Chapter V: Quit

You’re Pretty


Chapter V



The second Tae-Joon finally saw the CEO’s face, he thought his sense were pulling a bad prank on him. This couldn’t be true. He refused to believe it and he had to prove himself wrong regardless of how real she seemed. So, torn between fear and desire, he slowly approached the woman and carefully, raised his hand. As he was afraid of how her image will disappear, he felt a soft warmth on his palm and her face still present. It was true… His thumb tenderly brushed the cheek he was holding, cherishing every inch of it until he finally dared to ask.




However, the new found hope didn’t last long as Joohyun slapped his arm away and showed her resentment for him.


“What the hell is wrong with you!?”




TJ wanted to apologize, that’s what he needed to do, but he couldn’t find the words. He was hurt, happy, disappointed, angry and so many other emotions at once. It felt like he was thrown back to that very day and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle all those feelings long.


“I have to go.”


“No, you’re-”


And this is why the new guardian ran away. He never meant to draw anyone’s attention to the situation, he even forced a smile on his way to the elevator but the damages were already done…Even though, honestly, the employee couldn’t care less. He was too nervous trying to reach his apartment at the back of the company as he knew that, once there, he’ll be able to let it all go...


“It’s her…”


Sitting in the middle of the living room, Tae-Joon tried to calm himself, steadying his breath and gathering his thoughts but it was so hard… One minute later, his phone that he had thrown on his side started ringing. However, the man didn’t pick it up, he needed more time alone to calm down. Only, when he saw his trainer’s message, TJ got worried and finally answered.


“Yes! Tae-Joon it’s important, where are you?”


“My apartment What’s going on? Are you alright?”


“Perfect don’t move!”


Eventually Ryu did obeyed to the demand but given how the call ended, he felt even more distressed. He gripped his hair with both his hands and released a long sigh.


“Is this a new punishment or a new chance? …I don’t know… What should I do…?”


As he was lost in his conflicted mind, Tae-Joon let his gaze wander aimlessly around the room, waiting for Mr.Seong to come and scold him or worse…fire him. However, the young man was quick to get back on his feet when, instead, he saw, his long-lost friend entering the place with firm steps.


“Joo- I I mean boss? How did you-”


“How!? You dare to ask!? I’m the boss! I own every inch of this place! Of course, it’s because I have a pass with full access! What else!?”


“Um…Ok? …I’m... Sorry for asking?”


The Ryu’s son was taken aback by the unexpected outburst over what he believed was a legitimate question (but maybe not, given her reaction)... Yet Joohyun, in return, decided to stay silent with her arm crossed and a, in TJ’s opinion, very cute face (she was frowning though…).

The thing is the woman had no idea on how to deal with this situation as well. One second everything’s perfect, the next one, she’s been gifted a ticking bomb that she can’t get rid of because she impulsively gave her stupid word to the ex-guardian!


“Ehem… Would you like to sit on the couch?” He tried, pointing to the furniture.






Awkward silence.


“I told you I’m the boss and I own everything here so I don’t need your permission to sit on that couch anyway!”


“Yes, but… Actually, this is my couch, I brought it from my old apartment…”


The answer kind of embarrassed the raven who found herself only capable of puffing her lack of throwback. Truth to be told, TJ would’ve laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that she could fire him any second.


“Yeah so… About earlier I’m … I’m sorry, I created a fuss and I should’ve not done that. It’s just… I…” He sighed “I don’t know, I’m sorry…”


“Stop beating around the bush!”


“I’m not.”


“Yes, you are! Because you know very well why and what you did wrong!”




“Why are you silent now!? Come on say it!”


“I don’t think it’s…”


“You think wrong, now speak!”




“T-that is not what I was referring to!”


It was quite evident that the uncalled declaration badly flustered Joohyun but don’t underestimate the impact it also held on Tae-Joon who was diligently cursing himself.


“O-On you head! Not lips! Head! Forehead! Maybe cheeks…But not lips! Out of happiness! Nothing ual!”


“Enough! Just tell me what on earth are you doing here!? How did you find me!? And what do you want from me!?”


“I… Wait… Does that mean you remember me?”


“Answer my questions, Ryu Tae-Joon or I swear I’ll-.” She hissed between her teeth.


“Ok ok. I’m just the new guardian, nothing more.”


“Like I could believe you! What are you real motivations? Are you here for my money!? You think you can blackmail me!?”


“Wh- No! I didn’t know you were here! I swear! I met Mr. Seong by pure hazard. Please don’t misunderstand!”


“Then take your stuffs and go away!”




“Because I said so!”


The reason was that she hated him and had all the rights to do so. They both knew it. However TJ wouldn’t back off because seeing how low he was to her eyes, he decided that this encounter should be a new chance for him to make it up to her and, maybe, finally find peace with himself. The man was determinate to accomplish his goal and made it known through his voice.


“I can’t. I need this job.”


“I’ll pay you.”


“I refuse to get paid for nothing.”


“You’ll get paid for getting out of my life, trust me, that’s something.”




“I’m the boss I could fire you whenever I feel like it!”


“Then why haven’t you already?”




“See, I don’t know why, but I’m sure you can’t... Boss. ”


The guardian was displaying a triumphant smirk and it was combusting the CEO’s inside as she knew she was powerless. But Bae Joohyun isn’t a looser! Not anymore! That time is over and she intend to prove her will as well. So, she walked closer to her ex-schoolmate, raised her finger to him and warned.


“Fine, I can’t fire you. But I’ll make sure to not see your face ever again!”




“You’ll quit.”


“I will not.”


“Yes, you will.”


After a couple more of childish back and forth, both adults still weren’t kowtowing nor planning to do it any time soon. Their gazes remained unbothered, defiant, on each other until Joohyun finally decided to leave the place. She had better things awaiting than loosing further energy with that man. She also made sure to claim her departure as an unrelated decision and certainly not as a sign of possible weakness. Tae-Joon got the message cristal clear by how hard the raven slammed the door on her way out. He couldn’t help but facepalm and release a sigh of relief once she was finally afar.


“Oh boy, what did I get myself into?”


Now, that was a good question and the answer is: hell.


Joohyun wasn’t kidding, coming, every day, with new requests each crazier than the previous. She asked the employee to carry every delivering for the scientific floor himself such as chemical products, oxygen or gas bottles by using the industrial espionage as a cover. Then she also added the carriage of every offices supply at every other floor; be it paper boxes for the printers, cans for the vending machines or whatever it is that you can need there. She also demanded him to clean once a week the whole building during his night guard, because to quote the raven: “he wasn’t doing much anyway and it will keep him busy”. But he didn’t give up! So she went a step further; she took away all his new tasks from 7:30 to 11 am and replace them by an assignation to the delivery service at the basement Levels (Level -1 and -2). That’s where the workers pack all the products and fill the trucks with Goyohan’s merchandises. No job, at the company, is physically tougher than this one!


Yet, do you know, after weeks, what resulted from all her devilish schemes? If only she could say ‘nothing’! But no! She can’t. Because it did result in one thing; making him some sort of hero to his fellow colleagues! Now, there is not a single soul inside Goyohan Corp who doesn’t love Ryu Tae-Joon and THIS was driving her crazy! She didn’t know how comes! (Her guess will be that it’s probably due to his stupid handsome smile he keeps showing off no matter what). But let’s not miss the point which is : she won’t admit defeat even if she used all her ideas and is desperate!


And as she was drowning herself under her mails to forget about this misfortune, fate decided to a bit more…


A knock made itself known through the silent office before she saw her “favourite worker” entering.


“I didn’t allow you to enter Mr.Ryu.”


“You never allow me to enter but I still have to bring you your mail, boss.” Said the man under his terrific smile.


“No, you don’t. You’re supposed to be working in the basement far away from me.”


“Hey! You can’t blame me, my shift is over and I have to get my daily dose of your scolding otherwise I’ll feel incomplete.”




“Say boss, can’t I just wear a jacket over my uniform? It’s getting quite chilly, we’re in mid-December after all.”


“You’re free to quit, if -”


“If your work conditions don’t fit you. I know. Same song you’ve been singing every time I come. Ugh Joohyun! Why are you so stubborn!?”


“Mr. Ryu! You have no rights to address your superior by such manners! Please, know your place!”


“Right... I’m sorry. Here’s your mail.”


“Mr.Ryu I feel like the only thing you can do is apologising.”


“It is indeed and I’ll keep doing it as much as you need me to.”


The words certainly had a double signification. And Joohyun was not oblivious to it but she refused to wander in that direction so she proceed with something else.


“ I have a new task for you.”


“Again!? Wow you’re ruthless!”






“Anyhow, as I was saying; I have a new task for you.”


“Amazing! I’m so happy!”


“Shut up!”




The raven took a deep breath to ease her boiling feelings and pursued, TJ was pushing her buttons like no one else and she knows that he’s well aware of his doing.


“You already know, it; Goyohan will be closed from December 23rd until January 5th. However, as you will still be working here, I took it as an opportunity and demanded a renovation company to come and paint all the walls inside. I believe it might revive my workers spirit for the new upcoming year.”


“That’s nice! So you want me to keep an eye on them or something?”


“Not exclusively.” She finally smiled.


“Oh boy…”


“I want you to prepare for them an adequate work field.”


“An adequate work field? Um… Should I… cheer for them or… give them… coffee?”


“Is it a joke?”


“Why would I joke about that?”


“... I expect from you to empty all the floors before their arrival on December 26.”


“Ah, you expect me to... What!? That-That’s not even possible!”


“I won’t take no for an answer, Mr Ryu.”


To be frank Joohyun never wanted things to get this far but the man was the most stubborn person she ever encountered and she’s working in the marketing field! It was making her lose any common sense and they knew it.


“Boss, I think you’re tripping.”


“Coming from the one who kept preaching that he’ll do whatever it takes to stay, I’m surprised.”


“Yes! And I did! I did more than anyone would’ve accept! I worked for at least 5 persons loads! Why can’t you see my efforts!?”


“Have you reached your limits Mr.Ryu?” She said pushing a demission contract to his side of the table


Yet, facing once more, a blank wall, TJ sighed as he slouched on the chair in front of his boss’s desk. “No... Just explain me more in details what I must do.”


“Nothing too hard for you. I guess? Carry all the furniture to the Level -3. It mainly means desks, chairs, computers, cupboards and other small things.”


“Other small things!? You think a cupboard and a desk are small!? Boss, you’re barely 2 inches! They’re bigger than you!”


“I meant small weigh and no I’m not!!!!”


“Oh… Wait! No! They’re still heavy!?”


“If you empty them first, they’re not. Nothing’s explicitly over 40 pounds (20kg) which I believe is largely in your capacities.”


“How do you know? You’ve been checking me out?” Said the employee with the widest smile she ever saw in her life.


“To face the biggest deception of my life? I rather not.”


“Ouch. My pride.”


“Serves you.”


“Anyways about the task; that’s still a lot of going back and forth and you’re only giving me a couple of days!”


“4 days to be exact, I believe it’s generous enough. I would’ve asked them to come before if my professionalism wasn’t depending on you.”


“And here I thought Cruella De Vil retired…”


“Be grateful they’ll take care of the kitchen and the inventory room themselves, which includes moving the printers and the vending machines.”


“Oh but I am your highness, yet words could never be sufficient enough to attest my feelings properly!”


“Grow up, would you?”


“Hahaha, don’t be mad at me, boss; I just wish you would at least treat me like a normal employee.”


“As if anyone would’ve.”


“What do you mean? You think I’m special?” Joked the man again.


“I saw your CV.”


“Aw It’s getting late, I think I should go.”


“… A former prisoner? Really? I can’t believe I’m letting one guarding my company.”


“Yeah um... Look…Please, don’t go that way with me...”


“Or what? I believe it’s time we have this conversation. Because if my calculations are right, it means you went there on our last year in high school.”




“Where do you think you’re going? We are not done yet!”


“Turns out I actually am, for half an hour already. Have a nice day.”






The young Ryu silently walked away, smashing the door close on his way out and startling the raven twice by his unusual behavior.


“Well I’m glad I went for a wood door instead of glass.”


Now, the CEO must admit, she never thought that it was even possible to see TJ mad at all. Indeed, after weeks spent treating him with nothing but remorseless wickedness, the man remained unbothered. It was to the point she was doubting his criminal record because she wasn’t stupid; he never even raised his voice on anyone….Until now…



Days passed and the guardian was still nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t abandoning his tasks but just never where she looked at. Not that she was searching for him… of course… However, the usual change in her daily routine was undeniably noticeable. She would’ve ignored it, if her workers weren’t constantly giving her “the look”. This mess was just confirming all the fears she had of seeing him destroy everything she spent years building, be it on the professional or social field.


Unfortunately, the situation remained the way it was until the eve of their Christmas holidays. That day Joohyun decided, like at many other occasions to stay a tad later than usual. Said woman needed to be perfectly done with her work if she wanted to enjoy freely the break. Only, without surprise the small exceeding time she planned prior turned into a very late night…


When she looked up from her computer, the clock was displaying 23:27, all the light, from the upper floor, were off and not a single noise could be heard. The unusual state of the office made the raven uncomfortable. In fact, she was a bit scared to head across the building by herself or just the floor. She even contemplated on whether to call Goyohan’s “beloved” guardian...


At first, Joohyun ‘s pride was such that she couldn’t bring herself to even think about asking a favour and worse let the man get a glimpse of her weak side. Thus, the CEO heavily packed her bag with her computer, some files and other important assignments then, walked a few meters until she believed she heard a raspy loud scream and dialled TJ’s number faster than her missing heartbeats. However...


“Hello you’ve reached the voicemail of-“




She tried again.


“Hello you’ve reached-”


“I swear Ryu Tae-Joon you better pick up your phone right now or you’re fired!”


Joohyun waited a couple of minutes, grasping on her phone for dear life and hoping in vain that the employee would finally call her back.


“Hello, you’ve-“


“Why is he not answering!?”






“Um... Hello?”

So... that was Tae-Joon.



That was Joohyun.



That was Joohyun’s bag slapping the poor man’s right cheek.



That was the table nicely catching up said man on the same cheek as he stumbled and lost his balance thanx to the previous attack.



(And that... I’m sure you’ve already guessed it haha.)


“Tae-Joon!? Y-you scared me to death!”

“It not a reason to send me there too! Ouch!”


“You’re ok!?”


“What on earth did you put in that bag!? A trunk!?”


“I’m sorry...”


Truth to be told, TJ never thought he'ld ever hear those words coming from his past schoolmate but as he looked up at her face and saw a big fat laugh threatening to come out he quickly realised he got fooled.


“I got physically hurt twice for no apparent reason. Why does it make you want to laugh?”


It was all it takes for the raven’s walls to crumble.




“Wow I think I’m deaf too now... I hope your insurance is good boss.”


“Hahaha! I’m so sorry. It’s just... you’re so weak and here I was counting on you! Hahahaha!”


“I’m not weak!”


“You tossed in the air like an eel!”


“You attacked me by surprise! You know what? Forget it, I still have a lot to do... why did you call?”


“You’re grumpy too hahaha!”


“Are you high?”


“You think?”


More than being “high”, it was probably the fatigue and the relief after the huge stress that had messed up Joohyun’s brain. After all, not long ago she believed she was about to get killed in the most horrible ways only to knock up her potential saviour.


In the end the guardian also shared his employer’s smile as he provided her his hand to get back on their feet. They stayed up awkwardly quiet for a while before one of them made a move.


“Anyway, goodnight boss.”



“I want you to me to my car.”


“Because I said so. Now, follow me.”

TJ was confused by his superior’s demand, yet still walked with her to the elevators where he finally spoke his mind.

“You’re weird.”

“Excuse me?” asked Joohyun, clearly offended by the statement.

“You always make me stay as far from you as possible. Then you call me to laugh at me and walk with you? You’re so weird.”

“As if I wanted you near now.”

“Then I’ll leave.”


“Why not?”

“Because I said so!”

“But why are you saying so?”

“Just shut your mouth and follow me!”


“What did you say?”


“Then you’re fired, Mr.Ryu.”

“Ok, bye.”

Now this was a surprising turn of events. The small Bae was in upper shock, asking herself if it was real. Tae-Joon didn’t just quit, right? That’s not possible? Or is it? But why now? From all those uncertainties, she could only come up with one reason; he’s still mad. But as she was figuring the situation out, the man was growing a bigger distance between them and she needed him to go down the streets!

“Why are you following me?”

“Where are you going anyways?”

“Pack my stuffs.”

“Then go take the elevator!”

“No, I’m fine. I don’t want to be near you.”


“Why not?”

“Stop playing that stupid game Tae-Joon!”

And as if under a spell, the man stopped and turned around.

“Calling me by my first name?”

“I… It was a slip.”

“Was it?” He asked, as he locked his eyes on hers who could only nod in answer. “Then, Joohyun, whatever it is that you want from me, I demand to hear it, loud and clear.”

“I already said it; I want you to follow me…”

“Don’t play innocent you know exactly, what I meant.”


“Then I’ll lea-“

“Alright! I’m scared, please walk me outside and help me find a cab.”

"That’s better! But no.”


“You just fired me, why would I do this?”

“It’s called decency!”

“Yes, but someone pointed out that due to my past, I surely wasn’t a decent person so… Best of luck!”

“Sure! I don’t need you! I can deal with this and finally get rid of you so go pack your stuffs!”

“Good. Aw, but be careful there’s a couple of drunk people outside. You probably heard one of them scream not long ago. Can’t blame them, it’s the end of the year, Christmas holidays, weekend, the perfect time to get crazy.”



“I’ll pay you.”

“Not interested. I’m only applying for steady jobs. You have one?”


It wasn’t a secret that the CEO was boiling inside, imagining the smiling man in thousands of horrible situations but since none of them could be real at this very instant, she took a deep breath and decided, against TJ thoughts, to walk away. He was expecting her to abandon eventually, but she didn’t. Of course, the guardian refuse to buy her act. He stayed sceptical even after seeing her entering the elevator but when the engine closed its doors and the numbers started decreasing, he had to face his defeat.

“For Pete’s sake, why is she so stubborn!?”

TJ dash through the hallway directly to the emergency exit at the other end. Inside, he rushed down, jumping, skipping and slipping over the stairs. Once on the ground level, the man immediately ran outside and start searching for the raven who was already long gone.

“Did I… Just… Lose the best job I could ever find? And my only opportunity with her? ...Great.”

Writting is so hard! Sometimes I have a lot of ideas but I just don't know how to connect them and I'm not confident in my aptitudes at writting. Yet I keep doing it bcs it makes me happy. Anyway, with this being said, I still hope you like this chapter haha. I don't particularly care about the upvotes or numbers or compliments (even if they are always a source of happines!!!) but and I'll be glad to hear your thoughts about  this chapter or the whole story, just to evaluate myself and maybe even get inspired haha.  Also I may edit this later (a bit), I was too eager to share this...

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5unny_50nkyu #1
Chapter 5: Can't wait for irene to hear tae-joon's side why he was put to jail
Swf9816 #2
Chapter 5: This is really good story
Fatin_Izzati #3
Chapter 5: Woah I kind of wonder is Joohyun don't know that TJ was in prison because of her? or she just pretend she don't know. but how come she don't know about that. did her father keep it as a secret?
I really can't wait to see what will happen in the next chapter author-nim ^-^
thank you for update ^-^
Fatin_Izzati #4
Chapter 4: welcome back author-nim ^-^
your story line is so good ^-^
I want to know what Joohyun will do to TJ after found him. will she being glad or will she being rude to TJ. I really wanto to know why did Joohyun don't say anything if all this time she alive? she can tell the cops the true what happened that day but why she keep her silent?
Chapter 4: I just found out this story.. This is so beautiful written. Please continue and i can't wait for the next update. Thank you author nim. You better catch him joohyun!! Go get your boy!
Chapter 3: No esperaba el giro tan... pero me fascino, crudo y lleno de realismo... una joya.
Crazy_Reader #7
Chapter 3: This is such an amazing story author-nim.
Fatin_Izzati #8
Chapter 3: I surely did not expect that kind of events author-nim TT_TT
if this is really the ending then I am so sad TT_TT
I feel sad for TJ and Irene T_T
please don't make this event is really happend maybe just make it like TJ's dream or something author-nim.
please don't end it like this author-nim TT_TT
Fatin_Izzati #9
Chapter 2: omg I just fine this story but I already laught hard when Seulgi hit Yeji so hard with the ball. the coach is bias and I feel satisfied when Seulgi do that. I hope that Irene will agree with Ryu's deal ^-^
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1411800/2'>Chapter II: Tired</a></span>
I kept laughing while reading this chapter especially the volleyball scene. XD I see what you did there with Kkura author. Hehe.. Damn~ Don't mess with Kang Seulgi.