you each day.” He sighed looking at Hana, laughing with her hand over .

At that time, a waiter approached them with the bill and Hyungshik pulled out a card from his wallet. Minho started the engine. He knows where to go.


Hyungshik opened the car door for Hana. “You don’t have to do that, sunbae.”

“Your head, your head.” Hyungshik guided. “No, I insist. In fact, just let me do this.” After Hana got in, Hyungshik went into the other side and hop in.

“But sunbae–”

“Hana… do I make you uncomfortable by doing these little things for you?” Hyungshik started the engine.

“Honestly?” Hyungshik nodded. “Yes… So if you could please lessen them, I would be really grateful.” Hana bats her eyelash twice. “Please?” Hana clasped her hands together which made her extra adorable.

Hyungshik laughs and nodded afterwards. “Okay, okay. What a cute little thing.” Hyungshik commented messing with Hana’s hair a bit.

“Sunbae… my sister worked hard for this hair.” Hana pouts making Hyungshik laugh out loud.

“Here we are…” Hyunsghik pulled over in front of Hwang Residence. He was about to get out when Hana stopped him.

“I got this, sunbae, I can go out of the car by myself. You told me you’ll lessen your acts.” Hana points a finger.

“Arasseo.” Hyungshik sat back looking at Hana get out of the car.

“Sunbae, thanks for tonight, I enjoyed talking with you.” Hana holds the car door.

“Likewise, but you know that I always enjoy talking to you even if it’s just a small talk.” That brought a smile to Hana.

“Glad to hear that. Good night sunbae, drive safely.” Hyungshik nodded and Hana pushes the door close.

Hyunshik drove away but Hana was still there, standing, looking at the stars. Just then, a white car, stops right in front of her. A curious Hana just stood there, waiting for whoever it is, until the window from the passenger’s seat slides down.

“O– Oppa…” Hana muttered in shock. “What are you doing here?”

“Surprised?” Minho chuckled and grinned after. “C’mon Hami, hop in.” Minho opened the door from the inside.

“But…” Hana sighed. ‘I’m trying to forget you. Hello? Why are you here?’

“C’mon… there’s just something I want you to see. Please?” Minho pleaded with those big round eyes of his and his perfect smile.

“Okay, but I’ll be negotiating time with you. Will fifteen minutes be enough?” Hana was still standing on the sidewalk.

“One hour.”

“Twenty minutes.”

“Forty-five minutes?” Minho asked.

“Thirty.” Hana was still negotiating holding onto her purse. She was trying hard to act so Hami-like.

“Forty minutes.”

“Fine.” Hana rides in the car and Minho drove off with a huge smile plastered on his face. “Where are we going?” Minho wouldn’t answer. Hana faced him and asked again. “Where are you taking me?”

“You’ll find out soon, it’s not scary, I promise.” Minho glanced at her and assured.

Minho pulled over somewhere dark and it’s even darker after he turns the engine off, with the headlights off too.

“Oppa, where it this place, it’s very dark.” Hana holds onto his arm. They were already out of the car.

Minho takes hold of her hand on his arm and twines it with his. “Don’t worry; this is not a scary place.” Minho leads her in a bridge, walking pass it as Hana sees lights.

When things got clearer, Hana saw bulb-like lights and soon realizes that they were fireflies. She looked around the place enjoying the moment.

“You liked it?” Minho asked.

“Yes. Very much.” Hana looks away. ‘I’m sure Hami would really like it.’

“I looked for this place just for you.”

“That’s sweet, oppa. Thank you.” Hana looks down. ‘I’m sure this is what would Hami would say. She’s very lucky.’

“Don’t say such things… sweetness of one person doesn’t last that much, I think, because even the sweetest chocolates expire too.” Minho held her hand. “Let’s get you home?” Hana nodded.

‘I hope this feeling inside me would be like those chocolates, they would expire.’


Minho wakes up seeing Hana beside her, looking at him, smiling at him.

“Good morning.” Hana greeted and gave him a light peck on the lips. “Why do I love you bed hair? You look extremely gorgeous on it.” Hana’s tone was somehow sad. “How was your sleep?”

Minho pulled her down and hugged her. “Good, because I saw you after I wake up.”

“But it won’t last, you know it.”

“What are you saying, Hana?”

“You know that this is not real.” Hana looks at Minho with her tears strolling down her face.

“We’ll make it real. I can’t be without you. Tell me you’re mine.” Minho pleaded.

“I am.” Hana breaks into silent sobs and looks at Minho’s eyes. “But you’re not mine. You should wake up again.” She kissed his forehead.














 “Hana… Hana…” Minho opened his eyes to see the same white ceiling he used to see each day. He sat up and felt his face was wet with tears.

“Why is this happening to me? I don’t deserve this.” He grunted burying his face on his palms.

“How I wish I didn’t wake up.”

“I’m trying to get you out of my head, why were you in my dreams? Why?” Hana was in her bathroom, face splashed with water running from the faucet.

“But you’re stuck in this head and heart.” Hana rubs her temples.

She stopped when she looked at herself in the mirror. “How I wish I could’ve slept more.”



sweet_ginger, happy ending? we'll see when time comes...

Miss_Dummie, But he talked to her in this chapter...

kprincess1995, Hana and Hyungshik...don't you think they will look good together, maybe... even if it's just forced...

vanillatinks, Koala , you done?? my poster, okay??

ShineeKEYlovesME, LOL.. Luna hasn't been in this chapter, and the last chapter... and it's not a poster...

RemIsMee, weeeee, new reader, thanks for subscribing, hope you give "He's the guy I want, the one I can't have" tons of love


I know, I know...why am I updating? It's because I'm so oh-in-love with Minho's picture over there *points at the top page*

Next chapter will be... I don't know when....I really don't know... I'll be busy starting tomorrow and final exams are next week..soo... yea... And and and, don't forget to leave me some comment, hmmkays???

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화이팅 민호 오빠 ~!
HAHAHA Adik lang. Any, ang asdfghjkl naman ni Hana -__-
cutiekoala #2
Yeah, Hana is so caring towards Minho! <3
im really looking forward for the next chapter of this story:)
update soon!
gurli_me #4
Aaaww Minho!! I really do hope they get together in the end!!
Please update!^^
SweetMelody123 #6
Such a good and complicated love story^^
Love your work and looking forward to your next update!!
gurli_me #7
Its been a while since you updated but I just reread the whole story again! I'm really anticipating for your next update!
I still tend to think that jonghun is jonghyun of shinee :)
I just cant help it lol
I hope hyunshik will end up with hami that way hana can end up with minho
Anyway update soon