The Final


Hi Every one! Thanks for reading my fic!

And now, this is the second (the last) chap of my fic! Enjoy ^ ^

PS: Thanks to Minhosims, who pushed me, lazy lady :D





-Go on, Taeyeon, we’ve almost done. – Minho implored.

Taemin shook his head weakly. He was in Minho’s arms sitting on the bed. His tired body totally leaned on Minho who was trying to feed him. Minho’s left arms held his skinny body and the other held a spoon of soup.

-I... don’t... want. – Taemin said exhausted.

-Be nice, Taeyeon. If you don’t eat anything, you cannot take medicine, so how can you be well again? – Minho coaxed. – You like meat, don’t you? I added a lot of meat to your soup, so try to eat just a little bit. I’ll buy you ice-cream when you get better, ok?

Taemin tried hard to raise his dead tired eyelids and looked up Minho who was looking at him lovingly and tried to coax him. Suddenly a tear felt down from his eyes. How kind and sweet Minho was. He was as thoughtful exactly as Taeyeon. Taeyeon had used to take care of Taemin like this every time he had been sick.

Taemin missed Taeyeon. He missed his noona.

-Oh, Taeyeon ah, don’t cry. –Minho said in worried voice. He put down the spoon hastily and wiped Taemin’s tears by his right hand. – I know you are very tired but please don’t worry. You are definitely restored to health if you take medicine.

Taemin shook his head and put it on Minho’s chest. His hiccups made Minho panic more. He held Taemin tightly and said earnestly:

-Don’t cry, Yeonnie-ah, please stop crying. It’s OK, it’s OK. Everything will be alright. – He said while Taemin’s back to calm him down.

-Oppa... – Taemin said in shaking voice – ...please don’t leave me~. Please don’t ever leave me alone~!

Taemin had used to hate Minho. He had used to take an immense dislike to Minho but his hatred had gone. He hated Minho no more when no one else but he killed Taeyeon. And now, Taeyeon was no longer by his side, when there was no one to protect him, no one to take care of him, he realized he need Minho. Without Minho, who would remind him to go to sleep every night? Who would wake him up every morning? Who would look after him? Who would share the happiness and the sadness with him? Who would be by his sides when he got sick like this?



Without Minho, who would be his Taeyeon?



Yes, he was. Minho was Taeyeon not him. Minho had been become his Taeyeon when his own Taeyeon left him forever. That was why Taemin need Minho.

-Yes, I’ll do. Of course I’ll do. - Minho clasped Taemin, the little boy who was shaking in his arms, tighter as if he would disappear right in front of him. – Where can I go? I will always be by your side, I will always protect you, I will never leave you alone.








When Taemin opened his eyes slowly, it was morning. He had been in a deep sleep because of the effect of medicine. Now he felt so healthy, it seemed that his fever had gone totally. He looked to his left and found out Minho sleeping by his bed while his hand still held his one on tight.

Taemin lay and smiled and watched him silently. His face was so handsome, so perfect and so peaceful while he slept. Taemin had never realized it before because his reason to be with Minho was Taeyeon. If that was Taeyeon, she would do that so he forced himself to be by Minho’s side too. Besides, he was responsible for Minho because of depriving his darling. And the most, that was Taeyeon’s last wish before she had gone. She asked Taemin to look after Minho.

It was true at the beginning but the more Taemin was with Minho the more he needed Minho because Minho’ssoothing voice, Minho’s sweet behaviors and Minho’scare... were exactly the same way Taeyeon was. That made Taemin feeling beloved, made him feeling no lonely, and no lost in this world.

Unconsciously, Taemin laid his head down slowly and kissed Minho’s cheek, a sweet thing that he had never done for Minho. In fact, he had never done anything for Minho while Minho had always been by his side and gave him all his heart. Taemin only received his love passively without giving back because his heart had not been in love with Minho yet. But day by day, with Minho’s limitless love... he felt closer to him, and didn’t feel awkward being with him. May be, he gradually accepted Minho as his lover.

When Minho’s eyelids moved lightly, Taemin hastily sat up with a red face. He was afraid of Minho may be knew about the thing that he had done. But it seemed Minho didn’t know about that. When he awakened, the first thing he cared was Taemin’s health condition.

-Are you still feverish? Why is your face so red? – Minho rose up and checked Taemin’s body temperature.

Taemin swiftly turned his face away to avoid Minho’s hand approaching his cheek. His heart beat fast and he didn’t know why. It had never beaten like that before. It beat as if it wanted to break his thorax to get out and came to Minho.

-Let me see. – Minho tried to turn Taemin back but that only made him more perplexed.

-I’m fine. – He pushed Minho away and rushed out of the room.




Taemin sat down on the ground, he put his hand on his chest and panted. ‘Stop, please stop.’ – He implored. His heart would be exhausted if it continued to beat like crazy like this.










-OPPA! Oppa! Falling star! That is a falling star. – Taemin shouted and pointed at the sparkling starry sky. The falling star had slide over the sky night and left behind a bright line.

-Make a wish, we hurry making a wish, it will be true. – Taemin said in a rush then closed his eyes and made a wish.



-What do you wish, oppa? – Taemin asked. They were sitting on the glass wet in evening dew and Taemin sat in front of Minho, put his back to Minho’sbody.

-Uhm... that’s a secret. – Minho answered and made a mysterious smile.

-Tell me, please. Tell me. – Taemin shook his hand and asked lovely.

Minho still smiled while shook his head slowly.

-Opppaaaa... – Taemin prolonged his voice and blink blink his black and long eyelash made Minho giving up because of his cuteness.

-Ok, all right! I will tell you. - He giggled. – I wish we will always stick together. We will never separate. – Minho clasped Taemin in his arms and whispered in his ear. Taemin’s cheeks turned red and a happy smile was put on his cherry lips.

-I wish we will have a lot of children. Boys will look like me and girls will look like you, then our children will have lost of their own children too... so we will become a big family. – Minho continued to whisper and didn’t realize Taemin’s smile became faded by every word he spoke.

Minho’s wishes... Taemin could not make them come true.

-Oppa... – Taemin kept his head down and asked diffidently in low voice – you... love Taeyeon?

-Why do you ask me such a curious question? – Minho stared at Taemin with wide eyes then smiled. – Of course I do love Taeyeon. I love Taeyeon the most in this world.

Taemin held his tongue and his face turned dark.












The sound of the broken glass was made when Taemin threw the chair forward the long big mirror on the wall.

These scary sounds continued to resound ceaselessly all around the house. Taemin broke all the mirrors and all the glass and all the things could reflect his image,like crazy.

He didn’t want to see himself. He didn’t want to see how he looked now. He only saw Taeyeon when he looked in glass. He only saw the person who had Taeyeon’s face in the mirror. He totally looked the same to Taeyeon. Even his short hair now had grown up and it had reached the same long to Tayone’s before. No matter how he was the same to Taeyeon, he was still not Taeyeon. He could not be Taeyeon.


Tit. Tit. Tit...

Taemin’s cell phone rang.

It was Minho.

He knew that. Taemin had broken the communication with Minho for a week. He didn’t pick up the phone and didn’t see him too. Taemin’s avoidance made Minho worried a lot. He didn’t know why Taemin suddenly avoided him so he tried all ways to contact to him but he all rejected him. Taemin didn’t want to see Minho, he didn’t want to face the pain in his heart.

Tit tit tit...

The cell phone still rang incessantly.

-STOP CALLING ME. – Taemin screamed out. He grabbed his phone like an animal and threw it hard forward the brick wall. The screen broken to pieces and fall down the ground and stayed silently.

-Why? – Taemin was all of a shake. He was standing among a messy room. Broken things and pieces of glass were all around.

-Why it had to be Taeyeon? – His tears overflowed from the corner of the eyes.

It was so painful.

Taemin kneeled down and sobbed violently.

-Why it had not to be Taemin but Taeyeon?

Why Taeyeon had to die? Why the one who dead was not Taemin? Why didn’t let her stay alive? A useless person like Taemin lived for what? That made three of them unhappy because Taeyeon was the only one could make Minho happy not Taemin.

Taemin laid his head on the ground and shook with sob.

He was wrong. He was totally wrong at the first place. If he had not tried to pull Taeyeon back this life, if he let her go peacefully, everything would not be like this. No matter how he tried, he was just only Taemin, he never could become Taeyeon fully. Minho loved one and only Taeyeon, not Taemin.

Right now, Taemin realized painfully that... he was no longer with Minho in Taeyeon’s condition but Taemin’s.

Taemin loved Minho


... Minho just loved Taemin’s look.






Diing doong...

He was startled. He raised his face full with tears from cold floor.

Diing doong...

-Taeyeon! – Minho’s voice resounded. - You are staying at home, aren’t you?

Tears once again fell down from Taemin’s wet eyes. He bit his lower lip tightly till it bled to prevent himself from answering Minho. “It was not you. He had just called ‘Taeyeon’, he came for her, not you.”

-Taeyeon... can you open the door? – Minho asked earnestly.






GO AWAY! Taemin’s mind screamed out, he covered his ears by his two hands to prevent Minho’s voice overflowing with love seeping in his ears. DON’T BOTHER ME ANYMORE. I’M NOT THE ONE WHO YOU LOOKING FOR. GET AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE. I NEED NOBODY. I DON’T NEED ANYBODY! I HATE EVERYONE. I HATE THIS LIFE, HATE ALL OF YOU. I HATE YOU TOO, TAEYEON.


Taemin bent down the floor and sobbed again.

-Noona... why do you have the right to die but I don’t? Why do you not let me come to you? Why do you damn me in this hell on earth... Noona... I miss you.









When Taemin opened his eyes found out the house was cleaned, every pieces of glass and all of the broken things were swept, and he was lying on his comfortable and warm bed instead on cold floor. He cried a lot till exhausted and fell himself into a dead deep sleep. He didn’t know how long he slept but he knew Minho had been in his house. He could sure that. These changes were the evidence, and the most important thing was his letter on the table next to his bed.



"Taeyeon ah!

I don’t know what happened. I don’t know why you avoid me. If I did something wrong to you, if I made you unhappy, please forgive me. Please give a chance to explain. I’m really hurt and I can’t stand it anymore.

I’m so sorry because I got in your house without your permission but I can’t ignore you. Because you don’t want to see me so I can’t stay longer... I will wait for you till you’re ready to give me a chance. But please give me one.

P/S: I prepared a meal, reheat them when you wake up and remember to eat. You’re so skinny.

Loving you!



Taemin crumbled the letter.

“Loving you.”

Who do you love? Taeyeon or Taemin?

Damn it. Taemin buried his face in his embrace holding his kneels. He plunged his eyes once again into a lot of tears. He felt pity for himself because of borrowed life. He had to live under the other’s name to seek a little of love.

Taemin was so poor.

Taemin was so pitiful.

Taemin was so miserable.

-Hah... hah... ha... – Taemin shouted with laughter like crazy while his tears nonstop falling. – You’re the poorest person in this world, Taemin-ah. You even cannot live your own life, you have to beg love of the other, you have to lie your own way into continuing this damn life... GOD – DAMNED IT! Why all of you don’t go to hell... Hah... hah... huh... huh... huh...

Here he came. He sank himself into the ocean of painful tears again and fell into a sleep again when he was exhausted.









-Taeyeon! – Minho cried out happily when he got a phone call from Taemin. – How are you, Taeyeon? Are you hurt? Are you sick? Are you...

-Minho! – Taemin cut him curtly. That made Minho stopped suddenly. It was not only because Taeyeon didn’t use formal words to him but also because there was something wrong in her voice. It was as cold as Taemin’s. For awhile, he had not felt this feeling until now. The feeling he always sensed every time he was with Taemin.

-Tae... Taeyeon? – Minho replied with a shake in his voice.

-Shall we meet?

Before Minho could answer him, Taemin hang up the phone, left behind the sound of hanging up phone beating Minho’s ear.








The cold and salty sea – breeze cut deeper Taemin’s pain in his heart. He stood alone silently in the bridge and looked down the dark water underneath. The traffic lights were too weak to bright clearly. What a gloomy picture! This endless deep dark seemed try to invite Taemin come to it. He stared at that dark to seek out some ways out but there was not even one. His life was as blocked as this limitless dark sea.

Did he have the right to end his life?

He promised Taeyeon...

... but so what? She had gone, she could not know whether Taemin keep his words or not. She was dead. She left him and didn’t care how he would be without her. She even forbad him to come to her. How could she treat him like that? How could she be mean like that! She couldn’t let he die, so he could? Why she didn’t think about his feeling if she died for him? Did she know that she was so selfish?

One tear rolled silently on Taemin’s cheek, he hastily wipe it off. He didn’t want to cry anymore, that was too enough.

He wanted himself to be perfect when he met Taeyeon again.

That was right. He allowed himself to break his words to his sister because she did it too. She had said that she would always be by his side, she would never leave him but she did.

So nothing was wrong if Taemin welshed on her.

Taemin smiled softly.

-Wait me for a minute. I’ll be by your side soon. – Taemin whispered with the wind messing up his smooth long hair. – Wait for me.







-Taeyeon! – Minho’s voice resounded.

Taemin turned his eyes on Minho, he was running to him and his face was radiant with a smile because of seeing Taemin... no seeing his Taeyeon’s look.

Taemin’s heart was clenched. Minho was really happy because of Taeyeon. Only Taeyeon could make him smile like that. Yes, the one who Minho needed, was Taeyeon not him.

That was why right now and right here... Taemin would fix every mistake he did.

The dream had to come to an end.

-Let’s break up. – Taemin suggested coldly when Minho even didn’t complete his journey to him. He stopped suddenly because of those words when there were a few steps from Taemin.

-Wha... what? – Minho asked back unbelievingly. He thought may be the wailing winds and the screaming waves made his ears wrong.

-Let’s break up. – Taemin repeated coldly.

-But... but... – Minho stammered anxiously. – Wh... why? Why do you suddenly...

-Because I want that.

-Taeyeon-ah! – Minho rushed forward Taemin and grabbed his arms. He stared at his cold eyes and implored. – What happened, Taeyeon? Did I do something wrong make you mad? Did I make you unhappy? I’m sorry, Taeyeon-ah, I’m so sorry whatever I done. Please forgive me. Please give me one chance to remake my mistakes.

Taemin kept his head down avoiding Minho’s eyes full with love. He tried his best to free himself from Minho’s strong arms.

-Oppa did nothing wrong. Nothing has happened. It’s simply I don’t love you anymore. I... I... love another.

Minho died at his spot. He could not believe in his own ears. Did he hear him right?

He released Taemin’s arms and looked at him blankly. you love... another?

-Yes, I do. So we...

-No! – Minho held Taemin’s face and rose it up to him. –Look me in the eyes when you say that. Look me straight in the eyes and say that you do not love me anymore, and you... you... love...

Taemin looked deeply at Minho’s eyes. His eyes were full with pain and endless love for the one he thought Taemin was.

Could Taemin do that? Could he look straight at those earnest loving eyes and lie perfectly?

Taemin loved Minho.

He loved him with all his heart but that was the reason why he had to leave him because he was not the one Minho need.

Taemin tried his best to choke back his tears. He had to end up this problem because he caused it. No one else but he was wholly responsible for this mess.

-I – am – not – in – love – with – you - anymore. I – do – love – another. – Taemin’s voice was as cold as ice. He repeated those words while he didn’t take his eyes off Minho’s.

Minho’s hands shook hard and his open wide eyes were full with pain. He released Taemin, free ‘the girl’ no longer belongs to him.

Didn’t waste time, Taemin hurriedly laid his head down to hide his tear falling down from his eyes stubbornly.

-I’m sorry, oppa. Definitely there will be another girl loving you more than me. She will be nice to you.

After comforting Minho, Taemin turned around and step away.

-No, Taeyeon-ah! – Minho suddenly hugged Taemin from back. He clasped him in his arms and begged earnestly. – Please give one chance. I love you, I can’t live without you. Please, Taeyeon-ah, I’m begging you, don’t leave me.

Taemin’s face was twisted with pain, his body shook violently in Minho’s embrace because of his warm and his sooth voice. But it was so painful when Minho was begging another girl not him, he was calling out another name not Taemin’s. Taemin could do nothing because the one that had Minho’s love was the other person and he could not continue to lie to Minho any longer. He had to be strong to go away. He had to be strong to free Minho and free himself too.

-Please, don’t pull me back this love anymore. – Taemin answered coldly. – Don’t hold this dead love. I can’t be by one’s side that I don’t love.

After saying that, he moved Minho’s arms from his body and walked at full stretch.

-Taeyeon. – Minho called him earnestly.

Ignoring his voice, Taemin tried to step faster. He wanted to part from Minho as fast as possible.


No. You can’t feel pity for him,Taemin fighted himself. He didn’t allow himself to run back to Minho just because of his damn gentle voice full with love. He afraid of he would run to Minho if he still stayed around him so he tried to step faster and faster as if he gonna run. Because he didn’t have the right to be with Minho anymore, he had no right to lie to him again. Minho was calling Taeyeon but his Taeyeon was dead, she was dead because of Taemin.
















Taemin died stiff. His eyes opened wide because of surprising.

Wha... what was that? What had happened? Did Taemin hear him right or wrong? Had Minho just called “Taemin”?

-Taemin-ah! Please don’t go.

No. He didn’t hear wrong. That was true. Minho truly called his name. He was begging him by his gently voice, the voice he used to use for Taeyeon.

-Taemin, please don’t leave hyung.

Taemin’s tears overflowed from his eyes one more time. Was he dreaming? No, it was not important if this was dream or not. If it was just a dream, he wished he would never wake up. He wanted this last forever.

-Wh... when... how... – Taemin asked back with a shake in his voice and turned his eyes on Minho slowly.

-From the beginning, at the first time I saw you in Taeyeon’s figure I knew that was you, Taemin. – Minho looked straight in Taemin’s eyes and answered honestly.

Taemin’s limpid eyes opened wide, he looked at Minho surprisingly.

-So... wh... why?

-I once said that you and your sister are as like as peas in a pod, you remember? I lied. Though your faces look the same but you guys are not the same. Taemin is Taemin and Taeyeon is Taeyeon, Taemin cannot replace Taeyeon and vice versa. Taeyeon will never take a place of Taemin.

What? What was Minho talking about? Taemin was so confused and he could not believe in his own ears, he could not understand any Minho’s words. What did he mean?

-Hyung love you, Taemin-ah! Hyung have been in love with you from the first time we met.

Taemin’s body turned cold, did he hear him right? How could it be... Exactly what was going on here?

-Hy... hyung love me? – Taemin asked back in shaking voice.

-Hyung love you with all my heart. – Minho answered honestly.

-So... why...

-Because you hate me, you had always pushed me away every time I tried to be closer to you. You gave me no chance but Taeyeon... she... she has the same face with you... – Minho’s face was twisted with guilty. – I know I was so cruel to her but... I thought Taeyeon could replace you, I hope she could help me to forget you but I was wrong. No matter how you guys look the same... the one that I love were you, not Taeyeon. I always remind myself to think she was you but it getting harder, I can’t keep doing that when I love more and more every day. And... I... I was really really happy when I knew you were not the one who died in the accident but Taeyeon. I’m... sor-...ry. – Minho signed with guilt and his face was wince as he finished his words.

Taemin stood stiffly because of surprising. How could it be? What was that trick? The fate was playing a dirty trick on three of them? After all, the one who had Minho’ love was him, not Taeyeon? Why? Why everything gonna be like this? Was because of him? Was because of his selfish? At last, none of them was happy? They were all living in their own misfortune?

Now Taemin could understand Taeyeon’s last words. Taeyeon knew. She always knew Minho didn’t love her but Taemin. That was the reason why she asked Taemin to look after Minho. She wanted Minho could be by his true love’s side. That was why Taeyeon forbad Taemin to die with her because she knew there was someone waiting for him, someone needed him, someone should be known by him in this life. Taeyeon sacrificed her life for the happiness of both Taemin and Minho.

Taemin cried out. It was too late when he could understand Taeyeon’s heart, she had gone forever. There was time he hated her because of her selfish. He hurt three of them just because of his foolish. If he was not so mean to Minho at the first place, if he didn’t hold Taeyeon for himself, there was not this tragedy and may be Taeyeon had not to die.

He was totally a fool.

-Taemin. – Minho called his name lovingly. – Could you come back to me?

Taemin raised his eyes to look at Minho, the one that he loved and found he was waiting for him with his arms opening wide, and his eyes were full with love.

Best of all, Minho called his name, Taemin not Taeyeon. Taemin was the one Minho loved with all his love not Taeyeon.

He was calling you.

He was waiting for you.

-Hyung! – Taemin cried out and ran to Minho’s loving arms.



Thank u for the second time for reading my fic ^ ^ Hope u guys like it and love the ending!

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Sequeeeeeeellll !!!!!!!!!
goment #2
Cheer ^^
chonochan #3
Oh, now I'm translating my other fic and this fic too, but I havevn't give them to my beta yet :D
minhosims #4
i know it's gonna be awesome! xD
keybuttlicious #5
Seriously??? U gonna write more about this? Please write more... O cant wait! "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ this is good n awesome... You jjang, your ff daebak!!! (˘̶̀ ▿ ˘̶́)9 oh... I must subscribe this fic right if i wnt to know ur update link in here...
chonochan #6
omg. Thanks everyone for loving my fic :((((((
So touch!
In fact, I did write the extra for this fic. THe extra tells about what happen at the first time that Taemin and Minho met, and how Minho falled in love with Taemin but he chose Taeyeon instead. It's about 10 chaps, If I am not wrong.
aoiworld #7
I love it...
2min forever.
P.S Thank you minhoisms(like you said)
minhosims #8
last comment before sleep takes over me
i do not regret begging you yo translate your fic, this one is so good i can't even say.
please translate more of your stories in future.
minhosims #9
your readers really have to thank ME!!! XD

i failed to finish aswy tonight, was on the 7th page before gave up to the sleepiness,lol
gonna continue it tomorrow morning <3