Part 1



Diing doong...


-Huh! You’re nearer than me! –A girl walked out on bare foot and grumbled at the boy who was lying on the divan lazily. He was nibbling the snacks while watchingTV in the living room. She looked so slovenly. She held a comb in one handand the other held a hair –dryer and her wet hair still fell drop by drop on her baggy bathrobe.

-That’s your guest. –The boy said even not took his eyes off the screen.

-Oppa! –The girl acclaimed the guest at the main door.

-Good evening! –The tall man at door way smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. It made her cheeks turn red.

-Wait a minute, I’ve almost done. –The girl said and guided him in the house.

-Hi! –The tall man smiled friendly at the boy when he got in the living room. The boy just gave him a cold glance to make him know that “I know you are here” without saying a word, then turning back to the TV immediately.

-Oppa, take a seat. –The girl pushed him down the chair opposite the divan then backed to the bathroom. Before vanishing totally behind the door, she yelled to the young boy:

-Taemin, bringing a cup of water for Minho hyung!


-TAEMIN! - The girl shouted louder.

-Aish! So annoying! - The boy groused while standing up with a wry face and wearing his slippers unpleasantly. When he almost went to the kitchen, Minho spoke softly:

-You don’t need to do that, I’ve drunk at home.

Taemin gave Minho a scowl and laid his body down back to the divan, then staring at the TV again while slipping a pinch of snacks into his mouth, said curtly:


Minho stayed in silence, tried to suppress a sigh. He casted a furtive glance at Taemin, looked at the unwelcome attitude on his face because of Minho’s presence in this house. Minho knew Taemin didn’t like him. No, it’s worse than ‘didn’t like’, Taemin hated him. Minho could feel clearly this emotion that showed up obviously in his voice, his behaviors and his attitude to him. Minho really wanted to be closer to Taemin but the young boy always rejected him every time he tried to approach. Even though how friendly and how welcome he was, Taemin still responded irascibly. It seemed that the hatred of Taemin for him couldn’t be changed by anything. So in the case, when there were only two of them, the air was so stuffy and un-breathable. Minho felt very embarrassed and awkward. That was so stressful as if they were in two sides of a fighting line.

-You and your sister are as like as peas in a pod. – Minho started diffidently.

Taemin stopped chewing snacks. One of his cheeks was bulged because of the fast food in his mouth, and turned his face toward Minho. He looked at Minho as if looking at a strange creature or an alien.

-We are TWINS, Mister! – He said scornfully, gave him a fleer and paid his attention back to his favourite show on television.

-Ah... yeah, that’s right. – Minho blushed at his silly words. After that, he continued to stay in silence. He didn’t have the guts to speak anything else. This stifling air almost killed Minho until he was saved by Taeyoen – his lover – twin sister of Taemin.


Minhoturned back and he was astonished at the pretty girl standing in front of him.  She looked so beautiful with her shiny shoulder - long hair, her sparkling wide eyes, her white softly skin, and her cherry lips that smiling at him. Her baby blue skirt really fit her skinny and graceful body. Taeyoen, Minho’s lover was so beautiful that surprised him every time he saw her even though they had been in love for a year.

And... she was the living image of the little boy who was lying lazily on the divan while noshing and watching TV. Their faces were so identical that if Taemin wore the girly clothes, Minho could not recognize who his darling was.

-Minnie, be nice at home! – Taeyoen said indulgently and kissed his brow. – I’ll buy you a present when I come home.

Taemin held his tongue, ignored her kissing goodbye and Minho’s good – mannered greeting when he left the house with his elder sister.

The sound of the door banged shut.

The sound of footsteps got smaller and smaller little by little.

When Taemin was sure that they approached the road, he slowly stood up and came to the window. He draw the curtain and peeked over the window-frame, looked at the tiny figure of his twin sister standing by Minho.

Taemin stared at Taeyoen’s radiant smile when Minho helped her get in the car carefully. His heart was hurt. He lowered the blind, sighed quietly and turned back to the divan.

Taemin no longer watched TV. He just stayed there and waited.

Waited Taeyoen for coming back.

Taemin hated Minho. That was obviously even with a stranger. Everyone could notice this even though they didn’t know Taemin or what it was when they saw his attitude to Minho. And Taemin didn’t intend to hide it. Minho was the one that Taemin abominated most in his life. He had never had a cordial dislike for anyone like that, he hated him so much that he wished Minho disappear out of this world. All the reasons of it were thatbecause his sister loved him.

Taeyoen used to love Taemin more than anything in this world, even though she had been born 30 minutes earlier than Taemin, she always to be a mature noona. She always loved and cared and looked after Taemin considerately. They stick together when they were children. Nothing could separate them until Minho appeared. Taemin had to share her perfect love with him, who was totally a stranger, a person that didn’t have the same blood. And Taemin hated that. He loved his noona and didn’t want to share her with anyone. He wanted her to love him and only him in this world but that hateful man had stolen his Taeyoen noona. The fact that he was just ‘one in two’ in his noona’s heart made him furious. His unique position had gone. Taeyone was no longer belongs to him only but Minho... and Taemin afraid of one day that Taeyone totally became Minho’s and there was no place for him in her heart anymore.

Taemin knew that Taeyoen could not stay with him forever, one day she had to leave him but he couldn’t accept that fact. If that day came, the day Taeyoen wouldn’t be here with him anymore, Taemin couldn’t live in this world too. The life without Taeyoen was not the life.










-Minnie! Minnie ah! – Taeyoen shook Taemin’s body softly to wake him up. Taemin’s eyes opened and he said in a drawling voice:

-Noona’s home!

-I’m too late, sorry. If you’re sleepy, go to bed. What if you get cold because of lying here? – Taeyoen covered Taemin’s body with a light blanket carefully when he sat up and rub the sleep out of his eyes.

-I’m waiting for you.

-How silly you are. – Taeyoen hug Taemin lovingly. – It hurts noona if you get sick.

-I’m fine. – Taemin smiled at his sister. – Where’s my present?

-Look at your eager face. – Taeyoen stuck her first finger on Taemin’s brow, pretended to scold him, after that she brought out a sweet cake:

-Here, your favourite kind one.

Taemin’s eyes became bright. He embraced Taeyoen tightly while acclaiming:

-I love you so much!!!

-Wait. I’ll take the forks.

-Yes, noona. – Taemin replied obediently while looking at the fragrant chocolate cake eagerly.





-Dose it taste good? – Taeyoen asked while slipping a piece of cake into Taemin’s mouth.

Taemin nod repeatedly and cheerfully, then he spooned and fed her another piece of cake too. Two of them stayed side by side under the blanket on the divan closely. They fed each other instead of eating themselves. It seemed that they only ate the food that was fed by the other.

Truly, when they sat together they looked actually the same, except Taemin’s shorter hair, you could not find out the different features on their face. They were two peas in a pod.

-Between me and Minho, which one do you love much more? – Taemin suddenly asked.

-I love you both equally.

Taemin looked unhappy so Taeyoen hug him instantly, laid her head on the bent of Taemin’s neck and said tenderly:

-So I love Minnie much more than Minho oppa, are you happy?

-Shh... – Taemin pushed her lightly and said sullenly. – You said you loved me much more but you let me stay home alone while you hang out with him till late night.

Taeyoen drew Taemin into her embrace again. – Don’t be mad at noona, Minnie. Noona love Minnie best in this world.

-So... if both I and Minho fall into a river and none of us can swim, which one will you save?

-Minho. – Taeyoen replied needing no second to think.

-See, still said that you love me more? – Taemin extracted himself from Taeyoen’s embrace with a sulky face. – No doubt that there’s only him in your heart.

-Then I will die with you. – Taeyoen finished her words.

Taemin stopped in shock. He turned his face toward his sister’s with the open wide eyes. Taeyoen did it too. She looked straight to Taemin, eyes to eyes steadily. She lifted both of her hands to touch Taemin’s face, the face that looked exactly the same with hers as if she was sitting in front of a mirror and whispered:

-Noona can’t let Minho oppa die, but noona can’t live without you too.

Taemin said nothing and watched his noona’s face, looked at her sincere eyes and smiled happily, he hug her in his arms and whispered:

-I can’t live without you too.










-Noona, hurry up, we are going to be late! – The traffic light had turned green and Taemin dragged Taeyoen prematurely to cross the street without watching carefully.

-TAEMIN!!! – Taeyoen shouted frightfully.




Taemin had known nothing when he fell down the ground. And he was numbed when he regained his control and looked at the sight around him.

-NOONA!! – Taemin cried out and ranto Taeyoen who was lying motionless in the pool of her own blood on the road. Taemin had crossed the street hurriedly and he didn’t know about a lost control truck speeding toward ahead him. And Taeyoen had shoved him away from it and received the impact of the collision.

-Jesus! There’s an accident.

-Hurry! Call the emergency aid...

The crowd began to surround two of them noisily.

Taemin bypassed everybody, he didn’t care about them, didn’t care about anything. Right now, he just saw only his bloody sister’s body.

-Noona! Noona, wake up. – He held one of her hand and spoke in shaking voice.

Taeyoen opened her eyes slowly.

-Noona! – Taemin cried out happily.

-Tae... Tae... min... – Taeyoen whispered weakly. – Are... Are you alright?

-I’m alright, I’m fine, noona! – Taemin nodded his head and replied hurriedly. – Noona, try hard, the ambulance is coming.

Taeyoen smiled feebly. - It’s so good that... you’re ok, what... a relief. – Then her eyelids shut down slowly.

-NO! NOONA! NO! – Taemin shouted loudly, holding Taeyoen’s hand tightly. – Noona, don’t leave me, noona wake up, don’t leave me alone, please. It’s me, it’s me who did damage noona. - He said in his voice choked upwith the flowing tears from his eyes.

-No... that’s... not your fault. – Taeyoen tried her best to murmur. – Don’t blame yourself.

-Noona... – Taemin whined.

-Can... can you... promise me... one thing?

-Yes, yes noona, anything noona, tell me. I will definitely do whatever. – Taemin nodded repeatedly.

-Promise me... you will not die with noona.

Taemin was stiff in death.

-Promise me...

-I... noona~... I... Noona, please don’t leave me.

-Promise me Minnie... – Tears fell down from Taeyoen’s eyes. She looked at her little brother painfully. – Noona is begging you... do it for noona... just this thing... please.

-I... I... pro-... mise. – Taemin said in shaking voice while wiping his eyes.

Taeyoen smiled happily.

-Good boy... Minnie. Noona love you the most in this world...

-I know, I know noona. You love Minnie the most, Minnie love you the most too. – Taemin nodded. His cheeks were streaming with tears.

Taeyoen lifted a hand to touch Taemin’s cheek once again and whispered the last words:

-Minho oppa... please take care of him for me...

Then... she passed away.

-NOOOONAAAA... – Taemin screamed loudly, held on tight his sister’s body, the body that had no longer vitality inside. His tears flowed in abundance.

-Noona, don’t leave me, please don’t leave Minnie, Minnie love noona. Noona said that noona love Minnie, then why noona has the heart to leave Minnie! Why noona has the heart to hurt Minnie! Please, wake up. I’m wrong, I know I am wrong, so come back to me, stay with me, please... huh huh huh...

Taemin’s earnest begging words made people could not hold their own tears. The crowd could not do anything but cried.

No matter how begging and crying Taemin was... Her response was just eternal silence. She had gone forever. She got out of Taemin’s life permanently and Taemin had no way to come to her.










Taemin started at Minho’s voice. He looked up and found out the worried eyes watching him. Minho lifted his hand to touch Taemin’s forehead softly and checked his body’s temperature.

-Are you unwell? What about coming back home?

-Oh... no. I’m fine. – Taemin did step back a little bit shyly to avoid Minho’s hand.

Many months went by but he has not been acquainted with this name yet. The day Taeyone had died, Taemin had burned out everything that belongs to him, had burned all out of the evidences proving Taemin’s existence in this world. The day when this catastrophic accident had been happened, Taemin has died. If it had to have a dead, if one person had to leave forever, it had to be Taemin.

Taemin stood in front of the mirror with a wig on his head. That was Taeyoen. He saw Taeyoen in the mirror. His sister was still alive and he was the one that died.

-Wait here, I’ll go to buy the tickets. – Minho made careful recommendations to Taemin. 

He nodded obediently. Minho kissed tenderly his hair then walked away. Taemin lifted his hand to touch the place that Minho had been kissed. He watched Minho’s tall figure vanishing in the crowd and sighed lightly. He had to be acquainted with this. Taemin said to himself. “Taemin has died now there is only Taeyoen who loves Minho. Minho is your sweet heart, accept that. You are Taeyone and you love him.”





-A... A... A...

The audiences’ panic screams and almost girls’ screams made the cinema became noisy because of the horror film that was projecting... except one. The reason why was that person had not shouted maybe because he was not a girl or he was not allowed to see that scene.

-I’m... I’m fine. – Taemin whispered.

-Oppa know you inside out. You like thrilling film but always get nightmare every time you see one. You promised me that you would not see the scenes that were too scare, remember? – Minho said while hugging Taemin in his arms tightly. Taemin’s face rested on his robust chest. He could hear clearly Minho’s heart beating, could feel the warm breath breathing on his cheeks, could smell strong fragrance ade from his boyfriend’s body. Those things suddenly made him confused. A describable emotion seeped in his heart. He hastily pushed him away to regain the control. Thanks to the dark of the cinema, no one knew about his red face.

-I... I have to go to the toilet. – Taemin hurriedly stood up and ran out of the projection room, ran away from Minho, the one who made him embarrassed.

Both of his cheeks turned red and heat up.

“What’s going on? Calm down, Taemin. What’s wrong with you?” – Taemin slapped lightly on his own face to regain the senses. – “Just a hug. It’s nothing! That’s normal thing of the couples, isn’t it? Why do you have to shy? You are Taeyoen, remember? You are Taeyoen.”


Taemin cried out when his ankle was sprained and he fell down the glossy ground. He was not acquainted with dressing skirt and wearing high heels like this. The high – heeled shoes made him walk hardly, especially in disorder state of mind like this, keeping his balance was harder.

Taemin gave a grimace of pain and sat on the floor. His injured ankle began to be red and swelled up. He took the high – heeled shoes off and tried to stand up. He leaned on the wall and tried the best to make a step. Every step that he made caused more pain in his ankle. Taemin bit his lips tightly, bore the agony. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead. When he was perplexed, didn’t know how to do because there was no one around him, two strong arms lifted him up suddenly.

-Hy... ah oppa! – Taemin was surprised when he found out the one who carried him was Minho.

-Have you fallen? Why don’t you call me? – Minho asked in worried voice.

-I... I... – Taemin blushed and felt so embarrassed in Minho’s arms. Even though he always reminded himself to be Taeyoen but he still could not be acquainted with Minho’s caressing behaviors that was only for Taeyoen. Even when Minho meant to kiss him, he pushed him away and screamed out loudly, that made Minho astonishing. Taemin looked so confused. He didn’t know how to explain when Minho looked at him with his opened wide eyes as if he had just got a hit on his head. Minho didn’t know what wrong with his sweet heart was.

Taeyoen loved Minho and she absolutely never rejected his kiss but Taemin... Taemin had not been Taeyoen totally yet. He knew he had to be acquainted with that, but he needed time to love Minho as Taeyoen did. And that time, Taemin was lucky because Minho thought that Taeyone had still been shocked about ‘her brother’s dead’. So Minho let it go and never intended to kiss him again.

-... How... how can you know that I’ve fallen? – Taemin asked diffidently.

-All of a sudden I feel worry so I left the room and go out to find you... as I thought... – Minho answered.

Taemin opened his eyes widely to look at Minho. They said between two people who are in love with each other always have the connection like telepathy... but Minho loved Taeyoen, didn’t he?




-Let me see!

Minho put Taemin down at one of benches placed along the corridor and bent his head to check Taemin’s injury.

-Your ankle was twisted. Oppa will put it back in place. It will be a little bit of hurt, so please bear the pain. – Minho looked up to Taemin and said tenderly.

Taemin looked Minho in the eyes, looked at his eyes which’s full of love for ‘the girl’ sitting in front of him. Taemin knew how much Minho love Taeyoen. He felt a bit guilty when tricking him like this... but his reason came back instantly. “You are ‘the girl’ that he loves.”

-Uhm... – Taemin groaned a little with pain. His face was twisted and his hands clung tightly on to Minho’s shoulder when Minho set his pained ankle.

-Is that hurt? You’re hurt, aren’t you? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. – Minho said hurriedly. He Taemin’s arms softly to calm him down.

-No... It’s Ok. – Taemin tried to make a crooked smile but that made Minho’s heart constricted. He pulled him in his embrace.

-From now on, you have to tell me everything. Don’t ever hide me anything, you get it?

Taemin said nothing. He put his head on Minho’s chest and felt his warm transferring to his body. It was as warm as Taeyoen’s embrace. Only a loving hug could bring you a cozy feeling like that. And Taemin could not deny that Minho was his reason to continue his life. If there were not Minho and his love, Taemin may died as well because if he lived on Taemin’s condition, he surely died of grief and that made him break his words to Taeyoen. He did promise would not die with his sister, so living on her life was the only way he could survive.

-If... I die... will you be sad?

-Don’t say such a stupid thing like that.

Taemin raised his head, looked up Minho in his limpid eyes.

-Will you be sad, oppa?

Minho looked Taemin back gently, his two hand cup Taemin’s face and his thumb softly Taemin’s cheeks when he whispered:

-I cannot live without you.

Taemin was silent and stared at Minho’s deep brown eyes. He did the right thing. He killed Taeyoen so he could not kill Minho and even himself too. Besides, Minho was the last one who Taeyoen had thought about at her last minutes. She had entrusted Taemin to look after Minho, Taemin had to complete his duty. So... he had to be Taeyone.



End part 1


See u in part 2 (the final) of my fic soon. Hope u guys like it and give me your opinion if u don't mind. Thanks.

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Sequeeeeeeellll !!!!!!!!!
goment #2
Cheer ^^
chonochan #3
Oh, now I'm translating my other fic and this fic too, but I havevn't give them to my beta yet :D
minhosims #4
i know it's gonna be awesome! xD
keybuttlicious #5
Seriously??? U gonna write more about this? Please write more... O cant wait! "̮ ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ "̮ this is good n awesome... You jjang, your ff daebak!!! (˘̶̀ ▿ ˘̶́)9 oh... I must subscribe this fic right if i wnt to know ur update link in here...
chonochan #6
omg. Thanks everyone for loving my fic :((((((
So touch!
In fact, I did write the extra for this fic. THe extra tells about what happen at the first time that Taemin and Minho met, and how Minho falled in love with Taemin but he chose Taeyeon instead. It's about 10 chaps, If I am not wrong.
aoiworld #7
I love it...
2min forever.
P.S Thank you minhoisms(like you said)
minhosims #8
last comment before sleep takes over me
i do not regret begging you yo translate your fic, this one is so good i can't even say.
please translate more of your stories in future.
minhosims #9
your readers really have to thank ME!!! XD

i failed to finish aswy tonight, was on the 7th page before gave up to the sleepiness,lol
gonna continue it tomorrow morning <3