Bees and Honey

When Somebody Loved Me


-Age 12- Continued

Before Leah knew it she was being gently awoken by her grandfather’s gravelly voice, she ripped herself from the memory and blinked groggily.

“Leah, we’re home”

Her grandfather all but whispered as his hand ghosted over her cheek. She rubbed her eyes and stared out at the familiar house before her. She still felt nauseous, the uneasy, queasy feeling she had been experiencing since hearing about the accident, had taken root in her stomach, sprouted leaves and sleep alone would not quell its growth. She didn’t want to get out of the car; the fact dawned on Leah slowly before splashing over her like ice cold water. If she got out, then this was all real, Guk-ie really was hurt, lying in hospital. She felt her heart contract slightly at the thought, and a small chill ran down her spine.
She didn’t realise she had been sitting in a daze, staring out at the house before her, until she felt her grandfather’s large hands grip her own and pull her out of the car and out of her dark thoughts.

Leah sat at the mahogany desk in her bedroom, her small frame slightly swallowed by the large leather chair she sat in.  Her head rested lightly on her folded arms as she kept her eyes trained on the window before her. She stared out at the snow lightly falling and her little mind started to wander again.


When Leah had woken up from her fainting spell she had immediately begged her parents to let her go to see Yong Guk. They had argued of course. Saying she had school, which she had only just restarted. There was nothing she could do for Yong Guk in Korea. The doctors were doing their best. Her grandparents would keep them up to date with everything. And all sorts of other logical arguments that adults use in such situations.
But Leah wasn’t feeling logical, all she could feel was an intense need to be by her friend’s side. She had started crying and literally been on her knees begging her parents in a pained voice.
Finally she simply stated the truth, her little voice quaked by the overwhelming emotions she felt.

“But he’ll need me”.

That had been it, by the next day she had been packed and shuttled to the airport. She had stood at the gates and looked at her parents who exchanged worried expressions as her mother assured her that she would be joining her in Korea in “only 3 days” and that she was sure Yong Guk would be “absolutely fine”.
But she wasn’t sure, Leah knew that. No one could be, that’s why she had to be there. To be as close as possible, to know for herself that he was in fact fine.

***End Flashback***

Even now, as she sat in her room in Korea, she couldn’t relax. Not until she saw him, with her own two eyes the next day during visiting hours. Maybe then she could relax. Maybe then the knot that was still twisting in her stomach would untie.
Leah stared harder at the snow falling; it didn’t seem fair, that something so beautiful could be happening while Yong Guk was hurt. She sighed and looked away from the window, allowing her eyes to wander across the contents of her desk, seeking some sort of distraction from the reality of what was happening.
Her eyes landed on a small picture frame, in it was an image of her with Yong Guk, it was a few summers ago when they had managed to convince her grandfather to carry them to the amusement park. The picture was of the two of them standing in front of a game that they had played. Yong Guk had won her a small (miniscule really) teddy. The smile on both their faces reflected how much fun they were having, Leah with the Teddy held up by her cheek and Yong Guk throwing up a peace sign and showcasing his gummy smile. Leah sighed slightly as she allowed her finger to trace the frame of the picture.

“You’ll be okay, right?”

No sooner had the question fought past her lips when Leah heard her door creak open. She turned sharply and came face to face with her grandmother. It was only then that Leah registered the fact that she was crying, as she watch the tear distorted figure of her grandmother approach. Without a word the old woman crossed the room and pulled her granddaughter into her arms and perched on the edge of the bed. She ran her hands through her granddaughter’s hair as she hummed soothing sounds, which did nothing to settle the heart of the small girl in her arms. And that was how Leah fell asleep, in her grandmother’s arms, with tears streaking her face and an ache in her heart.

***Next Day***

When Leah awoke felt dry, like when she had a flue and her eyes were burning, like when she stayed up late staring at her computer screen. Her body ached all over, the stress she had felt the day before still lingering over her.
Leah’s mind was already filled with thoughts of Yong Guk, just like it had been when she fell asleep. The knot that had been in her stomach was not a tangled mess, having twisted and stretched so that it now also firmly held a grip on her heart. Leah felt like she needed to cry and throw up at the same time.
She opened and closed like a fish, drinking the air around her, in a vain attempt to calm herself. Leah rested her hand across her heart and felt it racing under her palm.
If she was honest, she was starting to worry that there was something wrong with her. She was young, but her mind told her it wasn’t normal for her entire being to hurt like this, just because her friends was…she couldn’t even think the words. Instead she just laid there, her eyes fixed on the ceiling above her and her heart continuing at its unnatural pace.

Leah heard her grandmother’s voice float under the gap of her door, followed by a hushed knock at the door. She opened her eyes and looked towards her door to see her grandmother’s head appear.

“Leah, we have to get ready to go. Get dressed, okay.”

Her grandmother’s voice sounded as soft and gent as always, but the words hit Leah like a knife. To be honest, she was terrified of what she would see when she went to the hospital, of how Yong Guk would be.

Would he be in pain? Would he be awake? Would she be allowed to hug him? Would he realise she was there? Those were the thoughts buzzing around Leah’s head like angry bees. Stinging her heart with the possible outcomes for that moment that she would walk into the hospital room. She sighed and rested her head firmly on the headrest in the car.
They were getting closer to the hospital and her body was tense, as if preparing itself for the onslaught of emotions she was about to experience.

When they arrived they weren’t immediately allowed into the room. Yong Guk’s mom was speaking with the doctor and they were forced to watch from outside as the usually vibrant woman stood wringing her hands and her face getting paler.
When the doctors left they watched as Yong Guk’s mother crumbled, the last shell of her resolve shattered. Leah’s grandfather pulled her up and placed her in the chair by the empty bed. Leah was terrified, as she looked from the bed to the broken woman, where was Yong Guk. Before she could voice the question she heard the hoarse voice of Yong Guk’s mother fill the eerily silent room.

“He’s okay”

That was all Leah needed to hear, for her heart to soar and for the bees in her heart to begin producing honey.



Hi my lovely subbies.
I have updated. This chapter didn't turn the way I planned, but I am much happier with it like this ^^
I hope you enjoy.

***Kisses and Chocolate***

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PandaBear #1
Chapter 4: One question... What about yongnam? Yongguks twin brother?
PandaBear #2
Chapter 4: Ah! So cute!
omg so cuteeee ;~;
Update soon ;)
baramxxbreezy #6
This is absolutely adorable!! kekeke im excited for an update ^^