Build Up


There were no words, no words to describe how you felt at that moment. Your chest constricted and you couldn’t breathe, the walls were closing in on you, your vision swam and your hand reached out instinctively to stop yourself from falling over. The phone that was clutched in your hand clattered to the floor with the person on the other line calling your name desperately.


But you didn’t pick it up, you didn’t know what to do anymore, your mind was hazy and you couldn’t think. You stared at the wall, unmoving until something in your mind snapped.


You had to get out of here, and you had to get of here now.


Slipping into the first pair of shoes you could find, you didn’t even grab a jacket as you stumbled out of the apartment, the door slamming shut behind you.


It was a cool crisp evening in Seoul, Son Dongwoon walked along the sidewalk admiring the views of the neon lights and the street vendors as he made his way home. Despite the fact that it was nearing midnight there were still plenty of people around; Dongwoon pulled his hood up higher as a small group of girls started pointing at him, hurrying along he pulled out his phone to call his girlfriend who would hopefully be waiting for him when he arrived home.


Having been at practice all day and then hitting the gym, he was tired and desperately wanted to have a shower and just cuddle with the girl he loved. He frowned as he met her voice mail but didn’t think too much of it presuming that she might have been in the bath or even in bed.


How wrong he was.


As the door to his apartment finally swung open, Dongwoon clambered in and dumped his possessions by the door.


“Baby I’m home, are you here?” he called as he noticed all the lights still on.


But there was no response. Venturing in further he noticed a cup of tea on the living room table, completely full but when he reached down and dipped his pinkie in he noticed it was cold. The TV was still on and he could just make out his girlfriend’s outline on the sofa.


He called out again but there was still no response; something wasn’t right.


As he went into the kitchen he frowned as he noticed the remnants of their house phone on the floor, broken into several pieces. Ignoring it for now he checked every room before he came to the conclusion that you weren’t here. Then where were you?


Quickly whipping out his phone he pressed the number 1 on his speed dial and anxiously waited for you to pick up. But a small noise coming from your bedroom caused him to lower the phone, following the noise he walked into your shared bedroom and noticed that it was your mobile making the noise, B2ST’s ‘Breathe’ playing  and vibrating on your bedside table. Locking his phone he walked over and picked it up and saw several text messages, voice mails and almost twenty missed calls, most of them being from your sister and auntie.


Dongwoon was close to panic now; you never went out without your phone and you never forgot it by accident either. Quickly pulling out his phone he called your sister to see why she had been so adamant on getting a hold of you.


After one ring it picked up, “Hello _______, _______ is that you!?” your sister’s frantic voice rang through the phone,


“It’s not ________ it’s me” Dongwoon answered panicking slightly more at the frantic sound of your sister’s voice.


“Dongwoon, where’s _________ I need to speak to her?”


“That’s the problem; I don’t know where she is. She’s left her phone here and there’s no sign of her, I was hoping you’d know where she was.”


“Oh god” came the chocked reply of your sister and Dongwoon panicked even more as she let out a few sobs.


“Hana what is it? What’s wrong? Has something happened to _______?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly at the last question.


“Well, I…I called ______ a little while because our….our”.


Dongwoon slowly sank onto the bed, tears gathered in his eyes as your sister told him the fateful news that she had told you a little while ago. After calming her down and promising to find you Dongwoon hung up and immediately called Yoseob; if anyone knew where you were it would be him. You two were best friends and you shared everything with each other, trying to get his voice under control he waited for Yoseob to pick up his phone as he paced the room running his hand through his hair, it seemed like a lifetime before he picked up and when he did Dongwoon couldn’t hold back the panic in his voice.


“Yoseob” he practically shouted down the phone, “Do you know where _______ is? Is she at the dorms with you?”


“________? No why?” he answered, on full alert after detecting the note of panic in Dongwoon’s voice, “What is it? What’s happened?”


“….She’s missing”   


 Approximately 11 and half minutes later, the boys of B2ST were huddled in your living room devising a search plan. After informing Yoseob of your disappearance he had rallied up the rest of the members and driven over to your apartment in record breaking time. All of the members held you close to their hearts so it didn’t take a lot of motivation to get them up even at the late hour to search for you.


Dongwoon sat with his head in his hands, his thoughts going at a million miles an hour; he couldn’t concentrate on what Doojoon was saying, all his thoughts were on you. Yoseob sat perched next to him, just as equally tense and worried with a hand on Dongwoon’s shoulder, just in case he needed to prevent him from bolting out the door, again.


After making a list of all the places that you could be the idol group split into three groups; Doojoon and Kikwang would search your gym and school, Hyunseung and Junhyung would search Cube’s building whilst Dongwoon and Yoseob would look around your neighbourhood.


After agreeing to check in every 10 minutes the groups exited the building and split up. Dongwoon and Yoseob immediately sped off in the direction of your favourite café which was only a few blocks away from your apartment.


Even though it was nearing midnight it was still open, both Dongwoon and Yoseob burst through the doors, receiving rather strange looks from the few occupants inside. Heading straight for the owner who sat perched on a chair behind the till Dongwoon immediately asked if he had seen you, to which he replied he hadn’t. Cursing rather loudly he quickly turned tail and sped out of the café before the owner could ask why with Yoseob right at his heels.


But at their next few locations, they were met with more dead ends and even more panic and frustration; no one had seen you at all. After getting off the phone with both Doojoon and Junhyung, Dongwoon was about ready to burst into tears, they couldn’t find you either and the rain clouds that were slowly moving in wasn’t helping in any way either.  


“Dongwoon you have to calm down, I’m sure she’s fine” Yoseob said in an attempt to make him feel better as he paced the small alley that they had stopped at to catch their breaths, but even his hyung’s words couldn’t make him feel better.


Nothing would until you were back safely in his arms.


“How do you know that Yoseob? How can you be so calm, do you not even care?!” Dongwoon snapped, “What if she’s injured? She’s alone out there and she needs me; she needs me Yoseob and I…I can’t find her. I feel so useless”.


Dongwoon slowly sank to the ground with his back resting against the wall; his hands were clutching his hair as if to pull it out. His shoulders were tense and Dongwoon could feel a tear slip under his radar and trickle down his cheek and chin.


He felt someone sit beside him and they slowly removed his hands from his head,


“Of course I care what kind of a stupid question is that? I love _______ almost as much as you Dongwoon so don’t you dare even say that I don’t care about her.”


The firmness in Yoseob’s voice made Dongwoon look up; he had never seen his hyung with such a serious face before.


 “I’m trying to be strong because that’s what she taught me to do and you’re not useless, you make ________ so happy Dongwoon and I’m incredibly thankful because of that, but just because you can’t find her doesn’t mean you’re not useless”


The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, “I’m sorry” Dongwoon whispered.


“It’s okay Woonie~ I know how much you love her. Let’s go back to the apartment, maybe she’s waiting for you” Yoseob said, his serious face disappearing as quickly as it appeared as he stood up and offered Dongwoon a hand.


Dongwoon stared at his hyung’s hand, unsure of what to do. He didn’t want to give up that easily, what if you weren’t at home? What then? But deep down Dongwoon knew he would never find you unless he cooperated with his hyung’s. Smiling softly he grabbed Yoseob’s hand and allowed himself to be pulled up.


The two began walking back to your apartment but a drop of water which fell on top of his head made him stop and look up at the sky. More drops of rain splattered on his face and it wasn’t until Yoseob called out to him that he realised it was raining.


Jogging to keep up with Yoseob the two of them ran for cover, huddling in a store doorway Dongwoon pulled out his phone to see if any of his hyung’s had called. There were no calls but he froze at the sight of his screensaver; it was of a picture of you two on one of your very first dates. You were sitting in-between Dongwoon’s legs while he had his arms wrapped around you shoulders with his head pressed against yours. You two were smiling happily at the camera; Dongwoon smiled at the memory, he could remember exactly where it was taken, at the local park dur-


The park.


The park.


The park, of course.


Ignoring Yoseob’s inquiries on where he was going, Dongwoon sprinted straight out from the doorway and in the direction of the local park.


‘How could I have been so stupid?’ Dongwoon reprimanded himself, the park was their spot, the place that you both went too frequently to spend some alone time; in particular at the top of the highest hill underneath a sakura tree. Not only had you had one of their first dates there but it was also where you had met, where Dongwoon had confessed his love to you; it was an incredible sentimental place to both of you.


The rain continued to hammer down as Dongwoon sprinted down the sidewalk, desperate to get to you. He knew you were there, he would never be able to explain how he knew, he just did. By now his clothes were soaked through and clinging to his body, he could feel a stitch coming on and could also faintly hear Yoseob behind him calling his name, but he completely ignored all of those factors and just pumped his arms and legs faster.


I’m almost there _______, just please wait for me’




Don't panic it's not over, I fully intend to update this and finish it.

I just don't really feel like doing it right now - but don't worry I'll have it up either tomorrow or Sunday!

Enjoy the suspension ~ Peace ^^

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