

The rain continued to hammer down hard as Dongwoon sprinted down the streets; he was cold, wet and tired but he still carried on running. Why? Because it was all for you.


Rounding a corner Dongwoon saw the entrance to the park and begged his legs to go faster, his feet continually slapped down against the sidewalk causing slashes of water to rise and fall. There were no other sounds apart from the pattering of the rain and Dongwoon’s heavy breaths.


Upon reaching the entrance he immediately turned right and followed the path until he reached an intersection. Instead of following the paths he dived straight through a small opening in the shrubbery. He quickly followed a small worn path until the trees opened up and he was in a small clearing; a rather large sakura tree stood on top of a small hill, and through the rain Dongwoon could make out a small figure.


Running up the hill, he came to a steady stop once he reached your figure. The sakura tree’s leaves had somewhat protected you from the rain, but your hair was slightly damp and small droplets of water that managed to get through the small barrier trickled down your skin. Dongwoon could see you slightly shiver as goose bumps appeared on your arms; you sat with legs in your chest with your chin slightly resting on your knees.


Approaching carefully, Dongwoon slowly sat down next to you watching carefully, but you didn’t even register his arrival. Your face was emotionless but Dongwoon could see the pain and confusion hidden within your eyes. You both sat in silence; Dongwoon slowly catching his breath back and relishing being in your presence once again.


From the hill you could see several parts of your neighbourhood and you both watched as the rain fell over it, matched with the lights of the town it was a beautiful sight.


“I’m sorry, Dongwoon” you whispered, “I shouldn’t have run off like I did, I just…I”,


“Shhhh, its okay I understand. Hana told me everything”


“She did? “




Lowering your head you felt the tears welling up in your eyes, but you couldn’t let them fall; you promised him that you wouldn’t cry that you would be strong and happy, but it was so difficult, the pain you were feeling right now compared to no other.


Dongwoon could see the struggle taking place on your face but he also knew that you were fighting with yourself inside as well; that was one of the reasons why you loved Dongwoon so much, he knew you inside and out.


Shifting over so he was right next to you he slowly unwrapped your arms from your legs and transferred you over to his lap, tucking you into his chest and wrapping his jacket round you.


In his arms you felt so safe and secure, Dongwoon was your everything as you were his, and that’s why when he whispered those 6 words you were able to let down all your barriers and walls.


“It’s okay I’m here, just cry”


And you did just that.



I'm sorry it's such a bad ending, I was really stuck on how I should end it -.-

But I've got some more ideas up my sleeve so hopefully I can make up for it ^^

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